InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Time of Your Life ❯ The 'Date' ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-yasha. And I am not looking for any money for this story.



(Authors Notes)

Chapter 6: The 'Date'

Kagome was so happy Saturday was finally here. It's amazing how slowly three days can pass when you're waiting for something. Over those three days she had only seen Inu-yasha at lunch since he had to work everyday after school. Even then they didn't talk about their upcoming date. She was beginning to think he had forgotten, but on Friday, just before the final bell he had called out to her.

"Be ready to go tomorrow at 7." To which she nodded, turned, and smiled warmly.

Now that Saturday had finally come, yes she was happy, but she was nervous as hell too. She had spent the better part of the afternoon picking out outfits then violently rejecting them. Now they lay sprawled across her room.

"Geeze you're a wreck, you act like you've never been on a date before." Souta leaned on her door frame munching on a bag of chips.

"We can't all be as lucky as you and start our dating careers in the third grade." She shot a glare towards him.

"That's right big sis, I could give you some pointers. Like ... "

"Get out!" She screamed and slammed the door in his face. 'But he's right, this is my first date. I have no idea what I'm doing. Hmm it's 5:15, just enough time to seek a little motherly advice.'

Just then her phone rang.


Saturday was finally here. His first date since Sango three years ago, if you could really call that dating. He couldn't believe Kagome had actually asked him. This brought his mind back to three years ago when he had attempted to ask Kikyo out on a date.

He had arranged to meet Kikyo alone after school to spring his question. He was nervous as hell, but she seemed to like him well enough so he figure he had a shot.

After she arrived there was a period of awkward silence and when it looked like she was about to leave he took a deep breath and just asked, "Would you go out with me?" Silence from Kikyo as she stared back at him, Then he heard sniggering, it wasn't Kikyo but it was coming from behind her, she turned around and saw all her friends there almost in tears with laughter.
When she turned back around she too had a smirk on her face, and pity in her eyes.

"HA, HA. Me go out with you. HA." She turned and left with her friends laughter fading into the distance. 'She set me up to laugh at me. How could she? I though we were friends at least.' He thought dejectedly.

His mind came out of the past. 'Even then I didn't stop liking her, that was stupid. But what if Kagome's setting me up like that? No, like Miroku said, she's not like that. Kikyo was always coldly kind to me, it was hard to read, Kagome's warm and open.'

It was only 5 o'clock. So he sat impatiently against his bed.
Shippo saw his impatient and annoyed look and decided to have some fun. He got up on the bed and started bouncing waping Inu-yasha on the head every time he came down. Inu-yasha tried ignoring him but there was only so much he could take.

"Oi, brat." He turned and grabbed Shippo by the foot in mid-air so that he landed on his back and bounced for a while.


"Hey! yourself. Now quit bothering me."

"What were ya doin', bein' all mopey anyway?"

"I'm not mopey."

"Antsy then? Is it because of today?"

"Why would I be antsy about my date with Kagome."

"Your date with Kagome?... You have a date with Kagome today?"

"What? I thought you liked Kagome?"

"I do, but we have to go to Sesho-maru's house today."

"What?! It's that day."

"Yeah. Don't you ever look at a calendar? We have to be there at 6:30."

"Awe hell how can I explain this to Kagome, she'll hate me."

He picked up the phone and dialled.


Kagome picked up the phone. "Higurashi residence, Kagome speaking."

"Hey Kagome." A weak sounding voice could be heard from the other end.

"Inu-yasha? What is it?" She asked in nervous anticipation.

"Uh, I'm afraid I'm not feeling well, cough, cough. "

"Was it all those hours at work this week?"

"Uh, yeah. So I'm afraid I'll have to beg off tonight."

"Oh that's okay I understand, you get some rest. We can do this another time." She said trying to sound convincing.

"Oh um, yeah sure. Talk to you later... Bye." He said hesitantly.

"Yeah, bye." She hung up the phone with a heated sigh.

'If he didn't want to go he could have just said so, he didn't have to fake an illness to get out of going on a date with me. Was it that I asked him and thinking I was Kikyo he said yes, or does his male pride tell him he can't go out with me if he didn't ask me himself?'
She collapsed in defeat on her bed.


Inu-yasha hung up the phone and sighed. 'Well that went well.' He congratulated himself. 'Faking an illness is better than having to tell Kagome the truth.'

He heard a honk from outside, signalling that the driver was ready to take him and Shippo to Sesho-maru's house. He sighed again as he headed towards the door. 'I wish I really was sick.'


