InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled ❯ Intro ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A.N. Just so every one knows none of the characters of Inuyasha belong to me::is now sad::
The only characters that are mine/ours are Desikis/Yuri which is my own character and
Lizko/any other names the girl has-which is a very good friend of mines character.
I am writing this fanfic with a friend of mine, and it's the first story I ever tried to write with
some one. It's really fun working with a friend on a story, and we are planning on making this
story a saga. It wont be hard to tell when the writer changes I bet we are both very different
None of the Inuyasha gang are in it yet but they will be in the next part, this was an intro to me
and Audra's characters. Thanks and I, and I think Audra would be to, to get comments on our
story and suggestions. Now on with the story....

Head bent over a decaying scroll, the blue haired girl didn't pay any attention to the
'translators' who watched her. Her hand moving over the page of a new scroll sitting beside the
older one. Translating the ancient scroll for the 'translators' was nothing to her, she knew every
language after all, new and old.

When the girl finished her work she barley acknowledged the thank you's and how did you do
that's, she received from the people around her.

"Miss... Miss Yuri, Miss Yuri!" A black haired teen called as he ran over to the blue haired
girl that had just walked outside. "What were you doing here? Can I walk you home, or where
ever you are going? Or, or could you join me for dinner?" The boys cheeks turned crimson at his
rambling. "Miss Yuri?"

The girl stopped walking and turned towards the boy. "Huh?" Yuri just stared at the boy for a
second in surprise, then let out a soft sigh. "I...I'm...I can't not, not today Largo...may, maybe
some other time. I have things to do." She saw the disappointment in his eyes even though he
tried to look like he wasn't disappointed. Yuri looked away, she had tried to be nice and let him
down easy, the boy wouldn't under stand anything.

She hurried off and just walked around the village for a while, then went to the inn she was
staying at for the moment, she didn't have a 'home' not any more no place could truly be called
home for her. At those thoughts faded memories broke into her thoughts, along with 'long'
forgotten fears.

'Am I the only one? Is there any one else out there like me?'

At the same time in this same place there was another girl. She is sitting by a river which
flows through the village, and starring deep into its calm shallow depths. Her reflection looking
back at her, with silver eyes and ebony black elbow length hair. She hugs her knees to her chest
and sighs. She is wearing a chinesse style black silk shirt with silver fastenings, and black arm
guards. But the weird thing about her isn't her eyes, it's the fact that she has cat ears and a tail.
Her ears twitch with every sound in the village, and her tail thumps with every movement.

"Hentai!?!" A girl is heard screaming seconds before a young man runs threw the village getting
chased by a blue haired girl, who's clothes looked like they where put on in a hurry. "Get back
here you lecherous creep!" Yuri screamed as she chased the guy past the neko like girl sitting by
the village river. She chased the boy back into the village, and past the girl by the river again.
Yuri stopped running and started to straiten her kimono, she glanced over at the neko and unlike
some villagers she didn't scream at seeing a demon of any kind in the village. She studied the girl
that appeared to be a neko for a couple seconds, forgetting all about the young hentai. "Hello?
Pacing threw? Yuri questioned, she softly patted out the material of her kimono, while waiting
for the neko's answer, if she was even going to answer that is.

"I guess you could say that," the neko replied.

"Where you heading, or do you just go where you feel, are you a wonderer like me? That's
how I ended up being here at the moment." Yuri added.

"I don't really know."

Yuri stared at the girl for a moment and then thought to herself 'jee real talkative, but I sense
a deep sorrow coming from her.'

"Sorry, I'm not much of a conversationalist." (A.N. Gah Audra that words a mouth full to
type let alone say...)

Yuri smiled, "It's alright, a lot of times neither am I. Well that is unless I'm chasing
perverted creeps, who need to learn to keep there hands to themselves." She said the last part a
little louder when she saw the boy from earlier.

"I don't really care for chasing hentai's. Boys will be boys. Men will be men. Besides it just
provokes them," the Neko put her feet in the water.

Yuri laughed, "True, true but maybe when they're young some can learn. I've seen it happen,
more then once."

"Maybe." A small silver fish swam up to her feet.

Yuri walked over and sat down beside the neko, she looked at the silver fish. "Brave little
fellow, huh?"

"Stupid." She corrected and faster than Yuri's eyes could follow snatched it, leaving only a
riple in the slow flowing river.

Yuri glanced over at the girl who caught the fish. "Your fast," she commented. "Whats your
name? I have had many different names over time, but at the moment I am called Yuri."

The Neko threw the fish back in the water and it swam away. "I've forgotten my name."

"It's not hard to forget a name, I am saddened though for you, we have something in common
then for my true name I too have forgotten, maybe I'll truly remember it some day again."

"I would pray for you, but it seems the lord is some what angry with me at the moment." She
smiled, but it held no humor.

"I stopped praying a 'long' long time ago, it never helped me back then and I doubt it would
now." Yuri looked down, at the water.

"That's strange I thought you were a priestess. Judging from your aura you are obviously
some one of holy personage." She stood and turned away from Yuri. "My name is Lizko, I have
no other." With a gust of wind and a blink of an eye, she was gone.

"A priestess..." Yuri laughed softly to herself after Lizko left. "I may know all the tricks of
that trade but I was never the kind of priestess these people know, maybe to poeple I was to an
extent long ago..." Yuri's appearance changes to that of a slightly taller, pale blue haired woman
dressed in long flowing black robes with intricate embroidery with a silver belt. The front half of
her hair pulled up in two ponytails, the rest flowing down her back and two long bangs that had a
life of there own. "Until we meet again my friend." Desikis formally known as Yuri, to the
people in this time, shimmered and disappeared.

(A.N. @_@ My fingers need to rest now...::lets out a long sigh::)