InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and story line... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 14:

The next morning:

Kayla stood to her feet, then decided to check on the others. She walked around the cave checking on Jakotsu, Renkotsu, and Suikotsu. She found Suikotsu sitting up already awake.

Suikotsu looked at her remembering she was the woman who his leader had married, and asked, "What happened?" trying to figure out why his throat was so dry.

Kayla held his gaze and questioned, "Do you remember sitting in the springs?" Suikotsu thought a minute and vaguely remembered sitting in the water, so he nodded.

Kayla informed him with a small smile, "You’re alive again, without the shards. Enju saved you all." Suikotsu's eyes widened and he nodded.

Kayla held a bowl of water up to him and suggested, "Here, drink this." Suikotsu gladly accepted the bowl and drank the water, eyes still focused on his ‘little sister’.

Kayla nodded satisfied, and walked over to where Bankotsu sat. Kneeling beside him, she leaned over to tenderly brush her lips across the purple star on his forehead.

As he felt the tender lips upon his mark, a smile spread across his tanned face and he opened mesmerizing blue sea eyes saying teasingly, "Close, but not quite." Kayla laughed and kissed the tip of his nose. Bankotsu informed her lazily, "You’re getting warmer."

She moved to kiss his cheek next, but he reached out and pulled her to his chest, claiming her mouth; with a fierce kiss instead. She returned the kiss and a minute later pulled back.

Kayla smiled, looking into his eyes and stated, "I thought that you’d want to know, Suikotsu just woke up before I came and kissed you."

Bankotsu nodded and stood to his feet, reaching down a hand to help her up. She placed her smaller hand in his and he effortlessly pulled her to her feet. Looking into her eyes Bankotsu stated, "Good, and the others?"

Before she could answer, they heard Renkotsu screaming at Jakotsu to get away from him. Kayla laughed and mentioned amused, "Sounds like it to me." Bankotsu grinned and nodded. This was what he remembered, waking up to mornings where his men disturbed the morning silence by bickering. Chuckling he left to address his men.

Kayla followed by his side as Bankotsu walked towards the two squabbling men. Renkotsu spotted his leader and snapped, "Big brother, tell that fruit cake; not to touch me," pointing accusingly at Jakotsu and glaring at the cross dresser.

Jakotsu scowled and spat irritably, “Tell, baldy to stay off of my kimono,” holding up his slightly torn kimono for his leader to see.

Bankotsu laughed at their usual antics and stated cheerfully, "It's good to see, that we’re all back to normal again," happiness and relief in his eyes.

Kayla turned to Bankotsu and informed him, "I’m going to see if the others are awake yet.” Taking a moment to think, she added, “We’ll need water and fire wood, in order to make breakfast though," before leaving the cave.

Bankotsu nodded then faced his men and commanded, "Renkotsu you get the fire wood, Jakotsu you get the water. Suikotsu, you and I are going to scout around a bit. Move out!" The men immediately left to carry out his orders.

Kayla found Kagome awake and walked over asking, "Hey Kags, how do you feel?" concern in her eyes, as she stared at her obviously bummed out cousin.

Kagome pulled out of her thoughts, looked at her cousin a moment; heaving a sigh and answered, "Like I need a good hot bath," half joking.

Kayla chuckled and agreed, "I hear ya, there," stretching her back a bit, to work out some of the kinks. Sitting on the cavern floor had seemed like a good idea at the time; but her body was used to her nice soft couch at home, and now vehemently protested the dirt bed.

Inuyasha who’d spent the night in a tree, watching Kagome toss and turn; nervously approached Kagome and said, "Uh, Kagome?" staring at her unsure.

Kagome sighing, faced him and asked coolly, "What, Inuyasha?" staring into his eyes. Her brown eyes gave away no clue or emotion of how she was feeling. They lacked their natural happiness and brimming with light.

Inuyasha gulped nervously and asked, "Umm, are you still mad at me?" hoping that she wasn’t. It was tearing him up to see her eyes almost as dull as Kikyo’s. Kagome’s eyes normal held warmth and shone with happiness, but right now they were very dull. He felt a shiver go up his spine as he thought of Kagome’s eyes forever remaining dull and emotionless as Kikyo’s.

