InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tokyo/Shikon High ❯ Revolution ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Kagome Pulled a white long sleeved shirt out of Ayame's closet and tugged it over a deep crimson tank top. "Craig wants to meet us at Uni-mart. Then we will just follow him and who ever is with him to the party." She said going over to the bathroom mirror and leaning over the sink to comb mascara through her eyelashes.
Ayame also leans over and applys her make up. "Mmk, sounds good to me." She turns around and pokes her head out of the bathroom. "What the hell? Are you two going to be ready soon or what? If you're gunna take forever, Kagome and I can just leave you here and go have all the fun with the hunky guys by ourselves!" Ayame smiled knowing that should at least make Rin hurry up.
"No! I'm ready, just one minute!" Rin yelled out of the closet. "It's Sango's fault she's the one taking forever, I'm ready!"
"Hey shut up!" Sango yelled. Rin fell out of the closet In her underwear then a heap of clother were thrown out and smashed on her. Ayame gasped then busted out laughing. Kagome peeked out of the bathroom to see what was going on and then immediatly joined Ayame in her hysterics. Sango took a big step out of the closet and looked at the mountain of clothes that was smothering Rin. "I am the one ready thank you very much!" She humphed then looked at Ayame and Kagome who were still giggling in the entrance of the bathroom. "I am ready now. I just have to do my make up."
Rin's head submerged out of the bundle of clothes. "What the hell?" She questioned to Ayame and Kags. They just shrugged, then after getting in a last laugh ventured over to the pile of clothes and helped Rin crawl out and get her ready.

Sango jumped into the drivers seat of her black car with Kagome in the front, Ayame and Rin in the back. She was wearing a black long sleeved shirt. Ayame was in a yellow short sleeved shirt and Rin in blue. All in jeans with boots or clogs for it was Autumn and chillyyy. Sango pulled up to park at Uni-mart. Craig waved at the girls out of his black jeep. His friends Brad and Cody from the Halloween party that Kagome met were in the car with him and also poking thier heads out.
"How ya doind Kagome?!" Brad yelled out of the window.
Kagome laughed then turned around to look at her friends in the car. "Okay well, Sango? Do you want to talk to them about were this place is or what?" She questioned. Sango nodded then went to open her car door.
Ayame leaned forward. "Wait Sango." She said urgently in a whisper like the boys outside of the car could hear her from theirs. "I need to ask all of you a favor before we go gallabanting off with these guys." She looked around at her friends then took a deep breath (like she always does when going into a story about something dramatic). After she was sure she could trust them with the news she continued. "Well." She paused. "I would love for you guys to not mention about us going out to party tonight to Kouga. I don't want him to know. Lets just say everything that happens tonight, stays with tonight." Her friends looked at each other in confusion and after a pause they all nodded.
Craig and the guys were getting impatient and he yelled out of his window. "Hey what are you guys gabbing about?"
Kagome rolled down her window. "My friend Sango is gunna come over and discuss the directions with you!"
"Alright, sounds good to me."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The party happened to be on private land at a kids camp. It was being held in a big richy cabin. Once they got there Craig pulled out a bottle of tequila. "Any of you guys up for a shot of this?" He provoked as he smiled and held the bottle up like it was made of gold instead of just the clear white liquor and blue agave plants grown in Mexico. (drinkmixer) The girls looked at him and laughed. All agreeing to at least try it.
When they finally entered the party around eleven. There were kids everywhere and a beer pong table in every other room. A skinny dark haired girl walked up to them in a very happy mood and poked one of the girls. "Sango?" She said smiling then gave her a big hug. "It's me, Yura!" (Okay Yura the one that Inuyasha dated and the Hoshien thing happened). Sango smiled ackwardly not ever recalling being that great of friends with the girl but still accepted the hug with a smile. Yura stayed around them and if she did go away she would eventually come back and blab about how much she misses hanging out with them. Even though she only did hang around for about a month, and it was just because Inuyasha brought her around. Craig pulled Kagome over and yelled down at her over the music.
"You want to go take these shots now?" He asked. Kagome nodded. "Get your friends and lets go then!" Kagome pulled her friends along after him into the kitchen. Craig pushed all of the beer cans, mixers, and shot glasses out of the way and pulled 6 blue plastic shot glasses out of no where and smiled. Then poured each of the girls a shot and a double-shot for himself. Sango made a face at him and wondered how he could down it.
Their group was an attractive one and without thier usual boys around (inu,miroku,kouga,bank,shessh.) they were free to flirt and be flirted with. They soon were split up. Rin and Kagome were off wondering the party. They had enough shots of tequila in them to be tipsy and slurred. A guy yelled over at them. "Hey you two wana play beer pong?"
