InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 24 - An Innocent Kiss ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I can only dream of having the money that Rumiko Takahashi makes off of her anime, Inuyasha. Me? I’m just a non-profit fanfiction author who adores the show and loves to write smut.


Chapter 24 - An Innocent Kiss

A/N 1: Uchuu says Thank-you to everyone that voted for him in the Inuyasha FanGuild Awards 3rd Qtr. 2007 Best Original Character Awards! He won 2nd Place! Yay! I would like to add my Congratulations to all the IYFG Fanfiction Awards Winners out there!

A/N 2: I've had a lot of readers ask about the whole scent thing. Basically, 'Why can't Inuyasha smell Sesshomaru or the fact that Kagome has been intimate with someone'. One of my very loyal reviewers, Neko-sama recently asked that same question and the following is my response with a few minor editorial changes:

It is a common fanfiction practice to label every sexual act a terminal blot against the female due to the 'scent factor'. In this case, I chose not to go that route. Inuyasha didn't actually meet up with Kagome for several days after they had sex and after bathing, so I can't see why it wouldn't have faded. I mean, other than traces of semen how could he tell? Could he really tell that she had given up her virginity? Does tearing a hymen really change an entire person's scent? It could if we—the authors—wanted to, but in this story, I am opting for simplicity in the explanation of the sexual encounter. They had sex, she bathed away the scent. The rain took care of the clothing, and good hygiene took care of the rest. The hymen issue really has nothing to do with Kagome's purification powers so its absence shouldn't affect her. I think that if she had been sexually active with many men it would leave a residual scent - mostly the whore scent! haha! - but not just by having a couple of encounters several days prior. I am also counting on the fact that Kagome has recently gone through a traumatizing experience, and Inuyasha would be taking that into account when he is near her. I would think that her journey and the suffering that she has been through would have more of an affect on her scent than anything, so he would be wary of trying to nail it down to one particular reason. I know the tale is a little different than the norm, but I am trying to think outside the box on this one. Things like this are bound to throw the readers off occasionally, like the fact that there is no mating mark that extends life (don't worry, I have a plan) and things of that nature. This story is just going to be different.

I hope I answered your questions concerning the scent factor. Thank you Neko-sama for asking and giving me the perfect opportunity to explain it to everyone in detail.

A/N 3: TA Farr... It isn't a pancake griddle, but I hope it will do.

Tana-san... I think about you all the time and it moves me deeply that through your daily struggles with failing health you are able to find a spark of enjoyment while reading 'Violation of Honor'. You have my deepest well-wishes and I hope that I can continue to provide a little light in your life. Your heartfelt reviews give me more motivation than you could ever know. I am blessed to include you amongst my world of fanfiction friends. Oh, and if you really want to know my name, then you will find it on a drawing that I made of Sesshomaru and Kagome, but be warned, it is mature content. Here is the link Just look up my pen-name.

To ALL of my reviewers... Thank you! I love reading your responses and I am sorry that I can't always get back to you individually, but I hope that I am making up for it with the quick updates.

Okay, enough babble. On with the story!



"Inuyasha, I am just going down to Akira-san's hut to check on her son's fever," Kagome complained.

"Well, I'm going with you."

Kagome rolled her eyes in frustration and tamped down the urge to stomp her foot. All morning long and most of the afternoon, Inuyasha had been following her around like an obstinate pup. Since the day before she arrived home, he had not left her side except for the few blissful moments that she had escaped to use her outhouse privy.

Granted, she occasionally needed a little guidance since losing her eyesight, but things were quickly becoming clearer and with a walking stick, she could manage pretty well on her own. Oichi was there to help her with the rough spots and since this was her village, she was familiar with the area—unlike at Saya's home. The one thing that she did not need was a guard dog.

"Inuyasha, why are you acting like this? You are being ridiculous."

Inuyasha didn't answer, and he didn't bother to wait on her, instead he strolled past her and out the door. Kagome sighed and slowly followed him to Akira-san's hut mumbling about stubborn dogs.

Inuyasha walked ahead listening to Kagome's irritated grumbling, but he ignored her. There was something inside him that did not want her to be out of his sight. She looked so fragile and different from the Kagome he knew. She walked along unsure of herself while refusing help and tapping a long stick to find her way, he had to fight the urge to pick her up in his arms and carry her everywhere.

He knew that she was angry with him for 'crowding' her, but he couldn't help himself. It would take some time to let go of this overwhelming urge to protect her. Couldn't she understand that he had nearly lost her?

Kagome thumped her stick along, carefully taking each step and occasionally stumbling on a rock, but she was proud of her growing confidence. It helped greatly that her sight seemed to be recovering quickly. Since she had used her powers against the hentai youkai on the night before last, she had regained much of her vision. Everything was still fuzzy, but there were more contrasts now, and the shapes were less obscure. She could see colors much easier, like Inuyasha's red haori as he strutted along just a few feet ahead of her.

She knew Inuyasha wanted to coddle her. If it were left up to him, he would probably have been happy carrying her around like a child, but she couldn't allow herself to be so dependent on others. Although her that blindness was a handicap, Saya taught her that it was how you accepted it that could make or break you. Kagome had always been a fighter, and she refused to lie down and wilt under this new adversity. She would do her best to stand on her own two feet until she was back to normal, and if that day never came then she would somehow manage to make her life worthwhile without perfect sight.

It was times like this that she missed her future time. In her world, she could have popped over to the optometrist's office and had a check up. A specialist could have told her what the future held, but unfortunately that was impossible since the magic to the Bone Eater's Well had grown cold.

