InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tomodachi ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Hah! You all think I am "Arhu." Well, you are all wrong! I am Rumiko Takahashi! I swear-eyes widen as I realize the men in white coats are here- No! Inuyasha's mine! Noooooooooooo-is being dragged off by the white-coated men-

By Arhu
"Have fun, Kagome!"
"I will, Mama," Kagome said excitedly to her mother. She got out of her mother's blue car that was parked in front of Tokyo Therapy Clinic and Offices, where Kagome went daily to talk to her therapist about her "problems."
Today was Monday. Today, Kagome would meet her new therapy partner, carefully chosen and even from her old school!
I can't wait to meet her! We can go to the mall, have sleepovers, go to parties together, and be the very best of friends! Obviously, Kagome could barely conceal her excitement. She would finally have a friend again! Her last friend, a boy, two years older than she was, had been taken away from Kagome because "he was a bad influence on her." Or so her mother claimed. The boy's name Kagome had purposely forgotten to get rid of some of the emotional pain, but she did still remember the nickname she gave him: Puppy. He was Kagome's only friend, so, of course, he was her best friend. Kagome was heartbroken when her mother said that she couldn't be with him anymore. Kagome had been nine when that happened. It was six years later and "Puppy" was still her only friend.
I still miss him, Kagome thought sadly to herself while walking up to the secretary's desk.
"Go right in, Higurashi-san," Miroku, the secretary, told Kagome politely. Kagome muttered a quiet thank you before heading off in the direction of her therapist's office.
When Kagome reached her destination, the door was ajar. Thinking that Kaede, her therapist, was inside the room waiting for her, Kagome walked straight in... and stopped dead in her tracks, seeing a boy sitting on her (or so she liked to think) couch.
As she gazed at him, her brain kept flashing "familiar-familiar-familiar." For the life of her, though, she couldn't remember where she had seen this boy with the long, waist length, white hair before.
As she looked at all of the men and boys she had seen throughout her life, it struck Kagome. She knew who this boy was.
The boy lifted his head to glare at Kagome. "Don't call me that."
As the boy glared at her, Kagome noticed that he, too, looked at her as though his brain were blinking "familiar-familiar-familiar."
Their thoughts were interupted as Kaede, Kagome's therapist, came strolling through the door, saying to both Kagome and the boy, "Good morning! I see the two of you have now seen each other." Kaede smiled. "Yamaguchi-san, this is Higurashi Kagome. Kagome, this is Yamaguchi Inuyasha. You will both be..."
Kagome's brain blanked out as she heard the name "Inuyasha." The name brought up some of the happiest and yet the saddest memories she ever had. The memories were of when she used to play with "Puppy," of the wonderful things she did with him. He would normally take her up into the branches of the Goshinboku tree outside her house, then discuss all of the bad and happy things that had happened throughout their days.
As Kagome thought of this, she started to cry, gaining the attention of Kaede and Inuyasha.
"What's the matter, Kagome?" asked a worried Kaede.
Kagome had started weeping so badly that she couldn't physically speak, let alone be emotionally able to speak.
"Let me be alone with her."
Kaede's withered eye (A/N: she's got an eye patch. Arrr, matey...) moved over to fall on the only male in the room, closely followed by the water-filled eyes of Kagome.
Inuyasha glared at Kaede. "Well? Let me be alone with her, Kaede-babaa."
Kaede's eye widened slightly. "Alright, Inuyasha. She best be unharmed when I come back, though," replied the old woman.

A/N: Hah! Now you shall all suffer the cliffhanger! Muahhahahahahahahaha! ...Okay, I know, it's not really that terrible but OH WELL! Anyways, this has been an Arhu Production. Again, I do not own Inuyasha (sadly). TTFN, tah, tah, for now!