InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under the Glow of the Moon ❯ His Completion ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is Inuyasha and co. remains the property of its honored and revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance we would not have Sesshoumaru….
Okey dokey people it is finished…chapter 5 that is… I hope you like it…. and im sooo sorry its late…..i had a bad case of writers block and I couldn't decide where to go from where I left yall.
I wanted to thank everyone who reviewed my fic….it means a lot to me….and I wanted to thank my beta Chaya09…for making sure that I finish my thoughts and my paragraphs make sense…^_^
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Last Time:
“It was so scary you would scream out in pain, thrash about, and we couldn't do anything for you, that is until Lord Sesshoumaru came.”
“Lord Sesshoumaru!!!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru, he's the one who helped your blood deal with the poison.”
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“WHAT? HOW?” she exclaimed.
“I don't actually know, he kicked us out of the hut when he arrived. You're going to have to ask him what he did to you.”
“But I can't do that! He hates humans and has tried to kill me on more than one occasion and…” her friend cut her off her rant.
“Kagome you are no longer human, and despite what you think he isn't going to kill you.”
“No buts, your going to have to talk to him sometime, so you might as well do it sooner rather than later.”
Kagome sat under the tree in silence, contemplating her friend's words. `No matter how much I hate it, she is right. I'm gonna have to talk to him, but it's going to be sooooo weird.' Kagome ran her fingers through her silver hair and sighed. `But why does it have to be weird? We're supposed to be very close to each other, we…we…lo-loved each other, but I'm still scared.'
“I know, Sango, your right but I'm scared and I think that it is because I don't know how he is going to react.”
“Perhaps you should stop listening to your head and start listening to your heart, because our minds tend to put to much thought into such a simple thing, and blow it way out of proportion.”
Kagome couldn't believe the wisdom pouring out of her friend's mouth, and she hung her head in defeat.
“Alright, fine, I'll go talk with him.”
She got up and went to go find Sesshoumaru, wandering off into the direction of his scent `Let's see…I don't smell him in the hut any longer but where did he go?' then she got a whiff of him in the direction of the bone eaters well. Kagome crept up on Sesshoumaru staring at the well, spying on him from behind the trees.
“Milady, it is not becoming of someone of your stature to spy on this Sesshoumaru.”
Kagome jumped in surprise, embarrassed that she was caught spying on him.
She exited out of her covering and approached the Taiyoukai.
“So the demon slayer informed you of the events that you are missing in your memory?” he questioned.
“How did…you….oh yea that demon hearing, but Sesshoumaru-sama, Sango said that you did something to me but you kicked everyone out of the hut, so she couldn't tell me. What was it?”
“I merely subdued your conflicting energies with my own so that it was easier for your body to change into its demonic form.”
“Has this time you were sent to damaged your capability to comprehend things, my Kagome?”
“Now wait just a minute here…!”
`Ah, there it is, the spark in her life' he thought. In a flash Sesshoumaru had Kagome pinned against his body, carefully holding her so she didn't get hurt, but also so that she couldn't move.
“Sesshoumaru let go of me you overbearing brute!” she screamed.
He smiled. Kagome's eyes were as big as saucers at the sight of the “Ice Prince” smiling.
`I'm going to die. He is smiling.
Oh God is it going to be painful too?'
Her thoughts were racing as his face neared her neck, but she was too afraid to notice. Sesshoumaru's mouth caressed her neck so lightly that she barely noticed it. Kagome looked at him with questioning eyes as his mouth had traveled up to her ear. “You have forgotten your use of honorifics towards me. I am glad. Never use them again.” Kagome visibly relaxed, he continued, “I did something much like how I treated you now. You were out of control and your body was shifting between your human and your demon state.” The vision flashed before her eyes, “Your demon side called out to me to help it be free, it was then that I recognized you to be that of my intended, it explained to me what was happening to your body and I understood what I had to do.”
“What did you do to me?” she questioned.
“I marked you as my soon to be mate.
She gasped.
“It is not permanent unless both parties agree on the mating, which involves many ancient rituals.”
“Where is the mark?”
“Your demon half barred its neck in submission and I marked your neck, that light bruise on your neck is the mark.” He visibly tensed waiting for her to become angry, but it never happened.
“Thank you,” she whispered into his neck acknowledging and accepting the mark.
And for the fist time in a long time Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western lands felt complete.