Kagome wondered what her mom was doing right now, and if her mother missed her very often. She thought about Souta and wished that she could pick on her little brother just one more time. A dried up kappa paw would have been a great gift from Gramps, if only Kagome could have been there so he could give it to her. She missed them all so much. Her friends, her neighborhood, and her entire life in the future were gone.

"Quit dawdling and come on," Inuyasha grumbled just ahead of her. Kagome looked up from her troubling thoughts and smiled at the fuzzy red-clad figure topped with silver locks. What would she have done without Inuyasha and her friends? She didn't even want to consider that empty life.

"I'm coming, Inuyasha. Just hold on."


Rin lifted her face to the sun and smiled brightly. "It is a beautiful day, Shippo-kun. Thank you for coming with me to let Ah-Un graze for food."

Shippo grinned happily and handed her a pretty leaf that he had found. Rin accepted his silly gift, and they both talked about the beautiful colors it held. Rin was enjoying their outing, and Shippo found a particular fulfillment in showing her around the forest near his home. He guided her past the small meadow where the two-headed dragon munched on tall drying grass and entered the forest.

"There is a nice stream just ahead with water so cold that it will make your eyes run when you drink it."

"Oh good," Rin replied with a smile. "I am beginning to get thirsty."

They climbed up a slope covered in bramble and trees, but they avoided the dense foliage as Shippo guided her through the well-worn path that he always took. On the other side of the slope, Rin caught her first sight of the spot where Shippo spent much of his free time. He watched her face as she took in the small grassy hillside and the scattering of fallen leaves.

"In the spring this grass is bright green and there are tiny yellow flowers that bloom all over. The trees overhead are shady in spots, but allow much of the sun to shine through in patches. It's really nice here then. You would like it, I think."

Rin reached out and squeezed his hand. "It is beautiful, Shippo. Thank you for showing it to me."

Shippo felt his pride swell but looked away so that Rin didn't see his face turn red from her compliment. Rin was so pretty and sweet. She always seemed to enjoy life no matter rain or shine. There was a hidden strength and fearlessness that came out on occasion, and it made her that much more special in his eyes. After spending so much time with her, he could see now why Lord Sesshomaru kept her around. Even though he was a cold, arrogant and deadly demon, Rin had managed to endear herself to him. If she could make Sesshomaru-sama care for her, then a young fox like Shippo never stood a chance.

They went down the slope, slipping occasionally on fallen leaves until they reached the gurgling stream of fresh cool water. Shippo watched as Rin kneeled down for a drink. He felt his stomach warm in places that it was best left unmentioned as his eyes slid over her slender waist and her plump little butt. It was one of those moments when he was tempted to follow in Miroku's footsteps. It would have been so easy to reach out and touch that soft, tempting flesh just to confirm the softness. Fortunately, watching Miroku get his brains knocked out over and over had taught Shippo one thing...never grab a woman's rear-end unless she wanted you to.

When Rin finally stood up, Shippo shifted nervously, hoping that she wouldn't notice the sudden bulge in his pants. That could turn really embarrassing, really fast. Fortunately, a colorful bird that flew from a branch of a tree overhead distracted her, and so she set out to follow it. Shippo jogged to catch up to her, and together they laughed and the chase was on.

Instead of following the bird, Rin started a game that led to Shippo chasing after her. Her giggles spurred him on, and before long the two of them were darting behind rocks and using tree trunks as a shield. In truth, Shippo could have caught her ten times over, but he was enjoying the game way too much to spoil it by catching his prey. There was a great deal of excitement in chasing after something he wanted, especially something so pretty and full of laughter.

Finally, Rin darted from behind her tree-trunk barrier and giggled like mad when he gave chase. She made the mistake of trying to use a boulder across the clearing as a shield, and Shippo happily pounced, bringing their game to an abrupt end. Rin fell forward and at the last minute, he twisted so that she landed on top of him with the ground giving him the brunt of the force. He released an 'oomph', which only made Rin grow concerned.

"Are you alright, Shippo? I didn't mean for you to get hurt!"

Shippo smiled up at the dark haired angel hovering over him and reassured her that he was fine. "Don't worry about me, Rin. I'm a youkai. It would take a lot more than that to hurt me."

Rin sighed in relief and then noticed the awkward position that the two of them were in. Shippo seemed to realize it at the same time. Both of them shifted a little nervously while the only sound in the clearing was the call of a few late season birds and the panting of their breaths.

Shippo knew that he shouldn't let his emotion rule him. Rin was young and innocent...and Sesshomaru's ward. He couldn't help himself though. Her body was so warm and felt so good against him. He could feel every dip and curve. Her budding breasts brushed against his chest, and her slender legs were tangled with his. Her eyes were wide, almost as if she were surprised to feel things that she had never felt before. It was a magical moment for them both.

He couldn't look away from those big brown eyes staring down at him, but when her tiny pink tongue slipped between her soft lips, wetting them as if they had suddenly grown dry, he was lost to it. There was something beautiful in the way it slipped over those fleshy pink clouds. He wanted to know if they were as soft as they appeared. He had to know. Shippo leaned up and kissed her slowly, taking his time to feel every slight movement—to taste every single breath.

When she began to return his kiss, it only served to inflame his young passion. Shippo had never experienced such want. It was blinding and explosive. In a swift easy motion, he rolled her over, so that he was on top. He applied more pressure to those beautiful lips and moaned when she slipped her hands into his hair lightly grazing his scalp.

Through the passionate haze clouding his mind, Shippo suddenly knew that he was in falling in love with this girl.  


Uchuu groaned. His gut was on fire, and he found it rather hard to breathe. It was troubling because even through the darkness of sleep he smelled something that made him want to inhale deeply. When he tried, it only made him gasp in pain. Suddenly a warm hand covered his, and he could feel the presence of someone near. He sniffed to identify, and what his nose revealed made his blue eyes pop wide open.