Kagome sighed and answered, "I’m not mad Inuyasha. I came to accept long ago about you and Kikyo. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt!" Kagome turned on her heel and walked off to wake Sango and Miroku.

Inuyasha's ears flattened against his head, as he watched her walk away from him. He felt horrible for making her so upset she was actually pretty much avoiding him. His heart skipped a beat as he thought of Kagome being put through what Kikyo had been. Kagome was more loving and accepting than anyone else he knew.

Kayla sighed heavily, and looked into Inuyasha's eyes beseeching softly, "Please fix this while you still can Inuyasha. I don't like seeing her hurt. Even Kags, can only forgive so much."

Kayla spun on her heel and walked back into the cave. She searched around and realized that her brothers had left, and walked back outside. She spotted and walked over to sit beside Sango and Miroku; who smiled in greeting.

Jakotsu walked up and set the water he’d gathered beside Kayla, surprising her. Jakotsu looked at her and said, "Here, little sister," staring at her without hostility.

Kayla's eyes widened in surprise and she smiled and replied, "Thank you, Ja." a little shocked. Jakotsu nodded and walked off calmly.

Renkotsu returned and dropped the firewood beside the water, nodding to Kayla as she blinked again shocked, by the unusual behavior of the three men who were to become her brothers. Kayla smiled at him and said, "Thank you, Ren."

Renkotsu looked into her eyes, answering evenly, "You're welcome, little sister," then he walked off and sat near Jakotsu. The two sat in a usual calmness, instead of bickering as was their normal routine; when their esteemed leader wasn’t around.

Kayla hid a smile at what he’d referred to her as, and busied herself digging the fire pit out and making a fresh fire. As she cleared the ash and placed fresh wood in the pit Miroku mentioned, "It would appear that they have accepted you after all." as he walked over to help her with the fire by rubbing two sticks together.

Kayla smiled and said happily, "They’re beginning to." Kayla stood up grabbing the pot and dipped it into the water and set it over the fire, to boil.

Suikotsu and Bankotsu returned carrying their kills. Bankotsu dropped the boar he was carrying and Suikotsu knelt beside it, and began cutting it up with his metal claws.

Bankotsu walked over and sat on the ground, beside where Kayla was standing. After the boar meat was cut up, Kayla gathered it and rinsed it, then added it to the pot. Kagome added some herbs. Suikotsu sat with Renkotsu and Jakotsu; the three of them looked as if they were having a very serious discussion.

Bankotsu reached up and pulled Kayla down onto his lap, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Kayla smiled kissing his cheek, and wrapped her arms around his neck. They sat there holding each other and for a moment everything melted away and it was just the two of them.

Renkotsu, Jakotsu, and Suikotsu approached and stood directly in front of Bankotsu. All of them were looking very serious, as they stared down at the happy couple.

Jakotsu cleared his throat and looked Kayla directly in the eye and stated, "Umm, little sister, well… I wanted to say thank you. Because of you, my brothers and I are able to live free of the shards again."

Kayla smiled and corrected, "I didn't do anything special; it's Enju that you should all be thanking." Her hold on Bankotsu’s neck tightened slightly and his hold on her waist tightened just a fraction in reassurance. She sighed leaning her head on his shoulder and relaxed, knowing that he’d never allow the others to hurt her.

Suikotsu held her gaze and rebutted, "Actually little sister, it was your determination that lead us to Enju; therefore my brothers and I are indebted to you."

Renkotsu sighed heavily holding her gaze and stated, "What we’re trying to say is, Big brother couldn't have chosen a woman who was better fit, to become our leader's wife."

Kayla's eyes filled with tears and she said softly, "Th... Thank you, all of you." She was overjoyed that they had finally accepted her as part of their group, and Bankotsu’s future wife, because this would mean less trouble in their group in the future.

Bankotsu puffed his chest out proudly. He looked at Kayla, his eyes full of love and pride, then he looked at his brothers and cleared his throat and proclaimed, "Thank you all, for accepting Kayla as my wife. You all mean a lot to me, and I hope that we’ll all become one big happy family."

