InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wake Me Up Inside ❯ Chapter 16

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wake Me Up Inside
Chapter 16
Author's Note: I want to apologize for taking so long to update. After I ended chapter 15, I ran straight into a brick wall that refused to let me write anything more. I also got slammed with several life issues that needed my full attention. I will finish this story! It…just might take me a little while.
To those of you who were immature enough to spam-whine and or insult me, seeming to think that I'm some sort of superhuman that can handle life while putting you first, you can kiss my ass and shut up. I'm only human. I'm doing the best I can.
That said, onto the story that you all have so anxiously awaited.
Beta-Reader: DarklessVasion
Japanese Glossary
Aniki = Big brother
Okaa-san = Mother
Konbanwa = Good evening
-san = honorific equivalent of Mr., Mrs., or Ms.
Oishii = yummy, delicious
Shouji = a Japanese style sliding door made of wood and paper
`Jeremy, ya damn jerk! How could ya do this to me? I didn't make up with you so ya could stand me up again!' Peggy Sue mentally grumbled as she stood up from her table at Spankies' eatery. She dropped a few bills on the table to pay for her drink and the tip, then turned and stomped out. Outside, she clip-clopped in her two inch black platform sandals to her rusting brown '87 Oldsmobile. Flinging open the driver's side door, she all but threw herself into the seat. With a grimace and a colorful string of language muttered under her breath, she slammed the door back shut.
Blowing out a heavy sigh as a huge puff of air, Peggy realized she had one small problem. It was 7:23 on a Saturday night. There was a whole six hours at the least left to kill. Being a social person, she couldn't just sit at home and watch a movie. All of her friends were out on dates and gatherings of their own. Except, there was that Japanese girl from her Wednesday class with the comatose secret boyfriend. Come to think of it, that hospice place was only a few blocks away.
`I wonder if I might find her there,' Peggy pondered with a gleeful grin. Shoving her key into the ignition, she started her car, slapped her seatbelt on, then pulled out of the parking lot.
A short five minutes later, Peggy pulled into the hospice driveway. Immediately, she noticed Kagome's car parked in front. Bingo. Peggy grinned as she parked her car a couple of slots down, killed the engine, then got out. Humming cheerfully, she strode down the walkway and bopped in through the front doors. Equally cheerfully, she flashed the desk clerk a pearly smile as she waved before moving on down the hallway with proud purpose in her gait.
Peggy Sue retraced her steps from the memory of her first time through these halls a few days ago. One wrong turn brought her to arrive at the room for a shriveled old man who seemed to really like talking to the iron tree that held his iv pack in some language that sounded like a bizarre cross of German, Swahili, and Pig-Latin. Peggy squeaked and turned around, bee-lining it back to the main hall. The second time, to her most humble and gracious thanks, she got it right.
Peggy blinked in surprise when she finally arrived at Romeo's room only to find it empty save for its tenant. Frowning, she looked around the room. It was obvious, seeing all the chairs, that others had been here. But, she apparently missed the party. Her shoulders slumped as she let out a whooshing sigh.
“What's with people deserting me tonight? I go to dinner and my stupid ass ex-boyfriend doesn't show. So I come here to find something to do. Guess what. It's empty here too, besides you. And you're in a coma. Peachy. Just peachy,” Peggy rattled as she turned to stare at the young man in the bed. She tilted her head to one side and stepped closer out of curiosity. “People say that people like you can still hear us like you're still awake. I wonder how much of that is true. It's gotta be awful if it is, lying here day after day with few people coming to talk to you and you unable to talk back.”
The man in the bed made no sign, as far as Peggy could detect, whether he heard her or not. In fact, little was different from the last time she visited, aside from his clothes. Yet his soul was indeed awake and listening. Though, he chose to be lazy and give no response anyway. After all, what was the point if she couldn't hear him anyway?
Something about the clothes Romeo was wearing today caught Peggy's eye. The t-shirt had something written on it. She stepped up to the bedside in order to read it. She found the t-shirt sporting its phrase both in Japanese and in English. Ignoring the strange Japanese gibberish, she read the English letters aloud, “Kiss me, I'm Japanese.”
