InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tokyo/Shikon High ❯ Revolution Part 2 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha!

Kagome walked down the school hall on Monday.
"Ugh, my head feels like someone just ran it through a wall." She muttered to herself as she approached her locker.
"Talking to ourselves now, huh?" Said a rough voice behind her.
Kagome turned around surprised. "Hoshien!" She smiled then wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. "How are you?" She paused with an imbarrised look on her face. "Um, I heard you took really good care of me at that party I went to, over the weekend." Her cheeks took on a deep blush. "Thanks, thanks a lot for everything."
He took her hand and she looked up at him, once again surprised beggining to go into a deeper blush. "Kagome, you don't understand how scared I was! You had alcohol poisoning." He paused. "I think you should try to cool it with the drinking a little. What if it was worse than alcohol poisening? What if you really did get hurt?" He said seriously, looking into Kagome's eyes.
Kagome didn't know how to respond to this sudden act of affection. It took her off guard. 'C'mon Kagome say something don't just look up at him like an idiot.' She thought to herself passionatly. She stood there taking in every inch of him, suddenly, she leaned up and planted a kiss. Right on his lips. Now that caught Hoshien off guard. It also caught another unsuspecting person off guard, who obsessed over spying on the two. Inuyasha.
"Kagome?" Hoshien said once she backed away from the kiss she had just given. Kagome's eyes were wide in shock. 'Shit what did i just do? I must of hit my head or something.' She thought frantically to herself. Hoshien said her name again and she looked back up at him confused. He took ahold of her shoulders and pulled her towards him to placing a hard passionate kiss on her lips. Once again. Suprise! for Kagome. She fell into the kiss, allowing it to go on for just a bit longer.

"What?!" Ayame yelled once Kagome finished her story about the little incident between she and Hoshien. Ayame wasn't even interested at first. Niether were the other females Kagome was explaining to, for they had a lot to think about since none of the problems were solved with their own relationships. But once Kagome put the words kiss, me, Hoshien and lips together they all were interested.
"Yea." Kagome nodded and blushed deeply. The girls were in their first period class. They all glanced across the room to see an angry Inuyasha staring right back. They flashed Kagome a look.
"Inuyasha is pissed!" Rin said trying to be quieter with this information. Kagome didn't look at him. She couldn't, she knew that somewhere deep down hidden, somewhere, Inuyasha had feelings for her.
But she couldn't just wait around for him and Kikyo to break up. 'How long will that take?' Is exactly what she was thinking and then convinced herself that, that, was that, and there was nothing she could do.

- - - - - - - -

"Well at least Kagome has some luck on her side." Sango said in a depressing tone to Ayame and Kirara in English.
Kirara leaned over and patted her melancholy friend on the back. "It's okay Sango, I'm sure it will pass. You know Miroku. He lets things go. All you have to do is put a really short skirt on and let him grab your ass. Things will resolve themselves in time. A few gropes and you're good!" Kirara said trying to cheer Sango up with a 'Miroku=perve' joke. Sango smiled and nodded. She took in a deep breath and breathed out hard trying to keep back the tears that seemed to be waiting in line to drop out.
Ayame watched this with a pained face. She didn't really understand why she wasn't acting like her friend, crying, getting torn up, and probably going home and thwarting all of her anger on eating icecream and watching lame soap operas. Sango was not even the kind of person to cry and get so distraught about something like this. Ayame was, so why wasn't she?

Rin played with her food in lunch, not eating it. Just thinking. Which wasn't really her thing. Kirara looked across the cafeteria from where she sat. Inuyasha, Kouga and Miroku were sitting at a different table. Furthest one they could find from the place the girls were seated. Kirara looked back at her friends. All absorbed in thier thoughts. She was glad she didn't go with them to that party.Yes, she probably would have kicked everyones ass in beer pong. Yes she would have seen some crazy belligerant scenes, but yes, unfortunately she would have seen her friends cry and fight and yell. Then some how she would have gotten in the middle of it. She wouldn't be surprised if one of the girls or one of the boys walked right up to her right that moment for advice or a favor to help out with this huge dramatic situation. Actually she was expecting it. She sighed then looked over at Rin who seemed to be in deep thought. 'Rin.Thinking?' Kirara pondered when she saw this. 'I can't even put those two words in the same sentance. Let alone have her do it!' She could not help it. Kirara looked over at Rin, then unenthusiastic, but curiously asked her to explain what happened with her on that dramatic night.

"I think." Rin started after Kirara reluctantly asked. "That Sesshoumaru and I are going to be good. He cares a lot about me." She said thinking back to Friday night.

The perfect time, for a Flash Back.

