InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 7:

The next morning Bankotsu, and Kayla woke up; snuggled together and rolled out of bed, stood up, and checked on the others.
Jakotsu was in his futon laying deathly still and moaning; obviously in pain.
Kayla inspected him and noticed his shard was black and the skin around it was blistering and swelling.
She then walked over to Bankotsu and informed him, "Bankotsu, his shard, it's jet black!"
She reached out and deposited her hand on his for head, yanked it back and gasped, "He has a terrible fever as well!"
She turned to Suikotsu and ordered, "Suikotsu get some water quickly!"
Suikotsu looked over at Bankotsu who stared at him and ordered, "You heard her, now move!"
Suikotsu left to get the water.
Bankotsu looked at Renkotsu and questioned, "Renkotsu, how long has he been like this!?"
Renkotsu looked at his leader and answered, "About15 minutes now."
Bankotsu growled and exclaimed angrily, "Damn that fucking Naraku!" while his hands angrily balled into fists.
Kayla's quick thinking lead her to look down at her shirt.
She reached down and to and held her shirt, then tore off the bottom half; to be used for a rag.
Suikotsu ran into the cave with the water and set it beside the futon, and Kayla took the cloth and dipped it into the water.
She pulled it out of the water squeezing out the excess water and bathed Jakotsu's brow over and over.
She commanded, "Suikotsu, bring me my orange bag."
Suikotsu nodded and went to retrieve the bag. He then carried it over to her and handed her the bag.
She looked at Suikotsu and told him to bathe Jakotsu's brow over and over while she began searching in her bag.
Bankotsu walked over and asked, "What are you doing, Kay?
Kayla answered, "Looking for the aspirin to bring that fever down."
Then she spotted the melt away aspirin tablets and exclaimed, "AH! Here it is!"
She popped out two melt away aspirins, then looked at Bankotsu and ordered, "Open his mouth for me Ban!"
Bankotsu opened Jakotsu's mouth and Kayla placed the tablets on Jakotsu's tongue.
She told Bankotsu to try to get some water into his throat.
Bankotsu helped Jakotsu sit up, and supported him and helped him drink some water.
Kayla took a nervous breath and whispered, "Kami I hope this works!"
She looked into Bankotsu's worry filled eyes and explained calmly, "Okay Ban, I need you to hold him up for me while I try to purify just that shard."
Bankotsu nodded, held her gaze and stated seriously, "Do it Kay! We still need him with us!"
She nodded, took a deep breath and placed her hands directly over the shard in Jakotsu's neck.
Kayla took one more soothing breath and said, "Here it goes!"
Kayla cleared her mind and concentrated her energy into her hands.
Feeling it begin to gather, she visualized it flowing into the shard only.
After 10 minutes, the shard turned pink again, the swelling was going down and the skin returning to normal.
Kayla sat back feeling very drained.
Kayla's chest heaved as she panted, "I...It...worked..."
Bankotsu looked at Kayla and became concerned by how pale she looked.
He gently laid Jakotsu back on his futon again and reached over and pulled Kayla into his lap.
Kayla leaned into Bankotsu's chest and murmured, "I feel tired now."
Bankotsu stated evenly, "Rest then Kayla, and you had damn well better be alright!" he demanded.
Kayla nodded and closed her eyes.
Over the next few minutes her breathing even out and she fell asleep.
Bankotsu sat there holding her.
An hour later Jakotsu had returned to normal.
He opened his eyes, looked at Bankotsu and asked, "Wh...What happened?"
Bankotsu looked at him and answered, "That bastard Naraku tried to do you in again! Luckily Kayla here was able to save you!"
Jakotsu's eyes widened as he was completely shocked, then he looked at Kayla and asked, "Is she ok?"
Bankotsu stated, "She is resting now, she said she was feeling tired."
Jakotsu nodded and placed a comforting hand on Bankotsu's shoulder.
An hour later Kayla woke up and found herself still sitting in Bankotsu's lap.
