InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tying Up Loose Ends ❯ The End Or Another Beginning? ( Chapter 1 )

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The bright blue sky began to materialize from behind dark gray storm clouds that were now dissipating. Inuyasha blinked several to make sure they weren’t deceiving him. Naraku’s foul stench had disappeared and with it Kikyo’s familiar scent had vanished as well. It was truly over.

Kagome stared at the hanyou and noticed the look of shock that rested on his handsome features. She was just as surprised as he was. Kikyo had finally descended into hell and she had taken Naraku with her. They would no longer have to worry about either of them. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a purple gleam. She turned and picked up them almost completed Shikon jewel. There were only three shards missing now, the two in Koga’s legs and the one keeping Sango’s younger brother, Kohaku, alive. This discovery saddened her for she realized her journeys in the Feudal Era would soon be coming to a close. Inuyasha would use the jewel to become full demon and she’d have no way to travel between times, not that there would be any reason to after Inuyasha became youkai.

“Well Kagome, I guess you wont have to worry about me running off to see Kikyo anymore,” Inuyasha said grimly.

“Oh, Inuyasha,” Kagome exclaimed her eyes brimming with tears. She turned to him and embraced him tightly. He recoiled slightly in surprise.

“What are doing? And why are you crying you stupid girl?” he demanded trying to pull away from her without success.

“I’m so sorry Inuyasha. I know how you felt about her,” she replied softly, her eyes overflowing with sympathy.

“Ka..Kagome,” he whispered pulling her closer. The pair stood embracing for a moment, then Inuyasha pulled away.

“We should go back to Kaede’s village and tell the others,” he stated succinctly.

Kagome nodded and clambered onto his back. As soon as she was situated, Inuyasha shot off toward the village his gleaming silver tresses and Kagome’s ebony locks streaming behind them.