" love. You must lie still or you will open your wound again."

"Is it really you? Oh Gods, Sumiho, tell me that I am not dreaming."

Sumiho laughed softly and placed a loving hand on his forehead to wipe away the sweat building there with a cool cloth, and then she said, "It is I. You are not dreaming. Now be still, like I said."

Uchuu chuckled and relaxed. The majority of his fears concerning her reaction to his appearance were forgotten while basking in her presence. "I must look a sight."

Sumiho gave a very ladylike snort and shook her head. "Monkey, you are very vain."

"I can't help it. It is my royal blood."

Sumiho laughed, relieved beyond measure that her lover was conscious and able to speak, and then she said, "I suppose arrogance comes with the title."

"That it does," Uchuu managed with a groan as the pain in his stomach grew intense. Once the worst of it passed, he realized how worried his sweet Sumiho appeared over his condition. She had dark circles under her lovely eyes and her hair was mussed as if she had not slept. He decided that he needed to put her at ease. "Just tell me one thing, my sweet."

"Anything, Uchuu. What is it that you need?"

Uchuu grasped her hand and pulled it up to his mouth before giving the palm a tender kiss. "Please tell me that I still look better than Umito."

Sumiho laughed aloud and softly popped him on the shoulder. "You are impossible! Here I am worried for your life and you make jokes."

"It is no joke. I must know the truth," Uchuu prodded playfully.

"Of course you are the most handsome macaque in all of the monkey clan," Sumiho said with a warm smile. She then leaned forward and gave him a soft, loving kiss on his lips. When she pulled back, she added, "The most egotistical as well."

"Sadly," Uchuu replied without missing a beat, "that honor goes to my oldest brother. A macaque with sixteen wives can only think himself, a step above all of us regular peons."

"Do you wish for so many wives, Uchuu?" Sumiho asked softly.

Though he had only been teasing her, he sensed that her question ran much deeper than playful banter. He looked into her eyes and saw vulnerability and longing. Uchuu reached up, ignoring the stab of pain from his belly, and cupped her soft face in his much larger hand. "I only wish for one wife, Sumiho. You."

Tears came to her eyes and he could actually feel her happiness surrounding him in waves. It was a feeling that he could grow used to enjoying every single day. Sumiho leaned forward and gave him another kiss; this time, however, it was much deeper and full of passionate promise. Uchuu was in heaven and could hardly wait until he was able to move. As soon as he could make her his mate, he would bar the door to his chambers for an entire month. Even then, he wasn't sure that he would ever get enough of her.

"Get a room."

Sumiho jumped away from the embrace and fell rather awkwardly into her seat. Uchuu tore his eyes away from the embarrassment of his betrothed and found his brother, Umito, lounging in the doorway. "What the hell do you want? Can't you see that I am trying to get a little extra tender loving care here?"

"Too much of that kind of care and you will drop your intestines all over the floor," Umito chuckled. "I just stopped by to tell you that Hyuuga will be coming to see you. He has some big plans for taking down Asuza and—congratulations—you get to be at the center of it all."

"Jealous, brother?" Uchuu replied with a pained laugh.

"Hardly. After you hear what he's concocted you won't feel so pleased."

Uchuu looked away from his brother and stared up at the ceiling. What could Hyuuga have planned for him? How could he be considered instrumental in bringing about Asuza's downfall? And why was Umito still staring at him?

"What the fuck is up with you, anyway?"

"You should watch your filthy mouth in front of your woman, Uchuu. You speak as if you are newly released from a dungeon."

"Very funny, asshole," Uchuu growled. "I don't need your brand of humor right now."

Umito chuckled and stood up from against the doorframe. He looked over his brother slowly and then turned an eye on the mortal woman close by his side. She was pretty enough, and seemed to really care for his brother, but he couldn't figure out where the attraction was. Why was Uchuu so in love with this mortal when he could have had his choice of fine youkai females? Uchuu's penchant for humans never did make much sense to him.

Personally, he had always considered it an eccentric trait that would be indulged until Uchuu came of the age to take a permanent mate. Strangely enough, the fascination with mortals did not wane as he had hoped. Instead, it had led him to this woman. A woman that would die in a few decades, leaving his brother to mourn her loss. "I hope that she is worth it, Uchuu."

Uchuu looked away from his brother and met the concerned eyes of his one true love. "Do not fret, my brother. It is well worth it."  


The familiar landscape below signified his entry into Inuyasha's forest. Sesshomaru lowered his yoki cloud and as soon as he was near the ground, Jaken stumbled off. The imp never did seem to take to that particular mode of travel, but without Ah-Un there was little option except to walk, and he had no desire for this trip to take so long.

"Come Jaken," Sesshomaru commanded in a deceptively bored tone of voice. He knew that Jaken could tell that he was somewhat eager to make his way into this particular human village. His retainer would most likely think his fervent desire to make haste was centered on the need to retrieve Rin and return to the Western Citadel, and that notion was true on most counts. What Jaken did not know was that his master was uncommonly excited about seeing a miko that also lived in the village.

Kagome was close. He could smell her uniquely fresh scent on the breeze. It was tainted by the presence of others, mostly human, but some youkai, like his baka half-brother. Amongst the myriad of scents, he realized that Rin and Ah-Un were not in the village but nearby. Sesshomaru stopped, tilting his head slightly upward and giving a delicate sniff in order to better apprise his surroundings. Rin was not alone; he could smell the fox that often accompanied his brother's traveling companions.

There was something about that scent...

Without a word to Jaken, Sesshomaru took off.