Kayla looked up into Bankotsu's eyes and queried, "Wh...what happened?"
Bankotsu's eyes held relief and he replied, "You fell asleep after you saved Ja!"
Kayla smiled and said, "I am glad I was able to save him!"
Bankotsu agreed, "As are we all!" She moved to get up and he helped her up.
Kayla looked him dead in the eye and asked, "Has that ever happened before?"
Bankotsu nodded and answered, "Yes, Naraku has been trying to kill us by taking over the shards for some time now."
Kayla exclaimed determinedly, "We have to find away to rid you of those accursed things!"
Bankotsu replied, "With out them, we would be dead."
Kayla stated, "There has got to be SOMEWAY for you all to live again without those accursed shards!"
Jakotsu walked in and walked over to Kayla, stood in front of her, and looked her dead in the eye and questioned, "Why!? Why did you save me?"
Kayla held his gaze and replied evenly,"You are a part of this group, plus I knew Ban would be saddened to lose you!"
Jakotsu looked into her eyes and remained silent a moment, then said, "Thank you."
Kayla smiled and said, "You are welcome."
Bankotsu looked at Kayla and inquired, "Do you always get tired after using your powers?"
Kayla sighed looked at Bankotsu and answered, "It depends on how much power I have to use, and on how hard I have to concentrate."
Bankotsu nodded and asked, "So, you have purified shards before then?"
Kayla shook her head and replied, "No, in fact I didn't know if it would work or not, but I had to try!"
Bankotsu's eyes widened in shock, then he said relieved, "I am just glad it worked!"
Kayla smiled and agreed, "So am I!"
Kayla proclaimed, "We need to see Kagome. I need some information from her."
Bankotsu nodded and said, "Very well, we will search for them then!" He looked at his men and ordered, "Pack up and move out men!"
Kayla gathered her bag while Bankotsu collected his Banryu and the others, gathered their weapons, then they all set out to search for Inuyasha and co.
Jakotsu squealed excitedly, "OOHH can I take my Inu-kuns? Please big brother!?"
Bankotsu replied, "First we are just going to talk to them! NO killing unless I give the order! GOT IT!?"
Everyone nodded.
They traveled several days and nights stopping only to eat and rest.

On the fourth day...

Inuyasha and co were out hunting for jewel shards when Kagome announced, "Inuyasha! I sense the sacred jewel shards! There are 6 of them!"
Inuyasha sniffed and said, "I smell graveyard soil! It has to be the band of seven!"
Bankotsu stepped into the open and drawled, "Well, well, well, look what we have here!"
Jakotsu greeted, "Inuyasha, there you are cutie!"
Inuyasha became angry and drew his sword and prepared to attack.
Kayla seeing this decided to make her presence known.
She calmly stepped up beside Bankotsu, faced Kagome and greeted, "Hey Kags!"
Kagome's eyes widened in shock and she asked, "K...Kayla!? Is that you!?"
Kayla smiled and nodded.
Inuyasha growled annoyed and was about to start the battle when Kagome yelled, "SIT BOY!"
Inuyasha met the dirt.
Kayla shook her head and mumbled, "Stupid mutt!"
Kagome walked a little closer, and looked at Kayla and asked, "Kayla, what is going on? How did you get here, And why are you with them!?" while pointing to the Shichinintai members.
Kayla held her gaze and answered, "Came through the well like you and Bankotsu is my boyfriend."
Inuyasha and co gasped and yelled, "Boyfriend!?!"
Bankotsu smirked and stated smugly, "Actually fiancee!"
Kayla smiled at him then looked back at Kagome and nodded.
Kagome's jaw dropped and she demanded, "Kayla!?! What's going on!?"
Kayla said, "Make your mutt behave, so we can sit and talk."
Miroku looked at the beautiful woman and asked, "How do we know that your group won't attack us!?"
Bankotsu looked at the monk and said, "You have my word! We are here just to talk this time."
