InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Second ❯ Prelude: No hope for the hopeless ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not * yeap you guys already know and I bet your rolling your eyes at how stupid this is that I'm having to say this but ah I guess I better get this over with* I do not own Inuyasha

Ok guys I will tell you this nothing in this prelude is what it seems ok. It is meant to confuse you. If you would like me to write a chapter 1 please leave reviews because I just love this. I have written this for my reviewers who love Inuyasha and Kagome pairings, but I'm not sure where I'm going with this fic. Would you all let me know if this is a original idea or not. It's so hard to write something original is it not.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my fan fiction this prelude has not been edited. LOL.

It's very short but it's just the prelude not even a chapter lol.


The second


I can hear the frantic knocking on the door. It was almost time. How could I have let this happen? How could I have mange to lose? They had all depended on me, and I had failed them. No, I screamed to myself I did not fail them, but I knew deep in my heart it was over.

How could we have lost? The questions kept running rampant through my mind. I had always held the hope that we would have won. That the jewel would have become pure. But his forces have proven to great, the battle has been lost.

I am now hiding, as a child would from a bad dream. Yes, I thought a bad dream maybe that's all this was. Maybe that's all life really was, because if it was reality would I not be insane, insane because of all the blood. All the evil that he has put upon me and my friends.

I looked down to my hands which where now covered with the blood of my friends. The banging on the door was more apparent now, the wood was about to break. I'm not sure why I'm trying to hide from my fate. Maybe because I stopped believing in fate, I've stopped believing in everything.

I thought we had him beat. I thought he had final died but then it happened. How did I not see, why would there not be a second. A second to the first, the jewel of which I speak is the sister Jewel to the Shikon- No-Tama.

A jewel much more eviler then the first. A jewel which thrives on the hatred and evil of those around it.

The ones I love can not help me now, why did I not listen. Why did I not see. I knew if I was the person I once was I would still be able to find hope, find hope in something that seemed hopeless.

I felt a single tear slide down my pale cheek, I would not wipe it away because I did not want the blood from my hands to touch my face.

I knew he could smell my fear, I knew the jewel which gave him power thrived on my hatred off him.

Even though my hope was gone my emotions still thrived painfully. Maybe that's why I stopped believing in fate, stopped hoping because my emotions my hatred was just to strong.

I wanted him dead. I wanted to see him dying, bleeding and gutless. I had always been the cheerful one, the one that everyone turned to, but my hatred and anger had changed. Changed me from that bright and cheerful person I had once been.

I could hear his evil laughter on the other side of the door. He knew he had won, and he was laughing, laughing at the fact my friends where now lying bleeding or possible even dead at his feet.

I felt the jewel around my neck as its evil counter part called to it. I could no longer purify the jewel, because of the influence of the second jewel, because of the evil it radiates.

My head raised as the wooded door was final broken through, my barrier had final given away. I looked beside me and grabbed the clawed hand of the one I loved.