"Yea!" Rin and Kags say in unison and run over to the table laughing at themselves knowing that they were going to lose big time.
Sango was with Ayame standing in the same place they were when taking the shots and now continued with making drinks. "I shouldn't be drinking, not after last time. Oh and I have to drive!" Sango said freaking out. Ayame gave her a look then decided to up her dose of alcohol because she obviously did not have enough. A kid walked up to them after they had finished and put his arm around their shoulders.
"Hey I'm Gin." He slurred looking back and forth at them. Sango and Ayame started laughing as the guy started to shake his hips in a drunken dance to "Rihanna:Please Don't Stop the Music" playing in the background as he held a large gallon of gin. "C'mon ladies dance with me!" He pulled Ayame and twirled her around as he kept "shaking it". Sango soon was brought into it and they were all drunk and dancing.
- -
Kagome rose her arms up and cheered as she made it in another cup. Rin rose her hands up and gave her a double high five. "Yes, take that losaaaa!" Rin pointed to the two boys they were up against.
The guys laughed. "Yea you guys are deffinently going to beat us since you only have like one cup left!" One of them said and pointed at the girls cups. Kagome stopped cheering then looked down at her cups and frowned. She (in her mind) sneekely pulled another cup over and added it to their last standing cup. The boys laughed and yelled over. "Hey you can't do that! You're a couple of cheaters!"
Rin looked up at them with a confused face. "What are you guys talking about?" She said and then slowly moved another cup over adding it to the remaining two cups. The guys looked at each other then grabbed the cup Kagome just made and moved it back onto their pyramid.
Kagome and Rin pretended to be angry. "Stop! No, that cup does not go there!" They complained. Rin ran over to the boys side and moved the cup back to the edge of the table. One of the guys whos name is Ginta ran over and did the same. Kagome laughed and pushed him away guarding the cups. This went on for ever and it ended up with the cups spilt everywhere and the girls getting piggy back rides up the stairs back to thier alcohol.
"Yay alcohol!" Kagome and Rin yelled as they went up the stairs.
When they got up there everyone was dancing. The people playing beer pong were doing stupid tricks and busting moves between every shot.
"What's going on?" Rin yelled up to Kagome not being able to see.
"It's a bunch of drunken idiots, dancing!" Kagome yelled back to Rin and the guy whos back she was on.
- - - - - - - - - -

Inuyasha, Kikyo, Maii and Sesshoumaru were sitting at the restuarant eating thier appetizers. They had probably been there about an hour before any of thier food came.
"What the hell. How long does it take to make a damn lobster?" Inuyasha complained. His complaining stopped when his phone vibrated showing a message from Kouga.
Kouga: Ayame is getting trashed with a bunch of guys at a party right now.
Inuyasha: Don't worry about it she isn't gunna do anything.
Kouga: Kagome and all the other chicks are there too dumb ass
Inuyasha: Kagome is there? What the hell, where is this party at?
Kouga: It's at a camp near Crooks. I gotta go there Yash no dude is gunna be around my woman without me being there!
Inuyasha: Alright but i can't right now I'm at dinner with Kikyo. Tell Miroku about it too.

- - - - - - - - -

Miroku got a call from Kouga a couple minutes later.
"Miroku, fucking Ayame and the chicks are out getting trashed right now with a bunch of guys with out us. I'm fucking pissed man."
"What's going on? How do you know this?"
"Some kid called me and told me about the party and added that my girl was there dancing around with some dudes."
"Was Sango doing this too?"
"Yea Miroku. Fuck, somebody is getting thier ass beat tonight."
"I don't think it would be very wise to go into a party and immediatly try starting a fight."
"Don't give a fuck."
"Well I do want to go with you, and see how Sango is holding up. I do not want to go if you are just going to be hostile."
Kouga paused not saying anything.
"Kouga? Seriously, I'm not going to get stuck in a fight. We can just go there, get Ayame, and then leave."
"Whatever.. okay. Yash is going to go, no doubt. But he is on a date with his girl right now."
"He's going to get Kagome isn't he?"
"Yea, why else would he tag a long?"
"He is an idiot. He has a girlfriend."
- - - - - - - - -
Kagome was dancing by herself and mixing a drink at the same time. Sango hopped over in a hyper mood. "I need to pee!" She said bouncing up and down then pulled Kagome to the bathroom. She started to pull down her pants before Kagome could even shut the door.
"Sango! Wait, I need to shut the door!" She laughed then slammed it shut. "Oh wow I need to pee too!"
- -
Rin stumbled over to Craig and leaned on him. He put his large arm around her waist to help her stand. "Whoa, Rin you alright there?" He slurred looking down at her. "Actually." She paused looking around the room at the party going on. "I need more alcohol!" She said pointing at him and wobbling back and forth.