Kayla nodded and added, "AND I will enforce it if that becomes necessary."
Kayla looked at her whole group one by one and they all looked at her and nodded.
Bankotsu glared at them and added, "ANYONE who disobeys my orders will have hell to pay!"
The others eyes all widened and they gulped nervously and nodded.
Kagome nodded and agreed, "Okay, we will talk."
Everyone sat down and Kagome, Inuyasha, Kayla, and Bankotsu talked.
Kayla looked at Kagome and explained, "Long story short, Bankotsu came to our time and the well closed up immediately afterwards. It stayed closed until a week ago."
Kagome frowned and asked concerned, "So Bankotsu was in our time? What about mom and the others?"
Kayla assured, "Relax Kags, They are still on vacation for about another week."
Kagome nodded and mentioned, "Good!"
Kayla queried, "Tell me Kags, have you ever had to purify a jewel shard inside someone before?"
Kagome shook her head and replied, "No, usually they just purify as soon as I touch them, but they are outside the bodies by then."
Kayla guessed, "Then it wouldn't have drained you, huh?"
Kagome gasped and said, "Kayla!? Are you telling me you can see the shards!?"
Kayla sighed nodded and informed her, "Yes Kags, I am...a priestess as well."
Kagome gasped, with shock evident on her face and asked, "How long have you known?"
Kayla hid a smile and said, "Since before you started coming to this era."
Kagome gasped again and questioned, "BUT Why didn't you say anything!?"
Kayla sighed heavily, raised a brow, and responded evenly, "I was already considered enough of a freak as is in our time, why would I want to add to that?"
Kagome's eyes softened and she said sadly, "Kayla..."
Kayla's eyes held mirth as she stated, "Bankotsu met Nenji as well as Toru! And neither were to happy with us!"
Kagome laughed and said, "I can imagine!"
Kayla added, "Which reminds me Kags, when you do go back, You have a room FULL of gifts and such from Hojo! He came over at least every other day inquiring about you!"
Kagome smiled and cooed, "Aww that's so sweet of him!"
Inuyasha became jealous and growled, "That Hobo guy had better watch it!"
Kagome yelled, "SIT BOY! His name is HOJO, not Hobo! And you had better be nice!"
Kayla laughed and added, "He has asked about you constantly."
Bankotsu's eyes held amusement, as he exclaimed amused, "Your grand father is something that's for sure!"
Kayla proceeded to explain, "Nenji freaked when Bankotsu said we were engaged. So of course Nenji called up gramps and demanded to know what the hell was going on, gramps in turn called my place and blew his stack; then demanded to speak with Ban here."
Bankotsu chuckled and stated amused, "The old man threw a fit because he claimed I didn't follow tradition! THEN he actually ordered me to be there to meet them when they returned!"
Kagome laughed and said dryly, "That's gramps alright!"
Bankotsu added amused, "It was rather amusing."
Kayla nodded.
Kagome looked them over and mentioned, "So, I guess that explains the mark on your for head, huh Kay?"
Kayla nodded.
Bankotsu announced proudly, "It's like the demon mating mark, it proclaims she is mine!"
Inuyasha snorted and snapped, "Why the hell either of you would want each other is beyond me! He is a cold blooded killer and a spawn of Naraku! And she is just to damn crazy period!"
Kayla quirked a brow amused and quipped, "And you are a loud mouthed little pup who has a bad temper!"
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed and he growled, and started to stand up and Kagome yelled, "SIT BOY!"
Inuyasha planted into the dirt.
Kagome faced him and lightly scolded, "Be nice Inuyasha!"
Kagome then glared at Kayla who smirked, and Kagome lightly scolded, "Both of you be nice!"
Bankotsu retorted seriously, "I like Kayla EXACTLY the way she is mutt! She keeps me on my toes! And at least she isn't afraid to argue back!"
Then he faced Kagome and stated, "Anyways, Kay here wanted to ask you for some information."
