InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ How God Meant For A Man to Love A Woman ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What is up! Enjoy!

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

“So when are you guys gonna propose?” he asked smirking.

“Soon,” they said in unison following the others.

This time:

Everyone was currently at the beach house in the living room. Kiyomi fidgeted under the tension in the air, she hated it. Since her clothes had been torn up due to the… accident, the hospital had given her khaki shorts and a white t- shirt to cover up, but sadly, they had no bras or underwear to give out. Therefore, the fact that everyone was staring at her made her cross her arms over her chest and cross her legs.

“So Kiyomi, I’ve been told you met Hitoshi’s parents on the border line between this world and the next, did they tell you anything about the Lord and Lady of the Western Lands?” Sesshoumaru asked crossing his legs.

“Let me see… oh, yes, Akemi and Tetsuo said that they were close friends of theirs and that they left Hitoshi with them for safe keeping,” she said wondering why he had suddenly brought them up.

Sesshoumaru reached in his pocket, drew out his wallet, and pulled out a picture of a man and a woman. She guessed the man was Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha’s father since they had similar features: well-built and tall with honey colored skin (excluding Sesshy), long silver hair, and golden eyes. Kiyomi could tell the woman was Inuyasha’s mother because of the warm and gentle look in her eyes, Inuyasha tried to hide it but she could still tell. Kiyomi looked up at him curiously, what was with all the questions and the picture it was like a police interrogation.

“Do you recognize them?” he asked almost desperately, almost.

“No,” she said.

“Look closer,” he pushed a small glint of eagerness in his eyes.

He wanted his sister back. Yes, she was a hanyou and yes, he hated Inuyasha for the fact that he was a hanyou. However, she was different; she was special. In many ways, she reminded him of his mother, Mizuki. They were both strong, independent, energetic, and beautiful. He watched her as she studied the picture intently. She then sat up straight, lost in thought.

“I…I think I recognize them, yes I’ve definitely seen them somewhere, even though my memory is faint. Nonetheless, I know them from somewhere!” she declared with a smile of accomplishment.

“You’ve seen them before but do you know who they are?” Sesshoumaru pressed.

“No, should I?” she asked obviously confused.

His eyes showed a glint of disappointment.

“They’re your parents,” he said putting the picture back his wallet.

Her eyes widened.

“I’m sorry, w-what did you say?” she stuttered.

“Those people in the picture, The Lord and Lady of the Western Lands, are your birth parents,” Kagome said.

“The bags are all packed and loaded, we’d like to introduce your parents,” Miroku said.

There was a long silence as Kiyomi stared at them. Then suddenly her eyes turned into ice and her face went cold.

“What made you think I even want to meet them?” she said coldly.

“Kiyomi, your parents love you and have probably been looking forward to meeting you,” Rin said.

“Says the girl who’s known us less than 24 hours,” Kiyomi said mockingly.

“Kiyomi, do not take your anger out on Rin, she is only trying to help,” Sesshoumaru said sternly.

“Well brother, no one asked her for her help, and I’m not meeting them,” she hissed.

“But-,” Sango started.

“But nothing, I’m not doing it! They abandoned me in the middle of the night, on the street, in the rain to die… just like everyone else. They obviously don’t want me and I don’t want them deal with it,” she said harshly.

Everyone watched her walk upstairs, successfully holding back her tears.

“You’re wrong Kiyomi, they love you,” Inuyasha said.

She paused and looked at him from the corner of her eye sending a slight chill up his spine.

“Then why, in every memory I have of them, do they not smile at me,” she said through clenched teeth.

He could not answer as they all watched her walk up the stairs.

“You are all idiots,” Hitoshi said suddenly.

“How are we idiots?” Kagome snapped.

“You didn’t think about her reaction hard enough. Put yourselves in her position. First, as she said, in the only memories of her parents they were always frowning at her, leading her to the conclusion that they had wished she had never been born. Also, unless you’ve forgotten, my parents told her that her parents took me in around the same time she was born, so she sees no reason why they didn’t abandon me with her, proving, to her, that her conclusion that they didn’t want her was true. Lastly, she thinks she is prone to death. All her life she has thought that she has been the cause of her loved one’s death and that people are always tryna kill her. Then, right after she recovers from almost getting raped again by the same person, you people tell her that you’re gonna introduce her to her parents, who she thinks abandoned her! You sound like idiots to me!” he shouted following Kiyomi.

There was another long silence.

“You know, from her point of view, mom and dad sound like pretty horrible people,” Inuyasha admitted.