Seshoumaru sat in the driveway of his house in the drivers seat of the expensive car that he owned. Rin was in the passenger seat, not daring to say anything for fear of the consequences.
"Rin." Shesshoumaru stated not looking at her. "What did you do tonight? Did you go and hook up with random guys, flirt around or have sex with any of the men at that party?"
Rin's eyes widened in disbelief at the bluntness of his question. "Well." She paused not really knowing how to answer.
"I would prefer you to tell me the truth." He comanded in monotone. Rin hesitated, then nodded.
"Well. I did flirt with guys. I was drunk. I still am. I dunno. I might have kissed a guy." She said this like a child trying to explian why they broke thier mothers antique vase. Pathetically and choppy with little words.
Sesshoumaru was quiet. "You kissed another person. Other than me?" She nodded. Sesshoumaru also nodded and breathed in deep.
"Okay." He said with a pause. Rin looked at him in suspense. It was killing her. What was he going to say next? "Rin." He continued. " I don't want you running around with random guys. I don't like when you flirt with anyone other than myself. I like it when you stick to me and always run to me for affection, attention, and advice." Rin looked at him wide eyed. She was in utter disbelief, what was he saying? Was he really confessing that he has deep feelings for her? It was unbelievable.
"What are you saying?" She asked weakly.
He looked at her for the first time since the party. "I" He cut off not knowing how to phrase what he was going to say, being so new at this. "I want to be with you Rin. I understand that the only way i can have you just to myself, is only if i make a commitment. And i'm willing to do that." Rin, once again, was taken aback.
'How is this happening?' She thought to herself. Then after letting this statement from Sesshoumaru set in she nodded.
"Yes." She said and smiled. Then leaned forward quickly and gave him a passionate kiss. She was so happy, she didn't know how to express it. So what other way is there to express an happiness such as she was feeling?
She untangled her hands from his hair and started to unbotton his white shirt. Immediatly getting the hint Sesshoumaru pushed into her kiss. Then pulled away and looked at her. "Lets go inside."
What happened next is for your own imagination.

- - - - - - - -

Rin smiled as she thought about the rest of thier night together. "Helloo?" Kirara questioned waving a hand infront of Rin's face. "You're so weird." She mumbled once Rin looked up in bewilderment. Then Kirara forked a large amount of noodles into her mouth.
Ayame looked at Rin. 'She obviously had a nice end to her night.' She thought to herself while sipping her milk. 'While I had to listen to Kouga rant and pry about what I did at that party. It was probably for the best that we ended it. The relationship was so dry, and both of us could tell it was going to be over with.' She thought with a sigh.

- - - - - - -

Once the bell rang Kagome picked up her things then walked out of the large, ajar, cafeteria doors. She smiled at Hoshien who was waving at her then he turned around to walk in the opposite direction. Kagome smiled inwardly as she entered the art room, but it soon faded once she saw Inuyasha. She knew that some how he knew that she and Hoshien shared a kiss that morning. And was almost afraid that there was going to be some bad consequences.
She sat down at the table he was seated at. He didn't look up at her. She sighed. "Inuyasha."
"No." He said in a child like stubborness.
Kagome took in a deep breath and continued. "I know you're upset." She said gently.
"Who said I was upset? I'm not upset!" He lashed out. Obviously no where near upset!
She sighed in annoyance. "Why don't you just admit that you are mad?! You're so difficult!" She yelled back at him.
"I am not!"
"Ya are too!"
"Am not!"
"Inuyasha you're so stubborn!" She said then huffly got up and grabbed her paper and walked away.
"Hey were are you going?!" He yelled after her. "Your just gunna walk away?!"
Kagome twirled around and gave him a death glare. "Shut up!!!!" She yelled at him then stormed off to go vent her anger out on her project. Inuyasha gaped back at her and then looked around imbarrised at the other teens in the room that were watching the scene take place.

- - - - - - -

"Here!" Ayame said as she pulled a short orange dress off one of the racks in the store the girls were at. "Short dresses are all the rage for Homecoming events!" She chirped and held it up in front of Rin trying to imagine how she would look in it. Rin nodded and took it from her. Sango and Kagome were standing in front of the mirror with their 5th and 6th dress they had picked out.
"Hey guys." Kirara said hesantantly to any of her friends outside of her dressing room. "Can you tell me what you think about this dress of mine?"
The two girls walked over and peeked into Kirara's dressing room, letting out a gasp. "Kirara that dress is so nice! It really shows your curves and it's really cute." Kagome blurted.
Kirara blushed. "I don't know" She said pulling at the ruffles that started at her hips and stopped with the dress right above her knees.
"What don't you know about it?" Sango asked then yanked Kirara out of the small room and yelled over at Ayame and Rin. "You guys look, Kirara found her dress!" She said and pointed. The girls all rushed over and chimed in thier thoughts about the dress. when they were finished they checked out and all left the mall with what they wanted.

"I'm surprised we got good dresses so late!" Kagome said as they loaded thier things into the car.
"This is like the biggest mall ever. Of course we will find good dresses probably anytime in the year!" Ayame said through clenched teeth as she tried her hardest to push all the bags in the trunk to fit.

"Sesshoumaru is going to yell at me for getting an orange dress!" Rin laughed as she hopped in the back seat of Sango's car.
"Our school would be the last to have thier homecoming!" Kirara huffed with a smirk as she got in to sit in the front seat. The girls nodded and after helping Ayame push the remaining bags into the trunk they got in and drove home.