Rin was dazzled by the attention that Shippo was giving her. His kisses left her feeling drugged and giddy with happiness. Her entire young body burned with unfamiliar longing, and she was loath to end it all by pushing him away. She was enjoying the closeness. It felt good to have someone touch her, stroking her back and arms as if she were a precious gift. Since her parents’ death, no one had held her in their arms with tender affection.

Lord Sesshomaru was like a father, but he was not an affectionate demon. Jaken was even worse. She loved them both dearly, but she often longed to be comforted and held simply for the sake of being close.

Shippo pulled away from her lips and trailed a path of delectable nibbles and kisses down her neck toward her ear. The sensations made her shiver, and she gasped when he began to trace the rim of it with his tongue.

"Oh Rin," Shippo murmured deeply. "You are so pretty and you smell so good."

Rin giggled lightly and ran her hands over his back. Suddenly Shippo froze like a wedge of ice. The warm breath's that had been caressing against her ear stilled completely. She could feel his hands—one on her arm and one on her waist—tighten and she knew something was terribly wrong when he whispered in a ragged voice, "Oh Gods. I am so dead."

Rin was about to ask what was happening when Shippo scrambled off her in a flash. She turned confused eyes to him now sitting beside her and found him pale and shaken. His green eyes were huge and staring toward....

Lord Sesshomaru.

"Oh no," Rin murmured. Clearly, her lord was not pleased.

Sesshomaru stood his ground just inside of the thick mass of trees. At first, he could hardly believe his eyes, but his nose had not lied. His Rin had been lying beneath that filthy fox brat as he helped himself to her charms.

He could feel his rage beginning to rise. It was full of pain and wanted nothing more than to lash out. His mind was flashing from the meadow to the bedchamber of Asuza and back again. He was seeing his Rin beneath that boy and seeing himself beneath that bitch. Rin's willingness to participate had no role. The innocent curiosity of youth held no sway. Fury was his only lifeline, and it was coming out with a vengeance.

Shippo gulped when Sesshomaru's eyes flashed at once to crimson and his fangs lengthened visibly within his mouth. The winds suddenly began to howl, whipping around his tall form, sending his pale hair dancing wildly about. The taiyoukai's claws had grown twice in length, and Shippo sent up a prayer that upon his death his soul would be accepted into the afterlife.

Without taking his eyes from the enraged demon lord, Shippo reached out and pushed at Rin's shoulder. "Run!"

Amazingly Rin didn't move. She turned to him and shook her head. "No! He will not hurt me."

Shippo wasn't so sure about that, but the one thing that he was certain about was that Sesshomaru was going to hurt him. He finally managed to look away from the terrifying image before him and glanced to his side. "Rin, no matter what happens, I...I want you to know that...that I think I you!"

He didn't wait for her reply. Shippo got up and ran.


Inuyasha and Kagome were on their way back to their hut when they ran into Sango and Miroku. Sango had been trying since the day before to get Kagome alone for a few minutes of girl-time. Inuyasha, however, was being stubborn as usual, and refusing to allow Kagome out of his sight. In a way, Sango understood this knowing Inuyasha the way she did, but knowing Kagome, she could tell that her friend was growing upset with Inuyasha's over-protective nature.

"Inuyasha, why don't you and Miroku go talk to the village headman. I heard that he received a message from his brother a few villages away, and they are having some problems with a rouge youkai."

Inuyasha glanced away from Sango and considered her request while checking Kagome's reaction. It was pretty obvious that Kagome wanted him to give her a break, but damned if he could make himself part from her that easily. The humans just didn't understand. They didn't have his instincts nor the youkai nature of his blood.

Miroku could see Inuyasha's indecision, but the fact that he was considering it at all was more than they had hoped for. He quickly took Inuyasha's arm and began to lead him away. "Yes, come Inuyasha. I hear that the headman's brother is a very wealthy man. If we were to rid his village of this youkai he would surely be very grateful."

Inuyasha gave one last glance over his shoulder to Kagome only to see that she looked relieved. With a sigh, he forced his instincts down and let Sango take over. He knew that Kagome would be safe while in the demon exterminator's care, and besides, they probably wanted to do some of that silly girl-talk.

Finally, he snatched his arm from Miroku and grunted, "Feh. Grateful as in tossing you a fat coin."

Miroku acted a bit indignant at the comment, straightening his robes. "Well, a man has to eat, Inuyasha. We humans have needs that must be met."

Inuyasha grunted at the houshi and replied. "Going to see any terrible demonic aura's floating over the village while we're there?"

"Possibly," Miroku didn't deny. "It is quite possible that an exorcism or two might be in order while we are there."

"You are such a cheat," Inuyasha accused.

Miroku gasped in denial. "That is not true, Inuyasha!"

All too soon they were at the headmaster’s minka, but Inuyasha suddenly reached out his hand and stopped Miroku before he could approach. Inuyasha sniffed the air harshly and narrowed his eyes. Miroku looked at him with a puzzled expression, but Inuyasha put his hand up to his mouth to silence him.

Inuyasha grabbed Miroku's arm and motioned for him to follow. Instead of heading to the front door of the large homestead, they circled around until they came to a window opening. Inside, Miroku could hear the soft singing of a young woman, obviously the headmaster's daughter. She was a beauty, and Miroku had been whacked on the head enough by Sango to know that he needed to stay away from her.

When they got to the window, Miroku expected Inuyasha to peek inside. He was surprised when his friend shifted close to the opening then swiftly reached inside.

Inuyasha snatched the little pervert out of there in a flash. He held Shin up and glared at the little dragon angrily. It was bad enough to have Miroku sneaking about eagerly spying on unsuspecting women, but the pixie dragon had a vast advantage with his size.

