InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, all other OC’s and the plot, and story line..... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 20:

The Next Morning:

Sango and Suikotsu switched off with Miroku and Renkotsu about six hours later, and took over guard duty. Sango washed her face and then slowly made her way around the perimeter of the campsite with Hiraikotsu in her hand. Suikotsu sat by the tree cleaning his metallic claws.

Just before sunrise Kayla woke up to the baby kicking really hard. Placing a hand on her stomach she said softly, “Okay wee tot, I’m up.” smiling at the sight of her husband’s sleeping face.

As she watched him sleeping for a few minutes, she thought, “Ban looks so peaceful when he is sleeping.” He looked carefree almost like a child when sleeping, but the hard edge of his manly jaw made it obvious he wasn’t a kid.

Kayla laid there content just to watch him sleeping, until the baby protested with another hard kick. Chuckling she said, “Alright I get it.” and slipped out of his arms to start breakfast.

Immediately Bankotsu’s eyes opened and he asked sleepily, “Is the baby kicking already?”

She said, “Yup, I think it’s telling me it is time to eat.” slightly amused, as she pulled open her bag and began nibbling on some nuts and seeds.

Kagome was getting up and decided to cook some flap jacks to go with the fruit this morning.

Kayla walked over greeting, “Morning Kags.” as she sat by the small fire, popping another small handful of nuts and seeds in her mouth.

Kagome grinned replying cheerily, “Morning Kayla.” Asking, “Did the baby wake you?” as she mixed the batter.

Kayla chuckled, “Yup,” grabbing her cousin’s hand and placing it on her wide stomach as the baby kicked more.

Kagome smiled saying, “Wow it sure is active for so early in the morning.” as she went back to mixing the batter.

Bankotsu stood up and folded their blankets, placing them on her back pack before walking around the camp and getting the report from the guards. Once he was satisfied nothing had happened, he walked over joining the girls.

Placing Banryu on the ground beside him, Bankotsu sat behind Kayla and wrapped his arms around her waist saying, “Smells good.” referring to the batter that was being cooked.

Kagome smiled saying, “Thanks,” as Inuyasha walked over, slipping his arms around his mate’s waist.

“Morning love,” he purred while nuzzling his lips to her ear.
Kagome grinned and turned around kissing him before she replied, “Morning Inuyasha.” giving him her brightest smile.

Bankotsu nuzzled his chin to Kayla’s shoulder and said, “As soon as everyone eats, we’re heading back to the village, so we can make the doctor check up on time.”

She sighed contently and leaned back into his warm embrace saying, “Good, I’d rather not be rushed this time.” earning a chuckle from her husband.

They were currently only a few hours away from the village already. They would have kept going last night, but Kayla had needed to eat and get off her feet. According to Bankotsu’s watch, they still had eight hours before the appointment. It would only take three hours to get to the well on foot.

Kayla preferred to walk rather than ride in the air on Kirara, so they made sure to allow plenty of time for the return trips for her checkups.

Kagome passed out the flapjacks and fruit. Kayla accepted hers and ate them happily. Bankotsu ate his food after giving Kayla her calcium chews and prenatal. She swallowed them down with a fresh cup of tea and sat waiting while Inuyasha and Bankotsu woke up Miroku and Renkotsu.

After everyone had eaten their fill, they packed up their belongings, put out the fire, and started off for the village. Jakotsu was lugging around Kayla’s bag today.

Three Hours later:

They arrived at Kaede’s village. Bankotsu instructed his men to wait by the well and for Jakotsu to guard Banryu while they were gone. Taking Kayla’s bag and slipping it onto his wide back, he scooped his wife into his powerful arms and jumped into the well.
Kagome had decided to take this opportunity to go back as well, so she and Inuyasha followed after the other couple.

When they made it through to her time, Bankotsu jumped out of the well and placed his wife on her feet. Kayla smiled and said, “Thanks Ban.” kissing his lips.

He pulled back from their kiss smirking, and said, “Anytime Kay babe.” As his arm went around her waist and he led her over to their house.

Getting into her bag she pulled out the key and unlocked the door. They entered the house and opened the windows to air it out while they were home.

He placed her bag on the table and she took a quick inventory, writing up a small list. Placing the list aside, she stood up and checked the fridge making another small list.