It was now 8 o'clock. after a little nap to try to calm herself down she decided to talk with her mother.

"I just thought he really liked me and that he wanted to go on this date." Kagome felt like she was whining at her mother and for all she new she was. She didn't care.

"Kagome, Have you ever thought that maybe he really is sick. I find it hard to believe that that sweet young man that came to dinner would lie about something like that, especially when it is clear to anyone how much he likes you." Kagome's mother tried to reason with the distraught girl.

"You didn't hear him, that was the worst fake cough I've ever heard... But he did seem reluctant to call off the date. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part."

"Or maybe you're right and shouldn't just dismiss his actions as reluctance. Take them for what they are. Or if you like, confront him about it."

"Confront him? But I don't want to put him on the spot."

"What ever his reason you won't find it sitting here. Go to him, make him feel better."

Kagome tried to protest, but her mother gave her an insistent push out the door. Who was she to argue with her mother, she had always been supportive of her children, letting them make their own decisions in life. And on the rare occasion in which she got involved in their lives it had been to their benefit. So out the door and over to Inu-yasha's she went.


Kagome knocked on Inu-yasha's door, There was no answer, so she knocked a little more insistently, still no answer. 'Maybe he's too sick to come to the door.' She thought a little worried. 'Or maybe he knows it's me and is avoiding me, or he's out with someone else.' Her anger came back.

As she was turning in a huff the door opened and she started raging before turning around. "Inu-yasha. You have some explaining to do."

She finally turned and got a good look at him, to put it simply he was a wreck. And he was sporting one lovely black eye to go with his long black hair. 'Wait black hair?'

"Inu-yasha, what's going on? What happened? Who did this to you?" Her anger quickly turned to concern. 'Had this been the reason why he broke their date?'

"Later. Go home." He started to close the door.

"No. What happened to you?" She stopped the door with a foot and stepped into his apartment.

"Nothing, please just go home." He spun on her, winced in pain, and grabbed his side.

"Inu-yasha!" She ran to him and propped him against her side. Inu-yasha sighed and let her help him.

He shrugged her off and slumped against the bed.

"Thanks, now you can go." Inu-yasha said dismissively.

"Not until you tell me what happened and why is your hair black? And where's Shippo?"

"At Kaede's." He stopped and she thought she'd have to prod him some more, but he started again and she sat down beside him.

"I lied to you before, I'm not sick."

"Could have fooled me." She replied sarcastically. He glared briefly but gave an apologetic look and continued.

"You know Shippo and Rin are adopted right?"
She nodded.
"And Sesho-maru hates me and Shippo."
Another nod.
"Well the social workers, Jaken, and Miyoga, pay a visit to Sesho-maru's house once a month to see that everything is fine. If not he'll take them away. That's where I was tonight."

"But why the lie, Why not tell me? Did you not trust me?"

"Why should I?" When she started to tear up he went into hyper-apologetic mode.

"Wait that's not what I ... Look it's a family secret okay. I've kept it this long, it was just natural. And I'm a little ashamed."

"What? Why?" Kagome sobered looking him in the eye.

"It's pathetic really. Sesho-maru, with Jaken's help, keeps us a secret from Rin. We have to play his game. Jaken and Miyoga interview us separately and Jaken keeps Miyoga in the dark about it, that's the arrangement.
We pretend to be a normal family and get along, hence the die job." He motioned to his hair.
"Once a month we fall in line and play his game. The rest of the month he mostly leaves us alone, he gives us a small amount of money each month, but it's really mine anyway. I guess tonight he thought I blew his cover, or at least that's his excuse. It's the only time of the month he can take his frustrations out on me. It's not the first time." Kagome moved in to touch his face but he moved away so she backed off.

"So I can't go to the police. Shippo would be taken away, I promised mother I'd look after him, and I will." He looked forlorn.

"Inu-yasha, I..." She couldn't say anything, instead she enveloped him in a big hug, he didn't move away.

"You can trust me." She hugged him tighter. He hugged back, burying the bridge of his nose in her neck.

After a while they separated, Inu-yasha winced a little at the movement of the injuries he had been trying to forget about.

"Oh that's right, we should get you cleaned up. Where do you keep your first aid supplies." She said standing up self consciously.

"Bathroom" Inu-yasha replied distracted.

After a bit of searching she found the kit, returned and kneeled in front of him. She cleaned his visible wounds first, applying the necessary though stinging antiseptics with only minimal whining from Inu-yasha. She went to open his shirt without thinking and he grabbed her wrists, forcing her to look at him.

