InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Time of Your Life ❯ Wednesday ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-yasha. And I am not looking for any money for this story.



(Authors Notes)

Chapter 5: Wednesday

He kissed her softly at first, then with more urgency. She gasped at the force behind his lips, and he took the opportunity to thrust his tongue into her mouth.
His hand then started to wander from it's resting place on her hip, slowly inching it's way to her breasts. She was so lost in the passionate kiss that she barely noticed the movement. When she did she grabbed his hand and held it in hers, not ready for that kind of intimacy.

"Kagome. Why'd you stop?" Pouted an annoyed Inu-yasha as he almost ran into said girl.

She however didn't answer, just stared ahead, a light blush starting to stain her cheeks. She used a hand to cover Shippo's eyes. Inu-yasha moved his gaze to follow the path of hers. What he saw brought about the same reaction in him, followed by anger. He turned and stormed off in the opposite direction. Kagome was brought out of her shock at his sudden movement and quickly followed.

"Inu-yasha, Inu-yasha wait. Wasn't that Sango and Miroku?" He kept walking. What could have him so angry?

"What's Miroku thinking?" Inu muttered mostly to himself.

'Is he worried about Sango? She's been so depressed lately. Miroku couldn't be taking advantage of her, could he?' Wondered Kagome.

Inu-yasha finally came to a stop and sat down on the benches by the fountain in the mall they were currently bumming around at. Kagome sat silently beside him, a few feet away, Shippo sitting unconcerned between them. Neither discussed the situation since they were too busy wondering about it in their own heads.

A few minutes went by in silence, then they saw Miroku walking towards them with a grin plastered on his face, followed by Sango. Inu-yasha grabbed Miroku by the arm, "We need to talk." And he dragged him off, Shippo following, leaving Kagome alone with Sango.

She wasn't sure what to say. Sure they had become friends over the past few weeks but she felt a little uncomfortable after seeing that PDA. However it was Sango who spoke first.

"I know what you're thinking. 'What a slut.' It's what everybody thinks of me sooner or later."

"That's not what I was thinking." Kagome paused and looked at the ground.

It had only been last week that they had found out about Onigumo and her brother. Sango thought Naraku was Onigumo and it had been eating her up inside. A few days later Kaede came back with the news that Naraku was not Onigumo, but rather his brother, a twin no less. The school did perform it's background checks, and it was found that Onigumo had died several years earlier.

While this news brought the temporary relief that their principal was not at fault for Kohaku's condition, and also a certain amount of relief that Onigumo could not harm him again. It did not however, bring the closure Sango had hopped for. She was still depressed over her brother's condition, though she tried to hide it, Kagome could tell it still troubled her.

"I'm just worried about you." Kagome stated simply. 'And so is Inu-yasha, and Miroku must be too.'

"I appreciate it Kagome, but what I do is my own decision, I'm fine." She gave a light smile which Kagome just knew wasn't completely genuine.

"How is Kohaku?"

"Still mostly unresponsive, but some days he almost seems to know I'm in the room at least. It's a start." She shrugged.

"You know you can talk to me about your problems if you need to."

"I know, but right now I want to forget, and Miroku helps me forget, when I'm with him. I want to make it go away. Because worrying about it now isn't going to change what happened." Sango said, while thinking, 'Besides I can't talk about it. How can I tell them what really happened, and that it was no accident. But since I can't change that, I want to move on.'

Kagome was unsure how to convince her to talk. She'd just have to be there for her when she decided to open up. If she wanted to move on she'd try to help her.

"Come on let's go shopping." Kagome said grabbing her friend's hand and starting off towards the Gap.

"Oh 'cause like shopping is the thing to cure any girl of a bad mood." Sango mocked.

"Damn straight." Kagome enthused and Sango just rolled her eyes, but couldn't help catching Kagome's infectious smile.


"What are you thinking?" Inu-yasha asked as he shoved Miroku in disgust.

"It was her idea, you know I would never take advantage of her." Miroku defended.

"Oh right, you know she's not thinking clearly now."

"That didn't stop you, when you and Sango..."

"I wasn't either. And don't change the subject. How could you do that to her?"

"Like I said, it was her idea, she was depressed and she wanted to feel some other emotion, I just helped her out." Miroku paused for a while letting Inu-yasha absorb it all. He seamed to almost accept it. "Look I know what that was, I'm just a pair of lips to her. But I'd rather be that for her than stand around feeling helpless. Hell I think I love her."

