InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ True Destiny ❯ Guardian Angel ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Guardian Angel ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
A fox demon dashed in and out of the barren trees that covered the land. Everything that existed was either dead or dying. The orange-headed demon headed to the direction of a village, which, still thankfully had fresh food and water due to the barrier surrounding it. He stopped suddenly in front of the barrier and waited to be let in by someone.
“Hello?! Is anyone there?” the young adult yelled as he drummed his clawed finger on his forearm.
“Oh yes, so sorry Shippo. I will go and fetch Lady Kaede.” a village man headed off to search for the village priestess.
“Lady Kaede, Shippo has returned.” the villager poked his head through the bamboo door.
The elder woman stood up and walked out towards the barrier. “Young Shippo, ye have returned safe. Wait one moment,” the priestess lowered the barrier to let the young man through.
“Thank you, Lady Kaede. It is good to return home again. Everything still looks the same. I take it nothing has gotten worse.”
“Ny, nothing has become worse, just as nothing as become well. I believed that the ruined grounds would have healed after Naraku's death.”
“Yes, but that was sixteen years ago, something is still not right.” Shippo replied.
“No, I believe that the land is waiting for them to return.” Kaede said as she slowly walked back to her hut.
“Yes, but the only one who can find them is her, and no one can reach her but them. This will never end.” he added.
“Do not give up hope Shippo. Things are not over with yet.” The older miko patted the man's shoulder and turned to sorting herbs.
It was dark. A man had a crazy look in his eyes. The gun in his hand was not to be trusted. Destiny turned her head towards her best friend Phoenix. The two stared at each other afraid of what was to happen next. The armed man raised the weapon, angling it right at his daughter, Phoenix.
“Daddy, don't do this please! Please Daddy NO-.” her words were cut off by the sound of two gun shots. Her deep red hair flew around her as she hit the ground-dead.
“WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY?” her father chanted in a crazed state.
Destiny looked down to see her best friends face covered in crimson blood, the same colour that surrounded her heart. Destiny tried to cry, but the tears could never come. Her heart pulsed with energy; it seemed to be calling out for something. The man glared at Destiny, he saw her eyes. They flashed from golden-brown to blood red, with the beat of her heart. She looked at him, like she was ready to kill. He shot.
“Die!” the bullet shot out of the gun, but never hit the girl.
Destiny opened her eyes and looked up from the best friend on her lap. Standing in front of her was a man. He glowed like an angel, a dark red spot started to seep threw the back of his shirt. He had stopped the bullet. Surprisingly the hit he took did not slow him down; he walked over to Phoenix's dad and broke his arm to release the death grip on the gun. Holding the gun in his hand, he closed his first and melted it to liquid.
“Call the cops, and I'm sorry I could not help your friend.” he started to walk from the room.
“Wait, who are you?” Destiny spoke quietly.
The man never turned or looked at her as he answered. “You can call me your Guardian. Do not say that I was here. Oh and, here take this, a reminder of our meeting. the angel reached into his jean pocket and pulled out a white fang on a leather strap.
With that, the man was surrounded by a light, and vanished.
Open eyes stared in to the night, only to spot another pair of golden eyes. Destiny sat up and grabbed the black kitten that was lying beside her. Gasping for breath she tried to calm herself. That dream she hadn't had in years, why would she remember it now? Reaching under her t-shirt, she caught a hold of the fang that was given to her around three years ago. `That night…is one I will never forget.'
“Oh Pyro, what am I going to do?” Destiny looked down at the black kitten. Pyro looked up at the teen with his gold eyes. He rubbed up against her to try and comfort her. Using the back of her hand on her face to wipe away non existent tears, she let her mind wonder back to her guardian.
`Who is he? Really, he seemed like an angel, why did he save me?'
“Burrrrrrow!” the feline's voice broke her thoughts. Destiny glanced down at the cat once again.
“What? No more food, wait till morning,” patting Pyro on the head once more, she laid back down and fell back asleep.
“Miss Higurashi, are you alright?” Destiny raised her head from her math text book to her teacher.
“No, not really. I have a huge headache, and I haven't been sleeping well lately.”
Her teacher gave her a worried look, “Would you like to go home?”
“Yes, I think that I would if that isn't a problem. I don't want to fall behind in my classes,” Destiny agreed, nodding her head as she looked down at her desk.
“No, you should leave. If you are so worried about your work, I will send it with a classmate later. Go home and get some rest.” the older man said.