Craig shook his head and grabbed an empty tequila bottle. "Sorry babe it's all gone!" He said shaking it in front of her face. She frowned at it then bounced off to find willing boys to give her some more.
- -
Ayame was talking to the same guy that came up to her earlier wanting to dance. "Hey, is your name really Gin?" She asked leaning up on him not really being able to stand straight.
"Me? Of course!" He said sarcastically- in a drunk way. He held up his bottle of gin and took another swig. Ayame made a grossed out face then looked over at the beer pong table upstairs.
"Oh Gin, we're up! Lets go!" She said and pulled him over to one side of the table.
- -
Kagome and Sango were down stairs talking to Yura. "Yeah, more of my friends are coming later." She said. Sango nodded and took another sip of her drink not really being able to pay much attention. "Hoshien, Bubba and Hank are coming." Yura continued.
Kagome looked up in surprise. "What? Hoshien is coming!" She said excitedly.
"Yeah" Yura said confused and a little annoyed about Kagome's reaction."How do you know Hoshien?" She said almost interrogatingly. Kagome being as drunk as she was went ahead and talked up a storm about Hoshien. How he was charming and cute and their story on how they met at the cafeteria. When she was done Yura just turned around and walked away in a storm. Sango looked at Kagome with a wide smile on her face.
"Oh my god Kags, you totally pissed her off!" Sango said laughing and congratulating her. Kagome had a confused look on her face and kept asking Sango how she could possibly of made Yura mad.
- -
Up stairs at the beer pong table Ayame was making every shot. "I'm so good at this drunk!" She yelled then did a little dance with Gin.
"You're carrying me all the way girl!" He said gayly as he spun around in a circle.
- -
Rin was standing by the entrance to the party with Ginta (the guy she played beer pong with). He pulled out a Menthol ciggarette. "Want one?" He asked. She took one and they went outside to smoke. When they got out there, a white sports car drove into the drive way and parked in the yard with all the other cars. Three guys got out of it. Rin had to concentrate to see who it was because she was seeing two instead of one, when she finally focused she gasped. "Hoshien?"
"What?" Asked Ginta who was not really paying attention.
"Oh, nothing just a friend of a friend is here." She said. "Sorry gotta go tell Kagome!" She flicked her cigarette and quickly ran inside. She ran up to Ayame who was on her second game of beer pong.
"Rin! I'm so winning beer pong!" She said pointing to her game and then taking a shot just missing. "Shit, I call a re-shoot!" She yelled at the other team.
Rin shook Ayame to get her attention and then said frantically. "Hoshien is here!" Ayame's eyes opened wide.
"Ohhh Kagome is guna get herself a boy tonight!" Ayame said doing a little dance.
"Yeah dance!" Gin yelled once he saw Ayame and then did a little jig for himself. Rin ran away to go downstairs and find Kagome.
Kagome was standing with Craig and a bunch of guys, Sango doing the same.
"Hey, Kagome, come here!" Rin said leaning over the railing of the steps and yelling down at her.
Kagome looked up at waved. "Huh?!" She yelled back trying to consentrate on one of the 3 Rin's that was spinning around in circles. Rin gestured her to come to the steps but Kagome shook her head. "Why? I'm talkinggggg!" She yelled across the room and pointed the people she was talking with. Rin laughed then almost stumbled down the steps when she ran down to meet Kagome.
"Hey, Hoshien. Here." She chopped up her sentance and fanned herself with her hands trying to cool herself down from all the running around she had been doing.
"What? Really? Where?" Kagome pirked trying to see over everyones head in search for him. Rin grabbed Kagome's wrist and yanked her up the stairs. They stopped at the top and peeked through the railing.
"There he is!" Rin pointed towards the door where an handsom Hoshien stood.
"There she is." Kagome scowled and pointed towards Yura who was standing by Hoshien trying to get his attention. Kagome then raised herself from her crouching position on the steps. "Lets go!" She chirped, in a determined kinda way. Rin nodded and followed Kagome as she approached Hoshien. Hoshien spotted her as soon as she stepped up stairs. Hoshien anxiously moved to go meet her completely ignoring Yura.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Inuyasha sat in his car and angrily tapped his foot waiting for Kikyo and the rest of the group to get out of the restaurant. 'God-damn them. I have to go get Kagome out of there. She's probably doing something stupid.' He thought heatedly. Kikyo walked down the steps of the resaurant, Inuyasha sped out of his parking place and stopped right infront of her. "Get in the car I gotta go." He said out of his car. She frowned then leaned down to get it. As soon as she shut the door Inuyasha sped off.
"Inuyasha?" She asked after a long pause. "May I ask why you are in such a hurry."