- - - - - - - - -

That Friday the girls all headed to the town mall to get things to dress in for the biggest football game of the year.
"Face paint!" Rin held up to her girl friends, and Sesshoumaru, Bankotsu and Hoshien who decided to tag along. They smirked and decided to sneek away from the Tokyo/Shikon High store that was dedicated to funding everything you can think of that can go with the school before the girls decided that this should be a full team effort and bring them into it also.
"Kagome picked up a navy blue afro wig and put it on. Look!" She said laughing, Ayame got out her camera and they all started wearing hats and different things that they could find in the store. Finally their goofing around was inturrupted by the re-entering of the three boys. They immediatly corked thier eyebrows at the girls being complete idiots. The girls started laughing and finally dropped all the things they were getting in Hoshien Sesshoumaru and Bankotsu's arms. Once Hoshien pulled into Ayame's driveway he looked over at Kagome. "Hey I gotta go now. The coach wants me there at 4. Early because it's the last game." He said relunctanly.
Kagome frowned. "Okay." She sighed then gave him a peck on the lips then hopped out of his car. Inuyasha flashed at the back of her mind. She frowned and shook her head. Then tryed to forget as she slowly walked up Ayame's large stairs leading into her house.

"Face paint!" Rin yelled with her hair in pig tails, and was wearing navy blue sweat pants and a shirt that said 'I'm rooting for Tokyo/Shikon High!' on the front of it with a thumbs up on the back. Her friends looked at her finished outfit and giggled.
"Your shirt is so lame Rin." Kirara said in a chuckle.
Rin frowned. "Whatever. I like it!" Then hopped off to put two streaks of navy blue face paint on her cheeks.
"Hey I want some of that too!" Kagome chimed in and followed her into the bathroom. She had her hair parted and put in two braids and her bangs pinned up to make a poof on top of her head. She was wearing sweats that said sain "Tokyo/Shikon High" on the side and a white long sleeved shirt that had the school mascot on the back with the phrase "We can conquer any team!" on the back. Kirara looked at Kagome's shirt and huffed. "Jesus! Can't we just make ONE good phrase to go on our shirts? 'We can conquer anything!!!" She repeated the phrase in a stupid voice taunting the shirt and turned around to also pin up her bleach blond hair. She was wearing a white t-shirt with navy blue under-armer underneath. Sango had just one french braid in her hair. She wore a plain long sleeved navy blue shirt with navy blue sweats.

When Sesshoumaru came to pick up Rin he stopped and looked at her.
"What?!" She asked impatiently.
He just looked at her then turned around. "C'mon Rin." He said ignoring how stupid his girlfriend looked with her face paint and tacky shirt.

They all loaded into their cars and went to the game late. None of them watched the game. They all socialized. If Hoshien did something good Kagome would cheer and pretend she knew all about the game. The only one that payed any attention at all was Kirara and she had to explain to her friends what was going on everytime she cheered or boo'ed. Tokyo/Shikon won the game by a land slide. Hoshien was given MVP of the football team and after wards Kagome ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"Hey babe!" He said and picked her up and twirled her around, all while still in his dirty football uniform.
"You did so good! You should deffinently give me tips." She joked then had to leave so Sango could drive her home.

