InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Three Months ❯ Three Months ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Three Months

"Mh-hm." Kagome hummed to herself as she packed the last packet Ramen into her yellow bag. She was sure Inuyasha would appreciate the gesture or so she hoped.

"Kagome, before you leave to go retrieve Inuyasha, could you please go get me some herbs?" Kaede asked coming out of her hut. Kagome smiled and took the herb basket that Kaede held out for and walked slowly into the forest.

She didn't notice the man wit glowing red eyes and long black hair spying on her. Naraku growled. Even though Onigumo hadn't known Kagome his heart desired her because of her likeness to Kikyo.

Naraku had a plan; he brought up his right hand and watched as his nails grew into long claws similar to Inuyasha's. Miasma surrounded them poisoning them

Kagome bent down on her knees and searched for herbs she thought Kaede might need. She gasped as she felt claws tearing across her back, tearing her flesh.

She fell to the ground, tears welling in her eyes as she looked up at her attacker. She was met with Naraku's angry red eyes; that were currently glaring at her.

"I have poisoned you! Now Inuyasha only has three months left with you!" when Naraku faded from Kagome's view Sango replaced him, her face full of horror.

Sango helped her back to Kaede's hut and fairly had to push Miroku out so that she could bandage Kagome's wounds. Kagome explained as wrapped the wounds what had happened. Sango sighed washing her hands as Miroku came back in.

"Naraku has poisoned her blood stream with miasma." Sango confirmed to Miroku as he sat extremely close to her, but to her amazement he didn't make an attempt to stroke her behind. She didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed about this. But then she remembered Kagome's condition.

"Don't tell Inuyasha." Kagome whispered, finally managing to sit up straight, and then she made it to a standing pose. "I don't want him overreacting." she finished; the pain in her back grew as she took a step but she ignored it the best that she could.

"Of course he'll overreact, everyone will overreact!" Shippo squealed jumping up and hugging Kagome's neck.

"I know but he won't let me continue the journey, he'll send me home. No telling!" Kagome said stubbornly, didn't work to well considering she fell down to her knees due to the pain in her back after she finished talking.

"We won't tell, we promise!" Sango said, Miroku nodded in agreement while Kaede kept quite. She knew a way to stop the poison but Inuyasha would not be willing to kill the person who had to be killed for Kagome to live. Kikyo.

*************************************************************** ********

Inuyasha pushed his sleeves up higher as they tried to fall down. `Bloody hell!' he thought, chopping wood. Then he smelled a scent he hadn't caught a whiff of in over a month.

`Kagome!' he thought, whirling around in time to see Kilala to land. All four of his friends sat on the large cat. Kagome jumped off and ran to him, he caught her up in a hug as she crashed into his chest.

"Inuyasha!" she cried wincing slightly as he hugged her back, his arms pressing into her wounds.

"What are you doing here?" he asked stepping back. Kagome forced a smile to her onto her features.

"Well we thought we'd come to get you, so that we could go ahead and with the jewel shard hunting!" she said a little to brightly.

Inuyasha thought something was wring with how Kagome was acting but he couldn't put his finger on it. Soon they left, though Inuyasha and Totosai were arguing. Apparently Totosai still refused to tell Inuyasha how to break through Naraku's barrier.

Kagome was on her spot on Inuyasha's back as they left. She put her head against Inuyasha's neck as they flew through the air. Her hands fisted into the fabric of his robes covering his shoulders.

`Only three months. Only three months. Inuyasha, please don't make this more difficult than it already is!' she suppressed a groan as pain shot through her body.

Then her eyes went wide; the bandages were soaked, and they were what had kept the scent form Inuyasha! She sent a panicked look at Sango and thankfully Sango got the message.

"Inuyasha! Kilala is about to faint from not eating!" Sango called to the dog-demon. Miroku looked at her oddly them looked at Kagome who had turned extremely pale in just the hour they'd been traveling, and he understood immediately.

Kagome clambered off Inuyasha and almost collapsed from the pain. Sango took Kagome's small medical kit wit the bandages and slipped it in her robes and also grabbed the water bucket.

"Come on Kagome, let's go get some water. Miroku would dig in Kagome's back and dig out that food Kilala adores?" Miroku nodded and pulled out a can of `Whiskas' and opened it for the now small cat.

