InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Suspicions ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What’s up! Well I really don’t have anything to say so enjoy!

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made then up.

Last time:

“INU-BABY!” a high pitched voice squealed.

“TOSHI-KUN,” a higher pitched voice squealed.

They turned around slowly.

“Oh crap,” they said in unison.

This time:

The girls turned to find the source of the voices. They saw two girls run up to them. One looked kind of like Kagome; she had cream colored skin, brown hair with pink highlights, brown eyes, and a not so athletic body. She was wearing a blue half tube top that ended a few inches below her chest, daisy duke’s, and black high heels. The other one was a panther demon with tanned skin, brown eyes, short black hair, and a not so athletic body. She was wearing a seriously low cut green top, black booty shorts, and black stilettos (How do people walk in those!).

Hitoshi and Inuyasha ran behind Miroku (That’s the smartest plan in the world)

“How did they find us?” Inuyasha snapped at Hitoshi.

“I don’t know, you were supposed to tell them we were going to college in Alaska!” he snapped back.

“I did,” he said.

“Well then how did they find us-,” he stopped when he saw to shadows hovering over them.

“Oh shit,” they muttered looking up slowly.

“INU-BABY!” one screamed.

“TOSHI-KUN,” the other squealed.

The two slutty looking girls tackled them, kissing them all over their faces. They struggled to get up without hurting them, but decided they didn’t give a fuck and pushed them off of them. They gasped for breath and glared at Miroku.

“What?” he asked.

“You were supposed to be blocking them,” Hitoshi whispered.

Miroku quirked an eyebrow with a skeptical look on his face.

“Um stiletto heels plus the area between my legs equals no bearing of the children,” he said.

“Uh Kikyo and Yuri plus us equals rape,” Inuyasha said.

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t love it,” the one with black hair said.

“Trust me I wouldn’t,” Hitoshi said.

“Anyways, Yashi, how about we go on a date?” the one with pink highlights said.

“No Kikyo,” he said simply.

“How about you Toshi?” the other one said.

“No Yuri,” he said.

“I know, how bout we go on a double date,” Kikyo said.

“That would be so much fun,” Yuri squealed.

“Hitoshi I think I’m gonna need help with this one,” Inuyasha muttered, Hitoshi nodded in response.

“Well?” the two sluts said.

NO!” The guys said in unison.

The two girls’ eyes watered. They faked sobbed and ran away.

(Me: Persistent little bitches are they?)

“You have no fucking idea, they’ve been chasing us sense junior high,” he said to the voice.

(Me: Gross)

“I know… WAIT IT’S YOU,” he said looking around.

(Me: Sup)

“Where are you!” he shouted looking around.

(Me: In your head dumbass, how haven’t you figured that out yet?)

“That’s impossible!” he said still looking around.

The group looked at him and sweat dropped anime style.

“Uh Hitoshi what are you doing,” Miroku asked.

(Me: He’s making himself look like a retard.)

“Oh c’mon you cannot be telling me you can’t hear her,” Hitoshi said.

“Hear who?” Sango asked.

(Me: You’re wasting your time.)

“Why can’t they hear you?” he snapped.

(Me: Cuz I don’t want them to)

“That’s not fair, now they think I’m crazy,” he snapped.

(Me: Boo frikkin hoo! Now shut the hell up, I brought you into this world and I can take you out!)

“What?” he said, but there was no reply.

“Uh I think we should get you home so you can lie down, we wouldn’t want that Yuri girl’s Toshi-kun to go insane,” Kiyomi said poking his head playfully.

“Don’t start with me,” he said.

“Yeah I think it’s time we get Inu-baby home too so he can get that lipstick off,” Kagome said trying not to laugh.

“Oh god you guys aren’t gonna let us live this down huh,” Inuyasha groaned.

“Uh no,” they said walking off.

With Kagome and Inuyasha:

“You think Hitoshi is ok?” Kagome asked.

“Yeah, he’s just being weirder than usual,” Inuyasha said nonchalantly.

“I see,” Kagome said spacing out.

Inuyasha saw her worried expression and sat down next to her on the couch.

“What’s wrong?” he said.

“Nothing it’s just I don’t like it when Kiyomi is around a guy by herself,” she said pulling her knees t her chest and resting her chin on them.

“Don’t worry he would never hurt her,” Inuyasha said.

That’s when he saw it, that look of anger and grief in her eyes. She snapped her head toward him. He was taken aback by the stoic look on her face.

“How do you know?” she asked coldly.

He looked at her intently, looking for an answer to the strange reaction.

“Because my brother would rather kill himself than hurt a woman,” he replied.

She stayed quiet for a long moment then got up and walked toward the door. She opened it and without looking back said, “I’m going for a walk.”

With Kiyomi and Hitoshi:

“There was a girl talking to you inside your head?” Kiyomi said staring skeptically at Hitoshi.

They were in his bedroom and Kiyomi was trying everything to get him rest so he would stop ranting on about this voice (Me: Ha-ha I’m so mean).

“Yes there was, and the only reason you guys couldn’t hear her is because she didn’t want you to,” he said crossing his arms.

“Uh I think it’s time for you to lie down,” she said gently pushing him down.

“I’m telling you-“Hitoshi sad but was cut off by the voice.

(Me: Oh my fucking gosh Hitoshi, give it up so I move on with the damn story.)

He sighed in defeat and let Kiyomi push him down. Kiyomi smiled triumphantly and was about to walk away until he got an idea. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down with him. He wrapped his arms around her waist pressing the front of her against him.

“W-what are you doing?” she stammered a light blush on her face.

“Well I can’t sleep without my little kataki (Greek for kitten) now can I,” he said nuzzling her cheek.

“I’m a dog dumbass,” she said.

“But dogs don’t purr,” he said.

“What? I don’t purr,” she said quirking an eyebrow.

He smirked and moved his hand to her ears and started rubbing them. A vibration came from deep in her chest until she couldn’t hold it anymore. She moaned loudly leaning her into his hand. He stopped and moved his forefinger along her jaw line to the tip of her chin. She blushed as he moved in and then she remembered.

What are you doing…?

Please get off…

Stop you’re hurting me…


She pushed away from him and stood at the foot of the bed.

“Kiyomi what’s wrong-Kiyomi!” he shouted as she ran out of their dorm.

He stared at the door.

What have I done?” he thought.

(A/N: Review!)