Suikotsu, Jakotsu, and Renkotsu all looked at their leader and wife, grinning and nodded. Kayla smiled at her brothers, as she stood up and hugged them one by one. They each returned the hug and smiled.

Kayla stood beside Bankotsu and he pulled her into a fierce hug. She gladly hugged him back; both were pleased with the latest events. Everyone sat down while Sango doled out the stew, then everyone enjoyed the stew.

After eating the stew Bankotsu and his brothers approached Enju. Each of them thanked her one by one. She hugged each one and said, "You’re welcome."

Bankotsu was the last to thank her. Enju smiled and reminded, "Just remember your promise." Bankotsu grinned and nodded. Enju smiled; glad that they would have a real chance at happiness, which had been denied to her by her untimely death, then her ‘mother’ and ‘brother’ and their actions.

Bankotsu, Kayla, and his men all walked back outside and re-joined Sango and the others. Inuyasha approached Kagome and requested, "Kagome, can we talk?"

Kagome looked into his eyes and nodded. Inuyasha looked at everyone and demanded, "No one follow us!" Everyone startled by his tone, nodded. Kayla hid a smile as did Sango. Kagome took Inuyasha's hand and they walked off together.

Everyone else sat down and waited patiently. Kayla began to feel tired and leaned against Bankotsu's shoulder. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her. She leaned her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

Warning: Lemon from here until the next warning!!!

With Kagome and Inuyasha:

Inuyasha looked into her eyes and asked, "Why did you leave with that wolf?" not even bothering to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

Kagome sighed and answered, "I was hurt Inuyasha. I had just seen you and Kikyo kissing again and I was feeling really low. He showed up and asked why I was crying. I told him, and he offered to take me away for a little bit of a break."

Inuyasha stated, "I... see, I'm sorry that I hurt you again Kagome. I didn't realize how much, until I found out that you had left with the wolf. I truly am sorry Kagome.”

Hanging his head he added sadly, “I guess now I know just how much I hurt you, when I am with Kikyo. When I found out that you had left with that wolf, I was so angry! But… more than anything, I was hurt. I couldn't believe that you would actually run off with the wolf on me like that!" a profound sadness mixed with the pain in his eyes.

Kagome unsympathetically snapped angrily, "Now you know what I feel every time, that I see you and Kikyo together!" She was sick of him hurting her and was determined not to waver this time; she would let him have it with both barrels, so to speak.

Inuyasha's ears flattened against his head. He informed her seriously, “Kagome, I... I don't ever want to hurt you like that again! When I saw you kiss Kouga's cheek… I wanted to kill the bastard; simply because you had kissed him.” Inuyasha admitted.

Taking a deep breath he stared directly in her eyes and continued baring his soul to her, ”I was devastated and couldn't believe you would even do such a thing! I felt so hurt and betrayed." sadness and pain increasing and shown in his golden gaze.

Kagome sighed heavily and informed him sadly, "That is exactly what I feel like, every time you run off to Kikyo; and I only kissed his cheek! You kiss Kikyo on the lips a lot. You always kiss her and yet you... you have only ever really hugged me." sadness deep in her watery brown eyes.

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kagome and tilting her chin up, forced her to look at him. He knew that she was holding back her tears; he could smell the salt in the air.

He felt his heart lurch at the sight of her watery eyes, and said softly, "Kagome... I..." Unable to form the words, he lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. He licked her lower lip and lightly bit it; hoping for her to open her mouth to him. Kagome opened her mouth and he slid his tongue inside. He stroked his tongue along hers and kissed her tenderly.

She kissed him back eagerly and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning into the kiss. He growled and deepened the kiss, pulled her hips closer and closer until she was flush against him.

He pushed her back until she was against the tree and deepened the kiss even further. She broke the kiss and gasped turning her head to the side. She was shocked but also turned on, though she wondered why he would now do this, after not doing anything more than hugging her from time to time or holding her hand.

He pushed his body against hers and began placing kisses along her neck. Kagome gasped, "In... Inuyasha...?" She tried to make sense of what was going on, while he continued nibbling her neck. 'First we were fighting, and now we are making out?' she thought confused.