Destiny nodded and gathered her books, heading to the nurse's office. As Destiny trudged down the school halls, she stopped and gazed out the window. Out in the court yard she saw a boy. He had to be about 18-years-old; his rich brown hair flew in the light wind. Destiny kept looking at him. He spotted her looking at him and smiled. His glow surrounded him.
`Oh my, it's him!'
“Miss Higurashi, are you ready?” the nurse stepped out of her office and walked over to Destiny. Her blonde hair pulled up in a high pony-tail.
Destiny just gave the nurse a quick glance, and turned back to the court yard, only to see that he was gone. `Shit! Where did he go?'
“I have called your home. They said that they would be coming to pick you up in a moment.”
“Thank you, but I think I'll walk. Some fresh air will do me some good.” Heaving her bag onto her shoulder, she walked down the hall, out to the court yard.
`Where did he go?' She looked around for the man. After a couple minutes, Destiny gave up and slowly walked back to the shrine.
Up on the roof of the building, a teen was found, watching Destiny leave the yard.
`It's almost time, she must know soon.' Once she was out of view, he turned around and disappeared into the air.
“Destiny I heard you're not feeling well, do you want me to make you some broth?” Mrs. Higurashi poked her head into the living room, to spot her granddaughter sprawled out on the couch with one hand sticking out in the air.
“No thanks grandma. I just need some sleep and I should be fine in a couple of hours. I just have a huge headache. Not that I have been getting a lot of sleep lately.” Destiny rolled off the couch, only to fall back down moaning. “My senses are all messed up and it's making me feel weird.” Destiny successfully got up and walked towards her grandmother who stood worriedly by the door way.
“Are you sure you're alright? I'll call the doctor if you want,”
“No, I hate doctors. I'm going upstairs and taking a nap. Maybe that will help,”
patting her grandmother's shoulder Destiny kissed her cheek and walked slowly up the stairs.
As soon as she reached her room, she plopped down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.
Destiny opened her eyes, only to stare into darkness. This was not her room, she knew it, but where was she? Somehow she was suddenly standing in the darkness. Walking forward she stopped when she felt a presence.
`Where the hell am I? Is this a dream, or…what?' suddenly Destiny found that she was standing in large foyer, gold trim found everywhere. The place looked like a palace. Quietly walking down the hall, Destiny paused to study the large paintings and portraits on the wall, the people in the paintings looked like angels. At the end of the marble hall stood a dark wooden door that was as tall as the 12 foot ceiling, beside the door was three chairs on each side. One of the chairs was occupied by a man.
“Your Highness, your mother, the Goddess of the Moon, and your grandmother Queen of the Elements, wishes to speak with you at this moment,” a small toad-like creature stepped out of the door, the young man raised his head to look at the green skinned man.
“What have I done to displease my mother this time? I did nothing that I was not suppose to,” he said.
“I have no permission to discuss this with you, my prince. But I did overhear the Goddess speak of the young hanyou girl in your care. I suspect it has something to do with this matter.”
`So he's a prince huh? What hanyou? They don't exist. Don't they see me here?' Destiny stood in view direct of the two people talking, yet they did not seem to notice her at all. Were they just ignoring her? She saw the prince stand, and recognized him the moment she saw his eyes.
“It's HIM!' Destiny's mouth dropped open as she saw the man that saved her life three years ago. His messy brown hair and calm brown eyes gave him a very laid-back appearance, but the way he carried himself, his head held high, you could tell he was royalty. His clothes were simple, dark blue jeans and a dark green t-shirt, but his light glow created the un-realistic air about him.
“Alright, hold my calls. I will go and talk to mother,” the prince said.
The toad bowed low and answered. “Yes, my prince.” as the man walked through the door the toad-man hopped past Destiny as though she was not there.
Destiny stared at the large door for a minute, before her usual curiosity got the better of her. She entered the room which the man had walked into.
“Yes, mother. You wish to speak with me?” the man was standing in front of two large chairs, in each sat a woman.
“Sorry Numair, I just wish to speak to you about the hanyou girl. It is almost time to tell the truth you know.” The younger one of the two women spoke. Her dark brown hair tied back in a high braid, looking very unlike a goddess dressed in jeans and a tight t-shit.
“Yes I am aware, mother, anything else?” Numair replied.
“No, I asked you to talk about this in-depth not just saying that you will do it. What will you tell her? What will you say about her reaction? Have you thought of this?”
“Artemis, understand your son, he knows what he is doing. You did put him in charge of her, yourself,” The other woman spoke. She looked like royalty, wearing a small golden crown embedded with eight different gems. Her light brown hair was placed in a pony-tail. Wearing a light blue dress what hugged her body, fanning out at her feet. Surprisingly a small sword hung at both of the woman's hips.
