InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ The News ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Me no own Inuyasha.

AN: Like I said before in earlier chapters, whoever wants to write a chapter may do so. Just e-mail me when you're done, and I will post it up giving you credit at the beginning and end. My e-mail is in my bio.

Review Replies*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Valou- thanks for the compliment and I'm updating

Aribear44- oh I love you, you're the first person to review every chapter! Yes I know Sess is very ooc at the beginning but hey I didn't write the first chapter. Well, I update every two weeks, but this time I didn't update on time because my internet broke so I will update this chapter and another chapter soon.


Unexpected Love Chapter 4: The News

Kagome's room*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Kagome is lying on her bed thinking about what has just occurred.

First Sesshoumaru pulled me into his arms, then he comforts me saying Inuyasha doesn't deserve me that he loved me, and starts counting out my good attributes. Next thing I know he kissed me on the forehead, and told me to go to sleep. Finally, he picked me up BRIDAL SYLE, and brought me to my room while I pretended to sleep. This is just plain crazy.


Does he really love me like he says he does? Is he really, possibly, capable of love? That cold, stoic, sadistic, handsome, bloodthirsty demon lord.


I'll just have to find out during my stay here. I think I can actually stay here forever if he asks me to, but that is if he asks. If he doesn't then I'll leave when I feel better. After all, I only came here to stay away from inuyasha.


I should go to sleep.


Around Dinner Time *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Shippou, Rin, do not hide from me. Come in and state your problem," commanded Sesshoumaru.

"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama; Rin and Shippou-chan (AN: tell me if I used it wrong) wants to know if we can wake Kagome onee-chan up for dinner?" asked an overly energetic Rin.

"After all, she didn't have lunch so she should have dinner," added Shippou.

Sesshoumaru thought about this for a moment then agreed so the two energetic children ran off to Kagome's room.


*knock, knock*

"Kagome onee-chan, wake up for your dinner," yelled Rin.

"Wha, huh, come in," muttered Kagome.

"Kagome wake up," cried Shippou.

"I'm waking."

"Let's go to dinner together," suggested Rin.

"K," and they walked to the dining room.

As the mini group got closer to the eating area, whiffs of the mouth-watering food filled their nostrils. Making them walk faster. When they got there, they saw oden, sushi, fish, and other energy supplying dishes. Immediately, the three seated themselves, and began to eat voraciously.

"I can see that humans have no manners," mocked Sesshoumaru.

"Sesshoumaru, how could you not be attracted to the yummy food right in front of you?" asked Kagome in an indirect reply.

"I have gotten used to it," answered Sesshoumaru as he began to eat.

"Well, that's you. This is the best dinner I ever had in my whole entire life," exclaimed Kagome while Shippou and Rin continued devouring without a word.

A few moments passed and Sesshoumaru finally broke the silence, "Kagome, if you are to stay here then you must get stronger. Therefore, I will train you. We will start tomorrow in the morning."

"Cool, I get to stay here for comfort, AND I get to be trained. How nice," thought Kagome?

"You will also be learning spells and other necessities of a priestess by another miko," continued the taiyoukai, "do not worry, it will not be the undead miko. Her name is Miyu. She shall be arriving tomorrow morning, and teach you during mid-day after your combat training."

"Ok," said Kagome letting Sesshoumaru know she agrees.

AN: Very, very sorry about this short chapter, gomen nasai. I wanted to have the training session in the next chapter, and I couldn't think of anything good to put in so I ended it here. Like I said before and in earlier chapters, whoever wants to write a chapter may do so. Just e-mail me when you're done, and I will post it up giving you credit at the beginning and end. My e-mail is in my bio.