The moment the phrase was out of her mouth Peggy burst into giggles. Inwardly, `Romeo' groaned. He made a mental note to smack Keito some time after he woke up for making him wear the shirt.
“Oh my god, that's so funny! Man, too bad Kagome laid claim on you, pal. I certainly wouldn't mind obey'n the shirt!” Peggy laughed. “Maybe someone should try give'n you a real big mushy girly kiss! Who said `Sleeping Beauty' had to be female?”
`Shit. I'm really gonna smack Keito for this,' the silent male mentally muttered.
Mark made a face as though he were having a tough time choosing between items on the menu. The truth of the matter was, his eyes weren't really on the menu at all, but rather the lovely nurse sitting opposite of him. Beth, on the other had, truly was having a hard time deciding. She always had this problem when coming here. She felt the hair on the back of her neck prickle and instantly knew she was being watched by the pervert across the table from her. An idea popped into her head, causing a wide smile to spread across her face.
“I take it, you've decided on something?” Mark spoke up upon seeing the smile. Beth's eyes met his.
“Hmm? Oh, yes. I believe so. It's always so hard. Everything here is always so good,” she said, leading him on as innocently as she could muster. At that moment, the waiter returned to the table.
“Are the two of you ready to order, or shall I give you some more time?” he asked politely.
“Yes, we're ready. I'll have the Philly Cheesesteak with a salad. And my generous friend here will have the Torpedo sandwich with jalapenos and the onion soup,” Beth rambled off with a gentle smile, never missing a beat. Mark blinked in shock as the waiter nodded, jotting down the order before leaving to pass it on to the cooks. Beth grinned sweetly at her suitor. “What? I was sure that was what you wanted the way you were staring at the menu with your cheeks turning red. I was only trying to return your generosity with some of my own.”
“My, how very perceptive of you. And thoughtful,” Mark grinned and took a sip of his Sprite while trying not to choke.
“You're most welcome,” Beth chimed happily. “Now then…why is it that you want to be a vet again?”
“Oh, um, I took in several critters as a kid. A robin chick that was abandoned by its mom, a turtle that got hit by a lawn mower, and once I had a rabbit for about a week. I enjoyed taking care of them so I decided why not do it for a living? Tinkering with cars is fun, but nothing replaces the thrill of seeing an animal, that was once near death, running around like nothing had ever happened to it in the first place,” Mark answered sincerely. “Just like you do with people. Except, I do it with animals.”
“I see,” Beth took a sip of her coke to hide the fact that she actually liked his response.
“Do you have any pets?” he asked as he propped his chin in his palm. Though, Beth could somehow tell his interest was genuine. How the man could so quickly and easily flip flop from perverted moron to true wise guy was beyond her. However, she was stuck with him for a while, so she decided to just go with the flow.
“Yes. As a matter of fact, I do. I've got two dogs, Midas and Shadow. One's a lab and the other's a golden retriever. I've got a gray mare named Spook who's nursing a four and a half-month-old colt, Spectre. And there's a reclusive tabby living in my barn.”
“Oooh. Quite the animal lover,” he smiled. “I'm stuck living in an apartment so I'm forced to curb my critters to a pair of ferrets and a tank of fish.”
“Ferrets?” Beth blinked.
“Oh yes. Cute little buggers, they are. Salt and Pepper. Salt's white and Pepper is the usual tan.”
“I see.”
“So, I take it you live on a farm somewhere?”
“Yes. My uncle bought an old 19th century farmhouse out to the northeast and spent his retirement years slowly renovating it himself till he died. I've taken over where he left off.”
“Oh, wow. Amazing. I love the country. I grew up in the city. I've grown to hate so much clutter. That's why I decided to go to school here instead of Nashville or Knoxville. It's much quieter out here. “
Beth lifted a brow at that statement, “Really? I would have thought you would have preferred to stay in the bigger city where there were more women to hit on.”
Mark coughed and waved his hand, “Oh no. There's plenty of women around here. Besides that, I'm really not interested in the ones that think it's hip to alter body parts, pierce bizarre places, and do drugs till they rot their brains down to the mentality of a Chihuahua that's finished off its master's mug of beer.”
