InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Warning: Lemon ahead!

Chapter 4:

The next morning...

Kayla woke up, and rolled out of bed, then walked into her bath room.
She turned on the shower, and scrubbed her self clean; washing her hair as well, then turned off the water, got out and dried off.
She walked into her room and pulled out some fresh under clothes.
She pulled them on and dressed in her black hip hugging jeans that molded to her like a second skin, a brilliant yellow v-neck style t shirt and pulled her hair into a high ponytail; framing her face nicely with her bangs.
She walked in to the kitchen and saw Bankotsu was already cooking breakfast.
Bankotsu was wearing his hip hugging jeans that molded to his body like a second skin and a muscle defining dark blue t-shirt that complemented his eyes nicely; with his hair once again in a tight braid that reached below his butt.
Bankotsu spotted Kayla, scrutinized her from head to toe, then raised his gaze to her face.
He smiled in pure male appreciation, and stared her in the eye and greeted, "Morning beautiful."
Kayla blushed and replied, "Morning."
Bankotsu set the food in front of her and ordered, "Eat up, then we are going out."
She pulled out a chair and took a seat, then nodded and ate.
He sat down and ate as well.
She did the dishes, then grabbed her keys and wallet.
They walked outside, and she locked the door, then pocketed her keys.
Then theyy walked to the store.
Bankotsu questioned, "So, what is your favorite meal?"
Kayla shrugged and answered, "I just eat whatever is made."
He nodded.
They arrived at the grocery store, went into the food market and gathered rice, some shrimp, some ramen, and went to check out.
On the way to the next shop, Bankotsu spotted several bottles of sake.
He quickly picked up two and they paid for them.
Then they went to the next shop, then decided to go home.
They walked side by side back to her place.
Upon arriving she pulled out her keys and unlocked, then opened the door.
They walked in and and put everything away.
Kayla turned to face Bankotsu, looked at him and questioned, "What is the sake for?"
Bankotsu looked at and answered, "I noticed you don't have any, and it's good to drink; especially with the rice meals."
Kayla shrugged and mentioned, "I wouldn't know, I have never tried it before."
Bankotsu smiled and declared, "We will have it with dinner tonight. Now let's go outside and I will show you some more techniques."
Kayla grinned, nodded and they walked outside to the training area.
Facing each other Bankotsu and Kayla, got into their fighting stances and he lunged forward.
Kayla evaded his strike, and proceeded to pull off the techniques he had taught her from yesterday.
Bankotsu smiled in approval at her and said, "Good, you remembered."
Kayla looked at him and beamed at his praise.
Bankotsu showed her three more new techniques.
They spent the next 4 hours, practicing the new techniques.
Bankotsu decided things were growing tedious and decided to liven things up a bit.
With eyes full of mischief he moved in with a feint, then knocked Kayla's feet out from under her.
Taken completely by surprise; she fell to the ground.
He then fell to the ground and quickly rolled her beneath him sucessfully pinning her underneath his body, while pinning her hands above her head, in one of his own.
Kayla was taken completely by shock and ended up panting harshly; causing her chest to rise and fall rapidly.
Bankotsu smirked as his eyes remained glued to her chest; as he watched her chest rise and fall.
Bankotsu let his gaze slowly travel to her eyes and scolded, "You have to learn to expect the unexpected, Kayla!"
She looked into his intense deep blue gaze and all thoughts instantly melted away.
Bankotsu ever so slowly; lowered his head and caressed her lips with his tongue.
He suckled and nipped her bottom lip relentlessly.
Kayla moaned and opened her mouth to him.
Bankotsu slowly slid his tongue into her mouth and began sensuously exploring the inner cavern of her mouth.
Kayla tried to free her hands; in order to run them through his hair, but he kept her hands pinned.
His tongue then caressed hers and so began the battle for dominance.
Kayla moaned and Bankotsu changed the kiss; from exploratory to dominate, demanding, and full of untamed passion.