- - - - - - - -

The next day Ayame's dad picked Rin up and they went to the school to start decorating for the school Homecoming that was taking place that night.
"Masquerade! Yay!" Rin sang and bounced impatient to get to the school.
Ayame was leaning her head on the window. "Rin, please. It's 7 in the morning on a Saturday." She mumbled then tried to get some rest before her father pulled into the U of a drive way to the school.
Rin and Ayame walked into the school, a few others that were on the council had already arrived. Rin beamed a smile at Ayame once she saw the mountain of decorations in the middle of the floor that they had to hang up. Ayame did not return the smile, just rolled her eyes and started towards the decorations lazily. She stayed away from Rin for a while not wanting the joy of decorating an huge place with high ceilings and ladders to rub off of Rin and on to her.
Kagome woke up with a discouraged look. She hopped into the shower thinking of the first thing that popped into her head when she opened her eyes that morning. 'Inuyasha, the person i think about when i fall to sleep. And the first person to enter my mind when i wake up.' She thought with a sad look then turned off the shower and got out.
Kikyo had stayed over at Inuyasha's and now was cuddled up to him in his bed. She had been awake for a while now, but enjoyed the warmth of his body and the feeling of safety it brought her at that moment. Inuyasha's nose twitched then he squeezed Kikyo gently. She snuggled up closer. Then Inuyasha mumbled something. She couldn't quite hear it but she smiled to herself thinking how stupid he was. "" He mumbled.
Kikyo's eyes widened in disbelief. She strained her ears and tried to catch anything else that came out of Inuyasha's mouth other then snores or unclear mumbles. She moved away from him not knowing what to do. "Kagome?" She questioned lightly.
Inuyasha opened his eyes and leaned forward. "What, who?" He questioned looking around for the person that Kikyo hardly even whispered. She got a distressed look on her face.
"I said Kagome." She reussured through persed lips that what he heard, was really what he heard. He looked over at her his eyes wide but then relaxed once he noticed how stupid and noticable his feelings were at the moment.
Kikyo glared at him. "Because you said her name in your sleep." She rose off the bed and gathered her things.
Inuyasha sat there watching her. "Where are you going?" He questioned. She didn't answer and left his room walking speedily through his lounge. Inuyasha got up to follow her but then stopped before opening his door in persuit. "What am I doing?" He asked himself. Then paused, he took a step back then slowly sat back down on his bed not continuing his chase after Kikyo.
Kouga and Miroku got ready together at Inuyasha's house. Their dates were last minute but still good looking. Kouga's date had medium wavy dark brown hair her name was Sally. Miroku's date had long black hair and her name was Nia. Inuyasha sat in his lounge with a black tux on and a red vest with a black tie. Miroku wore a black tux with a purple vest and a black tie while Kouga also wore a black tux, a silver vest, with a black tie. Inuyasha was leaning over picking lint off his knee in boredom as the two girls got ready with his best friends. When they finally were finished Sally, Kouga's date was wearing a silver dress with black sparkling jewels all over it, Miroku's date Nia wore a short purple dress. Miroku was pleased and he grabbed the girls butt. She screamed and then giggled. Inuyasha looked at Miroku, he could tell by the surprised look on Miroku's face; he didn't get slapped like he usually would by Sango. Then another feeling showed on Miroku's face- dissapointment.
Kouga came up and threw himself on the couch beside Inuyasha. "Where the hell is your girlfriend!?" Kouga asked Inuyasha. He didn't answer. But like Kouga's question was a signal Kikyo burst through the door in a red dress that came down almost to her knees. It had a white floural design that slivered it's way down her shoulder to her hip she wore black shoes and her hair was half up and half down. She looked angry. Kikyo walked up to the couch that Inuyasha was sitting on then sat about a yard away from him and pretended he wasn't there at all until they all were ready to leave.
Kouga and Miroku stayed clear of Kikyo. "What's up with her?" Kouga wispered to Miroku.
He looked back and fourth between the couple then shrugged. "Another fight most likely."
"Yeah, but i wonder what it was about. It's been awhile since they got into it." Kouga wispered back but shut up when Inuyasha gave him a death glare when sensing that he was being talked about.
Thier dates must have not noticed the mood Kikyo was in and walked stright up to her. They perched themselves on either side of her. "Hi, I'm Nia!" The girl in the purple dress chirped and did a little wave. "That's Sally." She pointed and the girl in the silver dress who just smiled.
Kikyo looked at both of them in surprise. 'Where did the other girls go?' She thought to herself. "Hello, I'm Kikyo." She smiled at the two girls. "You go to Tokyo/Shikon High?" She asked pleasantly.