The Inuyasha and Shippo dove into Kagome's bag. This was a good thing because Inuyasha didn't notice how Sango helped Kagome to the small hidden creek. Kagome collapsed beside the lake tears already escaping her eyes.

Sango helped her out of her shirt and bra and then took off the old bandages that had indeed been soaked through with Kagome's blood. Sango cleaned the wounds again, though she had no clue what good it would do considering the fact that the poison would infect it anyway. But it seemed to bring comfort to Kagome.

She wrapped the wounds once again and sadly looked at Kagome's bloody shirt, it had soaked through the back of her shirt as well.

"I Have some extra clothes in my big yellow back. You can come up with some excuse." Kagome said. Sango sighed, she hated lying but she had to do. Inuyasha would definitely know something was wrong if he ever saw that shirt!

So she went back to camp a rueful smile on her face as she dug through Kagome's bag. "Kagome is such a klutz. She was just standing by the lake one minute the next she was swimming in it!" Sango laughed as she pulled out a long blue sleeved shirt and tan skirt out.

All the necessities that Kagome wore under her strange clothing was wrapped up in the sweater. Sango took the clothes back to Kagome who gave her a grateful smile. She took off her green skirt and slipped into the clothing Sango had so kindly brought her.

"Thanks. Oh, how did Kilala like her can of cat food?" she asked. Sango smiled as Kagome returned partially to normal after replacing the bandages.

"It looked like all that Miroku's been doing is getting more and more cat food out of that bag of yours. And Kilala is playing him like a well tuned violin." she laughed softly as they reentered the camp. Kilala lay sound asleep at Miroku's side; he was also asleep on a tree trunk.

Both girls held in their laughter at the monk because he had a speck of cat food on his cheek and his mouth was hanging open and he was snoring lightly. Inuyasha was up in a tree also asleep and Kagome was pleased to see that Shippo was curled up against his chest.

"You know, sometimes Inuyasha treats Shippo like his pup and others he a total jerk towards him." Sango observed, sitting down beside the perverted monk and laying her head on his shoulder.

Before Kagome could answer, Sango was fast asleep on Miroku's shoulder. Kagome leaned against the tree that Inuyasha and Shippo were sleeping in and sighed.

She suppressed a groan as pain once again shot through her body. She had a feeling that she wouldn't be going to sleep any time soon. She looked up at the branch that held Inuyasha. He shifted slightly in his sleep.

She smiled as she saw that Inuyasha now had an arm around the small kitsune, and Shippo had his hands fisted into Inuyasha's robes.

Finally Kagome fell to the ground and leaned against the tree again. She fell into a sleep, not restful, or peaceful, but at least she went to sleep. Which relieved Sango greatly, who'd been faking sleep so that she could spy on Kagome.

Sango blushed as Miroku shifted in his sleep and his hand found its way to Sango's behind. But when Sango looked up at his face ready to smack him she instead sighed and wiped the cat food off his cheek.

Then she really did fall asleep against his shoulder, his hand tightening in it's position as he dreamt, and he wasn't the only to be dreaming. Kagome started having nightmares of leaving Inuyasha and her small cries of pain and fear woke the hanyou above her up.

He yawned widely and sighed as he saw Shippo sound asleep on his chest, he tried to figure out exactly how the fox got there but he couldn't remember.

Something wasn't right, he hadn't been the least bit tired when they'd landed there and ye he'd fallen asleep. Maybe it was the tranquility of the trees around them.

He heard a small cry of fear come from the bottom of the tree he was laying in. Careful not to wake Shippo, though he was sure the fox could sleep through a hurricane, he looked down to see Kagome laying on the base of the tree.

She was twitching and sweat was glistening on her face. He sniffed the air and was surprised to smell fear and pain emitting from the girl.

He carefully placed Shippo on the branch and jumped down. He landed quietly on the ground in front of Kagome. Her face was scrunched up in pain and now she was mumbling.

"Inuyasha...Sango...Shippo...Miroku...Kilala..." she mumbled. Inuyasha studied her, then reached up and wiped the sweat away from her face gently. She mumbled and shifted towards him. He blushed as her arms reached up and wrapped around his neck.

He gulped, his heart was going at super speed. He put his arms around her waist and turned carefully so that he was leaning against the tree and Kagome was asleep against his chest.