Miroku's eyes grew wide when he realized what Inuyasha had been after. The dragon friend of Rin was struggling against the much stronger grasp of the half-demon while snorting little clouds of smoke from his flaring nostrils. Miroku followed Inuyasha a safe distance away then listened as his friend berated the tiny beast for being a hentai.

"This is my village you little freak, and I won't stand for you coming in here and causing trouble. You got that? If I catch you sneaking a peek at one more woman without their clothes, I'm going to have a dragon snack."

Miroku frowned at that. It simply didn't sound appetizing, but Inuyasha would eat practically anything except spicy food. He then wondered if raw dragon would burn one’s tongue. His rambling thoughts came back, however, to Inuyasha's threat about watching naked women. It was, after all, a favorite past-time of his and Inuyasha wasn't exactly exempt from the occasional peek himself. "Perhaps, Inuyasha, you should take your own advice into consideration."

Inuyasha lowered the dragon and glared angrily at the monk. "If I want your advice, I'll ask for it. Now shut it. This has nothing to do with you and me and everything to do with this little runt!"

Shin was indignant. "I was not peeking into the lady's chamber. I was simply looking for food."

Inuyasha snorted at that. "Yeah, like I would believe that. I suppose your food is often found on the discarded inner kimono of naked women?"

Miroku hated that he had missed that particular show since the woman in question was exceptionally lovely. It would not do to have the pixie dragon running amok in the village, however. He was unsure if the place was big enough for more than one hentai.

"Release me, you overgrown mutt," Shin growled impatiently. "I do not answer to you."

Miroku sighed and listened to the ensuing argument wondering when Sesshomaru would come to pick up Rin and his dragons. Hopefully, it would be soon.


"I was so worried for you," Sango told Kagome as they walked toward the onsen behind the village. Kirara mewed in agreement from her shoulder.

"I'm really sorry, Sango. To tell you the truth, I didn't even think that you would know what had happened. I was sure that you would be a while longer before you got back from Shodo-shima Island.

Sango helped Kagome over a rough spot, and together they climbed the path leading to the hot spring. "It was strange, I have to admit. We were coming back from the mission when Inuyasha suddenly got this sense that something terrible had happened to you."

Kagome stopped in her tracks and looked toward the fuzzy image of her friend. "He did? That's so weird."

"You know that the two of you have a strong bond. Who knows how it came about, but you can't deny it."

"No, I guess not."

They arrived at the springs and the steamy water sounded very inviting to Kagome's ears. The two of them began to disrobe and Kagome grumbled about her threadbare bathing suit. "I can't believe it will be another five hundred years until Nylon and Spandex is invented."

Sango laughed and dropped her outer kimono, leaving on only the thin, white, inner kimono she used for soaking during the daylight hours. She wouldn't be caught dead out in the daytime without her clothes on. Not when there were so many perverts running about. She glanced to Kagome in her two-piece suit and for the first time realized how much weight she had lost. "Oh my, Kagome, you must start eating more. I can see your ribs."

"I am," Kagome replied while sighing dreamily at the warmth surrounding her. She lay back in her favorite spot and listened to the gurgling of the water. "In the dungeon they only fed us bread and water. It's going to take a little while to gain my weight back."

"Maybe Akira-san can make you some of her special sweet cakes. A bowl of those and you will be nice and plump in no time."

Kagome laughed and said, "I'd rather not be plump, Sango, but I could stand to gain some pounds. Even Inuyasha noticed."

"He was really worried about you Kagome. I've never seen him so determined. He would have ran the entire way back if it weren't for me and Miroku."


Sango glanced over her shoulder to Kirara lying on a rock. She giggled and added, "And Kirara. You would have been proud of him though. He pushed us hard, but he didn't complain when we were forced to stop."

"I'm glad of that," Kagome said. "He's matured a lot since I first met him."

"Tell me about your friend Saya," Sango asked curiously. She could tell that Kagome thought very highly of the woman that cared for her while she was in YoKaishi.

Kagome told Sango about meeting Saya and about her job as a silk spinner. She told her about the kimono maker's business and what she learned from Saya. Sango was angered when Kagome told her about the peeping youkai, and laughed when she added how she ran them off. "Saya's uncle is not really a nice man. I wish that she didn't have to live there with him."

"Hm. It is the fate of many young girls," Sango added thoughtfully. She then turned to Kagome and asked the question that was eating her alive. "Kagome, I want to know everything about this silent youkai."

Kagome blushed so furiously that the color was even noticeable above the flush from the heated onsen. Sango could tell there was much about the youkai that Kagome had not mentioned in front of the others. She suspected that her friend had developed strong feelings for her silent companion while imprisoned for so long.

"Well, there's not much to tell." 'Oh, Kagome that is such a lie.'

Sango huffed with amusement. "Now that I don't believe."

Kagome sighed deeply and laid her head back, closing her eyes. "Okay. There is. He's...amazing."

Sango smiled knowingly but with concern. "Go on."

"He was horrible at first. He was so full of rage." She lifted her head and her voice turned serious. "They were hurting him, Sango. They were doing horrible, unthinkable things."

Sango gasped and put her hand out to take Kagome's. She could hear the pain in her friend's voice and knew that his suffering had become her own. Kagome was like that. She suffered for others.

"It took some time before he began to trust me. I was scared stiff of him at first. I mean, I couldn't see what I was dealing with and the cell was not very big. There was nothing in there except some moldy hay to lie on. He was kept chained to the wall, but in an awkward sitting position. The manacles and collar around his neck were infused with dark magic, and they were drugging him with something powerful as well.

"If it were not for Uchuu, the snow monkey, I wouldn't have figured out that much for a long time. Uchuu was actually nice. We talked about his clan and I told him about all of you." Kagome smiled in remembrance. "He told me that he had a human girlfriend. He sounded head-over-hills for her."