Kouga and Miroku just stared at her in disbelief. "I got two words for you- Bipolar." Kouga wispered to Miroku.
Miroku rolled his eyes and sighed at his friend. "That's one word."
The girls were ready and everyone was leaving out of the house.
"Here my beautiful Nia, you can wear my coat. It's very cold outside." Mroku smiled then put a distrustfull hand on her back and walked her to the car. Kouga did the same.
Inuyasha put his coat over Kikyo's shoulders and went to ask her if she was comfortable but before he could get a word out she huffily walked away from him and got into the car. Inuyasha stared icily at her back as she walked away. He took a deep breath and quietly followed and balkly threw himself into the drivers seat following his friends out of the driveway.
- - - - - - - - -
"Okay i could put this on the other day! But it won't fit over my hips now!" Rin whined as she struggled with her shiny, orange, silky, short, dress.
Sango rolled her eyes, she tugged her long flowy black dress up and put her arms in the thick straps that hung gently off her shoulders and then walked over to her friend. "Geeze Rin, it's because you have to unzip it first. Then put it on, after that you zip it back up!" She explained with hand gestures.
"Oh okay! I get it!." Rin chirped then un-zipped the dress, it succsessfully slid up over her hips. She beamed at Sango.
Kirara was already leaning over the sink of Ayame's bathroom in her short black ripple dress looking at more makup than ever has even been near her face. Kagome smiled bright with her crimson dress on, its came a little past the knees but it had a lightness to it and flowed with her every move. The pattern was a black fluoral patteren from one side of the dress and swirved down to the other. (oh, that sounds familiar -_^) "Okay." Kagome said and held up one make-up tool after the other. "Eye liner, mascara, lipstick, coverup, blush, lip liner and ummmmm." She paused looking around in a box. "Finger nail polish!" Kagome smiled even bigger then before. "I can't bevieve that you're letting me do this!" Then Kirara closed her eyes and braced herself for Kagome's makeup skills.
Bankotsu, Sesshoumaru, Hoshien, Craig and Brad were all sitting on the couch in Ayame's room while the girls yelled back every-now and then. "Don't look, coming out of the closet!" or "You guys better not peek I'm not fully clothed!" Anything on the lines of that was said as the girls ran back and forth between the walk-in-closet and the large bathroom. The boys shrugged, nothing they haven't seen before one of them would say over and over just to tease when really all they cared about was the college football game that was playing on the big-screen.
All the men had black tuxes on except Sesshoumaru who wanted to be different and wear a white suit, he had an orange tie to match with Rin though.
Ayame wore a short silver dress. The girls looked at her when all the commotion came down and were actually standing in the same room. "Wow Ayame when you say you're going to chill with it this year you really mean it!" Sango said in astonishment.
"Yeah, no pattern no outragiously expensive-anything!" Rin said as she circled her best friend looking her up and down.
Ayame put her hands on her hips and stuck her nose up in the air. "Yeah I know!" She smiled smugly proud of herself for holding back this year.
"Great, I'm so proud of you." Kirara said examining herself in the mirror.
Ayame looked over wide eyed. "Kirara, you look so good!" Ayame squealed and ran over to her. The other girls gathered around Kirara and commented about everything and told Kagome about how good of a job she had done with the make-up.
The boys still sat outside on the couch. Sesshoumaru glanced at his watch then continued listening to the girls squeel and giggle inside the bathroom. "They've been at that for about an hour now." Mumbled Craig.
Finally after the girls were done being outrageous they walked out of the bathroom in good spirits. Their dates rose in anticipation to finally see the chicks they were escorting to the dance. Walking up to thier dates they all talked and complimented eachother.
(Okay- if you have a wonderful memory- then good for you, but if you don't here is what they are all wearing:
Kirara: Half up half down(hair) Black dress with ruffles that start at the hips dress does not go past knees.
Bankotsu: Black tux/suit black tie
Rin: Curly (hair) Orange, short, shiny dress
Sesshoumaru: White suit/tux, Orange tie (cuz he thinks he's so cool)
Sango: Half up half down curly (hair) Black, long dress with thick sleeves that fall gently off her shoulders.
Brad: normal black/black
Ayame: Curly down (hair) Short silver dress plain but still cute- she was being original.
Craig: normal. black/black
Kagome: Curly and down (hair) flowy, crimson dress with a flower pattern coming from the shoulder of one side spirling to the hip on the other side, dress hardly comes past knees.
Hoshien: black tux/suit with a crimson tie.
Of course they all got Corsage's and flower things- do i really have to explain that!?
Okay Really Sorry - i'll get back to the story now!!!!!!!!)

