InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and story line... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 15:

The next morning:

Inuyasha and Kagome woke nestled in each other's arms; as soon as the sun came up. Kagome crawled out of her blankets and walked over towards where Sango lay and woke up her and Miroku. Kagome walked over to where her cousin lay slumbering and woke up Kayla and Bankotsu.

Bankotsu opened his eyes and nodding, crawled out of the blankets and walked over to where his brother’s were sleeping, and woke up Suikotsu and Renkotsu; and ordered them to get ready to leave.

Bankotsu walked over and tried to wake up Jakotsu, who had always been difficult to wake. Jakotsu just mumbled sleepily and rolled over. Bankotsu sighed and stated, "Time to get up, Ja." He really wasn’t in any mood for Jakotsu’s antics this morning; they had a long journey ahead, and he wanted to get going. The sooner everyone packed up and ate, the sooner they could begin the journey.

Jakotsu rolled over mumbling again. This went on for a good five minutes, before Bankotsu got frustrated. Bankotsu growled and snapped frustratedly, "Jakotsu you get your ass up this minute!" Bankotsu drew his hand back and slapped Jakotsu on the backside really hard.

Jakotsu jumped up surprised and screamed, "AAAAHHHH!" seeing the look in his leader’s eyes he scowled and knew what had happened.

Jakotsu looked at Bankotsu and pouted and whined, "Big brother that hurt," as his hands went to his backside.

Bankotsu threw his head back and laughed. He looked at Jakotsu and mentioned amused, "Nice to see you’re finally awake."

Jakotsu held his gaze and whined, "Big brother you are so mean," while rubbing his sore butt vigorously in an attempt to remove the bothersome stinging sensation.

Bankotsu stated evenly, "So don't be so difficult to wake up next time, and I won't have to smack so hard," with a serious expression on his face.

Jakotsu pouted and grumbled, "Now my ass burns," trying to gain some sympathy from his leader.

Bankotsu shrugged nonchalantly and ordered, "Now get your ass ready to leave," giving him his ‘do as I say, or risk facing my wrath’ look.

Jakotsu knowing better than to push Bankotsu when he wore that look; grumbled about his ‘mean and cranky big brother’ as he reluctantly prepared to leave.

After making sure Jakotsu stayed awake, Bankotsu nodded in satisfaction, before he walked over to sit beside Kayla; who had already packed their things.

Kagome handed them all a bowl of berries and nuts; as well as some water to drink. They accepted the light breakfast and began to eat slowly while talking with the others. Everyone talked a bit as they ate and then began packing up the camp.

Kagome and Kayla both announced they were running low on supplies and needed to return to their time to re-stock. Hearing this, Inuyasha grumbled as usual. Bankotsu after thinking it over, suggested, "Alright lets head towards the well then."

Sango seeing this as an opportunity to return to her village and do some errands gladly took it. She approached Inuyasha, and looked directly into his golden gaze as she informed him, "With your permission of course, I would like to go to my village and repair my Hiraikotsu. It will take three to four days minimum."

Inuyasha looked at her annoyed and huffed before he reluctantly agreed, "Fine, but no longer; it already means taking over a damn week!"

Sango grinned and nodded, then walked away and began collecting her stuff.

Miroku following her, mentioned, "I will accompany Sango." Before he turned to face her and added, "If that is agreeable with you, Sango?" hoping she’d allow him to; as it had been a while since they’d last had some time alone together.

Sango looked at him and after considering it, and remembering how long it’d been since they’d last had quality time alone; she nodded her agreement- then they climbed on Kirara's back.

Kirara flew into the air and the trio left towards the once mighty village of the demon slayers.

Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, Bankotsu, Kayla, Jakotsu, Suikotsu, and Renkotsu all set off towards the well.

For the next three or four days, they all walked until sun set, and made camp. They hunted and ate, then slept.

Two of the males were always on guard duty, while the others slept, along with Kagome, Kayla, and Shippo.

Each night it was a different two people, so everyone got rested enough for the journey.

Finally they arrived at the well:

Bankotsu looked at his men and ordered sternly, "Jakotsu, Suikotsu, and Renkotsu. The three of you will stay here and watch the fox kit. Thinking it over he gave them a ‘disobey my orders, and when I get back; I’ll make you regret it’ look and added seriously, “And no killing, unless it is to defend the villagers here.”

