InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Story Of The Lost Sister ❯ chapter five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The sun was setting when the group arrived in a little village. Akyta looked around bewildered. Spending all her life in the wild a place like a village was completely foreign to her. Miroku noticed her scared face and patted her shoulder, “we came here to have a nice place to eat and rest. Don't worry it is safe here.”
“Except that demon Amaya is still near by,” se blurted out then she covered her mouth. She didn't want to set them into panic.
Kagome went up to her, “Don't worry it wasn't a secret or anything I can sense the shikon shards. It'll be any second now before she attacks.”
There was a scream. The group turned around and saw the village being destroyed. Then a creature shot into the sky, it was a horse, it was closely followed by Amaya who bit into the back of its neck and started to feed. The group looked in horror. All of a sudden Miroku was tied up closely followed by Kagome. Oh this Amaya girl is much smarter than we thought, she used that horse as a distraction to trap us, Kagome thought. Inuyasha stood stock still his eyes once again on Amaya. Akyta ran to his side and started to push him, pull his ears anything to get him out of the transfixed daze. Sango (noticing that she was the only one that could do something) jumped into action.
“Kirara!” she called.
The little cat demon nodded and turned into and awesome predator. Sango jumped on her back and they set off. Kirara's sensitive eyes caught sight of the hair that was trying to trap them and evaded their advances. Sango reached for her weapon.
“Hiraikotsu!” she screamed as she threw it with all her might. It flew straight towards Amaya and hit her left wing. Amaya's face twisted with pain. She tried to steady herself but it was too much and she fell. She looked up eyes red with anger, how dear she! The little bitch would pay certainly, she thought. Amaya tested her wing, the pain was agony but she ignored it. She flew straight at Kirara sinking her teeth into the cat demons neck. Kirara yowled in pain and transformed back into the kitten form. Sango dropped like a stone landing hard, unconscious.
Kagome saw all of this where she was hung up, trapped. She was furious with Inuyasha. “Inuyasha! SIT!”
He crashed to the floor. Akyta jumped back surprised, “are you alright?” she asked.
He looked up face full of anger. Then he turned to kagome, “Why did you do that? I was just trying to find her weak spot.” He pulled out Tessaga, he used kaze no kizu breaking all the hair bonds that were restricting Miroku and Kagome. Amaya wasn't happy about this at all. “hmmm nice sword you got there,” she sneered. “But I don't like it so it needs to go.” She stretched out her arm to it and the hair wrapped itself around it releasing it from Inuyasha's grip. Then she swung round and released the hair, the sword flew far far away and disappeared into the distance, Shippo, who was hiding behind a bush for the whole event headed after it. He knew that without Tessaga Inuyasha's demon blood would take over.
Inuyasha watched his sword sail off. He looked to the ground. When he looked back up at Amaya his face was transformed into its demon way.
“Oh your all angry cause you lost your toy.” Amaya pouted her bottom lip in a mock fashion. She then caught the whole group in a big mass of hair. They were all sucked in. Luckily Akyta's eyes saved her and she avoided the attack. Inuyasha also didn't get caught up due to him slashing wildly at the hair in a demonic fury. He stood there claws flexed. He looked about quickly and noticed Akyta reaching for her weapons. He ran at her and slashed her through her stomach, blood sprayed out and Akyta fell to the floor. Inuyasha laughed his demon blood pumping through him made the sight of blood pleasurable. He slashed at her again and again. Amaya soon got bored of it and restrained him. Pulling him up so they were now face to face.
Sprawled out on the floor in a pool of her own blood, Akyta seeping in and out of consciousness. She had to get away from Inuyasha he had gone mad. She slowly dragged herself into the forest, she reached a clearing and collapsed with exhaustion. Then all went black.
To Be Continued…