Inuyasha stiffined. "I have to pick up a friend, at a party." He mumbled.
"Who's your friend?" Kikyo asked.
"Kouga." Inuyasha, once again, lied. Kikyo nodded and Inuyasha speedily drove her home in silence with nothing but a quick kiss goodbye.
As soon as he dropped her off he picked up his phone and dialed Kouga.
"Hey dude what's up. I just dropped off Kikyo. Where are you?"
"I'm with Miroku, at my place. Hurry up its like 12:30."
"Fuck we sat around till it closed and I had to take Kikyo home, so shut the hell up."
Inuyasha stopped at Kouga's house. His friends were outside and quickly jumped into the car. Kouga slumped down in the back seat with his head in his hand.
"God-damn it dude. I know Ayame is fucking around with someone, I just know it. She and I have been having some problems." None of the guys said anything. All of them were pissed and in thier own world.
"Where the hell is this party?" Inuyasha asked as he pulled out.
"Take a left." Kouga said impatiently.
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Yura glared at Hoshien as he approached Kagome and she turned around in annoyance glancing over at them every few seconds.
"Kagome!" Hoshien beamed and hugged her tightly.
"Hey! What are you doing here!?" She questioned looking around for his friends, who she spotted still standing by the door. She leaned on him flitaciously intoxicated and smiled up at him. "I'm glad you came." She said quietly. She gently pushed herself off of him and brightly said. "Have you been drinking? We should play beer pong!"
"I've had a few beers." He smirked, then followed Kagome toward the beer pong table with her so she could sign them up.
"You guys cannot beat me! I'm just unstoppable!" Ayame yelled at the other team then at Kagome and Hoshien when they approached the table. Kagome laughed, picked up a pong ball and threw it at Ayame's face. It hit off of her and Ayame looked down at it on the table. Picked it up and tossed it making it in one of the cups on the other side. "Beat that Kags!" She said then looked over at Hoshien. "Heyyy Hoshien." She said then winked at him before putting her attention back into the game.
Kagome pulled Hoshien with her down stairs. "Hey Craig, Brad, Cody and Sango!" She yelled as she quickly walked up to them presenting Hoshien. "It's Hoshien!" She beamed.
"Hey what's up man?" Said Craig. "It's been awhile."
Kagome looked at them confused. "Huh? You know each other?"
"Yeah, met him before at a different party." Craig laughed. "That was a pretty wild night huh Hoshien?" They laughed together and reacalled the memories from the 'wild night' they shared together. Kagome moved over near Sango.
"Hey Kags where have ya been?" She asked happy to see her friend again.
"I've been chasing Hoshien!" Kagome pointed and smiled childishly (result from intoxication).
"Ohhh." Sango nodded with a smile. "You know who I think is hot?" She slurred getting close to Kagome's face. "That Brad kid with Craig. Sexayy." Sango nodded and took a drink from her beer.
- -
Craig, Hoshien and brad were back upstairs with the girls getting them ready. Somehow they convinced Kagome and Sango to shot-gun a beer. Kagome and Sango leaned over the sink to catch the beer that was bursting out of the can. When they were finished Ayame ran up to them.
"Kags you're up! I'm gunna beat your ass!" Ayame slurred and walked back with them to the pong table.
- - -
Gin and Ayame were dancing to celebrate another cup being successfully sunk.
"Oh noooo." Kagome complained. "Ayame you are cheating!"
Ayame shook her head. "No, it's just skill babe!" She boasted leaning over the table and pointing. "But i have to say that Hoshien is very good. He deffinently carrys you!"
Kagome laughed and hugged Hoshien. "I know."
"But" Ayame continued. "My man is much better. Jesus his name is fucking GIN!" She said putting her arms around Gin lovingly.
Kagome shook her head."Sorry, Impossible."
"Ladies, I am very skilled in the way of dance, but it is true Ayame carrys me in the game of Pong." Gin slurred putting his arm around Ayame.
"Don't fight over this. I could never do so well without the loving Kagome here to cheer me on." Hoshien said smiling then put his arm around her and pulled her close.
- - -

Inuyasha rapidly pulled into the drive way at the house the party was at. Kouga and Inuyasha both got out of the car slamming their doors hard behind them. Miroku hurried up to step infront of them. Both of his friends gave him a death glare.
Miroku spoke nervously. "You guys can't storm in here like this." His confidence was boosting and commen sense was setting in. "You will end up being out numbered if you want to fight. If you yell at the girls in the middle of that party you are bound to have some guy misinterpret it. That will start a fight and you guys don't need to be lashing out on anyone, especially infront of the girls!" Miroku pleaded with his best friends hoping the best will come from them after his speech. They were inturrupted when a car quickly pulled into the driveway and parked beside Inuyasha's. They looked to see who it was and to their surprise it was Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
"Hey, I can take care of this, you don't need to get into it!" Inuyasha yelled over at his brother.