Smiling she announced, “I don’t know about you Ban, but I need a shower.” as she walked towards their bedroom. He followed her thinking, 'We could both use one, and what better way than to shower together?' as a smug grin made its way across his face.

Once she reached their bedroom Kayla began stripping out of her sweaty clothes. She walked into the bathroom and started the shower. She wasn’t a bit surprised when her husband, who was already bare butt naked, joined her.

She picked up the lufa and lathered it up. Bankotsu took the sponge from her and began to slowly drag the sponge all over her body, making certain to tease her sensitized nipples and the bundle of nerves between her legs, arousing her passionate desires.

By the time he had finished washing her body, she was whimpering for more. He dropped the sponge. Smirking she bent over to pick it up and purred her delight when she felt his fully aroused member slid up against her, as he pushed his hips forward.

Warning: Slight lemon from here until the next warning!!!

Grinning she pushed her body back against his and moaned. Taking that as his cue, Bankotsu slipped his fingers inside her vagina and began working her body into a frenzy of need.

Kayla moaned thrusting her hips back sending his fingers deeper. Smirking Bankotsu removed his fingers and replaced them with his engorged shaft, yanking her hips against his. For the next ninety minutes her moans of pleasure and his grunts of passion echoed in the air of the steamy stall.

Warning: End lemon!!!

After they peaked several times, he pulled out and she straightened up. They finished their shower by washing each other’s hair and rinsing the soap from their bodies.

Shutting the water off, Kayla climbed out and dried off, before walking into their bedroom. Now completely sated, Bankotsu wrapped the towel around his waist and walked over to their closet.

They sat on their bed and pulled on fresh underclothes. Kayla pulled on a fresh bra and slipped into a maternity dress, figuring it would be the easiest.

Bankotsu slipped into his jeans and a muscle shirt, before gathering their clothes and starting them in the wash.

Kayla walked into the kitchen with her hair down to dry and gathered both of the lists and her keys. Bankotsu walked into the kitchen asking, “Ready?” as he grabbed his wallet and slipped it into his back pocket.

She said, “Yup,” grabbing her own wallet and tossed him the keys. They stepped out the door and he locked it behind them. They walked over to the garage and climbed in the SUV.

He drove over to the doctor’s office warning, “if you get tired or feel sick, you had better let me know.”

She promised, “I will Ban.” and kissed his cheek lightly scolding, “Now stop worrying so much.”

He frowned and parked in front of the doctor’s office. He got out and walked over helping his wife out, before locking the vehicle, and leading her inside the building.

Inside the office:

Kayla signed in at the counter and they sat beside each other waiting. While they were waiting, Bankotsu spotted a couple of kids who were running around in the playroom chasing each other and laughing.

With a fond smile on his face, Bankotsu said, “I want us to have at least two kids,” remembering how lonely it had been growing up by himself.

Being an only child herself, Kayla also understood the deep loneliness of not having siblings. She agreed, “Yes, at least two.” placing a slender hand on her large stomach.

Bankotsu smiled and rolled his finger along her stomach with a look of concentration on his face and breathed, “I still can’t believe we will soon be parents.”

Kayla agreed, “Yeah, it’s wonderful and exciting, huh?” watching amused as their baby’s foot followed its father’s finger.

Bankotsu grinned saying, “This is too cool.” and did it again. The baby again followed its father’s finger and gave a hard kick.

Bankotsu grinned saying, “It’s almost like the kid is trying to communicate to me.” Eyes full of wondrous awe as he continued the game with his child.

She agreed, “Yeah Ban, I think the baby is.” watching contently as her happy husband continued his silly game with their child.

A nurse stepped out and called out, “Ryuujin, Kayla.”

Kayla stood up and they walked back with Bankotsu right behind her. After the usual pee in a cup and check of the weight, Kayla was led into a good sized room and her blood pressure was checked.

Bankotsu stood by his wife and waited. The nurse said, “Doctor Saya will be with you shortly.” As she laid the paper gown on the examination table and exited the room.

Bankotsu helped Kayla removed her clothes and slip on the gown muttering, “These things tear so easily,“ as he frowned at the torn sleeve of her gown.

Kayla laughed agreeing, “Yeah they do.” As he placed her on the examination table and they waited for the doctor to come in.

The doctor walked in carrying her chart and said happily, “It seems you and baby are in good health,” as she placed the chart on the small desk and took the stethoscope placing it on Kayla’s chest to listen to her heart.