Sango shook her head in wonder. It wasn't often that a youkai was nice, much less tolerant of humans. Uchuu sounded like an interesting character. "Why didn't Uchuu tell you the youkai's name?"

"Uchuu didn't know it either, and he refused to tell me what he looked like. Uchuu said that the youkai didn't want me to know."

"That's strange. Why would he care?"

"I think I may have known him, or met him somewhere. The best that I can figure is that he was worried that I would recognize him, and he was embarrassed about his circumstances."

"That's ridiculous. It wasn't like he could help what was happening."

Kagome sighed with understanding. "That's true to you and me, but you know how arrogant and proud men can be. Just look at Inuyasha for instance, he would rather die than admit he was weak. Remember how he acted when we first learned about the night of the new moon?"

Sango nodded. "True. He was obstinate and secretly ashamed. He hates that night still. You should have seen how disturbed he was during our trip back when he was forced to become human on that night."

"I can imagine," Kagome replied with a groan. "I feel bad that you and Miroku had to deal with that."

"We knew something was wrong too. We were worried. Inuyasha's instincts are rarely wrong."

Suddenly a loud rumbling crash in the near distance interrupted the pleasant conversation. Both women stood up from the shallow pool ignoring the shiver that passed over their flesh from the abrupt change in temperature. "What was that?" Sango scowled.

Kagome focused and could feel the force of a strong demonic aura. "Oh Gods, let's go!"

The two of them hurried out of the onsen and gathered their clothes not taking the time to fully dress, but slipping on their outer kimonos with haste. Kirara transformed and Kagome climbed on. Sango grabbed Hiraikotsu and slipped the huge boomerang over her shoulder before joining her. The firecat took to the skies, and in seconds, they arrived to a devastating sight.

Sango gasped when she realized what was happening. "It's Lord Sesshomaru! He's attacking Shippo!"

Kagome's heart nearly stopped when Sango told her what was happening. She couldn't see the fight because her eyesight was still hazy, and they were simply moving too fast. "Oh Gods! Shippo!" Her scream of terror ripped from her throat as she blindly rushed forward. Sango barely caught her arm in time to stop her before she ran in the middle of the fray.

Sesshomaru sliced downward, barely missing the elusive kit with his claws. Suddenly he heard her voice and it finally cut through the insane rage. Rin had been screaming his name, begging him to stop, but nothing had penetrated the haze of fury that had taken over until Kagome came.

He halted his attack and turned to find her screaming the kit's name while the taijiya held her back. The scene was enough to make him shatter. What was he doing? Kagome was obviously terrified that he would kill the young fox. He had not considered her role in the boy's life. His anger at seeing him touching Rin so intimately had blinded him to the full consequences of his actions.

"Sesshomaru!!!" Inuyasha shouted furiously as he leapt through the trees with Tetsusaiga drawn. Sesshomaru had just enough time to pull his sword from its sheath before the hanyou was on top of him. Their swords clashed violently, and the sounds of metal striking metal rang clear in the air. Sesshomaru grimaced at the sound, knowing that the inadequate sword that he was forced to use would not hold long beneath the superior craftsmanship of his father's favored weapon.

"You bastard! What the fuck are you doing here attacking a defenseless kid?" Inuyasha leapt back agilely before charging forward to clash swords again. "I take care of your brat and this is how you repay me?!"

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed and he growled. He was growing tired of Inuyasha's accusations when it was the fox that had accosted his young ward. He avoided the blow and spun fast to the right, stretching his arm out and slamming Inuyasha in the back with his fist. The half-breed hit the ground hard, eating dirt, and Sesshomaru turned to approach.

"Hold it right there, Sesshomaru!" Miroku yelled as he rushed from the forest. Sesshomaru glanced over his shoulder with disdain. These human friends of his brother did not know when to stay out of a fight that was not their own. Suddenly the sound of something large and fast, cutting through the wind, alerted him to the weapon coming his way. Sesshomaru held up his sword and the blunt end of it hit the slayer's Hiraikotsu stopping it dead in its spinning arc. It fell uselessly to the ground. The sword he had was not enough to stave off Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga, but he could easily deflect the sharp boomerang.

One glance to his side and Sesshomaru spotted Kagome stumbling toward the fox that was bleeding from a minor cut on his forehead and a slight gash on his side. The image of her frantic beauty trailing tears in her haste nearly tore his heart in two. He wanted to call out to her, to take her in his arms, but Inuyasha's sword sliced through his left side and completely destroyed his thoughts.

He was being attacked and defeated by a rag-tag group of bumbling fools. His distraction had nearly cost him his life. He turned around, furious now with himself, with Inuyasha, and with the entire situation. His emotions were overtaxed and through instinct he lashed out.

Rin screamed, "Lord Sesshomaru! Nooo!!"

His fist boiled with Dakkasou and Sesshomaru plunged it directly into Inuyasha's gut. The half-breed cried out in agony before slipping from his grasp and falling to his knees.

"Inuyasha!!!" Kagome screamed and immediately jumped to her feet running toward him. She fell protectively over her injured friend and turned furious blue eyes toward Sesshomaru. "Why are you doing this? I hate you! Why can't you just leave us alone?!"

Her words shook him to his very core. He took a tentative step toward her, reaching out, unthinking of anything except soothing the fear and hurt in her eyes. It was then that Sesshomaru felt a small body collide against his side. He looked down to see a terrified, tear-drenched Rin clinging desperately to him.

"Please, my lord, let them go! This is all my fault. Please don't punish them for what I have done!"