Sesshoumaru made a rapid approach and got heatedly close to Inuyasha. "I do not care nor want to hear you rant about how a girl that you are seeing behind Kikyo's back is inside. All I really care about is going to the party, if Rin is there then so be it. I could care less." Sesshoumaru then spun back around and walked into the party. Inuyasha was left standing there dumbstruck and mute.
Kouga looked at Inuyasha then back at the withdrawling Sesshoumaru. After thinking it over he Kouga cooled down. "Shessoumaru is right. If we are going to go after our chicks we gotta stay calm." Inuyasha relunctantly nodded in agreement. And they slowly approached the house.
Miroku stood there, after hearing Kouga, he complained."Sesshoumaru is right? I just specifically gave a speech about how you shouldn't go crazy and you pay attention to Sesshoumaru, who didn't even actually say anything close to advice?" Miroku stated in annoyance before they all went to enter the house. Inuyasha and Kouga ignored Miroku and heately walked passed him into the party.
- - - - - - - -

Kagome was sitting on the couch in the basement resting from being so hyped up from beer pong. Hoshien sat down beside her.
"Hey Kagome, you alright?" He asked in concern.
She nodded. "I'm tired." She barely mumbled through closed lips. Hoshien could hardly hear her.
"Do you need to lye down?" He said loud and slow. She bobbed her head up and then down drunkedly. He got up off the couch and leaned down to pick her up cradle style and carry her to a vacant bedroom up stairs. He layed her down and asked if she wanted severel different things and she nodded to all of them. After he asked if she wanted to go strip naked and jump in the freezing pond. He found out she was just nodding to everything so Hoshien decided to get what he thought was best for her at the moment. He got a small plastic trash can that was in the bedroom and put it beside the bed. Then left to get a wet wash cloth.
- -
Ayame was sitting on Gin's lap slurring her words while rambling on about anything that came to her mind, like the house they were at, the weather, the sofa they were sitting on, and why the sky was blue. Gin just nodded along trying to not be so belligerently drunk, but it wasn't working.
- -
Sango was still down stairs. After asking Hoshien about Kagome's condition she soon hopped back off towards Brad and Craig. She leaned up on Brad with her arm around him.
"Can you get me another beer?" She said with a pout face as she dangled the can in front of him. He looked at her up and down with a smile.
"Only if you come with me." He said charmingly shifty. Sango nodded at Brad then took his hand as they walked up the stairs.
Yura and Rin were watching people play beer pong in a back room together. Ginta came up to her.
"Hey ladies. He slurred looking both of them up and down unreliably.
Rin and Yura looked up at him smiling. "Hello!" They said together. He asked if they wanted to go smoke a cigerette outside with him. Since they were having a boring time watching beer games they quickly agreed. Once they stepped out into the hall a guy with long white hair caught Rin's eye. She froze and grabbed the two teens wrists she was walking with. "Stop." Rin whispered. They looked at her and laughed not understanding what was going on. Then she pulled them a different way and quickly out the door.
"What was that all about?" Yura asked as she took a Camel Menthol from Ginta.
Rin shrugged trying to chill herself out. "Um nothing. I just thought that it was way to crowded to go out that way!" She said laughing at her lame excuse to avoid Sesshoumaru.
- - - - - - -
Sesshoumaru was talking to two girls who claimed they new him from 9th grade in an Algebra II class. He looked away from the gabbing babes in boredom. He spotted a girl staring at him, but before he could figure out who she was the girl abruptly turned around and dragged two people along with her out a back door. He tuned back to the two females conversation.
"Hey Sesshoumaru did you ever have Rin-soup? It's so good!" One of them asked.
"Oh I love Rin-soup! Rin-soup is my favorite, yes, Rin- Rin- Rin-Rin soup!" The other girl chanted drunkedly as the other joined in.
Sesshoumaru's eyes widened in relization. He whipped his head around imagining the girl he saw not two minutes earlier standing in the hall. "Rin" He mumbled.
"What?" The girls asked. "Yeah! Rin-Rin-Rin-" But before they could finish with 'soup' he hastilly left them and walked towards the hallway and out the back door.
When he stepped outside he saw Rin puffing away at a cigerette. Revolted by this, Sesshoumaru walked right up to her and took it.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Inuyasha, Kouga and Miroku walked into the house and examined the room for any of the girls. When friends and other people they knew walked up to welcome them drunkedly they tried not to look deliriously angry about the situation at hand and be apprieciative.
Ayame was just in the other room still bantering on, on top of Gin.
