InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Basketball Cupcakin ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Enjoy people.

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time on Ugh College:

“Face it he’s never coming out of that coma,” Sango said.

Kagome crumpled to the floor and started crying.

“Kiyomi I am your father,” Inuyasha said.

“That’s not true that’s impossible!” she shouted.

What really happened:

“You guys have to go out on a date ASAP,” Sango said.

They continued to talk not noticing the little eavesdropper (who is no where near little) behind a pillar listening to every word.

Not if I can help it’ the basketball player (hint, hint) thought getting ready to approach the three girls.

This time:

Kiyomi continued to listen to Kagome and Sango babble when Keichi strode up to her. As usual he dressed like an athlete, he wore black basket ball shorts with a white t-shirt on (opposite of what she’s wearing) and black and white Jordons.

Gosh it’s like he knows those are my favorite colors’ she said looking him over again.

“Hey Kiyomi,” he said stopping in front of her.

“Hey,” she said.

“So I heard that the Commander is out on business and there is a sub that’s gonna give us free time,” he started.

“Yeah,” she said waiting for him to go on.

“And I thought it would be a great time to play that one on one game I promised you yesterday, so what do you say?” he asked.

“Sure I’ve been waiting for someone brave enough to challenge me, but don’t cry when I beat you ok,” she said cockily.

“Whatever, just try to keep up,” he said walking away.

“What’s that that do I see a love triangle forming?” Kagome asked.

“Nope,” Kiyomi said simply walking to PE class.

At PE:

“U-um ok class um I-I’m Mr. F-fujiyoshi the Commander’s son,” the sub stuttered nervously.

“I so didn’t see that coming,” Miroku said.

“Um well since I’m not a very g-good athlete I’ve just decided t-to let you al have f-free time,” he said adjusting his glasses.

Everyone immediately went for the bleachers except for Kiyomi and Keichi. They were standing face to face in the middle of the court. Then a guy with a gray mohawk came out with a referee uniform on and a basketball.

“Thanks for supervising Hakkaku,” Keichi said smiling.

“No problem captain,” he responded.

“Ok guys we’re going for 10 points, you ready?” he asked.

“Wait,” Keichi said and walked to the bleachers, took his shirt of, and threw it on the ground.

“Ok now I’m ready,” he said smirking at the slight blush on Kiyomi’s face.

Sango, Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Hitoshi were all sitting together watching the game, and when Sango saw Kiyomi’s blush when Keichi took his shirt off she got an idea.

“Whoa Keichi sure does have a nice body huh Kagome,” she said winking at her.

Kagome caught on quick and said, “Oh yeah and he’s just Kiyomi’s type; athletic, smart, and funny with a nice body.”

“No big deal,” Hitoshi huffed crossing his arms.

“Oh and look at that blush on her face maybe they should start going out,” Sango said.

“Yeah and don’t they make the cutest couple!” Kagome squealed.

“What do you think Hitoshi,” Sango asked innocently.

“She’s too good for him, now be quiet the game is about to start,” he said getting irritated.

Hakkaku threw the ball in the air and Keichi caught it; he ran for his basket but was blocked by Kiyomi. She bent her knees and flailed her arms everywhere blocking any opening (sounds stupid but it works). She was good. She blocked every opening and he was only a few inches from the half court line meaning he couldn’t step back, she trapped him. He was against using his heightened physical abilities in sports, so that was out of the question. He decided to risk it and made a shot, but it rolled of the rim and into Kiyomi’s hands. She took off for her basket. She was inches past the half court line until Keichi appeared in front of her. She immediately pivoted her back facing him. He smirked and pressed himself against her, but she thought nothing of it she was concentrating on getting the ball in the basket.

I could probably make it from the 3rd block but he would have already blocked me, and shooting from here would be stupid. But maybe if I…’ she smirked as she got an idea.

She turned putting her hand against his chest. Then faked left and ran the opposite way. He was right behind her, so once she made it to the 3 point range she jumped and shot. She turned and grinned at him as it made a swish noise.

“I underestimated your speed and cleverness,” he said crossing his arms.

“They always do,” she replied.

“Well now I know, now let me show you how it’s done,” he said smirking.

It was tied now 8 to 8 one more point and it’d be over. They had currently just started a 10 min timeout and Keichi was chugging 10 bottles of water and Kiyomi was lying on her stomach on the bleachers drinking water. Sango was on her back rubbing her shoulders.

“You’re doing great,” Kagome said.

“Yeah you’ve finally found a worthy opponent,” Sango said.

“Yeah but, for the first time, I’m exhausted. Ouch! Please be gentler Sango,” Kiyomi pleaded.

“Sorry,” Sango said.

“You’re doing it wrong let me see,” Hitoshi said walking over to Sango.

“Um I’ve been doing this since middle school,” Sango said.

“And I’ve been doing this since I was six,” he shot back.

She got off and Hitoshi sat on her back. Then he gently started rubbing her shoulders.