Kayla, grinned, nodded, then faced Kagome and queried, "Kags, do you know of anyone who can bring them back to life without these shards!?"
Kagome thought a minute and answered, "Well...There is Enju, but I am not sure if it would work or not."
Kagome explained Enju was Urasuia's daughter and that Urasuia was the one who had brought back Kikyo.
Kayla questioned, "How do we find Enju!?"
Kagome offered, "We could take you to her."
Kayla smiled and stated, "Please do, I want to help them and then we should ALL take out Naraku together!"
Bankotsu informed the group, "He is on our hit list now as well from trying to kill us so many times! But until we are freed of the shards influences we can't openly oppose him."
Inuyasha snorted and demanded, "How do we know you won't just turn on us!?"
Kayla faced him and answered, "Bankotsu and I are going to be married! That makes him family to me as does it the rest of his comrades! You are Kag's allies, that makes you her family idiot! Use you head!"
Sango's eyes widened as she came to a realization.
She looked at Kayla and mentioned, "You mean to say becoming allies together would make us stronger, increase our chances of defeating Naraku, and make us all one big family!?"
Kayla smiled at Sango and said happily, "Smart woman!"
Sango added, "Technically Kags and I are already like sisters, and you are her cousin, so..."
Miroku brightened and agreed, "It would seem the wisest choice!"
Inuyasha grew angry and began pacing as he fumed, "Have you ALL forgotten that we have ALL tried killing each other in the past!?"
Kagome looked Inuyasha dead in the eyes and informed him, "Actually Inuyasha, they only did so under Naraku's orders, AND They haven't tried near as often as your brother did! We are on civil terms with him now!"
Bankotsu added dead seriously, "From a tactical point of view, our becoming allies would be the most strategic idea!"
Kagome's eyes widened in shock as she gasped and inquired, "Where did you learn those big words!?"
Bankotsu's eyes held merriment and he smirked and informed her smugly, "I am the leader for more than just my strength, and killer good looks!"
Kayla added "Bankotsu now also knows how to read, write, and do math in our time."
Kagome smiled and cooed, "Kayla, you softy!"
Bankotsu added, "Kay here is also becoming one helluva good fighter as well!"
Kayla added proudly, "Thanks to Ban here teaching me."
Everyone was surprised by this, then nodded.
Inuyasha sighed and tried again, "We still don't know if we can really trust them!"
Kagome and Kayla both snapped, "Same goes all around! We each trust our own groups, and I trust my cousin!"
They girls looked at each other a moment, then laughed and Kayla announced, "We will just have to trust each other."
Inuyasha yelled, "I don't like it!"
Miroku said, "It is the wisest choice."
Sango added, "It would gain us ALL a HUGE advantage over Naraku."
Kagome added, "Plus it would give us two priestesses."
Kayla mentioned, "But first we have got to rid the others of those shards, so we must see Enju immediately."
Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Bankotsu all nodded.
Bankotsu stated loudly, "I am willing to give it a shot! I want me and my brothers to be able to really live again! AND we ALL wish to get revenge against that filthy bastard Naraku! So if that means teaming up with that mutt, then so be it!"
Inuyasha sighed and said, "Fine BUT if any of you try ANYTHING I don't like, I will tear you apart!" while glaring from one person to the next.
Kayla looked at Inuyasha and chuckled and quipped amused, "Nice trust, puppy!"
Inuyasha glared at her.
Kagome inquired, "Kayla, did you bring any medical stuff by chance?"
Kayla looked at Kagome, nodded and answered, "You know me Kags, always prepared for almost anything!"
Kagome nodded and said, "Good! Saves me from having to go home just yet then."
Kayla suggested, "I would like to head to Enju's as soon as we can."
Kagome nodded and announced, "We will! Right Inuyasha!?" as she turned to look at Inuyasha questioningly.
Inuyasha commanded, "Teh! Whatever, let's just get going already then!"
Everyone nodded, stood up, gathered their stuff, and the two groups set off as one.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter seven please remember to read and review thanks.