Bankotsu beamed and puffed his chest out with pride as he assured, “I’ve been making sure she gets lots of rest and food.”

Doctor Saya smiled replying, “It shows, Mr. Ryuujin.” as she moved the stethoscope from Kayla’s chest to her back and commanded her to take a few deep breaths.

Used to the routine by now, Kayla complied. The doctor nodded making a note on the chart and said, “Let’s see…. only five more weeks to go. You’re getting close to delivery date. I bet you’re both getting pretty excited huh?”

Bankotsu said, “Yup.” grinning from ear to ear.

Kayla laid back and propped her knees up as the doctor moved to check inside and said, “Good cervix is still closed, but it should start opening a bit within the last week before delivery.”

Pulling off her gloves she instructed, “You will probably have a few Braxton hicks over the next few weeks as you body adjusts and prepares to give birth. The cervix should stay closed though, until about a week prior to birthing. You can sit up now.”

Kayla nodded and Bankotsu helped her sit up. Doctor Saya continued, “The Braxton hicks are nothing to get concerned about. If the pain gets intense or you feel any leakage, then I want you to go straight to the hospital and get checked in. Once your water breaks there is no stopping the birth.”

She continued making notes and said, “Continue taking your prenatals and get plenty of calcium. Walking helps make for an easier labor as well, so get a nice evening walk in whenever you can. About an hour a day should make it less painful when delivering.”

Bankotsu said amused, “She gets plenty of walking.” smiling at his joke.

The doctor said, ‘That’s good, but make sure not to overdo it as well. I don’t want you lifting anything heavier than five pounds until after the baby is born.”

Bankotsu promised, “She won’t be.” Staring at his wife, who smiled adding amused, “Yeah, my husband ensures I don’t have to lift or carry anything.” earning a grin from said husband.

Doctor Saya said happily, “it’s obvious how much he cares for you and the baby. You’re a lucky woman Mrs. Ryuujin.”

Kayla grinned agreeing, “Yes I am doc.” as she leaned her head against Bankotsu’s shoulder, while he sat beside her with an arm around her back.

Doctor Saya instructed, “I want to see you here again in three weeks.” and finished her notes on the chart before leaving the room.

Kayla nodded and Bankotsu ripped the gown off her with a snicker at her shocked face, before helping her into her regular clothes and escorting her over to the desk. Bankotsu paid for the visit and made an appointment for in three weeks, and took their leave.

They climbed into the SUV and Kayla pulled out the two lists they needed to get. Bankotsu looked them over nodding and drove over to the local supermarket.

He parked the vehicle and helped Kayla out before locking it up and escorting her into the store.

Kayla slipped her arms around his bicep and they walked inside to get a cart. Bankotsu pushed the cart while his wife held his arm waddling down the aisles.

They went over to the health and beauty aisle gathering plenty of fresh gauze, antibiotic ointment and spray, alcohol, band aids, another bottle of prenatals, and a box of calcium chews.

Adding those to the cart, they moved to another aisle and got Kayla some nursing pads in case her nipples began leaking. Deciding to be on the safe side, Kayla picked up two more receiving blankets and added them to the cart.

Bankotsu spotted a baby sling and picked it up as well as a few newborn bottles and nipples. Kayla smiled and they took their purchases over to the counter to check out.

Just as they were leaving the building, Kayla’s eyes widened and her spine stiffened as she heard a sneer of, “Well well look who it is. Now I see why you married her.”

Bankotsu’s eyes narrowed as he spun around and hissed, “Fuck off,” clenching his fists.

Kayla said, “Nenji I suggest you shut up and leave.”

The woman hanging off Nenji’s arm sneered, “So you’re the slut who tried to steal my husband.” eyes narrowing at the obviously pregnant woman before her, with her hand on her hip.

Kayla’s own eyes narrowed at the other female as she warned, “Butt out of it bitch, before I show you just why people don’t fuck with me.” feeling her own temper begin to boil.

Bankotsu warned in a deceptively calm voice, “Watch what you say tramp, or I’ll rip that tongue right out of your head.” Causing the other woman to slightly pale.

Nenji spat, “Leave my wife alone you bastard.” clenching his own fists.

The woman beside him smirked taunting, “Nenji can kick your ass any day.” Swinging her hate filled eyes to Kayla she added, “And if you weren’t knocked up, I’d have kicked your ass already.