“Oh wow that feels so good,” Kiyomi groaned.

He smirked and started rubbing harder and while he did that he circled his thumbs on her back earning a moan. Keichi glared at him. Hitoshi looked up and grinned at him, and felt around her shoulders until he found a huge knot. Still looking at Keichi, he pressed his thumb on the knot and moved his thumb in circles.

“Oh Hitoshi,” she murmured quietly, but Keichi still heard.

He growled.

Damn outcast, flirting with my woman’ he thought chugging his 11th bottle of water.

When he finished, Hitoshi got off and sat beside her.

“Better?” he asked smirking.

“Yeah thanks a lot that felt real good,” she said stretching.

She stood up but winced as she felt the pain in her legs.

“Ouch! Cramp, cramp, cramp!” she said sitting back down.

“You forgot to stretch didn’t you?” Kagome said.

“Yeah crap that hurts,” she whined.

“Well do that technique the coach taught you,” Sango said.

“I can’t it takes 20 minutes to get a light cramp out with that technique,” she said.

“Well I have a better technique for cramps,” Hitoshi said suggestively.

“Really what is it?” Kiyomi asked.

“Lie down on the floor and I’ll show you,” he said smirking.

She hesitated because of his smirk but obeyed. He knelt down in front of her. He put one hand on each leg and felt around. He started at mid thigh and made his way down to her calves. Oh yeah she had huge cramps.

“Oh yeah you have some serious cramps, so this might hurt,” he said.

“Trust me I’ve been through worse just do what you have too please,” she said.

He nodded. He put his hand under her knee and gently and slowly pushed her leg back. She cringed and closed her eyes as he pushed it back farther, and then she blushed when she opened her eyes. He was settled between her legs and was hovering over her, his nose almost touching hers. He smirked and pushed her leg farther. She gasped as she felt one last shot of pain as her muscles unwounded. He gently put down her leg and moved to the other leg, which was worse than the right. She groaned and arched her back as he pushed it back farther, it hurt (stop thinking nasty you perverts!). He grunted in concentration as he heard her muscles slowly loosen. Once he was done he put her leg down and stood up. He reached out his hand, which she took, and pulled her up. She shook her legs feeling for any more pain. There was none.

“Wow thanks Hitoshi,” she said hugging him.

“No problem,” he said smiling.

“How’d you do that anyways?” she asked.

“Let’s just say I got magic fingers,” he said seductively.

“The real reason is because he was really attached to his mom and went everywhere with her, including her yoga classes. In short he’s a mamma’s boy,” Miroku said.

“There is nothing wrong with loving your mom!” Hitoshi and Inuyasha snapped.

“Aw how cute,” Kagome said.

“I know,” Kiyomi cooed.

“Ok guys break time is over,” Hakkaku said.

“Ok,” Keichi and Kiyomi said in unison.

Kiyomi took off her shirt revealing a black sports bra and flat abs (Just so you guys know she is wearing white basketball shorts. I know you already knew that, but just in case anyone thought she was wearing those light blue bikini bottoms). All the guys, except Inuyasha, got a nose bleed. She walked to the middle of the court and faced Keichi.

“Oh Keichi you better watch it she took off her shirt she means business!” Sango shouted.

“Hey Kiyomi, how bout we make a deal, if I win you go on a date with me,” he said.

“Sure and if I win…” she said grinning evilly.

“What?” he asked nervously.

“You’ll find out after I whoop your ass,” she said.

“We’ll see,” he said.

Hakkaku once again threw up the ball which Kiyomi caught. The game went on like this; Keichi steals the ball, Kiyomi steals the ball, etc. Then Kiyomi had the ball she was face to face which Keichi. Sweat ran down the sides of her head as she bit her lip in concentration. Keichi was lost; he watched as her chest moved up and down as he wondered what it looked like under the sport bra. Kiyomi saw this and took her chance she ran toward the basket and made a lay up. She smiled triumphantly and walked over to Keichi. He stood up straight and once again his eyes wandered down. She rolled her eyes.

She lifted up his chin so that he would face her and said, “Here’s a tip if you are playing against a girl, never look down.”

“Whatever, what do you want me to do?” he asked.

“Wait right here,” she said running to the girl’s locker room.

She came back out with a white t-shirt.

“Go change,” she said handing him the shirt.

“You want me to put on a shirt?” he asked.

“Yes and this,” she said holding up a light blue bikini bottom.

“No way,” he said defiantly.

“Yes you have to put this on and walk all the way to your dorm,” she said.

“That’s cruel,” he said.

“Yes, yes it is,” she said.

“Kiyomi you want him to put on your uniform?” Sango asked with a disgusted look.

“Not even! This is Yuri’s,” she said grinning.

“I love the way you think,” Hitoshi said.

“I thought so, now go change Keichi I want some pictures of the captain,” she said.

He walked slowly to the changing room.

“Inuyasha give me that camera of yours,” she asked.

(A/N: Teehee I’m evil. Anyways, RVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)