He yawned and forced his eyes open. What was wrong with him?! He shouldn't be this sleepy, he hadn't done anything besides chopping wood for the old man, but he'd never get tired from doing such a measly, human chore!

The he realized what had to be going on! An exhaustion demon. It drained energy making the victim sleepy so that they would be more vulnerable to the demon when it finally made its attack.

Inuyasha roughly shook Kagome, his face grew fearsome when Kagome didn't make any sign of waking up. He looked at the others he had to figure a way to wake them up, so he resorted to the good old Inuyasha style. Yelling!

"Wake up! Wake up right now, dammit!" he yelled. Everyone except Kagome woke up wit a startled exclamation. Shippo had accidentally fallen out of the tree and was now glaring at the hanyou.

"What's going on?" Sango yelled slapping Miroku as his hand began to rub her behind again. Miroku also yawned, he was ready to finish his nap of Sango.

"We are being drained by an exhaustion demon..."Inuyasha growled, stilling shaking Kagome who refused to wake up!

But before he could do anything else the demon was there. Inuyasha carefully lay Kagome down and stood up beside Miroku and Sango.

The demon looked like a black spirit. It was in the form of a human girl but you could see right through it and she was a hazy black. None of them noticed the tentacles coming from her sides and latching onto Kagome's body.

And Kagome was already so weak from Naraku's attack. Sango had a feeling that Kagome didn't even have the three months Naraku had given her anymore. She'd only had three months because she'd had the energy to fight off the demon's poisonous vapors.

"Sanko Tassou!" Inuyasha cried using his claws. Sango backed him up with her boomerang but both were absorbed by the demon and caused no harm.

Sango gasped as felt an evil aura. `A demon like this one does not have an aura this evil. This aura can only belong to one person...Naraku. But Inuyasha hasn't said anything about catching Naraku's scent.' she thought dodging the demon's energy attack.

Naraku was indeed watching the group as the fought his weakest incarnation. He's created the exhaustion demon for a more malicious purpose. He smirked as Kagome's energy levels kept dropping. He motioned for the demon to stop draining her. He focused hi eyes on her and activated the poison inside of her.

The one thing about Naraku entering the poison into Kagome was so that he could control her completely without the help of a jewel shard. A red glow surrounded her and Inuyasha and the others didn't even notice.

When Kagome's eyes opened they were as blank as could be. She slowly stood up and went over to her yellow back and picked her bow and arrows up. She put one onto the line and aimed it for Inuyasha.

Inuyasha growled as and energy bolt hit him in his arm, whether he wanted to admit or not, those things hurt! Then it happened and arrow went flying by the side of his face. He gasped and slowly turned around to see who was responsible for the arrow.

There she stood, just as Kikyo had fifty years ago. She was looking at him but unlike Kikyo her eyes were blank, but Inuyasha didn't notice this all he saw was Kagome pointing another arrow right at him.

"Die, Inuyasha!" she cried. He dodged the arrow that she released, but before he could regain his footing she had already launched another arrow and it struck him in the heart pinning him to the tree that they had been sleeping under.

Kagome groaned, dropping the bow. She fell to the ground holding her sides. Someone was trying to put her under their spell, but she couldn't let them. She'd already shot Inuyasha, she had to get to him.

And then it let up or at least the spell had. The pain coming from her wounds hadn't but she ignored it. She stood up, wavering slightly. She ran to Inuyasha who was trying not to fall into the enchanted sleep that the arrow was once again putting him under.

"Don't! Please don't close your eyes!" Kagome's voice begged. "I'm sorry! I-I was under someone's control...DON"T LEAVE ME!" she screamed pulling the arrow out. But it caused her to use a large amount of energy, and she collapsed as Inuyasha's vision finally cleared.

"Kagome!" he cried as he looked at her prone figure. He fell to his knees and took her by her shoulders and shook her hard. Her face was so pale and she was barely breathing. What was going on? Why was she so weak?

Then he felt something wet on his hand from where it was on her back. He gently lay her down and looked at his hand. It was covered in her blood! His eyes went wide, she'd been injured and hadn't told him? Why the little...

"BACKLASH WAVE!" he cried using the attack on the figure. It screamed as it disappeared. He sheathed his sword and looked at Miroku and Sango, anger flaring up in his eyes, they laughed slightly and began to back away.