Yes, I just want him to be prepared when the time comes.” Artemis argued.
“I understand that, but he is wise beyond his years Artemis, unlike you that is, the Queen said standing up for her grandson.
“Ha ha ha, not funny mother, the Goddess said sarcastically.
“Excuse me, could we please get this over with, I have to get back to my job, Numair interrupted.
“Someone else is here.” The queen stated. She turned her brown eyes towards Destiny.
“Young lady, why are you here? Leave this place at once. You have no right to listen. Go back to your mortal home, go back into your sleep,” the other two royals looked towards Destiny as though they had just seen her. The queen stood and glided over to Destiny, “Destiny Higurashi, we shall meet, but not now. Return, sleep get rest. It is the best thing for you right now. Keep an open mind child, a warning. Trust your heart, it will never fail you.” the Queen placed a delicate hand on Destiny's shoulder, with her other hand she grabbed the fang necklace around Destiny's neck. The fang glowed at her touch, suddenly it pulsed. A light engulfed Destiny and darkness once again dominated. “Child, remember, trust your heart. It will never steer you wrong.” the voice was nothing but a whisper. “Child remember.”
Megs, the queen of Elements shook her head as she saw the young girl disappear. `How did that child pass through my barriers? They are the strongest, how could a child pass through?'
“Grandmother, how did you know she was there?” Numair questioned his grandmother who was staring at the spot Destiny had once stood.
“She was easy enough to detect, she did not hide herself well enough.”
“How did she get here? I thought no one could pass through your barriers.”
“Seems that the young girl has the power after all,” Megs turned back to her seat and folded her small hands together and placed her head on top of them.
Artemis stood and walked towards her son. “Numiar, you have a lot of work on your hands. She is powerful, and has a temper. You must start training as soon as possible.”
The prince nodded slowly, “Yes, she is. It will be challenging.”
“She is an elemental you know, she has the power. Remarkable things will come of this child, this young hanyou elemental named Destiny Higurashi,” the Queen said as she stared across the room.
Artemis turned to her mother. “She must travel to her parents. They need her in their time. Numair you must go with her, she needs guidance, and she needs her guardian. Also, call my dear friend Mr. Inunotasho; he will assist in telling Miss Higurashi the truth. This will be an interesting sixteenth birthday for her.”
Numair nodded and bowed, leaving the room. He wondered how the meeting will turn out. The two ladies left the room to attend to other duties.
`What the fuck was that all about?' Destiny rubbed her head as she felt her headache return. Rolling out of her sheets she tried to recollect the vision she had of the three royals. `What the hell is happening to me? First I have these wacky ass dreams with weird people, and then I dream about Phoenix, my body is playing against me, and now I ended up in a palace with some rich people talking about a hanyou chick…like what the hell, they don't exist at all. They're just made up, like demons and mystical creatures. Was I really there?'
“Destiny are you up?” Mrs. Higurashi walked in through the open door, heading towards her bed. “Do you have a fever? Aw, poor Baby-Girl, anything I can help you with?” She placed the back of her hand on Destiny's forehead.
“Ya I'm fine, but can I stay home the rest of the week?”
“Of course, Baby-Girl. I'll tell the boys that they can talk to you later.”
“Thanks Grandma, you always help,” lying back on her side she pulled the pillow under her head.
“Night Baby-Girl, it will all be over soon.” Mrs. Higurashi kissed Destiny's temple and tip-toed out of the room.
`This is so hard on her, but it will be over soon.'
I OWN INUYASHA I OWN INUYASHA.!!!!!!!!! YA,YA,YA,YA,YA< i>,YA……*Lawyers kick down the door* I DON'T OWN INUYASHA I DON'T OWN INUYASHA!!!!*Lawyers pick up door and leave. ……….But I can dream can't I? MUHAHAHHA lmao JJ
Hey everyone, this is Angel, I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who reviewed (OMG MY SIS JUST FARTED…..IM DYING!!!) but I am sad to say that I will not be able to update until end of June or beginning of July...exams and stuff are hard…lol.
Thanks to: girl who love ur story, Skylily (my editor and inspiration for Kitch….lmfao Sky), my sis CrazyNdifferent, beccapatty, and fireflyskies. Please review I love reading em…even if u didn't like it tell me what u didn't like and ill see, any questions? Lmfao
-ANGEL….aka NyteAngelOfDarkness7