InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Too late for love? ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"kagome you've been acting strange lately, and your so pale."

"yes, you seem to not be yourself lately. Has inuyasha done something again?"

Kagome smiled weekly and stood up and put on her back pack.

"Thank you for worrying but i'm fine Inuyasha hasnt done anything lately, he's actually been pretty good. I'm going home now, i should be back in a couple of days."


"Take care of yourself Kagome."

"I will take care you two." She waved and walked to the old bone eaters well.

"Miroku somethings wrong here. She seems so thin an looks sickley of late."

"I know it's been troubling me as well Sango. Inuyasha has been gone for a few days i worry about kagome. maybe i should talk to him."

Sango nodded agreeing with her husband the x-monk. "I think you should too. Something must have happened that horribly upset her.... she's never acted like this before."

"Yes i know. hmm. Go on home dear i'll have kilala stay with you while i'm gone. I'll take shippo to find inuyasha." The monk stood and began to walk away but sango grabbed onto her husbands sleeves.


"Yes dear?" Miroku turned to look at his wife who seemed to have an odd beam about her.

"Hurry back darling. Because i think .... we might be pregnant." blush covered Sango's face as she stood to give her husband a kiss goodbye

"! Sango! Are you serious?" Miroku said in shock.

Sango nodded and kissed Miroku good bye and wished him good luck before walking off to the house.

Miroku stood shocked for a moment but forcefully pushed the happy moment aside. He had to find Inuyasha to see if anything had happened between his two friends.