"What the hell happened to Kagome's back?!" he growled softly. Miroku and Sango looked at each other and then back at Inuyasha who looked like he could transform into a full demon and not give a rat's ass if he killed them for keeping a secret from him.

"I suggest you start talking!" he growled. Naraku had already disappeared after Kagome had shot Inuyasha.

"Kagome was attacked while she was gathering herbs. Naraku was the one that attacked her. He poisoned her blood stream with miasma.

"But with all the energy that she's used today, I doubt she even has the three months that Naraku had given her. Inuyasha, she's going to die." Miroku was brave enough to tell him.

Inuyasha felt his body grow cold. Kagome was dying, and no one had even bothered to tell him? He looked down at Kagome who was still breathing so lightly that one could've imagined that she was really dead. Inuyasha shook his head, he shouldn't think like that.

"Can I save her?" he asked looking back at Miroku. Miroku sighed, Kaede had told him the only way to save Kagome, and he had agreed that Inuyasha wouldn't like what had to be done to save her.

"Where her soul is divided she has less energy to fight off the miasma. That's what Naraku found out and he attacked her apparently. Inuyasha the only way for Kagome to live is if her soul is once again completed." he finished.

"To do that you're going to have to make a choice. Kikyo or me." Kagome whispered, trying to sit up.

Instantly Inuyasha was at her side, pushing her back down onto the ground shaking his head.

"Don't move, Sango will re-bandage your wounds in a minute but we need to talk, alone." he looked back at the others and they immediately scattered.

He looked back down at Kagome who refused to look him in the eye. He knew he deserved that, after all what had he ever done to deserve a wonderful person like Kagome? Absolutely nothing.

"Kagome, because all of I've done to you, I'm not sure that I don't deserve to go to hell with Kikyo." he whispered looking down at his hands. Kagome's eyes snapped up to his.

"Iie! Iie! You don't deserve the fate that Kikyo wishes for you! You deserve more than you've ever had in you entire life and you know it! Stop beating yourself up about this!" she whispered sitting up and hugging him tightly.

He closed his eyes and hugged her back, she was so wonderful to him even when he didn't deserve it.

"Hai, Kagome. Death is what I deserve for not sensing your pain." he said stubbornly.

"Iie! Iie! Onegai, don't do this! Onegai!" she screamed pulling away from him, tears gathering in her pretty eyes.

"Kuso! I have to!" he growled.

"Iie. I won't watch! If you want to go to hell go with Kikyo! I hate you for this choice! I hate you!" she stood up wobbly and ran as fast as she could away from Inuyasha.

"KAGOME!" she heard him scream. She didn't listen, when she tripped she got back up because she could hear Inuyasha following her.

Then she ran through a force field of some sorts. She stopped running and looked around. Suddenly a figure appeared before her and she gasped. It was Inuyasha's mother, Kagome remembered her figure from when Sesshomaru had tricked them.

She closed her eyes as she remembered the fact that it was just her and Inuyasha, no Kikyo and no Naraku to bother them, just Inuyasha and her. She loved Shippo like a child and Miroku and Sango like a brother and sister. Inuyasha she loved more than life itself.

"Hello, Kagome." his mother said. Kagome took a step back, startled that she knew her name.

"H-How did you know my name?" she whispered. The woman smiled.

"Because you, like me, love Inuyasha." his mother answered. Kagome felt her anger flare towards Inuyasha.

"Yes. Well he's chosen his fate! And mine! He couldn't care less if I die!" she hissed. Inuyasha was hiding behind a tree listening to his mother and Kagome.

Was that really what Kagome thought? That he didn't care if she lived through each battle with Naraku or each emotional battle that they always seemed to go through no matter what.

If only she knew how far off the mark she was. He cared if she lived or died! It was her that didn't give a rat's ass of he lived or died in their next battle. No, that wasn't right, anger had made him think that. She cared, or she wouldn't be here with him, she wouldn't have come back after he mad his pledge to Kikyo.

She probably wouldn't have been the slightest bit upset if she didn't care about his well being. He turned his attention back to the conversation at hand.

"He does care for you. But the fate you have chosen will destroy you of you keep going on the path you are on right now." his mother said placing a hand on Kagome's cheek. Kagome looked up at the kind woman.

