InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ She's Mine ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

AN: I thought I'd update sooner to bring you all joy instead of you guys waiting for me to update painfully.

Review Responses~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Ra: I'm going

Pinayazngrl: um…I guess your question will be answered in this chapter too, and sorry I didn't mean to keep you in suspense.

inuluver90: thanks, and yes I do have msn its the id name is Kokoroyori-yume.

Emma: lol, your hope will be answered in this chapter.

Amreld: -bows ever so graciously- thank you for your advice. I will cherish it, and you don't have to read IMB its kinda messed up [at least I think so] and marching band is a band that is marching. If you go to a high school football game you'll know.

S-Wanderer999: lol, it doesn't matter that you have some writing flaws [I have a whole bunch]. Anyway, I think I will extend it and tell what happens. Thanks very much for the little advice.

Kagome-1990: is this soon enough?

Fayr Warning: I was wondering when someone would say something about the grammar. Anyway, glad you at least like the plot.

Inurin10218: No, I got the name from an anime called Miyu, the Vampire Princess.

eddie4: I'll give you more.

Deadly Teardrops: Thank you very much, I'm writing it so don't worry.

Emma: Well, it might not end until in a little while now since a reviewer game me an idea.

Garfunkelzsnugglebunny: lol, yeah they do think a lot, well, if they don't, then you won't know what's going on.

skittles0765: Thanks, glad you like it, and I'm updating.


Unexpected Love Chapter 9: She's Mine

After a full nights rest, Kagome was still deciding whether or not to go back to Sesshoumaru. She had dreamt of nothing but Sesshoumaru, and she was really starting to feel as though she was falling out of love with Inuyasha and in love with the demon lord. She started to walk away to the field when Sango stopped her.

"Kagome, you don't seem to be yourself. Care to talk?"

"Could we?"

"Of course."

They walked to the field and told the guys they were going to talk and if Sango should catch them spying, they'd get it. Kagome began to spill her heart and soul out to Sango, who could only sit and stare.

"So you see, Sango, I don't love Inuyasha anymore. I really fell in love with Sesshoumaru."

"You really fell in love with him? That's amazing."

"Really? What is?"

"The fact that anyone could love him, and that you of all people would be the one to do it."

"What do you mean 'me of all people'?"

"You fell in love with the one person Inuyasha hated, and now you're leaving Inuyasha for him."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Sango."

"You should tell Inuyasha you want to stay with Sesshoumaru."

"Yeah, sure."

Just then Inuyasha had burst out of the bushes and ran to Kagome and Sango.


"Inuyasha, were you eaves dropping!?"

"No, but you need to come with me. Sesshoumaru is on his way."


"Hmph, fine."

"Knock it off Sango!"

When they left the field to go back to camp, they saw Miroku and Kirara standing at the ready, waiting for Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha told everyone to stand back and that he'd take care of Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha waited impatiently for his half-brother, and then he began to walk toward him.

"What are you doing here, Sesshoumaru?"

"I came to get Kagome."

"Well, you can't have her!"

"I'll kill you if I must, to get her back," argued the demon lord.

"Heh, yeah right. Let's see you try it."

(Wow, Sesshoumaru came back for me?)


Sesshoumaru stood still as Inuyasha began to run at him, full speed, with Tetsusaiga drawn. He lazily stepped to the side, and Inuyasha jumped backward to land in front of Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru drew Tokijin and just in time, for Inuyasha swung the Tetsusaiga full force. Sesshoumaru tossed Tetsusaiga aside, and then sheathed his own sword.

"I don't need a weapon to defeat you, Inuyasha."

"Tch, ok, sure..."

"Watch and learn."

With that said Sesshoumaru ran at Inuyasha and landed a fist across his face. Inuyasha was thrown a good distance away due to his brother's strong punch. The fist fighting continued, and Sesshoumaru seemed to have the upper hand.

"Why isn't Inuyasha changing into a demon? He doesn't have the Tetsusaiga, and Sesshoumaru will kill him!" panicked Miroku.

"Calm down, Miroku."

(Sesshoumaru isn't going to kill Inuyasha. He probably doesn't want me to witness it, and therefore Inuyasha won't die. He'll only use his fists to take out Inuyasha, I'm sure of it.)

The fight still was in a dead heat. Sesshoumaru never once drew his sword, or readied his claws, unlike Inuyasha...

"Iron realer soul stealer!"

"Hm, your aim is terrible."

"Shut up!"

"Hm, seemed to hit a sore spot..."

"Die, bastard!!"

When Inuyasha jumped up, Sesshoumaru found his chance. He hit Inuyasha clean in the gut, and sent the air rushing out of him. He sent Inuyasha flying back a great deal, and Inuyasha was gasping for air.

"Had enough?"


Just then Inuyasha passed out cold from the strain and the pain that he was just caused.

"Inuyasha," yelled Kagome, Miroku, and Sango. They ran over to her while Kagome confronted Sesshoumaru in fear that he would actually kill Inuyasha though she doubted it.

Sesshoumaru wasted no time in useless words, instead, he embraced her, giving her a long and hard kiss.

He broke off the kiss, his eyes full of passion and happiness, "Come back with me."

Kagome smiled as joy filled her face like water in a cup, but it soon turned to worry and then sadness. "I can't… yet, I can't just leave Inuyasha and the rest of my friends. I still have to collect the jewel shards too," said Kagome as she started to look back to her friends surrounding the hurt hanyou.

"Then you will not leave them. They will too be under my protection…even my half brother."

"What about the Shikon Jewel?"

"I will help you collect them. I don't want to be away from you again. One day is enough torture"

"Really? I think I need to tell you that I love you and that that one day was torture for me too."

Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow then kissed his beloved again.

"Kagome, come quick! Inuyasha…Inuyasha…I don't think. Just come over here," yelled a frantic Sango.

AN: Cliffy mwahahahahahahahahahahaha and sorry if the review responses seem longer than the story, and if you're worried it is, it isn't.