His sweet innocent Rin thought that this was her fault? He looked up and swept his eyes over the devastation of his passing. No. It was hardly her fault. The blame lay solely at his feet. His thoughts were in turmoil and his mind unbalanced. Unfortunately, he had allowed his rage to overwhelm him. Sesshomaru breathed in deeply, fighting the inane urge to gag on the scent of his brother's blood. He turned to Inuyasha, who was now propped up in the arms of Kagome. She was holding his half-brother like she would do anything to protect him, even if it meant giving up her very life. As if on queue, her friends rushed forward and soon blocked him off even though they had no chance against him.

"Lord Sesshomaru!!" Jaken's huffing and puffing preceded his emergence from the thick brush, but he quickly stumbled to a halt. "Oh my," he hissed as he took in the scene before him.

Sesshomaru felt a deep-rooted regret. There was nothing that he could do now. Nothing would change what he had wrought. Hopes of a pleasant reunion with Kagome were not to be. Sesshomaru looked down to Rin, still clinging to his waist. He placed a hand on the back of her head and gently stroked her hair. The situation had gotten far out of hand and now it was time to leave.

"Come Jaken, let us be off."

He turned and walked away. Jaken fell in behind him and Rin scrambled to keep up. Sesshomaru did not fail to notice when his ward suddenly stopped, turned around and then dropped to her knees in a low bow.

"My apologies, everyone. I hope that you can one day forgive me."

It angered him that Rin would feel compelled to take the blame for his actions. "Rin," he said sharply, satisfied when she scrambled to her feet and ran to catch up. Ah-Un soon barreled through the trees to join them as they headed for home. Before he disappeared into the forest, Sesshomaru could not resist one last glimpse of his precious miko.

She was hunched over Inuyasha, crying and stroking his hair. Though his wound was extensive, the hanyou would heal quickly. How many times had the two of them parted in a similar manner? Many to be sure. This time things were different, though. Before his experience in the dungeon, and more importantly, with Kagome, Sesshomaru would have smirked at Inuyasha's obvious defeat. This time however, the taiyoukai felt only disgust with himself. His actions had brought Kagome pain. It was the last thing that he had wanted. He needed her, and now he had alienated her completely. 'Gods, what have I done?'


"Inuyasha, are you alright?" Kagome frantically asked. She shook his shoulders lightly when he gave no response. "Oh God," she murmured as fear for his life began to take hold.

Miroku knelt down beside her and carefully pulled Inuyasha's haori aside. He grimaced at the bloody hole in his friend's chest. It looked unimaginably painful. The monk was positive that he had passed out from the pain and blood loss. The wound was severe, but not something that the half-demon had ever suffered before.

Sango was beside him and he heard her gentle sniffles as she tried to be strong, but was failing miserably. The two women were completely distraught. It was up to him to calm them. "Ladies, Inuyasha will heal. He just needs time."

Sango shook her head sadly. "I just do not understand. Sesshomaru hasn't harmed Inuyasha this badly in years. Why would he come here and attack Shippo then turn on Inuyasha so ruthlessly?"

Shippo had scooted up closer to the group, but Sango's question made him wish he was far away. It was his fault that this happened. Had he not gotten so carried away with Rin, Sesshomaru would never have gone crazy. He felt ashamed.

Kagome clutched Inuyasha's limp, injured body to her and hissed angrily, "He's always hated Inuyasha! He is full of hate and jealousy and always will be. I thought that he had changed over the years, but obviously I was wrong. He's still the cruel selfish jerk that he's always been!"

Shippo cleared his throat nervously. He had to tell them. He couldn't let them think so badly of Lord Sesshomaru when he was only trying to protect Rin. "Um...maybe there is more to it."

Miroku turned to Shippo curiously. He had thought it very strange that the powerful demon would attack a youthful fox so ferociously. "What are you saying, Shippo?"

Shippo took a deep breath and just let it out. "Maybe he attacked because hecaughtmekissingRin."

Three pairs of eyes went wide, along with one tiny, "Meow?"

Sango grabbed Shippo's shoulder and gave him a stern look. "Say that again. What were you doing to Rin?"

Shippo groaned and fell dramatically to his back. "This is all my fault! Rin and I were playing chase and I caught her. She was" he sat back up with a pained grunt and faced his friends. "She was so pretty. I couldn't help myself! I kissed her, alright! I kissed her and I liked it, so I kissed her some more!"

Kagome was beginning to see red. Things were making sense now and the culprit at the center of it was a mischievous love-struck boy. "Shippo," she growled angrily, "were you acting like Miroku?"

"Hey!" Miroku cried indignantly. "I resent that. He acted on his own."

"I should have known!" Sango fumed, clenching her fists. "Of course Sesshomaru went crazy! As strange as it is, Rin is like a daughter to him!"

Shippo felt really bad. He hadn't meant for the wonderful kiss to go so far and to get them into so much trouble. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

Kagome shook her head, lowering her eyes to the most important person in her life who was lying helplessly in her lap. Such an innocent thing as a kiss had turned into a deadly battle. She sighed heavily and finally looked up. "Shippo, I take part of the blame. I should have noticed your attraction to Rin and insisted that you two not be alone. You are a growing boy, and you have always had such an uncommon way of attracting the opposite sex. I should have prevented this somehow."

Shippo growled and clambered to his feet. He looked down to the woman that was like a mother to him and shook his head fervently. "No, Kagome. This is my fault. I let a little kiss get out of hand. I should have known not to take it so far, especially with Lord Sesshomaru's ward. It was stupid of me and now Inuyasha is hurt and..." he turned to stare into the forest where he last saw Rin, "now Rin is gone and I didn't even get to say good-bye."