"I didn't chose this fate." Kagome whispered.

"Maybe you didn't, but the fate that has been bestowed on you is not the fate that you have to accept. You do not have to accept death. And Inuyasha does not have to accept the fate bestowed on him.

"Which is to forever be alone." his mother finished. Kagome gasped putting a hand to her mouth.

"Iie. Iie. I have to find him!" she turned around and he stepped out from behind the tree.

"INUYASHA!" she screamed running into his arms, sobbing. Inuyasha watched as his mother and her force field disappeared.

Inuyasha felt the blood staining his hands form Kagome's back and he hugged her tighter. She was crying so hard into his chest. He felt kinda silly because he'd been spying on her but she didn't seem to mind.

"Gomen. Gomen nasai!" she sobbed. He shook his head vehemently even though she couldn't see.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, koishii." he heard her gasp at the use of the term of endearment. She pulled away slightly and looked at him, her eyes wide with a hint of joy and the rest was doubt at what she'd heard.

"Koishii?" she whispered. He nodded and she smiled tears of happiness gathering in her eyes. But before she could say anything she felt weak. She began to sag in Inuyasha's arms. The last thing she saw was Inuyasha's worried face as she blacked out.

"Kagome?!" he cried shaking to try get her to open her eyes. He realized that he needed to get her back to Kaede quickly. He picked her up bridal style and ran as quickly as he could to the village the priestess lived in.

He landed in front of Kaede's hut and was surprised to find that she was waiting for him. He laid Kagome down near the fire and move out of Kaede's way as she brought out cleansing oils and more bandages.

Inuyasha walked outside, he needed time to think about what he would undoubtedly have to do. Kikyo was already dead and if he didn't act quick Kagome would be joining her soon it would seem.

He closed his eyes and sighed tiredly. This was difficult, how could he chose? Between the woman he'd once loved and the woman he now loved. How was he suppose to make that choice?

He couldn't. He realized that. He heard Kagome's cry of pain as nightmares tortured her in her sleep. He looked towards the door and remembered how she'd vehemently been against him going to hell with Kikyo.

`I want to be with you.' her words echoed in his head after he'd made his pledge to Kikyo. Now that came to mind. How was he suppose to break his promise to Kikyo? He couldn't do that to the reanimated priestess. He wouldn't do that.

"You swore to protect Kikyo and set her at peace. Kagome is also dying, Inuyasha. Do you have no duty to Kagome but to protect her from Naraku, which I might add you've already failed at." Kaede said coming out of the hut. Inuyasha growled at Kikyo's sister.

"I have more than just a duty to Kagome! I have a love for her and you already know that! But I can't just abandon Kikyo!" he hissed looking away from Kaede. They'd had a conversation similar to this when he'd thought Kagome had left him forever because of the pledge he'd made towards Kikyo.

"Kikyo is no longer alive. She has no feelings. No regrets about murdering the people who's souls she steals. She has no regrets of living off the souls of the dead. Inuyasha you and I both know that she is not the same woman as before." Kaede finished.

"But her soul-" he was cut off by Kaede.

"Was stolen from Kagome. It is a part of Kagome's soul that sustains my sister. But if you don't kill Kikyo and release Kagome's soul, the same fate that awaited Kikyo will become Kagome's as well.

"To wonder this world alone, forever seeking you, but no being able to be with you because she will be among the living dead. And if that does not happed then Naraku will be able to control her with the miasma he injected into Kagome. So chose Inuyasha, or Kagome will end up dying or end up killing you once again." Kaede walked away and Inuyasha mulled over her words.

An unwanted image of Kagome wondering with soul collectors swarming around her came to his head. If he didn't kill Kikyo would that be Kagome's fate as well? Kaede was right, Kikyo was already dead and she knew the peace of death.

But would he be able to forgive himself if he killed Kikyo? He sighed, he didn't want Kagome to be tied to the same fate that Kikyo had gone through. He ran in the direction Kikyo's scent always came from now and days.

He realized that he'd already made his choice. He was going to be with Kagome, if she would have anything to do with him after finding out what he was about to do.

He landed behind Kikyo and she turned a burning glare in her eyes. Apparently she knew what he had come for. She went over and grabbed both of his sleeves her eyes burning with an expectable anger. He had somehow known that at one point in time it would come to this.