Kouga asked a random girl if she saw a cutie with red hair and green eyes. The bonde he approached knew who that was immediatly. "Oh that's the beer pong champ!" She said smiling widely. "She's with Gin." She continued, ignorant of Kouga being Ayame's boyfriend.
"Gin?" Kouga sneered. "Beer pong champ?" He questioned extremely confused. His anger grew and he stormed away from the girl he was presently talking to. He turned into a lounge room and saw Ayame sitting on some guys lap. Kouga went directly into control mode and stomped up to the two.
"Ayame!?" He asked in anger but somewhat pleeding. "What are you doin?"
Ayame looked up at him in complete astonishment. "Kouga?" She said not believing that he was, at that moment, standing in front of her watching her flirt and gabb to Gin.
"Get off of him." Kouga said through clenched teeth and pulled her up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Great, we lost Kouga!" Miroku said as he looked around for yet another person he needed to find. "Went on a rampage I bet, probably going to get us all kicked out before we can find the damsels in distress." Then he aquired a dreamy look on his face. But he soon snapped out of it when his dream faze faded to reveal Sango kissing a hunky guy by the sink in the kitchen. "Sango?" He said under his breath extremely put out.
Inuyasha swung around at this and looked to also see Sango doing mouth to mouth. "Shit." He said then looked at Miroku. "Dude go over there. She's pretty much your chick. Don't let her do that to you!" Inuyasha said trying to get Miroku riled up like the rest of them. To Inuyasha's surprise, Miroku did get mad and before he could say anything else Miroku was bursting across the room and into the kitchen.
"Sango?" Miroku said his face flushed with anger. "Why? Can I just ask you why you are all over this guy?" He stated pointing to Brad. Brad looked confused, but no one could look more confused and stunned than Sango.
"I- uh.. Miroku?" She stumbled over her words still in shock of what was happening. Brad took this outburst from a random guy as a signal to leave and get away from any trouble, so he slipped away while Sango's stuttering was cut off by an angry Miroku.
"Why the hell would you do this to me Sango? You know how much I care about you, and you still run off with other men?!" Miroku verbally attacked loud enough for it to take effect on Sango but not enough to make a scene and effect the party. Sango didn't say anything. Just stood there and listened as Miroku went on. "Just a couple months ago we were talking about how much we loved each other, and now this happens. Do you have no respect for me at all? Do you not care that I have deep feelings for you? What the hell Sango? Do you not have a heart? You must not because you're not saying anything to me right now. Not trying to explain what was going on between you and that guy. Not like I would accept your excuse anyway. You're not even trying!" There was a dramatic pause. "So why should I?" Miroku said under his breath. Before he stormed out of the house he gave a depressing glance into her eyes, then walked out and slammed the door behind him. Sango stood there and absorbed what had just happened, she looked up to where Miroku stood not seconds before. With tears in her eyes, she ran to the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Once inside she leaned up against the door and slowly fell down onto the floor and cryed hopelessly.
- - - - - - - -
Inuyasha, who moved onto another room after he thought that he had a sucsessful effect on Miroku, continued his search for Kagome. When he came back into the kitchen he saw the last person he would want to see at a party were Kagome was at.
'Hoshien?!' He raged to himself. 'What the hell is he doing here?' In his wrath Inuyasha liked to do incredibly stupid things. He approached Hoshien and pushed him from the back. "Yo!"
Hoshien turned around after the cup of water that was in his hand fell on the floor. He taken by surprise with Inuyasha an inch away from his face.
"Get out of my face Inuyasha." Hoshien said and pushed him back. Inuyasha stiffened.
"Who's that for Hoshien?" Inuyasha provoked with a smirk pointing to the water all over the floor.
Hoshien looked down at the water then glared at Inuyasha. "That reminds me, I have someone to take care of at the moment, and don't really have time to deal with you right now." Hoshien said ill-tempered. He went to walk away to refill the cup but Inuyasha put up an outstretched arm to stop him.
"Who!" He questioned hoping it would be Kagome.
"Sally." Hoshien said in sarcasm. Then continued. "It's not any of your damn business. Get away from me." He said but Inuyasha wouldn't back off.
"Who is the girl?" He said enraged.
"A good friend of mine." He smirked.
"Fuck you Hoshien!"
After a pause Hoshiens urge to get back to Kagome got the best of him. "Kagome." He said under his breath then quickly refilled the cup and walked away after Inuyasha let his hand fall back to his side.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha mumbled then looked up after the leaving Hoshien. "Where is she!?" He asked almost pleeding. Hohien ignored him not caring what bothered Inuyasha and what didn't. Inuyasha relunctantly followed Hoshien's path to a bedroom. Kagome was sitting leaning on Hoshien for support so he could give her water.