Inuyasha looked her directly in the eyes and stated, "Kagome... I know I have never said this before but... I love you Kagome, more than anything else!" his golden eyes locked with her brown one.

Kagome gasped and questioned, "D... do you mean it Inuyasha? Do you really love me?" as she stared into his dreamy golden orbs, searching.

Inuyasha insisted, "Hell yes I mean it! I love you Kagome, and one day… I want you to be my mate; you Kagome and only you. Yes I still have feelings for Kikyo; she was the first person to ever be my friend.”

Taking a deep breath he nuzzled her neck and finished, “But you are the first person who has ever truly accepted me for who I am. I love you and I want to make you my mate! If... if you will have me that is..." he finished looking away afraid of her rejection.

Kagome ecstatic that he’d finally admitted his feelings for her, cried, "Of course I will! I love you Inuyasha, and yes I will be your mate."

Inuyasha whipped around rather quickly and captured her lips with his. She barely had time to react, as she was suddenly pressed up against his warm body, full length. She brought her arms up to rest on his broad shoulders. When she felt his hands rest gently against her hips, she sighed melting against him naturally.

Inuyasha suddenly wanted to taste more of her- a lot more. When Kagome felt his tongue slide against the thin barrier of her sealed lips, she created she opened up for him.

His warm tongue immediately thrust into her mouth, to taste her more fully, teasing her tongue with his. “She tastes so good.” he thought as he continued to tongue wrestle with her aggressively, in a show of dominance.

He made certain to taste Kagome’s mouth thoroughly. He continued to kiss her, his hands roaming and soon found their way to her shoulders. He gave her shoulders a light push, separating their well-fitted bodies, and giving him access to what he desired.

His hands slid down languidly between the space he had created, that separated their bodies, and brought them down until they were perched over the tops of her breasts. When she gave a slight moan against his lips and arched her back, he massaged her breasts slowly and gently- at first. Through the thin material of her uniform blouse and lacy bra, her nipples became hard instantly, and protruded stiffly through it. Soon, her hot sexy moans of pleasure against his mouth drove him on, and he was massaging her roughly, with quick and deliberate strokes.

Kagome could barely catch her breath as he continued to ravish her mouth, while at the same time continuing to massage her breasts wantonly. Inuyasha was starting to lose control and pretty soon his hands abandoned her breasts, which in return received a small sound of disappointment from Kagome; to slide down lower until they were at the hem of her skirt, resting on the smooth pale skin of her bare thighs.

Kagome’s face heated a bit when she felt his hands touch the exposed skin of her thighs and she felt those hands trail along her inner thigh. She moaned, "In… uyasha..." He laid her on the ground gently and stretched out beside her. He ran his hands under her skirt and began to remove her panties.

She kissed him wildly and tugged at the hem of his pants. Inuyasha broke the kiss long enough to remove all their clothing and kissed her fiercely again. He slid a clawed finger inside her and began thrusting it in and out of her while at the same time thrusting his tongue deeper into her mouth.

She broke the kiss and gasped. He shifted and settled himself at her opening. He captured her nipple in his mouth and began lighting running his fang over her nipple. Kagome whimpered. Inuyasha slowly slid himself inside her, until he reached her barrier.

Inuyasha gazed directly into her passion filled eyes and mentioned, "This will hurt a little, ready?" Kagome overwhelmed by the fire in her blood, nodded and he thrust himself fully inside her, breaking her barrier.

She cried out and he stilled, waiting for her sign to continue. After the pain subsided, she kissed his neck and lifted her hips. He began thrusting inside her and she lifted her hips to meet each thrust. She screamed, "Inuyasha!" as she hit her release.

He thrust fully inside her a few more times. He nuzzled her neck, growled, "Mine!" and sank his fangs inside the creamy skin where her neck and shoulder met. After completely emptying himself inside her, he retracted his fangs and licked the spot until it faded to an iridescent scar.