They all three sighed heavily and replied, "Yes, big brother.” All three were too scared to even go against his orders, knowing there would be hell to pay upon his return if they did. Not happy about the order, but not stupid enough to risk incurring his wrath either, they resigned themselves to being bored until his return.

Bankotsu added, "For the time being, you are to remain camped here. I only want you three to stay by this well and wait for us and the others to return. However- you are allowed as always to defend each other; if needed." They all three nodded their understanding.

Bankotsu nodded once in satisfaction knowing his men wouldn’t dare disobey him. Next he hefted up his Banryu, and then took Kayla's hand, and they jumped into the well holding hands.

They were greeted by the bluish white light that surrounded them and taken to Kagome's time. Landing softly on the bottom, they began to climb out of the well; knowing her cousin and Inuyasha would soon follow.

Inuyasha and Kagome jumped in afterwards and they crossed over as well.

In Kagome and Kayla's time:

The four popped out of the well, two at a time.

Kayla and Bankotsu were the first to have climbed out the well and walked over to the door of the shrine house. Bankotsu pushed the door open and then walked outside followed by Kayla. Kayla reached into her pack and withdrew her house key, after unlocking the door she and Bankotsu entered and locked the door behind them.

Inuyasha and Kagome climbed out of the well and walked up the stairs, then exited the shrine house. They proceeded to walk over to Kagome’s front door. She pulled out her key and unlocked the door, then walked inside followed by Inuyasha.

With Kayla and Bankotsu:

Glad to be home for a while, Kayla walked down the hall and into her bedroom. She deposited her bag on the floor and lay down on the bed, tired after the long trek.

Bankotsu followed her and carefully placed his Banryu against the wall in her bedroom.

Noticing how worn out she looked, Bankotsu became slightly concerned and walked over to Kayla looking at her and asked concerned, "Are you okay love?"

Kayla yawned and answered, "Yeah fine, I just need a little nap," feeling the last few days of pushing herself, finally catching up with her.

Bankotsu nodded and said, "Okay baby. I could use one myself." He unlatched and removed his armor before depositing it beside his Banryu.

He walked over to the bed, pulling back the sheet then climbed into the bed. He stretched out full length and curled up beside her. Reaching over he pulled her into his arms and leaned her head against his masculine chest.

She smiled and snuggled into him; wrapping one arm around his waist and drifted off into a content sleep. Having been awake almost forty-eight hours himself, Bankotsu closed his eyes and allowed her breathing to lull him to sleep as well. They napped like that for almost two hours of heavy sleep, before Kayla began to stir; causing Bankotsu to also stir.

After they got up Kayla and Bankotsu made love in the shower, bathed, and dressed. Kayla and Bankotsu sat down and made a list of everything they knew they would need. They walked out the door and she locked it behind them. Just as they turned around, they saw someone unexpected, which caused Kayla to gasp.

With Inuyasha and Kagome, A few minutes before Kayla and Bankotsu walked outside:

Kagome found a letter from her mom saying that her, her Grampa and her brother went to the store and would be back shortly.

Kagome and Inuyasha decided to watch a movie to pass the time, and sat cuddling each other on the couch. About two hours later the movie finished. After the movie, Kagome and Inuyasha stood up together, and went into the kitchen to get a drink of water.

Kagome mentioned, "Okay Inuyasha, I’m going to go take a bath. Stay here and behave alright?"

Inuyasha used to this by now said, "Teh, whatever," as he walked back into the living room and settled back down on the couch. Picking up the remote control, he started flipping through channels.

A few minutes later Souta ran into the living room and greeted excitedly, "Inuyasha! You’re here," tempted to dive on the hanyou and envelope him in a hug.

Inuyasha recognizing the voice, that had caused his ears to wince; looked at him and replied casually, "Oh hey Souta."

Mioki walked inside and greeted happily, "Hello Inuyasha, nice to see you again," as she spotted what had made her son scream like that.

Inuyasha looked at her and replied, "Yeah you too. Oh, and Kagome’s in the tub," shrugging his shoulders.

Mioki laughed and nodded before asking, "Did Kayla come back as well?" wanting to make sure her niece was in good health. After realizing Kayla had left, and finding the note on her table; Mioki had gotten worried for her niece had never been quite so rash before.

Inuyasha turning away from the T.V. answered, "Yeah she and Bankotsu came back to re-stock supplies as well," before turning back to the T.V.

Mioki nodded and announced relieved, "Great! I’ll start dinner then." And turned to take the bags into the kitchen, but before she left the room; her father walked into the room.