Ayame looked at the clock hanging on the wall and gasped. "Okay lets go look at the time!" She yelled and then grabbed craig and ran like the wind down the steps into the Limo her daddy was so kind to rent for the large group. The rest of the girls ran along and pulled thier dates with them- some more graceful than others when it came to running in high heels.
"Hey how about some champaign before we get there, huh?" Ayame yelled over everyone's laughter and conversing inside the limo. Her friends all nodded and she pulled out the glasses and started pouring.
"You guys better talk about how great the decorating is in here!" Rin yelled from the front of the group as they all were walking into the large place.
"Only because you decorated it." Shesshoumaru monotoned in reply. Rin looked up at him and frowned.
"You're being a jerk!" She mumbled then walked at a quicker pace to get away from him. Sesshoumaru pulled her back to her original walking place and put his arm around her waist. He pulled her close as they entered the large Homecoming dance.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Inuyasha and Kikyo walked seperatly, not close, but not too far to be noticed by other people that didn't know them to be fighting at the present. Miroku repeatedly grabbed his dates butt and she repeatedly giggled in response, which disapointed him. He missed his Sango who always hit him at every perverted move. 'Oh my dear Sango i do miss you, who will ever be so protective of me and yet herself at the same time?' He thought as they entered the Homecoming dance.
The first couple minutes in entering would kill a person who is clostrophobic. Every person was no more then a coule inches away from the other. The girls pushed thier way through holding on to thier dates.
"Wholly shit! You guys should have got a bigger place!" Kirara yelled to Ayame and Rin. They rolled thier eyes but nodded in agreement. Sango and Kagome's attention was anywhere but towards their dates. The girls were too busy hopping to see over people or wandering off looking for a glance at their boys. Miroku and Inuyasha.
"Kagome?" Hoshien said loudly to herl and inturrupting her search. "Who are you looking for?" He said with a confused face.
"What?" Kagome yelled and returned his expression. Hoshien sighed then pulled Kagome through the sea of people and into the hall way. It was still crowded, for there were others that needed to talk and get a breath of fresh air.
"I asked who, or what you were looking for in there. It's been awhile since we arrived here and you haven't done anything but look around for whatever you're looking for." He said in a quieter voice taking advantage of the dramatic change in loudness of thier surroundings. Kagome didn't meet his eyes just thought for a good excuse. She had too much on her mind to even think let alone come up with something good to tell Hoshien. So she shrugged with a smile. "C'mon! I love this song!" She chirped and yanked him back into the crowded room that was playing Justin Timbarlike: My Love thumping through the sound system.
Ayame was having a good time talking to Brad and Craig by the table that held drinks and snacks. Every now and then gazing around the room to look for her friend. 'Where is Sango?!' She thought to herself and tryed to pay attention to what Brad was talking about. "Um excuse me for a second." She smiled towards the two guys and then dismissed herself. As she squeezed herself through the crowd she accidently bumped into someone which created a domino-like effect. She gasped and was going to apologize when one of the guys her domino-effect affected turned around. "Miroku?" She said surprised and a bit uncomfortably. He was her opponent, they were in a boy verses girl war and here she was face to face with him.
Miroku looked at her in surprise and took an imbarrised step back from his date who he had just been grinding with a minute earlier. "How are you Ayame?" He said loudly.
She stood there staring at him in confusion trying to decode what he had just said behind the loud music. When she figured out enough. "Oh, good." She nodded with a smile. Ayame became uncomfortable once again. She quickly turned and pushed away from Miroku through crowd. Confusion creased at his brow and he decided to follow after her.
Ayame almost jumped out into the hall with a large gasp of fresh air. She sighed and leaned on the cool wall. Sweat pricked on her forhead. She was startled when someone almost ran into her seeming to be trying to do the same thing she was. Her eyes widened when the boy turned and looked at her anxiously.
"Miroku?" She once again repeated, exasperated.
"Ayame, I don't want things to be weird just because-" He cut off not wanting to say the fact of him and Sango no longer a 'something'.
Ayame didn't need to hear what he was going to say. She could have guessed by the look on his face when he said her name. Her face softened. "Yea. I don't want things to be weird either." She paused not making eye contact. "But I can't do anything about it." She said stubbornly.
Miroku looked down and concentrated on his shoe laces. 'Great, not only do i lose the girl i love, i lose most of my closest friends.'
"Well, I'll see you." She said stiffely and began to turn to escape the ackwardness. Miroku shot a pleading look at her. She stopped.
"Hows Sango?" He breathed.
"She's good." Ayame pinched out.
Miroku nodded. "Good." He paused, she went to walk away again. "I miss her so much." He said sofetly. Ayame looked back with a start, he had taken his original position staring at his shoe laces. She pitied him, but continued to walk away pretending that she didn't catch the last of what he had said.
- - - - - - -

