InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing

AN: This is put on because it was an advice from my favorite author and that this would probably make things clearer.

Unexpected Love Prologue*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Sesshoumaru slowed to a walk again as his thoughts wandered to a certain miko for the billionth time after he first saw her.

Flash Back to when Sesshoumaru and Kagome first met ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Sesshoumaru suddenly glares at something, and Kagome started to worry from the glare Sesshoumaru is giving her.

"Well, if it isn't a female human," said the demon lord, "A beautiful one at that," he thought, but discarded it as he realized how disgusting it was. "Well, Inuyasha, you are low enough to be with humans. It should not be anything of a surprise, yet it is. How interesting."

Inuyasha's mother moved in her chains but said nothing. Sesshoumaru asked for the location of their father's tomb, but received an answer he did not like. He commanded the monster that he was sitting on to tighten his hold on the women he was holding.

The demon lord scanned the faces of Inuyasha and Kagome to see that Inuyasha instantly tensed and his anger rose to another notch. Kagome became worried for her friend's mother as well as shocked.

Sesshoumaru received a tingling feeling from his heart and spine, "What is this feeling?" he thought. He wondered about it for a few seconds then squashed it before he said Inuyasha's mother will then suffer.

Skips to Sesshoumaru's Dad's tomb [AN: too lazy to write the whole thing} ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Kagome is talking to Inuyasha; saying that he should pull Tetsusaiga out since it will help him in the fight and disgrace Sesshoumaru at the same time since he couldn't pull it out.

"She dare speak of this Sesshoumaru like that. She will be very mistaken, but this woman has courage, quite admirable," thought Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha attempts to pull the fang out, but fails, allowing Sesshoumaru to say some hurtful remarks to his little brother. Sesshoumaru then attacked Inuyasha.

The sparring went on for a few moments until Jaken decides to help his master with the Staff of Heads, but was stopped when Kagome tried to take the staff away. Jaken pulled his hardest and succeed in retrieving his weapon. Kagome was about to fall down on her behind, but grabbed onto Tetsusaiga in the nick of time.

"Dissolve," whispered Sesshoumaru as he is about to use his poison claw.

Kagome saw what was coming towards Inuyasha, and instantly got up to dash towards the hanyou when Tetsusaiga was pulled out. The half brothers looked up in surprise.

"That human wench pulled out father's sword. I have underestimated her. She has power," mused the demon lord.

End Flashback~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Time and time again Sesshoumaru kept wandering back to the images of when they first met. He somehow could not get the miko out of his head. Was it because of her beauty, strength, courage, or all of them combined?

"Let me tell you why you keep thinking of the miko," said a sudden voice out of no where that is between the gender of male and female.

Sesshoumaru stopped walking, and spontaneously spread his senses farther in hopes of detecting the foreigner, but finding nothing, "You are?"

"Someone that you do not need to know. All you need to know is to recognize your emotion. You know well what you are feeling. Do not deny it or feel the consequences. Do not question the feeling since you already know why it exists." Then the voice disappeared.

The demon lord jumped onto a near by branch and pondered what the voice had said. For a while the usually stoic taiyoukai took a seldom trip to denial; denying the fact that he actually loves a human.

`Actually, Fluffy, she's not exactly a normal human, and stop denying the fact that you love her.'

`Why is that, my dear subconscious?'

`Do you know of a female human to have a natural scent of Cherry Blossoms and spice? Do you know of a female human to have an innate power the size of the world? Do you know of a fe-?'

`Enough! I get the point. I love her and I know she is not an everyday human, but why do I love her is the point?'

`And people call us an intelligent ruler. You love her because she has a pure heart. You love her because she has immense power. You love her because she has beauty. You love her because she cares for everybody, even worthless hanyou's and cold hearted youkais so learn to accept the fact that we loved her from the first time we laid eyes on her!'

`If I truly love her I will accept the fact.'

With that, Sesshoumaru's inner voice subsided.

"So that feeling I felt from the beginning is love, huh? Even after all those months that feeling still lingers in my heart."

AN: I hope this will make things better later on in the story. Thank you Amereld for telling me what I should do.