Kayla eagerly kissed him back, just as fiercely.
Bankotsu reluctantly broke the kiss, and laid his for head upon hers.
Both were gasping for air, they gazed at one another for a minute.
Bankotsu smirked in satisfaction, then used his free hand to push his self off of her as he released her pinned hands.
Kayla slowly sat up and leaned back on her elbows to gaze at him intently.
Bankotsu held her gaze and smirked as he stood completely up.
He then held out a hand.
She placed her hand in his and he smiled as he helped her to her feet.
Unknown to the kissing couple, a man was walking up the steps of the shrine and saw the entire thing.
He cleared his throat loudly to announce his presence.
Startled they jumped and Bankotsu turned to face the intruder.
The man narrowed his eyes in anger, stormed over and demanded angrily, "Kayla! How could you!?"
Kayla jumped at hearing the angry yell.
Bankotsu's noticed her jump and moved to stand protectively by her side.
Kayla turned around glared icily at the man and in a icy voice demanded, "What do you want!?"
The angry man's eyes bored into hers and he fumed, "What the hell do you think you two are doing!?"
Kayla glared at the man and responded, "Frankly that isn't any of your concern!"
The man became out raged and roared, "Not my concern!?! It sure as hell IS my concern; when I find MY woman rutting on the ground with another man!"
Bankotsu's eyes narrowed dangerously, he moved so fast that even Kayla hadn't seen him move, untill he was in front of the man.
He reached out and grabbed the man by the throat and held him up off the ground.
Bankotsu got in the man's face and angrily growled, "I suggest you watch your mouth! Kayla is a good woman and dosen't deserve your insults!"
The man's eyes widened from shocked then turned fearful and he nodded.
Bankotsu glared at him and released his hold.
The man dropped roughly to the ground; he rubbed his neck and glared at Kayla.
Bankotsu walked behind Kayla, and wrapped his arms around her waist possessively; as well as meaning to comfort her, and pulled her into his embrace, still glaring at the man.
The man after catching his breath, turned his glare to Kayla once again and demanded, "What the hell were you two doing, Kayla!?"
Kayla replied icily, "I don't answer to you anymore, Nenji! YOU married another woman; go fuck her and leave me alone!"
Nenji blanched at her words, then bored his eyes into her and snapped, "You know damn well I only married her to appease my parents! YOU are my woman!"
Kayla crossed her arms over her chest, glared at him and stated holtly, "I ceased being your woman; the minute you married another!"
Nenji glared at her and sneered, "So you already found another man; to fuck in my place, eh!?"
Kayla scoffed and declared, "You are a pathetic asshole!"
Nenji bored his eyes into her and demanded, "Answer me damnit! Are you fucking him!?"
Bankotsu narrowed his eyes dangerously, and informed him icily, "What MY FIANCEE and I do; isn't any concern of yours!"
Nenji blanched and demanded, "FIANCEE!?! Kayla what the fucking hell are you doing marrying another man!?"
Bankotsu snapped furiously, "You fucked up big time and lost a great woman! She has moved on with her life. She is with me now; so leave her the fuck alone!" he demanded.
Kayla added icily, "You made your choice; the day you married another Nenji! Now I am making my choice. LEAVE AND DON'T EVER RETURN! I don't need you!"
Bankotsu took Kayla by the hand and suggested seriously, "Let's leave this moron to his self. Let's go inside and we can start celebrating your birthday."
Kayla nodded and looked at Bankotsu.
Nenji gasped and stated, "Oh fuck! That was today!? I'm sorry Kayla baby, I completely spaced it!"
Kayla whirled to face him and sneered, "You never did remember it! Not once in all those years that we dated! Now leave and don't return! EVER!"
Bankotsu glared directly in the eyes of the man and warned dead seriously, "If you EVER come bother Kayla or her family again; I will tear your balls off and shove them down your mother fucking throat! Now get the fuck out of here!"
Nenji glared at them for a minute, then furiously stormed off.
Bankotsu took Kayla by the hand and lead her inside the house.

