InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tomodachi ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own Inuyasha, but I do own nearly 20 books, a poster, a T-shirt, and an action figure of Inuyasha. What? I'm not over obsessive...

By Arhu
"Puppy! Where have you been?" demanded an urgent little girl.
"Jeez, Kag, I only went to the dentist's office," replied the boy in question.
"Exactly! Your teeth better shine!" said the nine-year-old Kagome.
"I'm sure they do. They always do. Anyway, it wasn't as if I was actually going to leave forever. You always get so upset whenever I leave, no matter how long I'm gone," said the boy, smiling to show her his sparkling teeth.
"That's because you're my only friend. I don't want to be alone."
The older boy looked down at the girl. He saw that, as always, she was serious. That sad look always tears away at me, The boy thought. It's gonna suck when I really do have to leave.
"Kagome!" called the little girl's mother. "There's someone here to see your friend! He says that 'the little brat' has to come with him," she continued as she came up to her child. "He also says that he's 'the brat's' older brother."
The boy's eyes widened in shock and sadness. I have to leave now! he thought. But... Kagome... she's going to be alone. I don't want to leave her!
The man that came to see the boy was suddenly there, standing in front of said boy. "Brat, it's time to go home."
Kagome suddenly realized that her only friend was leaving her and the man and her mother made it sound like it was for forever. Kagome's eyes swelled up with tears. "No... he can't leave... I don't want him to!"
The man started to drag the boy off towards where his car was parked at the end of Kagome's driveway. The boy looked back at Kagome. "Kagome..." he whispered.
Kagome could take it no longer. And so, she screamed with such anguish the only thing on her mind right then.

A/N: Sorry this was so short, but this is just a prologue and my first fan fic. I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Please review. Help is surely welcome. 'Til next time, this has been Arhu the Almighty Fruit Bat.