InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under a Crimson Sky ❯ A proposition ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inu-Yasha and all of Rumiko Takahashi's characters are not mine....!!! Warkarimasu ka?

A/N: Haha…I guess you guys figured it out! Yes…unfortunately Kikyo is not down for the count..yet! She will reappear in the plot…..again.... LoL =0). Hey! We need an antagonist in the plot somewhere folks! (Angry flames shoot out of nowhere and singe the anxious typer) Anyway, I painfully sat down the other day and figured out where I'm going with this. I have an idea how this is all going to end now, all I can do now is hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did scribbling it down! Now on with the reading….

A proposition

The cold breeze stilled. He contemplated over the scene he had just witnessed safely protected within his barrier, reliving every detail in earnest. Laughter dripping with a putrid malice suddenly burst from his lips. An eerie shadow danced across the sky, drowning the luminosity of the moon. His mere presence intoxicated his surroundings with a malevolent aura; saturated with evil in its purest form.

"Hahaha…Sothis ishow it all The tormented miko drowning in grief stricken sorrow finally seeks peace in the bowels of hell. The pathetic hanyou obviously chose his path…demo…I will not let it end that easily. I think I should pay a little visit to my old flame Kikyo…Kami knows she could need some distraction from her own self pity for a while…

Warm rays soaked in the brilliance of the sun slowly crept across the hanyou's sleeping face. He awoke with Kagome still pressed against him, arms intertwined. Her breathe coming in shallow silent waves. God…she is beautiful he thought. He wished this moment could last for eternity but inwardly knew that it would drift away and become just a all things. Might as well get it over with, he thought.




………still nothing………


She awoke with a start. Flames of annoyance flickered in her eyes.

"INU-YASHA!!! Why might I ask, did u choose to wake me up in such a manner????!!!!!"

"Nani??? I tried to wake you up a hundred times! You just wouldn't budge! Don't blame me for your laziness!" And with that he gave a highly intellectual, "Keh!!!"

She agilely slipped from his arms and shimmied herself smoothly down the trunk of the tree, making her way towards camp. The troubled hanyou sighed in relief fervently wishing that she wouldn't lash out at his rudeness as she usually does.

"Inu-yasha" she said simply….


She paused for a moment to hear the satisfying crunch of hanyou-face-meeting dirt, followed by a steady string of vicious curses, and gaily continued her way towards camp as if nothing happened.

Ginta and Hakkuku nervously approached their master, fear still fresh in their minds from Kouga's earlier sudden outburst.

"Ahhhh….Kouga….naze….why don't you go just go see Kagome already? She probably got side-tracked and that's why she hasn't visited you yet…so why don't you just pay her a visit instead?"

They wanted their master's angry stupor to end, all he has done since Inu-Yasha took Kagome back was lash out at every living thing more so than usual. A stifling silence permeated the air….the only sound to be heard was the aggravated tapping of their master's foot against the damp hard-packed earth of their den. Then suddenly…..nothing….then….that famous devious smile formed across the wolf youkai's face and his features softened.

"You know guys….you are absolutely right! Domo!"

The two obviously frightened youkai eased up a bit but warily eyed their master, unsure of his intentions.

"Um what do you mean Kouga? You're gonna go get Kagome you mean?" Ginta suspiciously asked.

Before they could hear a reply, a familiar dust cloud formed in their master's wake, suddenly fogging their keen wolf vision.

"I guess that was a yes," Coughed Hakkuku as he spat out the remaining dirt from his mouth.

The silent miko knelt along the banks of the lake of brimstone amidst a raging fire. An emotionless look draped across her fair featured face as she watched the dreaded ill-favored hanyou come forth from the gates of hell.

"Nani...what is he doing here? Why can't I be at peace?

"Kikyo, how do you like your new home?" He laughed maliciously as he circled her kneeling form.

"What are you doing here Naraku? I am in no mood to be bothered by anyone…least of all you right now!!"

"Actually, my sweet, I came because I have a proposition for you. I know you would just love to be left to seethe in your own sorrow right now, but I need your assistance in subduing a certain hanyou. What would you say if I could bend Inu-Yasha's mind and will to make him rightfully yours? I could easily do that for you if you could do me just one little favor in return. I want him as a loyal servant; you can do whatever you want with him as long as he's able to do my bidding when I ask."

The perplexed miko slowly raised her head in distrust, flames of hatred burned in her chestnut brown eyes.

"No…leave me here…I need not be troubled by the world of the living any longer. Why do you insist on berating me with your presence? Leave me…Naraku!"

"As you wish Kikyo - but I won't give you peace until you accept my offer; you are too important to be left rotting in this existence. I need you in the real world whether you like it or not. Farewell, until our next meeting…" His head jolted up in malevolent laughter as he passed through the fiery gates…glancing back at the fallen miko's form once more…

A/N: A sudden unexpected turn…ne? Or did ya'll see this one coming? sigh Gomen ne (Sorry) this is so short, but I promise the next chappy will be much longer! Oh well…review if u like! I would really appreciate that!

ja ne, beautiful-cherry-blossom