Inuyasha sat near Kouga with his arms crossed. Kouga's date sat with her legs crossed and a light expression. Kouga glanced over at her with a sneer. "This girl is going to kill me. She won't dance, eat, talk, or, you know. Do anything that a normal human would do!" He hissed in Inuyasha's ear. "She sits like she has a fucking 2 by 4 taped to her back." He added on after a second glance at the girl.
Inuyasha leaned forward and looked at Kouga's date; stiff, chipper, and completely boring with a flat personality. Inuyasha rolled his eyes then glanced around and between anyone standing in his range of view. He was on the look out for Kikyo. She dissapeared about a second after they stepped into the room. 'Probably off to her old antics.' He thought with a huff and then gazed at his friend who was still fed up with his date.
- -
Miroku held his date firmly in front of him as her back side thrusted back and forth to Ludacris:Get low. Sweat dripped off his face. He watched it as it hit the floor in a mute splat. He let go of Nia and mouthed that he was going to get something to drink. She nodded waving him away as she twisted her way over to grind with one of her girl friends.
Miroku smiled at one of the teachers who volenteered to chaperone the dance. "Water, please." He gestured. He stood gazing at all his peers popping in and out of the fortress of people dancing and grinding looking like in a few minutes a couple of them were going to find the nearest janitors closet and get it on. Someone sitting alone on one of the chairs that was lined up on the side of the wall caught his eye. He tried to squint and see who it was through the dim lighting, but gave up after the strain hurt his eyes. The chaperone tapped his shoulder and Miroku took the cup nodding his head in thanks. He was too tired to stand and decided to find out who this loner chick was. 'Maybe I could cheer her up.' He thought pervertedly. He froze when he got about 3 yards away from the girl and could see who the firgure really was. "Sango." He said under his breath as different emotions he wanted to express formed one after the other on his face. He continued to stand there and watched her sit there with her head down ironing a ruffle in her dress with her hand. When he moved and it caught her eye. She looked up with a start, Sango squinted and panicked when she saw that it was Miroku.
He looked at her with a gentle expression. He was relieved that she in some way cared that he was standing near her. "Sango." He said loud enough for her to hear. He quickly sat down by her, she looked away not knowing wether to run or stay. Like he read her mind. "Stay here with me, just for a while." He said softly and took hold of her hand and gave it an squeeze.
Tears puddled in her eyes, finally she blinked and they streamed down her face followeding thier own seperate trail. Sango threw herself into his arms and buried her head in his chest. "Miroku." She got out in between sniffs.
He embraced her, relief overcame him. 'She still cares.' He thought and hugged her harder. She raised her head to lock eyes with him and she slowly leaned up to kiss him, he fell into it in liberation.
- - - - - -
The head of the student council got on the stage with a microphone in her hand. "Excuse me everyone!" She said after the Dj paused the music. "Is everyone having a good time tonight?!" She said encouragingly. The students cheered and yelled. "Good! Well there is some good news. We have tallied the votes." She held up a square blue envolope. "In this envelope are the names of this years homecoming King and Queens!" She said in a chipper voice. Everyone clapped and cheered over-exagerating the emotion that should actually be expressed about a card with six names on it. She continued. "Okay! The tenth grade King and Queen are." She gave a suspenseful pause and looked around. "Tsonya Willonksy and Hemnai Granz!!!" She yelled in excitment as a girl with a blue dress and a boy in a black tux submerged from the crowd. While everyone patted them on the back and cheered them on.
"The eleventh grade King and Queen is." Again she did another pause, but this one was more suspenful because it actually mattered to the group. Ayame, Rin, Kagome and the rest of the gang perked to hear thier grades winner. "Inuyasha Hioshi and Yura Itsuki!!" Kagome twisted the whole way around to see the guy that she was looking for all night. Leaving the conversation she was having with Hoshien and her girlfriends. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and Yura sqealled as her friends reflected the same, jumping up and down. The same routine took place, they submerged from the sea of people with cheers and pats on the back. The teacher clapped and then opened the card with the senior King and Queen. Again with the suspense. "Sesshoumaru Hiroshi and Mizuki Momoka!" She clapped as the crowd cheered. Rin hopped up and down and kissed Sesshoumaru then pushed him to go up on the stage. She then glared at his beautiflul homecoming queen he would be dancing with when the music started. The Chaperone smiled at all the Kings and Queens of thier grades and slowly walked down the line putting thier crown on thier head. It went biggest to smallest. Small crowns for the sophmores, medium for Juniors and large for the Seniors. The lady wispered something to all of them and then directed the Dj to play something slow. First the Seniors had to walk slowly down the steps of the stage with thier arms linked. Then the Juniors and then finally with the least expierience, the sophmores. Inuyasha huffed at having to link with Yura. 'Every freaking year with this stupid tradition.' He thought to himself with a sigh. Once all the pairs were in the center floor they had to slow dance.Inuyasha didn't make eye contact with Yura, but he could still feal her stare. He kept focusing on the crowd, Kikyo and Kagome's face flashed through his mind when he squinted at every person's face that looked familiar, trying to see through the dim lighting.
After about a minute of this the chaperone brought the speaker up to her mouth. "Alright! King and queens, please chose someone else to dance." All of a sudden the crowd began to shuffle around, people wanting to get picked mobing up and the kids that would hate to be picked moving to the back. All of a sudden in about ten seconds tops, there were girls lined up around the sides of the crowd hoping for a chance at a dance with one of the three handsom guys. Inuyasha panicked and looked down at Yura for the first time. She was scanning the crowd. 'Hoshien.' Inuyasha thought with a sneer.
Then someone caught his eye, It was Kagome. His eyes widened and with out even thinking he walked over to her and pressed her hand in his. She looked at him surprised and with relief. "Inuyasha." She breathed as he pulled her out of the crowd.
- - -
Sesshoumaru loosened his grasp of Mizuki and looked for Rin. The girl tugged him closer and smiled teasingly. He looked down at her blankly and then turned his attention back onto the crowd. Mizuki scowled. "Sesshoumaru?" She said and then tugged him closer but put more effort into it. He shot his head around to look at her, his face an inch away from hers, she smiled tauntingly. Leaning forward to plant a kisson his lips. He quickly moved away leaving her to kiss nothing but the air. She opened her eyes and frowned. She stomped her foot in frustration. "Fine!" She walked over to a good looking guy in the crowd and huffily pulled him with her, center floor and slow danced. Sesshoumaru acted as if nothing happened and looked around for Rin.
Suddenly she popped out of the crowd and headed over to him. "Wow i'm surprised no girl has ran out here to take you from me!" She said pressing herself on him and putting her arms around his neck.
"Yes, what a surprise." He mumbled then began to swirl her around with the music.
- - -
Hoshien watched Inuyasha and Kagome suspiciously. 'Inuyasha better not make a move on her.' He thought then directed his attention to look at the drooling girls and perverted guys on the side lines, he rooled his eyes with a smirk. His face went seriouse when he saw one girl standing with an extremely upset face. "Kikyo?" Hoshien mouthed then looked back and fourth between her and the couple dancing mid-center of the floor. Kagome and Inuyasha. Kikyo was staring at them heatedly with Kagura and Kanna quietly mumbling things in her ear that were obviously not making her any more calm.