"Great." Inu-yasha said drolly, but couldn't help the smirk. 'If it's Sango's idea maybe she can handle it. Warning Miroku was enough for now.'

"Call me crazy, or a glutton for punishment but I think I can help her. Maybe she'll feel the same way about me eventually and not just see me as a distraction. But oh the fun we can have until then." He had a wry smile on.

"Still the lech I see. But if you hurt her..."

"Yeah, yeah, big brother will punish me."

"Damn straight, now let's go find the girls." Inu-yasha turned, and lead the way through the mall.


"Do people really call you a slut?" Ventured Kagome as they perused the racks of mass produced goods.

"Yeah or a dyke, depending on their mood that day."

"But why. I mean your not."

"I dunno, maybe it's because I hang around with guys, they think I must be having sex with them or that I'm like just another one of them or something." Sango shrugged.

"That's horrible, how can they make such snap judgements about people like that?" Kagome said in a slight rage.

"I'm used to it, you should hear what they say about Inu-yasha."

"Oh you mean he doesn't break into old ladies homes and steal their life's savings, or hang out at biker bars and run from the cops on a nightly basis?" Kagome said sarcastically.

"Oh so you have heard. He may pick fights but he's not that bad."

"Oh I know."

"You like him don't you?"

"S-Sure I like him, I like all you guys." Kagome tried to feign ignorance that she knew what she really meant.

"No I mean like him, like him. Like you want to do with him what me a Miroku were doing." They were both blushing, Sango at the remembrance of Miroku's lips on hers and Kagome at the image Sango's words brought to mind...
(Just take a moment to picture it. Got it? Everybody say it with me: "Awww." Okay, moving on.)

"So what do people say about Miroku?" Kagome asked, bringing the subject back around.

Sango aloud it, for now. "Well besides that he's a pervert, not much. He could probably hang out with the popular kids if he wanted to. They seem to like him well enough anyway."

They walked on, chatting amicably.


"So Inu, you have a thing for Kagome." Miroku stated.

Glare from Inu-yasha.

"And she seems to have a thing for you."

More glaring.

"So why haven't you done anything about it yet?"

"Mind your own business."

"You obviously like her, how long has it been since you stopped smoking anyway?"

"I didn't stop for her, I stopped cause I don't have the money to buy them."

"Riight, Anyway. What have you got to lose by asking her out?"

"Oh right and have her, and those friends of hers laugh in my face?" 'Like Kikyo.' He added silently.

"You know that's not like Kagome."

"Feh." Sigh, 'Of course she's not like that, baka.'


"Look at these, why on earth would you wear something that says that on it?" Sango wondered indignantly.

"I don't know, I think it's kind of cute." Kagome said.

"Cute, it's skanky. Think about it, no mature woman would wear something like that, so that leaves the people our age or younger. People who aren't old enough to do what that's suggesting."

"I guess I see your point."

"Yeah I mean, whoever came up with this shit has got to be some sort of sick ped...."
She was cut off by two arms being wrapped around her from behind, she froze ready to smack whoever it was.

"Miss me?" 'Oh few its Miroku.' Smack.

"Hey pervert." But she turned and gave him a peck on the cheek anyway.

"Where's Shippo and Inu-yasha?" Kagome scanned the area.

"By the ice cream shop, they didn't want to be caught in a lingerie store."

"I guess it just doesn't bother a lech like you huh." He fiend hurt. "Whatever lets go get them, I have to get to work." Sango led the way.

After they collected Inu-yasha and Shippo they headed towards the exit.

"Are you going to hang out with us some more, Kagome?" Asked Shippo hopefully.

"I don't know maybe I should get home."

"Oh come on." Sango begged.

"But I still have homework to finish."

"Fuck Kagome you've been doing work all week, I... uh we hardly see you any more. And I won't get another day off for three more days." Inu-yasha pleaded with her trying and failing to not sound needy, or like he actually missed her.

'That's true I guess I have been focussing a lot on work lately. My own escape from dealing with problems.' Kagome thought and then said, "Well I guess I could do the rest of my work in the morning before school, there's not that much since I did most of it in study hall anyway."

"Ooh you're such a rebel." Inu-yasha gave her a quirky grin as they made their way to Sango's car.


At the skate park Sango went to work manning the supply hut and keeping an eye on things, Inu-yasha skated while Kagome split her attention between watching him and watching Shippo, While Miroku sat around trying to look cool.

"Wow how does he do that, it looks like he's flying?" Kagome asked after Inu-yasha completed a very tricky arial twist.