"You will not be with that little witch! It is with me that you belong, Inuyasha! Can't you see that we're meant to be together?! I returned for you!" she growled up at him. He closed his eyes and felt her open and portal beneath their feet. He couldn't pull away, he couldn't abandon her.

`NO!' Kagome thought. She'd followed Inuyasha, despite the pain in her back. She couldn't believe that he'd chosen Kikyo. But somewhere deep inside of herself she'd known that it would never be her that he chose.

"Inuyasha!" she grabbed the bow and arrow that Kikyo had left and aimed it for the portal beneath their feet. She didn't care if he'd chosen Kikyo but she wasn't going to stand by and watch as he got himself killed.

It flew into the ground and closed the portal. Inuyasha's eyes snapped open as the ground beneath his feet turned solid once again. He took a step back from Kikyo and glanced at her before looking in the direction that the arrow had come from.

Kagome stood there holding the bow and she was panting extremely hard, her eyes held a feverish look. She dropped the bow and fell to the ground, her hair hiding her face as she fell.

Inuyasha shook his head. He couldn't imagine life without Kagome, it was impossible to even try. He pulled Tetsusaiga out and without looking sliced Kikyo in half. He felt her turn back into the grave-soil and ash that her body had been made out of.

He sheathed the sword and went over to Kagome and picked her up. `Thank god, she's still breathing.' he thought. He wanted to go to the place that held the most important moment in their lives together. Where they had first met.

He landed in front of the God Tree and glanced at the place that he'd slept at for over fifty years until Kagome had awoke him from the enchanted sleep Kikyo had put him under.

And now that he thought about it he was pretty sure that she was the only one that could've probably done it. He hugged her to his chest and sighed. Then he realized that he could no longer smell her blood.

He realized that the wounds were gone! Kagome groaned and Inuyasha quickly set her down on the ground. Her eyes opened slightly and opened all the way when she saw that he was looking at her.

"Inuyasha?" she whispered and he smiled down at her and nodded. he brought her back into his arms because he missed her warmth. She giggled slightly as his smile became goofy because of the relief he felt at having Kagome alive.

"What are you laughing at?!" he growled. She giggled even more shaking her head. She reached up and stroked his cheek lightly, he stopped growling and began to blush brightly.

"You, koishii. You act so...oh, I don't know. You act like Inuyasha I guess." she finally said. He blushed more at her term of endearment, then he thought through her words.

"I..I hope I act like Inuyasha! I am him after all!" he cried. She laughed even more at his reaction then nodded in agreement.

"Yes, you are. And I'm glad that you aren't anybody else." she whispered. Inuyasha brought his head closer to hers and she gasped as his lips covered hers gently. He was so gentle in his kisses as he kept kissing her. But he knew that there were more important things to talk about than for him to just be kissing Kagome.

Though he was pretty sure he could just live if he kissed her at least twenty times a day, and then he wouldn't have to eat or sleep because he could live off her kisses. But reluctantly, on both their parts, they separated.

"I was so worried when I saw you with Kikyo. I thought you were leaving me." she whispered. He shook his head and smiled down at her.

"No. I was trying to tell her good-bye, but I guess...she put me under her spell. I didn't want to abandon her. But I couldn't abandon you either. Kaede told me that what sustained Kikyo was part of your soul.

"And she also told me that if I didn't make my choice soon that you would follow the same fate that Kikyo had. And Kagome that scared me. I got images in my head of you wondering the world, not alive and not dead. But just a ghost of what you truly are, and it scared me to death." he finished.

Kagome stared up at him. He'd never acted like this before, well that wasn't true. He acted like this when he was telling the truth. His eyes had a loving look in them with a hint of doubt. She smiled up at him as tears welled up in her own eyes.

"She was right. I, like Kikyo, would've not been able to leave you. I would've rather been among the living dead and watch you from afar than never being able to see you again." she whispered.

"Iie. You will never have to go through that fate, koishii. Never." he kissed her again but when he pulled away Kagome was blushing bright red, because his hand was somewhere it shouldn't have been.

And for the first time in history Miroku was the one to drag Sango and the small fox demon away.

"They should be left alone, San-ko." he used his pet name for the exterminator to soothe her anger. She blushed and shut up.

The End





Koishii-my love

San-ko- Sango my love or my sweet.