Inside Kayla's House.....

Kayla sighed heavily and walked inside as Bankotsu reluctantly released her hand.
Kayla sat at the table with her head on the table trying to calm down.
Bankotsu walked over to her, pulled her into his arms and mentioned soothingly, "He is gone now, it's ok."
Kayla nodded then looked at him and asked whisper quiet, "Why did you tell him we were engaged?"
Bankotsu held her gaze and answered, "It is the only way I could think of; to get the bastard to leave you alone once and for all!"
Kayla sighed and said, "Thanks for your help. My family is gonna flip when he calls them; BUT thank you!"
Bankotsu asked, "Why would they flip?"
Kayla answered, "Gramps will be furious that I didn't wait for them to return; before getting "engaged". Plus afterwards when you leave and I am here unmarried they are seriously gonna freak out!"
Kayla sighed heavily and continued, "Don't worry about it! It's my problem, not yours. Thank you for standing up for and defending me though."
Bankotsu grunted, released her and set about cooking dinner.
Kayla sat at the table with her head on the table again.
Bankotsu thought a moment and questioned, "Can you even go through the well; when it is working?"
Kayla looked up at him, shrugged and answered, "I don't know. I have never tried. Why?"
Bankotsu looked at her and replied, "After a bit more training and some weapon training; I think you might have an easier time in my era."
Kayla cocked her head a little and asked, "Aren't the men there just as arrogant, and controlling?"
Bankotsu chuckled and answered, "Most are, but there are still some of us good guys there."
Kayla countered, "I would be practically forced to stay by you; until I could adapt to a new way of life."
He said dryly, "Like I am with you?"
Kayla blushed, nodded and smiled.
Bankotsu stated evenly, "Just think about it ok."
Kayla nodded and replied, "I will consider it! IF I can even go through the well."
Bankotsu nodded, finished cooking and set the food on the table.
He brought out the sake and poured them each a cup.
Kayla eyed the sake anxiously.
Bankotsu looking at Kayla, saluted her with his glass and encouraged, "Go ahead birthday girl, drink up!"
Kayla sighed and brought the cup to her lips.
Kayla cautiously tasted it and her face lit up.
Bankotsu watching her reaction, hid a smile behind his cup.
Kayla mentioned, "Actually it isn't as bad as I thought it would be."
Bankotsu grinned while looking at her.
Kayla looked at him again and declared, "Thank you for everything today Ban."
Bankotsu encouraged, "Drink up Kayla, plus the night is just beginning."
Kayla nodded and drank her sake, while eating her food.
After dinner Kayla announced, "This has been the best birthday I have ever had!"
Bankotsu smiled and suggested, "Let's take the sake and move to the couch, shall we?"
Kayla nodded and they moved over to the couch.
They sat there talking for a while and Kayla began loosing her inhibitions as the sake relaxed her.
Kayla looked into his eyes and mentioned, "Now I know why so many people get drunk. It's easier to loosen up."
Bankotsu queried, "What's on your mind, Kayla?"
Kayla sighed and replied a little sadly, "I don't get why people always think the worst of me..."
Bankotsu snorted and stared her dead in the eye and stated dead seriously, "Nenji is an idiot! Forget him! This is your night! What do YOU want to do, Kayla?"
Kayla thought it over and replied, "Hmm let's see, well I am alone with a super hott man on my birthday. And I know he is a damn good kisser!"
Bankotsu smirked and questioned amused, "So I am a super hott man and a damn good kisser, huh?"
Kayla grinned and replied, "Damn right you are! Now where was I...oh yeah, well, I have never done anything this daring before; but um, I think I would like for you to dance with me."
Kayla got up and turned on some slow music and dimmed the lights.
Bankotsu queried puzzled, "That is what you want to do, to dance?"
Kayla nodded and mentioned dreamily, "I have never slow danced with a guy before..."
Bankotsu chuckled, stood up and pulled her into his arms and purred sexily, "Well now we will just have to change that."
Kayla nodded and put her arms around his neck; he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her flush against him.
Kayla blushed at how close they were and they began swaying back and forth.
Bankotsu encouraged softly, "Go ahead and lay your head on my shoulder."
Kayla nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder.
After a minute Bankotsu finally gave in to temptation and began to gently and expertly nibble her earlobe.
Kayla gasped in surprise and Bankotsu whispered, "What else do you want, Kayla?"
Kayla blushed and whispered breathlessly, "Kiss me..."
Bankotsu’s hands curiously explored the regions of her back; then rested on her hips, pulling her as close as he could to his body.
She draped her arms around his shoulders.
He tilted her head back and leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.
The way his lips moved with hers as he kissed her was indescribable.
She felt an arousing, anxious sensation in the pits of her abdomen.
He began to stroke his tongue across her bottom lip.
She moaned and opened her mouth for him.
His tongue expertly eased itself slowly into the domain of her mouth.
A moan of pleasure emitted from her throat as he lapped around expertly.
Her body began to tremble from the beautiful bliss he was making her feel.
She suddenly felt the wall press against her back, as he leaned his body down on her.
His moist lips left hers and planted lingering butterfly kisses down her cheek, then jaw until he reached her neck.
With his finger he traced her cleavage, then lightly bit her sensitive flesh.
She moaned loudly as he hit her weakest area.
His lips curled into a smirk of satisfaction as he began to nip and suck in that certain spot.
It felt so good to her.
Her mind was devoid of all other thoughts except how wonderful he was making her feel.
Her body’s impulses took over and she slowly wrapped one of her legs around his waist bringing him closer to her, if that was even possible.
He half moaned, half laughed as she did and continued to play with her neck.
After a minute she could feel his manhood; bulging against her lower regions begging to claim her.
Her center reacted by throbbing relentlessly begging for him back.
Bankotsu moaned as he brought his lips back to hers, then started to buck his hips into hers.
Breaking the kiss, She gasped a little out of surprise.
She panted, "Ban...kotsu...if you...want to...make love...all you ask."
He chuckled and pulled away from her, looking her dead in the eye.
He replied, "Only if that’s what you want, Kayla." caressing her jaw line with his index finger.
She looked him dead in the eye and smiled reassuringly at him; as she ran her fingers through his slightly tousled bangs.
She encouraged, "Yes...I...I...I want you to take me."
He returned her smile, then planted a light kiss on her lips.
He whispered seductively, "Very well...I’ll take you then ...!" in her ear.
With that he lifted her into his arms, and kissing her expertly, he carried her to her bedroom.