Juro scanned the room and demanded, "Where is that girl!?" referring to his older granddaughter.

Mioki knowing already who he was referring to looked at him and replied, "Probably at her place dad. Her young man is with her," smiling as she said the last part. She was eager to meet her nephew- in law.

Juro less than pleased nodded and walked over to Kayla's house, determined to get some answers from his wayward granddaughter.

Kayla and Bankotsu had just walked out of the door and locked it.

Present time:

Juro cleared his throat to announce his presence, then he narrowed his gaze at her and demanded, "Young lady where have you been?" eyes holding anger.

Kayla looked into his eyes and smiled saying amused, "Hello to you as well, grandfather." she’d already come to expect this type of reaction from him.

Juro huffed, then sized up Bankotsu and questioned, "Am I to assume this young man with you now, is your fiancée?" less than pleased with them.

Not liking his condescending tone, Bankotsu looked him dead in the eye and answered coolly, "I’m her husband," as his arm wrapped possessively around Kayla’s waist. Kayla smirked inside over this.

Juro nodded to the man before him in acknowledgment of him staking a clear claim, then his eyes widened and he demanded, "What? When did this happen?"

He gazed at them both angrily and continued, "Mioki is fixing dinner now. I expect to see you both at the table tonight. You can explain yourselves then."

Kayla sighed and replied, "Fine gramps, but for right now; Bankotsu and I have some shopping to do, please excuse us." With that Kayla and Bankotsu both moved past the older man and took off towards the stores to run their errands.

Juro shocked, then annoyed by their actions, huffed and went inside the shed.

With Kayla and Bankotsu:

They walked around to the different stores and bought plenty of gauze, bandages, disinfectant spray, triple antibiotic cream, and other needed medical supplies.

Kayla after much deliberation, stepped inside the pharmacy and bought an at home pregnancy test; as well some stronger medicines- such as penicillin, and several antidotes that she guessed might come in handy, once entering the Feudal Era again.

Looking around while she waited for the medicinal purchases to be prepared, she spotted a very detailed book on herbs and added it to the cart as well.

Bankotsu looked at the oblong box and whispered, "What's that for?" looking perplexed.

Kayla not wanting to go into it here in public, whispered, "I’ll explain back at the house."

Bankotsu shrugged, then nodded and they checked out. They carried their purchases and walked back to Kayla's.

She unlocked the door and they stepped inside, then she re-locked the door.

After packing the supplies and other things away, Kayla gathered the oblong box and walked over to the bathroom. She set the pregnancy test box on the bathroom counter top.

Bankotsu curious as to what that thing was for, followed her and cleared his throat; awaiting her promised explanation. She was about to explain what it was for, when they heard a loud and insistent banging on the front door.

Juro pounded on the door and demanded, "Open up already, you two!" having seen them return a few minutes ago.

Kayla and Bankotsu looked at each other, then walked back over to the front door and opened the door.

Juro stared at them and said evenly, "Dinner is ready," before turning on his heel and walking over to the main house.

Kayla and Bankotsu nodded and walked out the door. Kayla locked it behind them, then holding hands; they walked over toward the main house for dinner. Bankotsu tried for his wife’s sake to keep a lid on his temper. Kayla squeezed his hand before taking a deep breath and nervously entering the house.

Dinner with the family:

The three of them walked over to Kagome's kitchen and stood beside the table. Bankotsu made certain to remain as close to Kayla as he could.

Mioki smiled and greeted, "There you two are, and just in time. Have a seat please."

Bankotsu pulled out a chair and told Kayla to sit down, once she sat in her seat; he pushed the chair in for her and took a seat for himself beside her.

Inuyasha and Kagome came in and sat beside each other as well. Mioki placed the food and tea on the table. Guro, Mioki, and Souta all took their seats as well. Surprisingly, everyone ate dinner in peace.

After dinner:

Juro cleared his throat and exclaimed, "Now you two have a lot of explaining to do," as he stared at his defiant granddaughter and her husband. He glared at Kayla, then Bankotsu and demanded, "So start explaining."

Bankotsu opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Kayla. Kayla held her grandfather’s gaze and stated evenly, "There’s nothing to explain gramps. We met, fell in love, became engaged, and then married.” Hurt filling her eyes, she asked, “Is it really so damn hard for you to believe, that someone could actually want to marry me?" she asked finishing angrily.