He carried her to the river and they bathed. After bathing they re-dressed and returned to camp. Inuyasha pulled Kagome into his lap and nuzzled her hair. Kagome threw her arms around his neck and leaned against his chest.

Everyone else had left to do scouting or foraging. Inuyasha and Kagome slept cuddled together inside her sleeping bag. Having neither slept a wink all night, they were now tired.


With Kayla, and Bankotsu:

They went foraging around the camp for berries, and nuts. Bankotsu was alert as ever, with Banryu on his shoulder; in case of any trouble.

Kayla asked, “Do you think Inuyasha has finally realized, he’s about to lose her?”

Bankotsu snorted and answered, “Doubt it. That mutt is too dense at times.”

Kayla nodded. “You’re right, he’s dense. But I wonder if Kouga’s visit might have woken him up?”

Bankotsu heaved a sigh and asked boredly, “Why worry about it?”

Kayla answered, “Because she’s my cousin, and I want to see her happy.”

Bankotsu sighed. “Sometimes I forget you and his wench are related,” He admitted off handedly.

Kayla chuckled. “Don’t feel bad. We act nothing alike.”

Bankotsu added, “Barely even look alike. Hair is the same color, but luckily, that’s about it.” Kayla laughed.

Bankotsu defended, “Don’t get me wrong, she’s cute and all; just I prefer a woman with a bit of a fire in her.”

Kayla shrugged saying, “Long as you don’t go getting a crush on her,” bending down to pick up some nuts off the ground.

Bankotsu’s eyes followed her movements and he said, “Baby, I’d never look at anyone in that manner but you.”

Kayla looked back and noticed his gaze was on her rear end. Standing up she tossed a nut at him and scolded, “Get your mind out of the gutter. We’re supposed to be gathering food.”

Bankotsu caught the nut, crushing it in his hand. Grinning at her he quipped, “Who says we can’t have some fun as well?”

Kayla rolled her eyes and shoved the bucket of nuts at him, replying, “I said so. I’m sick of just fish or meat for breakfast.”

Taking the bucket Bankotsu chuckled, “Yeah, well we could still have some fun.”

Kayla slapped his chest scolding, “Mind out of gutter Ban,” before sashaying her way over to a bush.

He pouted, “Aw but the gutter can be really fun place for my mind to be.” Kayla laughed and continued foraging.

Bankotsu shook his head adding, “Besides, I’ll get ya later tonight.”

Kayla grinned and asked, “Who says I won’t get you instead?”

He quirked his eye brow saying, "Oh really... is that so?”

Kayla nodded quipping, “You never know,” before adding more food to their bucket.

Bankotsu stabbed Banryu into the ground and placed the bucket down, before grabbing her waist and pulling her into him. Kayla laughed pushing at his chest, “Not now Ban.”

Bankotsu leaned down and nipped her shoulder. Kayla gasped. Bankotsu smirked and pushed her shirt away from her neck before he began nibbling on it.

Kayla tickled his ribs, causing a surprised mercenary to lose his hold on her. She quickly spun away from him laughing. Bankotsu chuckled as he watched her spinning around like a little girl.

Kayla laughed and said winking at him, “Maybe I’ll be the one who gets you tonight,” before going back to the chore at hand.

Bankotsu smirked before asking, “Promise?” Kayla facing him, nodded and he grinned. “Can’t wait,” he said before picking up the bucket and his Banryu. He walked around helping her.

With Suikotsu:

He walked around gathering herbs. After filling his basket with herbs and a few flowers, he returned to the camp.

With Jakotsu and Renkotsu:

They were out hunting. They came across an elk and two rabbits. After killing the animals, they gathered up their kills and returned to the camp.

Back at the camp:

Bankotsu and Kayla had returned and their eyes widened in shock when they spotted Inuyasha and Kagome snuggled together.

Kayla smiled and nodded. Bankotsu placed the bucket down and shouted, “Wake up!”

Kayla slapped his shoulder and scolded, “Let them sleep. I know for a fact she didn’t get a wink last night.”

Bankotsu chuckled and snaked his arms around Kayla’s waist. She giggled as he led her away into the bushes and began kissing her.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter fourteen please remember to read and review thanks.