Warning: Lemon from here until the end of the chapter!

He gently deposited her on the bed; smirking wryly as he did so.
He commanded, "Keep your eyes on me. Don’t look away!" stepping around to the foot of the bed.
She sat up and hugged her knees to her chest.
She asked, "Where better to look, huh?" with a laugh.
He gave an amused laugh as well, then slowly settled his hands at the zipper of his jeans, while holding her gaze.
Slowly ever so slowly he inched his jeans and briefs down; then kicked them off revealing his enormous erection.
Her eyes widened in surprise at his size and she gulped.
His smirk widened.
He queried, "Like what you see?"
She looked at him and raised her eyebrow questioningly.
She replied, "Well duh!"
Bankotsu laughed heartily, calming down as soon as he looked into her eyes.
He did the same with his t-shirt revealing a well defined chest.
He purred, "It’s your turn now." crawling onto the bed.
He ran his hands under her shirt and removed it, then asked, "How do I remove this thing?"
She laughed and lead his hands to her back and the clasp of the bra.
He undid her bra and tossed it over his shoulder
His eyes eagerly drank in the sight before him.
This was the first time in her life; she had been revealed to anyone and she self consciously tried to hide herself.
Bankotsu took her hands, stopping her from blocking his view.
He declared huskily, "You're gorgeous...!" as he looked directly into her eyes.
He whispered reassuringly, "There‘s absolutely no reason to be ashamed of that in front of me!"
She held his gaze as she blushed crimson, then smiled.
He slowly slid his hands to the waist of her jeans and quickly shed her of her jeans and panties.
She then pulled him on top of her and engulfed him in a passionate kiss.
He soon broke the kiss, left her lips and kisses traveled to her breasts.
He seized one in his hungry mouth, and bit and sucked on the hardening bud.
She moaned as a wave of ecstasy flowed through her veins.
He did the same to her other breast, then made his way down her stomach; until he reached her entrance.
The tip of his tongue revolved around her entrance rim; making her arch her back and moan loudly.
Taking that as his cue; he pushed his tongue inside her and sucked out her fluids.
Her walls throbbed, informing her that an orgasm was coming.
She soon spilled her release into his mouth; he wasted no time in drinking all that he could get.
Once he was done there, he kissed back up to her lips.
He warned, "Now this may hurt a little." staring her dead in the eye.
She knew what he meant.
His excited manhood, was prodding into her leg like a dull knife.
She gave him a brief nod, then held his shoulders to brace herself.
He mounted her waist then slammed himself into her entrance.
A scream of pain and pleasure erupted from her lungs.
Her finger nails dug into his flesh; as she fought to adjust to his enormous width.
He laced his fingers with hers and soothingly kissed her lips.
Gradually she grew used to him; with the help of his comforting touches. Then he started to pump, slow at first; then quickly picking up speed.
She cried out, "BANKOTSU...!" as he hammered into her repeatedly; each time sending a torrent of ecstasy into her perspiring, trembling body.
Her hips soon fell into rhythm with his as she moved to the beat of the song, only they could hear.
After a blissful while he started to swell and throb within in her, then he shot his seed into her.
She climaxed soon after, gasping for air.
His wondrous dictation had left both of them exhausted.
He fell beside her, pulling a blanket over them, then pulled her into his arms.
In a few moments they were both asleep.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter four please remember to read and review thanks.