InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Dance With You ❯ What Do You Look Like? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey guys! This is my very first fic, well the first one to be successfully posted on the internet that is. Hope you'll like it! Have fun reading!
Author: Sabbie3021 (pen name)/Maria Isabel (real name)
Pairing: Inuyasha-Kagome (InuKag)
Summary: Kagome loves ballet and she's really good at it. Coincidentally, Inuyasha, her internet buddy, also studies in the same school where she goes. And, she was paired up in a pas de deux with him. Will she consider him as her dance partner or more than that?
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. It's an anime series created by the brillant mind of Rumiko Takahashi.

What Do You Look Like?
“Wake up… Kagome, honey, please wake up.” Mrs. Higurashi said for the nth time already.
“Unh… Huh?” Kagome said in response.
“Honey, it's already 9:45 in the morning. The sun's up for a couple of hours already. C'mon... Plus, I have some good news to tell you.”
“Uh… Okaayyy…” Kagome's voice faded in the last note.
“Your ballet teacher just called.”
“Huh? What did he say?” Kagome asked, her drowsiness fading.
“He said that you're doing good. Better even. He didn't expect you were that good already.”
“I'm in training for 9 years already what else would he expect from me?"
“Don't talk like that honey. He also said something else…”
“Really? What is it?”
“Well, within a month of observation, he decided to place you in the Company class. Isn't that great? That's a good first impression on your new teacher."
“Mom, that's good news!”
“You're class will start tomorrow at 2:00 in the afternoon.”
“What? Tomorrow already?”
“That's their schedule honey so you have to be flexible… in all aspects. I have to go now okay? (kisses Kagome on the forehead) Bye, honey!”
“Bye mom…”

During breakfast…
“Hey sis,” Souta said with his mouth full, “Can you get the remote from grandpa? He's drooling over it again.”
“No way! You get it yourself!” Kagome retorted.
“Bu-but… There's grandpa drool all over it!”
“My point! So you get it, I have to go online.”
“Why? To chat with your guy “friend”? Again? You know what I think sis? I think you're inlove with that “friend” of yours. Are you? Huh? Are you?!”
“No! I am not! He's just a friend I met in the internet whom I exchange talks with oftentimes”
“Are you sure about that?” Souta teased.
“He is not my boyfriend! Now will you quit it!”
“Then why are you acting like that? Huh? Why?”
“You know what I think creep? I think you're jealous because you don't have someone to chat with on the internet like me.”
“Hmph! Fine! Now, go to your prince charming in the land of 'Global Computer Network', as if I care!”
“Don't worry, (shakes Souta's hair), I will…”

While on the internet…
Kagz: Hey… Are you online?
Shikonaddict: Yup! And so are you…
Kagz: Isn't it obvious? Anyway… What's keeping you busy this week?
Shikonaddict: I have my ballet class tomorrow…
Kagz: You mean, you're studying ballet too? Why didn't you tell me?
Shikonaddict: I thought you're not into those stuff.
Kagz: Are you kidding? Ballet's my life! I've been studying it for 9 years already!”
Shikonaddict: Woah! I guess you're really into it huh?
Kagz: Like I told you. So... Where are you studying? I mean What school?
Shikkonaddict: Oh… The Naraku School of Ballet, you know, NSB.
A/N: Sorry guys, I just couldn't think of any school to type. The school's name must have the instructor's name in it. So, he was the one who came into my mind… Sorry...
Kagz: Really?! That's where I go too! What level are you?
Shikonaddict: Well, I'm already in the Company class.
Kagz: Oh my… What a coincidence! I'm also in the Company class!
Shikonaddict: I see… I guess you're the one the teacher's talking about yesterday. He said a girl's joining us tomorrow. Hmm… I guess you must be really good. You were already accelerated in our level for just a month of observation!
Kagz: Well, just like what I said earlier… I've been dancing ballet for 9 years already.
Shikonaddict: Yeah… That's already a long enough time to be good. Hmm… Let's see whose better between the both of us. Wanna bet with me?
Kagz: giggles I guess I'll lie low first since I'm still a newbie.
Shikonaddict: I guess you're right with that. So, uhm… I got to go now. I still have to do some stuff before my mom gets home or she'll kill me!
Kagz: Okay! You take care of yourself!
Shikonaddict: Don't worry… I will… Can't wait to see you, at last.
Kagz: Me too… Bye…
End of Chapter