Kagome was proud of Shippo for confessing his role in the chaos of Sesshomaru's visit. With unclear eyes, she watched sadly as the boy verging on adulthood hobbled back toward the village while clutching at his side. Sango reached out and patted her hand then rose to join him. "I'll send some men to help Miroku get Inuyasha back to the village, and I'll have Oichi-san ready the bandages."

"Thank you, Sango," Kagome replied.

Miroku was quiet for a moment as he considered everything that Shippo had said. Obviously, Sesshomaru had caught him in a compromising situation with Rin. He should have considered this outcome sooner and berated himself for failing to take precautions. "Sango and I noticed that Rin and Shippo had grown quite close, but it never occurred to us that he was feeling...amorous towards her."

Kagome gave a sad, half-hearted chuckle. "I didn't either, Miroku. When do you suppose he grew up? Somehow, I missed it."

Miroku sighed deeply and settled down to wait for the villagers. "Children grow up very fast. One minute they are playing with childish toys and the next they are kissing taiyoukai's daughters."

Kagome nearly giggled, but she sniffled instead. "This is terrible. I mean, it wasn't really Sesshomaru's fault."

"Perhaps," Miroku said thoughtfully, "though I must admit, he did not seem himself."

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked.

"He is normally more in control. He is cool and calculating, always attacking with grace and skill. Today he seemed to have let his emotions get the better of him, and he seemed somewhat distracted." Miroku had noticed that Sesshomaru was wounded carelessly by Inuyasha's sword. "He allowed Inuyasha to land a blow when he normally would have avoided such with ease."

Kagome had not been able to see much of the battle except the very end. Even then, everything had been blurry. She wished that she had her eyesight back. Maybe then, she could have stopped the confrontation before it went so badly. "That does sound strange for Sesshomaru, but considering what he had just interrupted, I would imagine he was pretty upset. You know how he is about Rin."

Miroku looked over his shoulder when he heard the approach of the villagers, then glanced back to Kagome. "I suppose you are right. We shall have to have a long talk with Shippo about his actions."

Kagome nodded her head firmly. "Yes Miroku, I agree."  


"Hurry up Goro. My belly is empty, and I long for a decent night's rest."

"Quit your yapping, Makoto. I am a soldier, not a damn carpenter," Goro snapped as he once again slammed the end of the hammer down on his sore thumb. "Ouch!" He pulled the sore appendage against his chest and cursed the nail and hammer once again.

Makoto finally grew tired of listening to his bellows and shoved him aside. He snatched the poster from his comrade's hand and finished the job himself. One nail in the top and one in the bottom. He then stepped back to admire his handiwork with a smirk. "Too bad you do not possess such skill, eh? We would have had supper hours ago."

"Go to hell," Goto grumbled and stomped away. "We have been at this in every village from here to the palace. If you ask me, our daimyo has lost his mind."

"Careful how you speak of Nobunaga-sama, you fool. He would not think twice about taking your head."

With and 'oomph', Makoto was distracted from the argument when he was nearly knocked to the ground. He looked up to discover an elderly man stumbling about with an empty cask of rice wine. "Watch it old man!" he growled, pushing the offensive smelling local aside. "You should get on back to your hut, you old drunk, before you run into someone that is not so nice."

The old geezer set his empty jug of sake down and turned to the soldiers with a scowl. In a slurred, intoxicated voice, he proceeded to put them in their place. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner! I am Tsuneo Okada of the Okada Kimono Dynasty, and I demand your respect!"

The soldiers merely laughed at his drunken attempt to garner their admiration, before turning away to leave him mumbling and alone. Tsuneo bent down precariously to gather up his empty sake cask and then tucked it beneath his arm. He had been having a wretched night, and it only seemed to get worse. First, his favorite gambling house refused him entry and forced him to leave. Afterwards, he stumbled to a less noble establishment with which to toss his coin. Unfortunately, his luck was cursed tonight. He had lost the first game of Mahjong, but the second won him a tidy pile. It was false luck though as the tiles turned out against him. Things only went down from there and before he knew it, he owed quite a sum to the local thugs.

Tsuneo grunted at his own foolishness and stumbled into the street. There he passed by the posted sign that the two ill-bred soldiers had been nailing to a post. He leaned forward, blinking against blurred vision and trying to focus on what he saw. His eyebrows shot up high upon his wrinkled forehead when recognized the artistically rendered portrait of a woman carefully sketched there.

"It's that damned miko. Saya's friend."

The old man wobbled to the side a bit and held out a hand to grasp the wooden pole for balance. Though most of the villagers could not read, he was one that had some skills. It was hardly needed, however, as the insignia of Oda Nobunaga was clearly stamped there beside several depictions of gold coins. Closer inspection revealed that it was a wanted poster for a miko named 'Kagome' and that the daimyo himself was willing to pay for any information leading to her capture.

Tsuneo chuckled at his discovery before reaching up to rip the poster from its perch.'So the miko is wanted by Nobunaga, eh? This is delightful news.' With a fresh skip in his swaggering step he chimed out a new tune, "I think my luck has just changed for the better."  


A/N 4: Next chapter there will be a naughty lemon with Lord Hyuuga and his wives - yes, all sixteen of them. Can I pull this off? Does Hyuuga have the stamina? Muahahaha! Do not underestimate us.

For all of you Sesshomaru and Kagome fans out there, I would like to mention a great Yahoo group site started by Demonlordlover. It is mostly an adult base of fanfiction lovers that enjoy the Sess/Kag pairing - as well as the location of Demonlordlover's awesome stories. Pop by and check it out, if you have not already. You might find that it is just right for you, too. Here is the link:

Finally, I send my ultimate gratitude and warm friendly hugs to Risa for all of the hard work that she continues to put forth in making 'Violation of Honor' a smooth read for everyone.