"I'm fine."

"Let me see Inu-yasha." The gentle insisting of her hands finally dissolved his forces.

No serious gashes where found. But she ran her hand lightly over a bruise on his torso.

"Ooh that's a nasty one." She leaned in for a closer look.

"Um, that tickles." Inu-yasha squirmed.

"Oh really?" Kagome smirked evilly and used both hands, now running up and down his rib cage. He was at her mercy. Somehow he ended up on his back with her assaulting him from above. She realized her compromising position and quickly removed herself.

"So are you hungry?" She asked hurriedly.

He looked hurt though a bit relieved at the same time.

"Um, yeah I guess."

"Great, I'll make us something."

She went to the first cupboard and what did she find? Ramen. The next. Ramen. And yes you guessed it, Ramen. She gave him an questioning look.

"What, it's cheap and quick." He shrugged.

"Come on let's go to the market."

"What, no it's okay. Ramen'll be fine."

"But I can't make anything good with Ramen."

"Well then don't make anything." He said as he put his shirt back on.

"But I...." She started.

"I mean I'll take you out, come on."

"Okay." Kagome was dragged out the door and down the street to an all night dinner.

"Sorry it's not nicer." Inu-yasha said after they got their food.

"No it's great." She said smiling genuinely, just happy to be with him. He smiled back. 'That dress shirt and black hair almost make him look like a different person especially when he smiles. Still cute but different. There's so much to get to know about him.'

While they ate they talked a little about both of their friends, and the new "relationship" Sango and Miroku had seemed to form.

Then Kagome remembered something he had said earlier and asked, "So if you have your own money why live under Sesho-maru's rules?"

He swallowed a mouth full of food. "Because I only get a little now, I won't get the full Amount until I'm 25, that's why I gotta work so damn much. But as soon as I do, Me and Shippo are gone."


"Yeah we're getting as far from Sesho-maru as possible."

"Where will you go?"

"Not sure yet, It's a long time from now."

... He went back to his food.

Kagome took a sip of her soda and then said, "I don't blame you, wanting to be independent. Though I can't say that I now exactly how you feel. My mother's pretty flexible. But I feel like I'm playing catch up in school. I know all that their teaching me now, I should be in your grade. I just can't see myself going along like this for the next four years. Kaede said I could take placement tests. Though it means more studying, I'd be out of school sooner and that would be a relief."

'That'd be great, we could graduate together, and then...' Inu-yasha's mind trailed off afraid to commit to something even in his own head. He said, "Yeah? Well if you need any help studying..."


"Hey, it's just English I have trouble in. I'm pretty good in everything else."

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it."


"Well anyway, I might just take you up on that offer." She grinned at him.

Near the end of the meal Kagome ventured a questioned that had been nagging her. "So are we making this official?"

"What's official?"

'Oh, no does he not want to. Or maybe he just doesn't know what you're talking about baka.' Thought Kagome worriedly, but said, "This, dating."

"I thought we had?" Now Inu-yasha was confused.

"No silly it's not official until we decide that we'll date each other exclusively."

'So many stupid rules.' He thought. "So you want to date exclusively?"

"Well yeah, if you do. I mean it's almost like we've been dating these past few weeks anyway and even though this is our first date, date, I think we should keep doing it."

"So it's official."

"I'm glad." She smiled warmly.

"Me too." He smiled back.


After diner Inu-yasha paid and stood up. "I'll walk you home."

As they chatted they drifted closer together until their hands met, neither one really noticing.

Once at Kagome's door they reluctantly let go.

"Thank you, I had a great time." Kagome beamed.


"No, I mean it." She looked at him wide eyed.

"Well anyway, I should be the one to thanking you."

"I'm just glad you're all right." They stared into each others eyes.

Kagome turned to head inside her house. But a hand on her wrist stopped her. She turned back around only to be enveloped in the arms of Inu-yasha once more. 'I would have liked a kiss, but this is nice.' Kagome thought as she settled in his arms.

And as if reading her thoughts, Inu-yasha turned his head and his lips lightly touched hers.

"Goodnight Kagome." He whispered and was gone before she new it.

"Good night Inu-yasha." She said back belatedly and slowly brought her hand to her lips that would not stop smiling. She eventually went inside.


Well that's it for that chapter. Anyway thanks for reading, thanks for those of you who have reviewed, and thanks in advance for those of you who will review:)