"Here Kagome, drink this." Hoshien said helping her pull her hair back and keep her up at the same time.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha said in reflief and concern. Then quickly approached the bed and sat down beside her. "What the hell Hoshien? If i was here i would have taken care of her. Look what happened, she can't even keep her head up!" He bantered to Hoshien in worriment.
"Get out of here Inuyasha! I have this completely under control. You would have never done better at taking care of her then what I have tonight." Hoshien said trying to position Kagome better.
Inuyasha saw this. "You can't even hold her up, let alone take care of her. Give her to me and then leave us alone!" Inuyasha said in out-burst. Hoshien ignored him and continued to try and give her the water. Hoshien pulled a cover from the bed hastily and wrapped it around her.
Inuyasha saw this. "Why are you covering her up?" He badgered.
Hoshien didn't look at him and kept to what he was doing. "She's cold. Her breathing is slow. She probably has alcohol poisoning." He said quickly.
Inuyasha's eyes widened in worry. "Alcohol poisening? Did she really have that much to drink tonight?"
Hoshien nodded. "She had a lot for her size. She will probably be alright but we can't leave her un-attended. Inuyasha agreed and they stayed in the bedroom taking care of Kagome together.
- - - - - - -
Rin looked up at Sesshoumaru and the cigerette between his two fingers. "What is this?" He asked knowing the answer.
"A cigerette." She said smugly and looked away from him.
Sesshoumaru gave her a glare. Rin backed down. "What are you doing with a cigerette? You don't smoke." He said in a low tone.
"I-Idon't know." She stumbled getting nervouse seeing Sesshoumaru for the first time anywhere near this upset. "I'm sorry." She said looking away from him. The two friends that were just accompaning Rin distanced themselves away from her not wanting to bother with the specifics of the fight that was taking place.
"We are going home Rin." Sesshoumaru said after a long pause. She looked up at him confused. She didn't dare say anything to object. Just nodded and followed after him to his car.
- - - - - -

Kouga pulled Ayame off of Gin's lap. She yelped in surprise, and stumbled but caught her self before she completely fell to the floor.
"Who the hell are you?" Kouga said. Gin was about to tell him but he continued. "I hope you don't know that i'm that chicks boyfriend." He pointed towards Ayame who was standing at a safe distance watching the fight anxiously biting her nails. Gin went to get up off the couch but Kouga voilently pushed him back down. Kouga was beginning to cause a scene.
"Please Kouga, stop it!" Ayame begged grabbing ahold of Kouga's muscular arm and struggled to pull him away. He wouldn't budge, he just looked down at Gin inflamed and breathing heavily. Ayame took on a less outrageous tone. "C'mon babe, can we talk about this outside. Forget about this guy he's not worth it. C'mon just outside." She said trying to pull his face down to look at her while she talked. She tried again to pull him out of the house and was more sucsessful. She got him outside on the padio wich was vacant. They stood on the padio. He wouldn't look at her. Ayame opened her mouth to say something to him but he cut her off by walking away. She stood there not knowing to follow or stay. "Kouga!" She called after him.
"Fuck you." He said then turned to walk back to the front of the house and leave. Ayame was stunned and didn't know what to do. She slowly walked inside and spotted Gin talking to a friend on the couch.
She approached him. "Gin?" She said hesitantly. There was a painful pause. "I'm so sorry he had to come up to you like that." She said then looked around.
"No problem." He said acting like himself but it was obviouse that he wasn't over it. Ayame sighed. She didn't want to deal with two emotional guys, one was enough, one was more than enough. So she walked away without saying anything else.

- - - - - - - -

Sango dramatically fumbled out of the bathroom with crumpled up toilet paper in her hand that she had used for a kleenex. She leaned on the wall and drunkedly slid her way down the hall. She stumbled into the first room she came upon and fell down on the floor in grief.
Inuyasha got up quickly and looked near the bed side. "Sango?" Inuyasha said concerned then approached her and leaned down to hold her in his arms.
She looked up at him with eyes puffy and red, her face was flushed and her nose pink from the constant rubbing of the paper. He looked at her in pity and gave her a hug. This set Sango's emotion off once again and she burst out in tears trying to explain what happened through all the grieving and distress. Inuyasha couldn't understand anything she was saying and just held her there. repeating over and over. "It's okay Sango, don't worry, everything will be okay."
"No it won't!" She said in a painful and dramatic wine. Inuyasha cringed at seeing his friend in so much distress.
- - - - - - - -

Ayame was searching everywhere in the house for everyone, she couldn't find any of her firneds. She asked Craig, Brad and Cody. She soon found out that all the boys had showed up and caused plenty of damage. She walked down a hallway past a bathroom then stopped when she heard sobbing. She put her ear up to the bedroom door and heard a voice comforting whoever was very emotional. 'Inuyasha?' She thought then opened the door. "Sango!" She said in worry and fell to the floor and rubbbed her on the back. "What happened?"