Nenji snickered at the comment and Kayla balled up her fist trying not to hit the woman as she challenged, “Try it you little whore, and I’ll really fuck you up!”

Nenji went to strike Kayla for her insolence, only to be stopped by an angry Bankotsu who caught his hand mid strike, snapping it in two and punched him hard in the stomach growling, “Don’t even think about it, you prick.”

Kayla, who had been shoved behind her husband sighed, “Nenji you’re a suicidal fool.”

Taking offense, the other woman took a swing at Kayla and was shocked when Kayla’s fist slammed into her heavily painted face. Her green eyes widened as she held her nose screaming hysterically, “You fucking bitch! You broke it!”

Kayla growled warning, “You’re lucky that I am pregnant or else you would be joining your spineless husband in the hospital,” as she roughly shoved the woman away. The woman fell hard onto her but and started wailing like a banshee.

Nenji and Bankotsu were on the ground, Bankotsu’s punches were causing blood to fly across his fist and broken bones to his opponent, as he demanded, “Don’t you ever fucking go near my wife or insult her again!”

Kayla rolled her eyes as the other woman shrieked hysterically and began screaming for someone to help.

Not in any mood to deal with the cops, Kayla grabbed Bankotsu’s arm yanked trying to pull him off of Nenji’s barely conscious body and said, “Forget it Ban, that jack ass isn’t worth it. I’m getting tired, let’s just go already.”

Bankotsu’s chest heaved with anger as he nodded and helped his wife pick up their bags before they got into their vehicle and left.

Nenji’s trophy wife stood there holding her nose and demanding for someone to help because the attackers were leaving and she and her husband were both hurt. She began stomping and throwing a fit becoming more enraged the longer it took to get a response.

Ignoring her antics Bankotsu tore off down the road with his chest still heaving with anger muttering, “I should have just killed his stupid ass and been done with it.”

Feeling the beginnings of a migraine coming on, Kayla rubbed her temples and said, “Let’s just go home and get back to the others and forget that fucking brainless moron.” Bankotsu grit his jaw, but nodded and drove them home.

They unlocked the door and carried their stuff inside. Bankotsu shoved the baby things into a separate smaller bag while Kayla finished repacking her larger bag. They changed into their freshly washed Feudal Era clothes and locked the door.

They jumped into the well and went to meet up with the others. Bankotsu was still pretty pissed that another man- let alone her ex- had dared try to strike his pregnant wife.

Jakotsu was the first to notice his angry mood and asked, “What happened?” staring at them.

Bankotsu tossed down the bags and began ranting, “I’ll tell you what happened. Her fucking bastard ex tried to hit her and I nearly killed the sonova bitch! That’s what happened.”

Pacing like a caged tiger he declared, “I would have killed his stupid ass if Kay hadn’t dragged me away and said she wanted to leave.” Nostrils flaring with anger as he continued pacing and tried to calm down.

Jakotsu said, “good for you big brother! Anyone who would hit a pregnant woman is scum!” his own anger raising.

Kayla sighed and sat down rubbing her fist, which was sore from punching that high society tramp.

Suikotsu asked, “What happened to your knuckles?” as he examined the torn skin of her knuckles.

She sighed Nenji’s whore of a wife decided to try to hit me too, and I hit her instead.” shrugging her shoulders.

Suikotsu muttered in disgust, “What kind of world do you live in where people would attack a pregnant woman?” as he carefully cleansed and bandaged her hand.

Kayla heaved a heavy sigh and replied, “I’m beginning to wonder that myself.” as she watched her husband’s ire finally begin to calm down.

With Kagome and Inuyasha:

After climbing out of the well, they went inside and discovered a note explaining that Kagome’s family was off on one of Souta’s game field trips.

Kagome nodded and set the note down, before going upstairs to the bathroom and refilling her bag of medical supplies. Finding she had no ramen, pocky, or candy and needed gauze, she suggested, “Inuyasha we need to go get a few things t the store.” and pulled out her savings stash.

Inuyasha sighed and said, “Let’s make it quick or else that hot headed in law of ours will have a fit if we’re late.”

Kagome agreed, “Yeah, let’s just go and get this over with.” as she plopped the bright red hat over his adorable ears.

Inuyasha’s ears twitched as he muttered, “Let’s get what we need and get back, so I can have my ears free again, mate.” smirking as he playfully nipped her shoulder.

