InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Student and the Teacher ❯ Self- defense classes ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*Disclaimer- I don't Own Inuyasha or any of its characters!*

The student and the teacher

Chapter 1-

"And yet another rape victim was found in the Northern Tokyo area. Police officials suspect that the same person may be behind all the rapes although no evidence can be found to lead them to the offender. Further investigation is still under-…" The TV was switched off in the store window as the clerk picked it up and placed it in a box for the man who was purchasing it.

Kagome and her friends were standing outside the window on the sidewalk.

"You hear that? Another rape!" Eri stated in a worried tone.

"Yeah and all the girls lived around our area and were our age." Stated Ayumi.

"That makes a total of, what, 15 rapes now? When are the police going to find the guy?" Kagome asked her friends in a bit of anger.

They continued their walk home from their major shopping spree at the mall.

"Oh well, enough depression. Let's discuss our shopping trip!" Yuka said with a smile.

"Alright!" Eri joined in with a smile.

"Did you guys see that guy in the bookstore?!" Ayumi excitedly asked.

"YES!" The four squealed.

The four friends continued their talk of boys, clothes, and sales prices.

They soon arrived in front of Kagome's house, or rather shrine, and said goodbye to Kagome.

"Bye guys! I'll see you later!" Kagome waved and turned to enter her house.

"Kagome?" Her mom shouted. "Thank goodness you're safe. It was starting to get dark and with all the rapes that have occurred around here, I was beginning to worry!"

"Sorry mama." Kagome apologized.

"Kagome I think you should start taking self-defense classes."

"Why?" Kagome whined.

"So I won't have to worry about you as much. So I know that you can take care of yourself! For me, please, Kagome?"

Kagome sighed, as her mother was about to get her way. "OK mama." Kagome slumped her shoulders in defeat and shuffled up shuffled up the stairs to her room.

Kagome's mom smiled. She ran to the phone to set up all the arrangements.

Kagome sat on her bed exhausted. She opened the bag that was on her arm. Inside was a red dress. She pulled it out. It was a short, red, halter- topped dress. She smiled and put it on a hanger and hung it in her closet until the day that she would wear it. She sat down on her bed again when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in."

"Kagome all the arrangements have been made. You start Monday."

"That was quick. You have been thinking about this for a while haven't you? Why so soon?"

"Yes, I have. I thought it would be best if you started as soon as possible. You will be taking lessons from my old friend's son!" Kagome's mom had a big cheery smile on her face.

"Will there be other people? Or is it just me?"

"Just you. I wanted you to be able to have a one on one learning experience."

"Whatever. I am going to bed. I am tired. g'night." Kagome yawned for emphasis.

"OK honey. See you in the morning. She kissed her forehead and then headed out of the room closing the door behind her.

Kagome plopped down on her bed. She stared at the ceiling for a while before sleep claimed her.

Kagome awoke to the sound of the phone ringing. When it stopped she listened to the sound of her mother talking.

"Yes, she is, but she is asleep. *pause* Oh alright, hold on." Her mother turned to walk up the stairs with the phone in hand. She opened the door to Kagome's room and walked in.

"Kagome. *pause* Kagome, Eri is on the phone."

Kagome peeked an eye open and glanced at the clock. 9:00AM. She grabbed the phone from her mother, mad that her friend had to call so early.

"Hello." Kagome groaned into the phone.

"Kagome! Good you're up! Listen, Yuka and Ayumi are here with me and we were wondering if you would like to hang out at the mall later."

"Uh, huh, sure, why not?"

"Great! See you at 12?"

"Yeah, that's fine. See you then."

Kagome hung up the phone and dragged herself out of bed to get ready and go and breakfast.

Her friends arrived at her house just as she was finishing her chores. Kagome looked at the clock. 12:00, just as they said. Kagome sighed and opened the door.

"Hey Kagome!" They all said at the same time.

"Hey! Mom I am going out to the mall, be back by dinner!"

"OK honey!" Kagome turned and left with her friends.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3hrs later in the food court~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Kagome, what's up?" asked Yuka.

Kagome was being unusually quiet.

"Huh? Nothing. Just thinking."

"About?" Eri prodded. The other two girls crowded around.

Kagome sighed. "My mom wants me to take self-defense classes."

"Yeah, so what's the problem?"

"It's a one on one deal with my mom's friend's son."

"Really?! One on one?! That's not bad!"

"Why do you say that? I heard he's really obnoxious from gramps."

"Oh! But he could be really cute! Come on think about it! On hour two days a week, alone with a guy!"

"Yeah, but he could be ugly too." Kagome pointed out.

"Oh stop being so negative about this Kagome! Think about the good things! By the way, what's his name?"

"I dunno. My mom never told me. I think his last name is Taisho though."

"Wait! Taisho?!"

"My mom was friends with his mom who married Lord Taisho of the Western lands."

"Whoa! Then the guy is rich and possibly cute!"

"I wish I were you Kagome." They all said while drifting off into their own little dream worlds.

"Oh brother." Kagome mumbled and then sighed. "I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I have my first session with him tomorrow after school."

"You have to tell us all the details afterwards! PLEASE!"

"Fine, whatever. It's almost time for me to go home; so I am just gonna head home now. See you guys at school tomorrow!"

Kagome arrived home just in time for dinner.

"I'm home!" Kagome shouted and walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Hey Kagome. How was your trip to the mall?"

"Fun, Souta."

"Did you buy anything?"

"No, we just hung out and talked."

"Cool. Mom says dinner will be ready in a few minutes and wants you to set the table."

Kagome sighed, but did what her mother requested.

After dinner Kagome cleared off the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher. She then went up stairs to get ready for bed.

Kagome had just got in bed when her mother came in.


She groaned in response.

"Kagome, I just wanted to remind you to bring a sweat suit to school tomorrow."

"Uh, huh."

"Alright, dear good night." She turned and left the room closing the door behind her.


Hey readers! I am sorry I didn't update any of my stories yet, but I am getting to it! As most of you know I have been on vacation. I went to Rhode Island and Tennessee. I have 2 new chapters of Kagome's Crush coming soon! I just have to type them up. I wrote all this during my vacation. I hope you liked this new story! I am currently putting Alone also on hold, so I can try and finish My Girl and Kagome's Crush. Since they are close to being finished anyway. Yes, Changing Memories is still on hold. I will get to it. I am going to revise alone and Changing Memories. Any wayz! Please send me a review. Tell me what you thought about this story! Is it a keeper? I am working on Chapter 2 of this story it is ¼ of the way done! Kagome's crush is next to be updated, so look for it!