“Ugh, I feel so horrible! We should have been the first ones to figure that out,” Kagome said to Sango.

“What do we do now?” Rin asked, still stung by Kiyomi’s words.

“We just have to let Hitoshi do his thing,” Sesshoumaru said.

(Me: Everyone leave the house.)

“What, why?”Sango asked.

(Me: A lemon is about to occur)

“What is a-,” Kagome started.

Miroku started pushing everyone out the door.

“We have to leave, a lemon will surely cheer her up and I won’t let you guys ruin it,” he said finally getting everyone out the door.

(Me: Of course, Miroku would know what it is *sweat drops anime style*)

With Hitoshi and Kiyomi:

Hitoshi knocked on Kiyomi’s door. When she did not answer, he opened the door, which was surprisingly unlocked, and walked in. He found her on her bed glaring at the ceiling, just as Inuyasha does. He walked over and sat on the edge of her bed. They were silent.

“How?” Kiyomi asked.

“How what?” he asked confused.

“The things you said to the others, how did you know that’s what I thought?” she said her glare disappearing.

“I’m just really good at reading people,” he said smiling.

She couldn’t help but smile. He lied down next to her, propping himself up with his elbow. He pulled a few stray hairs from her face and tucked them behind her ear. She smiled and snuggled closer to him.

“I’m sorry about everything you have gone through love,” he said.

She sighed, “It’s not your fault, besides, I’m used to it.”

“You shouldn’t have to adjust to it. You don’t deserve all this suffering, and, for the rest of my life, I intend to replace that suffering with love and happiness,” he said caressing her cheek.

He pulled her into a gentle kiss. The kiss deepened and Hitoshi placed himself on top of her. Her eyes widened in fear and she pushed him away.

“What’s wrong kataki?” he asked in a worried tone.

“I’m sorry Hitoshi, I just don’t want to feel that kind of pain,” she said.

He smiled at her lovingly.

“You know sex can be done gently,” he said.

“Really?” she asked.

“Yes, and, if you would allow me, I would like to show you how God meant for a man to love a woman,” he said.

She blushed as he bent down and locked his lips with hers in a passionate kiss. He pulled away from her and trailed feather like kisses down her neck to her collarbone. He moved his lips to her ear and nibbled gently making her moan then stopped and breathed lightly into her ear making her shiver. Her chest tightened and swelled against his. He shook at the amount of control he had to use to be gentle. A part of him wanted to take her at that moment, but a bigger part of him wanted to savor her. He returned to her lips, biting her bottom lip for entrance. She obeyed and their tongues battled for dominance, in the end Hitoshi won. While he explored her mouth, he started stripping her of her clothing along with his. He pulled away from her and gazed down hungrily at the flushed skin of her body. He moved his hand down to the area between her legs. He separated the tender folds of her body and plunged two fingers inside her pumping them slowly deeper and deeper. She threw her head back and moaned; he slowly pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. He started trailing kisses up her stomach and to her breast. He took one into his mouth, sucking and twirling his tongue around the taut peak. He ceased his relentless assault on her breast, lowered his head down to the area between her legs, and took her into his mouth. She arched her back and cried out in pleasure as he did the most unimaginable things to her with his tongue. He stopped and trailed his tongue to the tip of her chin.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

She nodded unable to speak.

He pulled her legs around his waist and plunged deep inside her making her cry out. He growled in satisfaction feeling the tight narrow chamber around him. He pumped slowly teasing her with the size of his manhood. She trusted and loved this man knowing he would never hurt her. For the first time in her life, she was truly in love someone and that someone returned her love back.

“Please Hitoshi faster,” she breathed out.

He obeyed and pumped faster going deeper and deeper, and filling her until she couldn’t take it anymore. She threw her head back and screamed as her release came. Hitoshi didn’t stop but quickened his pace as her climax came again and again. He stopped his thrusts, pulled out shortly, and drove himself deep inside her. She screamed in pleasure as he filled her and tightened her legs around him bringing him deeper inside her. Then his release came and he shuddered as waves of pleasure ran through his body. Then his fangs extended and he bit down on her neck hard.

“Oh yes Hitoshi,” she moaned.

She moaned as her last release came fiercely. His fangs retracted and he watched as the symbol of the northern sun appeared on her shoulder. He collapsed on top of her and licked the small puncture wounds clean.

“I…had…no…idea,” Kiyomi panted.

“Honestly, neither did I,” he said.

(A/N: Review)