Kagome grinned and led him out to the stores gathering the ramen, lollipops, and gauze, as well as her pocky. They returned home and found Kayla and Bankotsu had already left.

Kagome fixed them some of the extra ramen for lunch, and while her mate ate his food, she packed her supplies into her bag. Once everything was packed, she sat down eating her own lunch and then they did the dishes making out with a bit of a kiss session and then left.

When they popped out of the well, they discovered Bankotsu and Kayla had already retuned and were waiting with the others for them.

Since it was only an hour before dark and Kayla had a bad migraine, Bankotsu announced they were making camp and staying just outside the village for the night. He carried his wife over to where he intended to camp.

After Jakotsu laid out the blankets for them, Bankotsu settled Kayla on their blankets and lay with her until she fell asleep. Afterwards he got up and walked around securing the campsite.

Kagome started making the food and everyone settled in to camp for the night. Inuyasha noticed Bankotsu seemed distracted and asked, “What has you so uptight?”

Bankotsu snorted and his eyes narrowed as he said one word, “Nenji.” before pulling out Banryu to polish it.

Inuyasha’s brow rose and he asked, “Is she okay?” looking over at his mate’s cousin.

Bankotsu scoffed, “Of course she is,” and continued polishing Banryu while he finished calming down. When he finished polishing his treasured weapon, Bankotsu pulled out the wood sticks and began carving more arrows.

By the time the stew and rice were done cooking, he had completed the last arrow and placed it in the special quiver. Grinning he declared, “Finished.” and held it up for everyone to see.

Kagome said happily, “Looks great! She’s going to love it Bankotsu.” as she finished the stew.

Sango said, “Such a thoughtful gift. It will really come in handy too.” as she polished Hiraikotsu.

Miroku added seriously, “Yes he is a very thoughtful husband.” A bit shocked at how often the former mercenary did little things for his wife.

Inuyasha added, “Hate to admit it merc, but I’m impressed.” scrutinizing one of the many arrows.

Suikotsu grinned commenting, “Now she can really take care of herself in battle.” As he cleaned his metallic claws.

Jakotsu squealed, “Such a great gift and so pretty too.” tracing a hand over the bow Bankotsu had spent two months crafting.

Renkotsu inspected the arrows and passed them back complimenting, “I’m impressed. That’s some mighty sturdy work, big brother.”

Bankotsu smirked at all of the praise and said, “Thanks,” putting them away, before waking his wife for dinner.

“Kay babe, you need to wake up and eat,” he said while lightly shaking her shoulder until her eyes fluttered open.

She asked, “Hm?” sleepily. When she spotted her husband’s handsome face she blinked and then smiled.

Bankotsu repeated, “Time to wake up and eat,” as he helped her to her feet. Her stomach rumbled and she blushed. Laughing Bankotsu led her over to the fire, where they sat down and ate dinner with everyone.

After everyone was finished eating, Kayla and Kagome practiced their barrier again and this time had Inuyasha try to penetrate it, which he failed to do. Satisfied that it would work when and as needed, the girls let it down.

Bankotsu smirked and pulled out his gift saying, “Before we start the archery practice tonight, I have something for you.” and presented his wife with her newer and improved weapon.

Kayla’s eyes settled on the exquisitely crafted Bow and arrows and her eyes teared up. She asked, “You made these, for me?” as her hand settled on them.

Bankotsu said, “Of course,” smirking at the look on her face.

She took them and said, “Ban they’re absolutely perfect, thank you.” and threw herself into his arms hugging him.

He said happily, “You’re welcome,” and kissed her. She eagerly kissed him back, before trying out her new weapon.

After hitting the mark she smiled and sat down enchanting the arrows with her miko energy. Bankotsu took them and placed them by her pack and put her back to bed after she yawned tiredly. He ordered, “Go to sleep while you can love, because tomorrow we are going to start tracking Naraku and not give up until we find and destroy him.”

She nodded and went to sleep smiling. Bankotsu announced, “It’s time we get serious and hunt that wretched Naraku down and end things once and for all.” with absolute determination glowing in his eyes.

Everyone agreed and set to sleep except for Inuyasha and Bankotsu who took over guard duty because they were too excited about the coming battle to even try to sleep.

A/N: Okay people, one more chapter and this story will be finished. I hope you enjoyed this chapter XD