Juro sighed heavily and snapped, "Yes it is," glaring at his headstrong grandchild.

Kayla, as well as everyone else but Juro, gasped in shock. Kayla and Bankotsu both became out raged. Kagome and Inuyasha's eyes were wide with shock and disbelief.

Kayla glared at her grandfather and said in a deceptively calm voice, "Very well then-”

Juro cut her off angrily, "Kayla, you listen to me you ungrateful little brat! I personally-"

Kayla jumped up and fumed angrily, "No! You listen to me gramps. Bankotsu and I are married whether you approve or not. Just because you handpicked that two timing, back stabbing, bastard Nenji; doesn't make him perfect,” she spat venomously.

Taking a breath she added, “You saw just how 'perfect' that asshole was when he married another woman, without any complaints about it.” Deciding it was high time for him to see just how much of a jerk his precious Nenji was she added, “What you don’t know, is that he actually had the audacity to expect me to be his fucking mistress!" her hands clenched into fists, in an effort to control her temper.

Everyone but Kayla and Bankotsu gasped at this information. Kayla glared at her grandfather awaiting his lecture, and ready to bite back.

Juro narrowed his gaze dangerously and exploded, "Damnit girl! You will not take that tone with me, or else I will tan your rotten little hide!"

Bankotsu, who’d been trying to be tolerant, had finally had enough. He stood up, crossing his arms in front of his chest, and glared at Juro.

Bankotsu ordered sternly, "Kayla, Sit and calm yourself down- now!"

Kayla upset, but not willing to get on Bankotsu’s bad side, huffed crossing her arms in front of her chest, and did as she was told. This shocked everyone but her husband.

Bankotsu nodded in satisfaction at his beloved, then looked directly at Juro and stated dead seriously, "Whether you approve or not, I am married to your granddaughter! Unlike that jerk Nenji, I actually love and care for her. We love each other and that's all there is to it!” Not finished yet he added, “And another thing- While I’m here you will not treat Kayla like that. She’s a very strong, intelligent, and independent woman. Not some helpless child. I will not allow any of you to lay even one hand on my wife in anger." he fumed.

Kayla looked at Bankotsu with her eyes watering from happiness. Not even close to finished reaming the old man Bankotsu continued, "Just because she‘s feisty and stubborn sometimes; doesn't make her any less of a woman, than any other; and no other woman, would ever have been worthy of becoming my wife.”

Taking a deep breath and clenching his fist so as not to just kill the older man, for disrespecting his Kayla, Bankotsu added in a voice that brokered no arguments, “You will never treat her in such a manner as this again. I will not ever, allow anyone to mistreat my woman in such a despicable way- especially not her own flesh and blood!” staring at the stunned old man he demanded, “Have I made myself clear?"

Getting over his shock at the man’s outburst, Juro looked out raged, then shocked again. Inuyasha, Kagome, Mioki, and Souta's eyes widened even more in shock. None of them had ever expected anyone to tell the older man off in such a blunt fashion.

Juro cleared his throat and stated evenly, "Apparently I have under estimated you both. My granddaughter is all you have said. I’m glad she has finally found a man who is able to see just what a special person she really is. You young man, have indeed proven yourself worthy of my granddaughter.” Staring the youth in his eyes, he added, “I don't like the way things have gone so far. You should have waited until we could attend the ceremony at the very least, but you have my approval."

Kayla's eyes widened and she gasped in disbelief. Never in a million years, would she have expected her grandfather to approve of anything she did.

Juro turned his gaze to Kayla and continued evenly, "I didn't know that Nenji had expected to dishonor you in such a way, Kayla. Had I known, I never would have let him near you in the first place," staring into her eyes, hoping she would understand.

Kayla utterly shocked, slowly nodded. Juro continued, "Even though you’re outspoken and stubborn, you’re still my granddaughter. Although I haven't shown it much, I love you. I never would have let anyone dishonor you without serious repercussions."

Kayla said sadly, "I love you too gramps, and thank you," trying to hold back her tears. Juro nodded and walked over to then hugged Kayla. She hugged him back.

Kagome smiled, and mentioned happily, "It's about time."

Mioki nodded and turned to Bankotsu and exclaimed happily, "Welcome to the family Bankotsu."

Bankotsu looked at her, then nodded and said evenly, "Thanks."

Inuyasha cleared his throat loudly as he stood to his feet. Bankotsu and Inuyasha exchanged an unspoken message and look of understanding.

