InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The unstoppable pain ❯ Into the well they go ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The unstoppable pain
Chapter three
Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha
Last time: Kagome went threw half the day working hard and didn't eat anything when inuyasha appears and she hears what hi said to her brother she was over come by his presence and ran into his arms only to cry and afterwards faint in his arms.
Inuyasha looked down in his arms to see kagome's body he took in her scent only to realize how ill she was and he needed to get her to kaede's before she got worse he picked up (bridal style) and stood up walking to the door when john blocks his way
Inuyasha: “what the hell do you think your doing?”
John: “I'm not letting you take me daughter!!”
Inuyasha: “well if she stay's here she'll die”
John: “what the hell is that suppose to mean”
Inuyasha: “it means she's sick and has bin for more then a month now and if you gave a crap about her you would have noticed”
John: “how dare you speak to me like that who do you think you are”
Inuyasha: “get out of my way or I'll cut you into little pieces”
Sota: “is kagome…… going to (tears start rolling down his cheeks) d-die”
Inuyasha: “she would already be dead if it weren't for her powers but if I get her back in time she'll be fine”
John: “well your not taking her any where understand”
Inuyasha: “I've saved kagome's life from the worst demons to walk the earth I'm not letting her die from illness”
John: “yah right…” he never got a chance to finish cause well his perfect son snapped
Sota: “SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!”
Sota was crying he was just so sick of illness an death he just couldn't handle it any more
John: “sota I just want your sister to be safe”
Sota: “then let her go with inuyasha she'll be fine I ... I just don't want her to die”
Inuyasha: “it's ok sota she'll be fine I just need to get her to kaede's”
John: “over my dead body”
Evila: “yah you can't take her she has responsibilities here”
Inuyasha: “the dead body thing can be arranged but lady your just weird now move!!!!!!!!”
John: “I said no!”
Sota: “dad just let him go I c-couldn't li-live with myself i-if kagome … died” (and he began to cry again)
Then kagome started to twist an turn she was having a really bad dream more like the worlds most painful nightmare ever possible
(Kagome's dream)
In inuyasha was walking away slowly she was running after him but could never catch up she yelled his name but he couldn't here her as if time went on and left her
Kagome: “inuyasha!”
Kagome: “inuyasha please wait”
She tried to keep running but her feet stopped moving and she was stuck as inuyasha walked away and didn't turn back and al she could do was call his name over and over again the only words on her hips
Kagome: “inuyasha!!!!!!!!!!!”
(End of kagome's dream)
Kagome having her bad dream inuyasha began to worry and put her down on the couch as she twisted and turned she began to say inuyasha's name
Inuyasha who had walked a step or two away to give her space turned around instantly as she spoke his name
Kagome: “inuyasha come back please come back”
He looked down to see her twisting and turning as she called his name seeing her like this broke his heart so all he could do try to calm her down
Inuyasha: he put his hand on her cheek an streaked in an attempt to comfort her “its ok kagome relax I'm right her I would never leave you so just relax I'm right here” as to everyone's surprise but sota it worked
Kagome relaxed as she sighed her eyes slowly fluttered open she awoke to two beautiful golden eyes
Kagome: “inu-inuyasha”
Inuyasha: “shhh I'm right here relax just sleep”
Kagome: “where are we?”
Inuyasha: “were in your house you passed out and had a nightmare”
Kagome: “it was just a dream? O thank god it was just a dream” she sprang up from the couch
Inuyasha: “lie down wench you're still weak”
Kagome: “huh? Never mind I'm fine”
Inuyasha: he picks her up again (bridal style) “no your not your sick and were going back to kaede's”
Kagome: “inuyasha I'm fine now put me down”
Inuyasha: “no” and he starts walking out the door
Kagome: “inuyasha don't make me say it”
Inuyasha: “say it and you go down with me”
Kagome: “hmph”
Inuyasha: “you might as well rest we'll be there soon”
John: “where the hell are you taking my daughter?”
Inuyasha: “bake to kaede's to get her help”
John: “you'll take my daughter over my dead body!”
Inuyasha: “that can be arranged”
Kagome: “inuyasha!! Dad its ok inuyasha's just worried I'll be fine I trust him with my life”
John: “but I don't what if he kills you”
Kagome: “he wouldn't do that I trust him”
John: “kagome listen to me sota need's you need to stay”
Sota: “not as much as I need her to live!!!”
Kagome: she turned suddenly “sota I'm not going to die”
Sota: “yes you will if you don't get better inuyasha said so”
Kagome: “oh” she jumped out of his arms turned around and the only word on her lips “sit!!!!!”
Inuyasha: “shit” and he went pummeling into the floor
Kagome walked up to sota who was just starting to cry and she hugged him tight
Kagome: “I'm not going to die I promise I'll be back soon ok I'll go with inuyasha and when I'm better I'll come back I promise”
Sota: “ok”
Inuyasha: “ok then lets go”
He picked kagome up again and walked out the door
Inuyasha: “rest your going to need it”
Kagome: “ok” as she closed her eyes in an attempt to sleep
Inuyasha: “you know if you weren't so week you wouldn't get sick so much”
Kagome: “I know you've said it a billion times”
As she began to fall asleep inuyasha went into the well.
John: “what the hell why'd he take her into the well house”
Sota: “that's the doorway to inuyasha's time only inuyasha and kagome can go threw it believe me I tried”
John: “if there's any thing wrong with kagome when she comes back” then sota cut him of again
Sota: “she'll be fine she always is”
Done another chapter thank godddddddddddddd so hard please review it might not be so good cause of the same reason I took so long to put it up well my com shut down I didn't save an I had 2 start all over I know smart of me sorry it's late please read an review and thanks 2 every 1 who reviewed