Sango just put her hands over her face and let out another cry. "Miroku!" She said in between huffs for air because her crying had come to that point of exertion. "Is." (huff) "So mad." (huff huff huff)" The more people kept asking about it and trying to comfort her about it the more emotion flooded out of her.
Ayame got up off the floor and looked over the bed. "Hoshien?" She asked in concern. "Is Kagome alright?"
"I think she has alcohol poisening." Hoshien informed and Ayame gasped. "I think she is going to be fine though." He said ressuringly.
"If Kagome is going to be okay, then I think we should get out of here." Inuyasha said exhausted. Hoshien nodded.
Ayame crouched down beside Sango and comforted her and asked sweetly. "Hey babe do you think you can walk out of here?" Sango nodded, sniffed then slowly staggered her way into a stand and down the hallway with Ayame's help. Craig approached them and with out being asked picked Sango up in a cradle and walked her outside. "Thanks Craig you're so good to us." Ayame said softly.
Hoshien picked Kagome up and walked outside with Inuyasha not too far behind. When they got out to Inuyasha's car Kouga and Miroku were already there along with Ayame and Sango in Craig's arms. Inuyasha sighed at the situation, everyone had a problem with everyone. "Where is Sango's car?" He asked Ayame. She pointed it out. "Well we need to get both cars out of here, I know I'm not coming back tomorrow to pick it up." He paused and looked at everyone. "Kouga drive Sango's car. You can drive Sango and Kagome to my place." Craig and Hoshien went to Sango's car with the girls. Inuyasha continued. "Ayame you can come with me. Miroku, Kouga, what are you doing? Coming to my place or what?" He asked. Niether of them answered. Miroku got into Inuyasha's car along with Ayame in the front seat. Kouga walked to Sango's car and got in to follow Inuyasha out of the drive way. Saying goodbye to Hoshien and Craig.
"Where's Rin!?" Ayame said in disbelief that they could have forgot her.
Inuyasha scoffed. "She's with Sesshoumaru, I bet any amount of money she's fine. He probably saw her and then immediatly left with her." Ayame nodded and sighed in relief. Inuyasha and Kouga parked in the driveway at Inuyasha's house around 4 that morning. They carried the girls in with exhaustion. Inuyasha saftely laid Kagome on his bed and covered her up, then relunctantly left her to go take care of Sango. When Inuyasha came back into his lounge Kouga and Miroku were sitting on the couch.
"Tonight was pretty crazy." Inuyasha said under his breath as he sat down with his two friends. The guys nodded ill- tempered. "Kagome gave me a scare tonight." Inuyasha said in a more caring tone.
Miroku glared at him. "She's not your girlfriend Inuyasha."
He looked up at him in surprise and slight imbarrisment. "I know."
"Then stop acting like it." Miroku said in a low tone. Kouga nodded.
"Whatever." Inuyasha mumbled getting angry. "I can treat Kagome however I want to. You guys just have fucking sticks up your ass because your girlfriends are not doing what you want them to do."
"You already have a girlfriend Inuyasha. So you can't treat Kagome how ever you want to." Kouga butted in. Inuyasha scowled at him but was stopped short of saying anything when Miroku continued.
"You don't even notice that in the last couple months Kikyo has changed immensly, for you. And all you can do is chase, protect and like another girl behind her back?"
"What do you guys care anyway? It's fucking Kikyo. You guys hate her. So whatever." Inuyasha said upset.
"Yea, I will admit she was not my favorite person. But she has changed, somehow, someway. She changed. And she did it for you. She isn't that slut that goes around and flirts with every guy anymore. She cares for you and has been this way for a long time. I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! Sometimes you're just so ignorant of everything around you." Miroku expressed.
Inuyasha sat there in silence. "I'm going to bed." He said to the two boys on the couch, he got up and slowly walked into his room. Once he entered he gave Kagome a gentle look and sat down by her while she slept. He moved the hair that covered her face.
'I don't know what it is about you Kagome.'
'I know Kikyo has changed so much for me.'
'I just can't bring myself to choose.'
Then he covered his face with his hands.
"I'm such an asshole."

- - - end
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
Questions for you, like i promised!
Question 1: What did you think about all that fighting? Geeze it's a lot to pack into one chapter isn't it?
Question 2: Are you scared about what will happen between these 3 couples (S-M, K-A, S-R)??
Buutttttttt ....This has to be my favorite chapter. Everyone is at a climax right now. Miroku-Sango. Ayame-Kouga! Wow I have to say that I even loved this chapter and I'm the author. Reviews are appreciated. :)