InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Time Is The Enemy of Mortals ❯ Over the Moon ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

For the mf_sanctuary community at LiveJournal Baby Steps challenge for Week 5. The word limit for this one is 150.
Title: Over the Moon
Rating: G
Word Count: 149
Warnings: none
Summary: Sesshomaru considers his family.
Over the Moon
`He will be strong,' Sesshomaru thought.
Sesshomaru watched the young hanyou as he pulled himself to his feet and take a step towards his mother.
“Come on, Baby, you can do it,” she encouraged. She was on her knees in an elaborate kimono, her hands held outward.
`She is a good mother, and I will be here to teach him. He will not grow up without a father as InuYasha did.'
The Daiyoukai would never admit out loud that he had finally allowed himself to yield to the girl that had been with him since her eighth summer because of the strength of his brother. He was living proof that human blood was not the weakness he assumed it to be. With one small step, he had made the leap to the moon.
Rin hugged their son. “Can you go to Papa now?”
A leap in the right direction.