"He has always had a thing for her, he is your boyfriend. Not hers." Kagura said in Kikyo's ear trying to cause trouble.
"It does look like Inuyasha has feelings for this girl Kagome, I think if you do not act soon then you'll face the consequence of losing him all together." Kanna stated in monotone.
Kikyo nodded, then shook her head. Not knowing what she should do in this state of anger. "I'm angry." She said.
"Of course!" Kagura interviened. "He is your boyfriend and he is dancing with a suspicious girl right in front of you. Not only in front of you actually, but in front of the entire school!" Kagura said trying once again to heat things up.
Kikyo shook her head. "I'm angry. It would be stupid of me to act on my feelings at this moment. I would likely do something i will regret." She said.
Her friends looked at her in shock, then in panick. Anger creased across Kagura's face and she glared at Kikyo. "Who are you?" Kagura sneered then abruptly turned to storm away. Kanna just stood there not saying anything. Kagura yelled back at her. "C'mon Kanna, that is not Kikyo." Kanna looked up at Kikyo, then mutely walked after her friend.
- -

Ayame was watching this happen from across the room with Hoshien. She too was wondering about Inuyasha, Kikyo, Kagome and the Hoshien problem. Plus Yura still has a thing for him. 'Jeeze, this isn't a love triangle. It's a freaking love pentagon!" She thought to herself with a sigh. She looked over at Hoshien. "Have any idea what the KKK over there is talking about?" She mumbled to him.
He smiled at her joke. "Nah, I can't make out what they are talking about, but from the looks of it. They are mad at Kikyo, and Kikyo is mad at Inuyasha."
Ayame nodded "Oh i see. What a predicament you all are in, huh?"
Hoshien looked down at her confused and with a hint of unease. "Who's in a predicament, me?" He asked then looked up at Inuyasha and Kagome dancing and then back at Ayame.
She understood what he was thinking. "Oh uh nothing. Uh.-" She didn't know how to cover up what she had said. 'Jeeze, Ayame, you are an idiot. Hinting that Inuyasha nad Kagome like each other, to Hoshien, of all freaking people!' She thought wanting to punch herself a million times over. Hoshien looked at her confused and decided to drop it. Whatever it was, he wasn't prepared to handle it at that moment.
"Everyone get a partner and start dancing to this lovely slow song." Chimed the teacher. The students again began to shuffle around looking for thier dates, thier crushes, or boyfriends.
More and more couples flooded in around Inuyasha and Kagome. Kagome looked around not knowing why he hasn't let her go by now. The somg was over, now he could go look for his girlfriend. She looked up at him and was surprised to see the way he was staring at her. "Inuyasha?" She questioned, confused at the affectionate gaze she was recieving. Her voice seemed to break him out of the trance he must have been in. He blinked repeatedly and then let go of her and then he quickly walked away with out a word.
"Inuyasha!" She called after him trying to follow and keep up.
Inuyasha ran into Hoshien. Literally, and he ran into him hard. He was about to continue walking. Hoshien spoke. "What the fuck is your problem Inuyasha, angry that i have Kagome and you can't two time her anymore?" Hoshien blurted to Inuyasha's back.
Inuyasha stopped, the words hung over him like a storm and sank in deep. He glared back at Hoshien. He was about to go up to him but then saw Kagome squezing through the crowd. "Fuck you, Hoshien." He said then violently pushed his way through the crowd. Kagome popped out between the people just in time to see where Inuyasha was exiting. Hoshien reached out for her but she ignored him and ran after Inuyasha instead. Hoshien frowned deep. Confused at what was going on and hurt.
He was about to follow after Kagome but Ayame took a hold af his upper arm. "No, it will just make things worse. Not here." She said knowing what he wanted to do and hoped to god nothing was going to go down here or anywhere. After a pause he relunctantly fell back and nodded agreeing to hold back on his temper. 'One thing Inuyasha doesn't know how to do'. He thought in the back of his mind as he stood there. Fists clenched.

Kagome ran after Inuyasha. Soon after she submerged from the crowd she ran out of the door and into the hallway. Kagome saw him turn a corner and she quickly followed. He went into the coat room and pulled out his black jacket. When he turned around he froze. She was standing at the exit, her face was sad and Inuyasha couldn't bear to look at it. He looked down at the floor and sqeezed his anger out on the coat in his hand. "Inuyasha." Kagome said weakly, the sad expression not leaving her face.
He didn't look at her. "Kagome." He paused. Kagome flinched, the way he said her name pierced her heart, he sounded so sad and helpless. She wanted to run over to him and hold him in her arms. "Why are you here?" The question caught Kagome off guard. "Why did you follow me?" He said then waited for her reply.
The questions he had asked caught her by surprise. "What?" She asked, even though she had fully heard the question. She looked down not knowing what to say. She didn't think about anything when she was following after him. She just wanted to be with him and that was it. "I-I don't know." The words crept out of her mouth after thier long silence. Inuyasha finally looked up at her. She took in a breath, it took all her might to not run over and kiss his lips, comfort him, do anything. All she wanted was to be near him.
Inuyasha didn't know what to think. After that long pause all she could think of was 'I don't know'. He stood there not saying anything. He couldn't take it anymore. Jelousy raged through him with no way of getting out. He needed to get out of there. All he wanted was to get away from everything. Kagome, Kikyo, Hoshien. Nothing seemed to be going right. And yet, here was Kagome. Right in front of him. She followed him through a crowd of more then 600 kids and he just wants her to leave him alone? After all this time of thinking about her, dreaming about her, wanting her?
Inuyasha walked up to Kagome, starteling her. She breathed in and looked up into his eyes. He reached out for her hand and took it gently in his own. She couldn't help herself. She stepped in closer to where there was no space inbetween them. Inuyasha laced their fingers together and raised his other hand to lightly untangle her hair with his fingers. He pulled her towards him and looked deep into her eyes. Kagome was breathing fast.
She wrapped her arms around his lower back
and pulled him up against her.
He moved his head down
to lock his lips with hers.
She accepted it
letting the kiss turn into
a lustful, impassioned kiss.
- - - -

Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!
A maniacal cliff hanger!!!!!!!!!
What are you going to do?
Well of course-answer my questions and then tune in for my next chaptyyy.
Ha ha! I feel evil.

Question 1: Okay, does anyone feel bad for Hoshien and Kikyo? Jeeze like Inuyasha and Kagome both know how to lead someone on and break thier hearts! How does that make YOU feel?
Question 2:What do you think will happen, or what do you want me to make happen between the split couple of Ayame and Kouga?
Alrighty. Well, you know what they say. You can have a crush in a minute, like someone in a day, and love someone in a week. But why in the hell does it take so long to stop the feeling of crush like or love towards one person?
Stay tuned for the second chapter when i finish my first section. Thankyou, and you better reviewwww!! ^_^