InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Undeniable ❯ Getting Back My Groove ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: Getting Back My Groove
Disclaimer: InuYasha and Co. © Rumiko Takahashi
On the way home that night, Sango never asked me about Inuyasha. I guess she was waiting for me to mention it. Wow. She's so much more mature than I am. I would have had my nose right IN her conversation.
My vacation ended very quickly, and I had to return with Sango to school. The plane ride back was tiring…the kid sitting next to me kept staring at me and picking his nose. I tried to keep my focus on the in-flight movie, “Snakes on a Plane.” How fitting.
Eight hours later I was finally at my apartment door. Sango lived just downstairs from me, and we both were just a few blocks from campus. “Home sweet home!” I said as I dropped my bags by the entryway—entryway meaning the space between my TV and my kitchen. It was a snug fit in here, but I loved it. I had decided just the semester before that I would join the pre-med track, so I became a biology major. This semester was going to be tough, but I was pumped to do well. Well, I'm always pumped at the beginning of the semester…can't say that lasts for very long…
The semester started and I tried very hard not to think about Inuyasha. I met him once and there was absolutely no chance I would ever see him again, unless I found myself at another one of Sango's high school reunions, where a guy who wasn't even welcome by Sango and said guy's ex-roommate decided to attend. The logical thing would be to just buckle down and work through this semester.
That resolve only lasted two weeks. What can I say? I'm weak! It was one of our New England winter afternoons, and Sango called me up for dinner at her place.
“What's for dinner? I hope you made that cornbread I love so much,” I called out to Sango as I entered her apartment.
“Tonight's meal: baked chicken, broccoli, cornbread, and store-bought pumpkin pie….a la mode. Grab a seat, I'm just bringing it out.” I decided to help instead, and walked over to grab one of the trays Sango was carrying. “Thanks.” Sango really did like playing house. Can't say I minded her meals. In fact, I tried to eat at her place at least twice a week!
“So how were classes today?” Sango inquired. “Excellent as per usual. I caught Kouga waiting for me after my Biochem class today.” Sango raised an eyebrow. Kouga was sweet but he had a reputation of being a bit clueless when it came to the ladies…
“He caught up with me, and asked if I wanted to come by his place and make him dinner.”
“How romantic…?” Sango sympathized. I nibbled on a piece of cornbread, when I asked Sango, “Hey…do you remember that guy we met at the bar a few weeks ago? …I think his name was Inuyasha…?” I knew Sango could see right through my nonchalant act, but I decided to keep it up anyways. “You mean, the hottie who couldn't keep two feet away from you all night?” Sango was good…
“Oh, did he do that?” I asked innocently, “anyways, I was wondering if you knew him…are you guys friends?” I looked up hopefully. Sango laughed, “ok, ok, ok. You can stop playing it cool! I was waiting for you to mention the guy! I haven't seen such chemistry since The Notebook came out on DVD! All I know is that he's Miroku's friend and that they shared an apartment together, but you knew that too. And if he's friends with Miroku, I'm already a bit skeptical, but his good looks are a redeeming factor in this…why? You want to pursue him? Because you know he is a little older than you…” Sango said seriously.
“I know he's older, what? 24? 25 years old? But I've never met someone like him before. He was completely tuned into what I feeling and saying. Actually it was pretty intense to talk to a guy who I felt knew so much about what I was thinking without even having to ask,” my focus started to drift to how peculiar and intriguing he was. “Do you know what I mean? I feel silly even saying this stuff…”
Sango took a sip of water and said “actually I know exactly what you mean…you remember Miroku…Inuyasha's friend?” My curiosity was piqued. I was actually dying to know how anyone could get on Sango's bad side.
Sango continued after sighing, “well, we used to date. He was my high school sweetheart, and I really thought we would end up going off to college together, getting married, and having tons of little ones. I was so naïve.” Her eyebrows drew closer together and she went on, “Kagome, I was in love with that jerk, and he took it for granted. I went in for extra help one day to my English teacher's office, and found Miroku and that woman getting a little too passionate about Catch 22…I could not face him after that. He left in the middle of the semester, and that was the end of it.”
There was a brief moment of silence, and Sango jumped up “I'm gonna get the ice cream!”
“Sango….” I had no idea. I walked over to the freezer where she was standing and hugged her from behind. “He may have been a dog, but I think you are the strongest most beautiful woman I know. Plus, guys with crabs really aren't worth spilled tears.”
Sango allowed a laugh to escape her, and she relaxed a bit. “Ok, let go so we can start eating this ice cream!”
“Aye aye!,” and I hurried to recieve my sweat treat.
“By the way…your cell phone is charged right?” I answered Sango with a quizzical look, “Yeah, of course. I charged it last night and brought it with me…why?”
“No reason.” Sango was definitely acting odd.
Dinner finished up shortly after, and I found myself reading my bio textbook in bed. It was around 11PM, when I got a call from an unidentified number, “Hello.” I really had no idea who would be calling so late. There was a light cough I heard through the receiver then finally, “Hi! … hi. Kagome, um, this is Inuyasha, we met at that bar a couple weeks ago…”
This sure did catch me off guard! It's not an easy task to go from Mitosis to My o' My hottie on the line! I tried to gather my thoughts for a normal response. I just hoped my voice wouldn't become suddenly high-pitched. With suaveness I didn't know I possessed, I smoothly replied, “Inuyasha, of course I remember. You know, I'm still making plans for a few adventures I have in mind for when I get back home…always room for one more…” I could hear his smile as he spoke, “that sounds amazing Kagome. Actually, I'm calling to see if you're free to hang out…casually…erm, next weekend.”
I was a little confused and curious about why he was in the area. Should I consider it sweet or completely creepy that the man of my dreams who I spoke with for 2 hours flew cross-country just to hang out….casually…for the weekend. “Uuuuuummmmm……..”
“I'm actually heading out for an audition nearby, and I thought it would be great to see you again…if you want to, that is.” Ok, so we can rule out him being a creepy stalker, and we can definitely consider him a Hottie McHottie who knows what he wants. “And I bet I can show you a few places that you haven't seen before…” I was always up for an adventure.
“You know, that sounds great Inuyasha. I would love to hang out and the possibility of an adventure is something I could never turn down.” I gave a second meaning to that last remark, and I doubt he didn't catch it. “Give me a call when your flight comes in, and you can come on over.”
“Ok, that sounds great. I'll see you then. Bye.”
“Bye,” I think that came out a little more airy that I planned. I ended the call, and lay back on my bed. “Oh my goodness gracious great balls of FIRE!!!” I was going to alarm the neighbors.
Automatically, I picked up my phone again and dialed a very familiar number.
“Sango, you knew the entire time, and you didn't say a WORD?!”
Author's Note:
Hey Guys,
Thanks so much for reading. I'm basically new to writing fanfiction, but I appreciate any kind of advice you can give. There's some slight OOC, but then this is my interpretation of what these characters would be like in this alternate universe, so I'm just going with it. I always appreciate a good lemon, so you can be sure to expect that in this fic too. Again, I'm so happy you're reading, and please review!