Deciding it was now or never, Inuyasha announced, "You should all know that Kagome and I are officially mates now."

Kayla ran over to and embraced Kagome and exclaimed, "Congratulations!"

Kagome hugged her back and said happily, "Thanks."

Kayla looked at Inuyasha and stated, "Congrats Inuyasha, and welcome to the family!"

Inuyasha looked at her and said, "Thanks," with the first smile he’d ever given to her. Kayla nodded.

Juro sighed, shaking his head and mentioned, "I knew it was coming sooner or later. Oh well, I’m happy for you two as well." Even though Inuyasha was a demon, he knew Kagome would be taken care of, and more than that; she’d be happiest with him.

Mioki exclaimed happily, "Congratulations you two. Yay! I will finally be a grandmother."

Souta grinning said, "Congrats to all four of you." He was happy to see both his sister and his cousin with people who would take good care of them. Even though he’d just met Bankotsu, he’d already seen that the guy would make sure Kayla was happy and respected. He never did like Nenji.

All four replied, "Thank you," and smiled, while embracing their perspective lifelong partners.

Bankotsu walked over to Inuyasha and they shook hands. Bankotsu said, "Looks like we’re now family, mutt," smirking after adding the last part.

Inuyasha nodded and agreed, "Looks like it, merc," as they kept firm grips on one another’s hands.

Kayla faced Inuyasha and mentioned, "Our supplies are re-stocked, but we need to stay here a while longer." Enjoying his time away for once, Inuyasha nodded. Kayla and Bankotsu excused themselves and returned to her house.

In feudal Japan:

Jakotsu walked to the river gathered the water, still disappointed he couldn’t kill anyone. Renkotsu walked around and gathered the firewood. Suikotsu caught a few bunnies and returned to camp, after also gathering the roughage. Jakotsu taking the rabbits placed them in the pot to boil. An hour and a half later the trio sat eating their rabbit stew, beside the well.

With Inuyasha and Kagome:

They were in Kagome's bedroom discussing what had happened after dinner. Kagome said happily, "It's about time gramps and Kayla came to an understanding."

Inuyasha admitted seriously, "Yep, and apparently, I’ve under estimated Bankotsu as well. I thought he was nothing more than a heartless bastard. He actually defended her and he does actually love her. I’m proud to be able to call him our ally and family now." Inuyasha was truly impressed with how Bankotsu had taken up for Kayla tonight at dinner.

Hearing this Kagome squealed in delight and jumped into his lap, throwing her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Inuyasha caught her and gladly hugged her back.

Kagome looked into his eyes and asked excitedly, "Oh Inuyasha. Does this mean you have finally accepted him as our team mate?"

Inuyasha held her gaze and sighed and stated, "Yes Kagome I have. He’s surprisingly proven himself a man of honor after all."

Back at Kayla's house:

Kayla and Bankotsu were standing in the bathroom. She pulled out the box, looked into his eyes and explained, "Bankotsu, this little test will let us know if we are expecting or not."

He held her gaze and nodded then questioned curiously, "How does it work?"

Kayla blushed and handed him the box stating, "Read the box."

Bankotsu read the box, then blushed and said, "Oh."

Kayla blushed even more. She took the box and went over to the toilet. He closed the door to give her some privacy.

A few minutes later, she washed her hands then walked out and mentioned; "Now we wait a while." Bankotsu nodded.

Kayla looked at him and suggested, "So um, do you want to read a book or something?" trying to get her mind off the test.

Bankotsu shook his head no, and said, "I’m more interested in seeing what that test says."

Kayla sighed heavily and confessed, "Me too. I’m also a little nervous." Bankotsu who was anxious as well, nodded.

Fifteen minutes later:

Kayla, who’d been watching the clock, stood up and announced, "Well time is up, let's go see what it says."

They walked into the bathroom together. She picked up and read the stick. She gasped in shock, dropped it, and promptly feinted. Before she could hit the floor, Bankotsu reached out and caught her. He carried her to the living room and gently deposited her on the couch.

Five minutes later, she woke up and queried, "Wh... what happened?"

Bankotsu looked at her and answered evenly, "You looked at the test, then gasped and passed out. Lucky for you, I caught you before you hit the floor."

Kayla nodded and took a deep breath. Holding his gaze she began nervously, "Okay, well... it said..."

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter fifteen please remember to read and review thanks. HAHA my first attempt at a cliffy... how did I do?