"Lots of practice. Inu-yasha may not seem like it but he can be very devoted to something, given the right something that is."

Kagome would have thought it would be awkward to talk to Miroku after seeing him make out with Sango just that afternoon, but he was surprisingly easy to talk to.

"Yeah he's been practising for months for the Shikon Tournament." (Can ya tell? Not a real tournament.) Chimed in Shippo.

"The Shikon Tournament. What's that?" Kagome asked.

"A nation wide skating competition. The winner gets $500 and a write up in Skaters Monthly."

"Wow, he's sure to win, right!"

"He is very good, but he does have some heavy competition. Last years winner, has won 5 times in a row. And it's Inu's first year at the national level."

"So he's competed before?"

"Oh sure, he's won all of his tournaments this year. I think he's mostly doing it for the cash though."

"That's right. It must be tough living on your own."

"But he's not alone." Put in Shippo

"Of course not. Plus Sesho-maru gives him some cash, albeit reluctantly." Supplied Miroku.

"What kind of shit are you talking now Miroku?" Inu-yasha came up behind them.

Kagome stepped in though before they could have a fight. "That was awesome, the way you were like vwoosh, and then shoomp." She said making hand gestures to go along with her sound effects.

"Ah yeah well." He eyed her amusedly. "It's not that hard especially when you do it as much as I have." He then beamed with pride.

"Do you think you could teach me how to do it?" Kagome smiled at him hopefully.

"What? I don't think so."

"Why not?" She pouted.

"Because its not for girls." 'I don't want you to get hurt.'

"But Sango does it."

"Sango is, Sango."

"Oh that's a good excuse." Kagome said pouting more.

"Well your not dressed for it." 'Ha,ha, beet that.'

"Sango probably has some extra clothes." Interjected Miroku, earning him a dirty look from Inu-yasha.

"Come on please." Kagome gave him the wide eyed kitten look.

'Oh hell.' Inu-yasha was undone. "Fine, lets go." Inu-yasha walked over to Sango.

"Hey Sango!" He yelled half way there.

"Whadda ya want?" She answered.

They stood at the window to the supply hut. Sango had her back to them re-shelving the first aid kit.

"Got any extra clothes that Kagome could borrow?" 'Please say no, Please say no, Please say no, Please say no.' Inu-yasha chanted in his head.

Sango turned to face them. "In the trunk of Kirara. Why?"

'Damn.' "I'm gonna teach Kagome to board."

"Yeah, is that a good idea?" Sango asked sceptically.

"I can't talk her out of it."

She looked at Kagome who looked pretty excited. "Okay, here." She handed her keys over.

Inu-yasha opened the trunk to Sango's car and peered in. There were some old books, a rusty car battery, spare tire, trash bags and a mountain of other things.

Inu-yasha waved a hand from Kagome to the junk pile. "It's all yours." Kagome started sifting through it when she came across something furry.

"Gah what was that?" She jerked away.

"What?" The boys peered over the side. Miroku moved aside the trash bag that Kagome had been in the process of moving before her spaz attack. He then encountered the same furry object and pulled back as well. While Shippo squealed, "I think it moved!"

"Oh come on you wuses." Inu-yasha shoved them aside and held up the offending object.

"A teddy bear?!" They all questioned at once.

"I never new Sango to be the type." Miroku took the bear and gazed half amused, half fondly at it.

"Keh." Inu-yasha went back to rummaging and after a few minutes came up with the clothes they had come in search of.

He shoved the clothes into Kagome's arms and she walked to the port-a-potty (EWWW) to change.

They waited for her by the supply hut. When she finally emerged they stared at her transformation, Inu-yasha longer than the others.

The pants wear a little long, even tied with the side ties, and the t-shirt was a little baggy, but at least the shoes fit. She looked so tiny and more than a little out of place, but to Inu-yasha she had never looked cuter.

He forcefully tore his eyes off of her, and turned to grab something. Kagome walked up to stand behind him trying to figure out what he was doing. When he turned back around he jammed the object onto her head.

"Oh. Thank you." She clipped the helmet under her chin.

"Feh. Who do you think they'd blame if you cracked your skull open. Now come on."

"Have fun." Sango said 'smiling' and waving as the rest of the gang followed Inu-yasha to a secluded part of the park.


The lesson was slow going, so Miroku and Shippo had wandered off somewhere, Kagome and Inu-yasha hardly noticed.

"Hey your pretty good." Inu-yasha said in wonder as Kagome skated around the empty soda cans he set up as a mini obstacle course.

