InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Toxic Ramen ❯ Toxic Ramen ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Don't own. Except the wall calendar. Enjoy. Created and dedicated to toxiclollipop.
Toxic Ramen
-Jasmine Fields-
Tic. Tock. Tic. Tock.
Sitting in her classroom just wasn't enough to stave off her fuming insane anger over the events that transpired the last few days while the gang had utterly spent themselves cross country to play a crab game of duck, duck, goose - on a wild chase that led to no where to no one all not soon enough to make the discovery that someone was mocking their efforts at hunting a piece - or two - or three - of the jewel shards that were patronizingly torn apart of her modern and incarnate's lives.
Unfortunately, it was a bad habit she picked up from that insufferable half-dog creature she called her friend.
And Kagome just couldn't win today - or yesterday - or last week - or... or the month before and the month before last when ever she looked around her only to be reminded of his constant ghosting presence. Would it ever end? The abuse? The comparison? That priestess, Kikyo, she bitterly mulled around in her head as she shut her mirrored wall locker shut --
She'd had the absolute last straw when Inuyasha shouted at her - when dinner was slow coming and the water hadn't boiled quickly enough a few days ago - that Kikyo could cook the 'stupid ramen noodles' better and faster - and that they'd even taste more delicious. Seeing blood and red, and more blood and more red - as that is all she saw at the time - she sped off on her very convenient-in-the-feudal-era-contemporary bicycle all the way to Kaede's village (hoping she wouldn't get lost on the way home), jerked her bike to a painful halt at the edge of the Bone-Eater's well, then hopped down into modern Tokyo to face the pace of life at school and at home and with her boring classmates without a second thought or second care or second anything, really.
She hadn't glanced back and didn't even bother to sit Inuyasha into an oblivion at the time. For some estranged reason, she regretted that. Understanding his relationship with Kikyo was one thing, but insulting her pride and love and devotion to cooking his ramen (which he was always insistent upon making)? Ugh. She didn't even want her thoughts to turn that direction.
What were her last words to him?
Oh yes.
She recalled as she made her way home, still stunned and furious and yet managing to avoid Hojou and all her Hojou-cheerleading girl friends, as she officially deemed them.
Like my ass... bet Kikyo wouldn't know temperature control with a modern oven! The nerve of that - that - that Dog-boy! If I weren't already here in the modern era, I'd go straight to Kouga's den and...
She sighed. Then, smiling at her blunder, recalled she didn't remember where Kouga's den was. And reminded her self that it was probably destroyed sometime during the beginning of her trek across time, after they first met his acquaintence. And then questioned what she would, indeed do, when she crossed paths with Kouga once more? Certainly, not seek revenge on Inuyasha and kiss him for the sake of spite?
Jerking her self out of self-pitying forlorn thoughts, she passed the substation and scrambled her way up the shrine steps. It had been almost four drudging days... surely Inuyasha would come back eventually? If, for nothing else, then to celebrate his reunion with the beloved ramen packets and ramen treats that were always easily scavenged in her mother's kitchen whilest they spent time in the modern era?
She just knew that even his princely love affair with Kikyo didn't compare. How devastatingly cruel of fate to tease her affections so. Totally not fair. Not even to Kikyo. Both women's love lost to a bowl of modern noodles. Father Time had to be laughing. Kagome just knew it without sparing her imagination of forebodings and things to come....
He could stand a chance to be more subtle about it...
She thought as she stormed up to her room after briefly greeting her family, especially Souta, since he hadn't been a brotherly pest when she returned home this go-round. No questions asked. Of course, when she concentrated hard enough, there was a memory that might have frightened Godzilla somewhere stored in there, since she had stomped and thrown a quiet temper - well, as quiet as she could manage - before slamming the door to her room and settling in for some well-deserved rest, she figured.
Not to mention the taming of her tongue... she ought to have won an Oscar for reigning in her hot, though not terribly unjustified, anger directed at him!
"Why that..."
"Kagome, I'm sorry."
Blinking, she stared at her window pane, where the object of her thoughts perched him self.
"I beg your pardon?"
Yep. She was definitely surprised. And no, her ears were not deceiving her. She thought as she leaned in to make sure she wasn't mistaken.
"Keh! Wench, you heard me the first time!"
Crossing her arms, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Well, I don't believe you, mister!"
"Eh? Well, here. Take them before I change my mind."
Glancing up, she brushed away bangs that had fallen over her eyes to admire the treasure he held out for her.
"Flowers?!?! You got me flowers!" Nearly squealing, she held the blossoms to her chest and sniffed the petals.
"Kouga said they'd help --" she almost didn't catch his confession, but if he went to Kouga for help, then what did that mean for their relationship?
"Kouga -- "
"Hey wench! I'm not finished!"
Fascinated, she quieted down, as he silently stewed over the mention of his arch-rival's name falling from her lips, as she still was enchanted and enthralled by the beauty of the roses held in her arms while the breeze wafted through her window and the scent created lingered while softly filling her room and mixing with the scent he identified simply as Kagome.
He couldn't figure out women - Feudal or modern - but apparently, the wolf-youkai at least knew something of appeasing an already volatile situation or she wouldn't have been so easily forgiving....
And with that thought, his memory whirred into action as he remembered why he came to modern Tokyo in the first place.
To get Kagome back home...
"Let's go. I'm not waiting on you anymore."
Not wanting to admit that he was still in the hot seat with her, since she hadn't sat him even once a few days prior.... he shuddered to think of her wrath if ever it were brought up again....
And now, he was taking her hand and they were headed straight for the well. She was leaning against him, dreaming or something....
"Inuyasha?" she startled him out of his thoughts. "Where did you get these roses?"
Gulping, as they were floating through time and space, he stilled.
"Inuyasha?" Swallowing, he cringed under her scrutiny. "Answer me or I'll 's-word' you so hard - so fast..."
He cursed, then mumbled, "Your mother's rose garden."