"Yeah?" She beamed at him.

"Don't get too cocky, this is child's stuff."

"Oh yeah, well bring on the challenging stuff." Kagome invited.

"Okay." He went about resetting the obstacle course. To make it less uniform he set the cans so there would be some tight turns.

"Oh yeah, that looks real dangerous. When can I do what you were doing earlier?" Kagome half pouted.

"Later." 'Much later.' Inu-yasha replied.

Kagome made it through half the course before she came to a hard left after a hard right that left her torso going in one direction while her feet chose another and she end up landing on her butt.

"Kagome!" Inu-yasha ran and knelt at her side. "Kagome?" Her head was buried in her hands and her shoulders were shaking uncontrollably. 'Oh shit, is she crying?' He heard a series of small intakes of air.
"Kagome?" He prompted again. She wouldn't look at him. 'Oh fuck, she's mad at me.'

"Hey it's not my fault you're a klutz." The intakes of air grew louder, and louder still, until he could clearly make them out as ... chuckling? She finally lifted her gaze to meet his and burst out laughing even more.


"Your... face..." She gasped out in between giggles.

He scowled, and she couldn't stop the fresh burst off giggles. "Hey!"

She looked at his sour expression and sobered some herself. "No, I mean your expression, it was so dire." She said. Still smiling she lightly touch his cheek. "It was kinda cute actually." It was hard to tell who blushed redder. Inu-yasha quickly turned away to try to hide his blush.

"Yo, Inu, Kagome, the park's closing!" Sango called from a distance. Sure enough they seemed to be the only ones left.

"All right we're going." Inu-yasha turned to help Kagome to her feet.

"Okay see ya later." Miroku called as he got into the car with Sango.

Inu-yasha and Kagome started walking. "Oi, Shippo stop dodeling."

"But our place is that way." He pointed to the opposite end of the park from were Inu-yasha was headed. Kagome looked at him questioningly.

"We're walking Kagome home first." He stated simply and started walking again.

Kagome and Shippo smiled at each other for a moment and then had to run to catch up to him.

They walked in silence for a bit, Shippo falling asleep on Inu-yasha's back.

"So Miroku tells me your going to be in the Shikon Tournament. When is it?"

"January 5th, which is good 'cause it's during winter break."

"I bet you'll totally blow the competition away."

"Yeah he'll blow them away with his bad breath." Laughed Shippo groggily awakening, because of the talking.

"Brat." He wupped him on the head, and became serious again. "I hope so, we really need the money."

'We? He really does care about Shippo. Despite how he acts, he's really a responsible guy.' Thought Kagome as she smiled at Inu-yasha.


"Nothing." She dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "Oh we're here already." She said somewhat disappointed, as they stopped in front of the door to her house.

"Yeah." He seemed disappointed as well.

"Thank you for the lesson." 'He's so cute. Maybe I should just take Sango's advice.'

"No problem." 'Damn she's cute. I wonder if Miroku's right. Should I just go for it?'

Neither moved and just stared at the other.
A loud yawn from Shippo broke the trance.

"Ah we should get going." He turned to leave.

Part way down the path Kagome blurted out, "Can I see you sometime?"

This stopped him and he slowly turned around giving her a disbelieving look.

"A ha ha." She gave a nervous laugh as she scratched the back of her head. "I mean do you want to go on a date sometime, but if not that's totally cool, I understand maybe we should just remain friends." She rambled on.

"Yes." Inu-yasha said finally. 'Damn it the guys supposed to ask the girl, oh well.'

"Oh." She looked disappointed. 'He just wants to remain friends.'

"I'll pick you up. Saturday at 7?" He spoke automatically.

'Oh he meant yes to the date. Yes he meant yes to the date!'

"Okay, uh see then, then." She said with a nervous though happy smile on her face, which he returned.

"Yeah, g'night." He continued down the path after watching Kagome enter the house and shut the door.

'Yes I have a date with Inu-yasha!' 'Yes I have a date with Kagome!' They both had stupid grins on their faces.

'What's wrong with her?' Souta wondered.

'What's wrong with him?' Shippo peered at Inu-yasha over his shoulder.

Their relatives eyed them warily.


Hi, I hope they weren't out of character too much, but I guess it's to be expected since it's an AU.

If I haven't mentioned it before they go to an American High school 'cause that's all I know. Maybe it's like an all Japanese American high school, 'cause I think I might have put some Japanese words in there, I'm not sure.
Anyway, thank you for reading and tell me what you think.