Beth couldn't help but chuckle at the picture Mark's words painted. Mark smirked but continued, “Really, I'm not looking for one-nighters. If I was, I'd spend my weekends hanging out at the nightclubs and getting wasted. I'm old enough to know the only good that that crap's going to do me is a temporary fix and a really bad hangover. I don't want temporary. I don't want to waste my time with women who don't give a damn. Sure, I ogle. I'm a guy. But I'm not shallow. I only take risks when I believe something good can come of them.”
Beth almost bought his speech. Yet she kept a skeptical look as she spoke up, “What good can come out of blackmailing a woman into a dinner date with you, moron?”
Mark winced, “Actually, truth be known, I still wouldn't have said anything you asked me not to. I don't want to do anything that would compromise either of you two ladies. I only used it as a chance to sit and talk with you more.”
“So you say,” Beth drawled as she took a sip of her soda.
“Really, I'm being completely honest. Would you really have accepted had I not used that card?”
“Probably not,” Beth answered honestly.
“I figured not. I got a feeling from our first encounter that you'd be a tough one to pursue. I don't want in your bed. Well, at least not tonight,” he laughed sheepishly. “But, seriously, I'm not looking for anything intimate here. Just a chance to talk and get to know one another as friends.”
“Don't you get a headache or something from flip-flopping between idiot and wise guy so much?” Beth asked with a perplexed expression. Mark grunted at the comment.
Keito rang the doorbell, then stood waiting for someone to answer it while everyone one else pooled behind him. A young boy with a bright gleeful grin opened the door, “Aniki!!”
“Hey there Squirt! Go tell Okaa-san we have one more guest tonight. Help her set an extra place at the table,” Keito told the boy while taking hold of the door.
“Hai!” Niki replied before darting off to do as he was told.
“He's cute,” Kagome chuckled. “He reminds me of my own little brother, Souta.”
“Yeah, Niki's a cool kid,” Keito nodded before motioning with his free hand for her to head inside.
“Have you introduced him to Sherry?” Kagome asked as she stepped inside then waited for the others.
“Hello everyone. Come on in, dinner is just about done,” came an older female voice slightly less accented than Kagome's.
“Hai, we're coming,” Keito called back. “To answer your question, Kagome, no. Niki's scared of the place. He won't go near it.”
“Yeah, we tried taking him to go see Yue once, but he wouldn't set foot in the building. He doesn't like being around so many dying people, he says,” Zach added as he stepped inside following Dave. Keito brought up the rear.
“I can understand that thought,” Kagome nodded. She bit her lip to keep from saying anything more that might solicit weird looks or questions. “Well, maybe we could arrange to meet in the park some time. I'm sure Sherry would enjoy it,” she said instead.
“That's a good idea. Maybe we can do that this week or next weekend, whenever some time presents itself,” Keito agreed. His mother then appeared from the hallway leading to the dining room.
“Good evening boys. You've brought someone new?” she inquired with a smile, as she edged her way into the conversation.
“Hai. Okaa-san, this is Higurashi Kagome. She's an old friend of Yue's that hasn't been in touch for a while. She comes from Tokyo and currently studies at Tennessee Tech Uni,” Keito introduced politely. “Kagome, this is my mother Suzuna.”
“Konbanwa, Suzuna-san. Dozo yoroshiku,” Kagome smiled while politely executing a small bow of respect to the elder.
“Konbanwa, Kagome-san. Welcome,” Suzuna returned with an equally warm smile and polite bow. Niki bound back into the room and gawked. Keito spotted him and grinned.
“Niki, this is Kagome. She's an old friend of Yue's from Tokyo. She's studying over at the Uni,” Keito told the boy.
“Really? That's so cool!” Niki exclaimed cheerfully. Kagome couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's enthusiasm.
“Hello, Niki-chan. I was just telling Keito, you remind me of the little brother I have back at home. His name is Souta. He's about the same age as you,” she told the boy.
“Really? Wow!”
“Maybe I can talk him into pen-palling with you. Would you like that?”
“Do you think he would? That would be so cool!”
“I'm sure he'll think the same thing.”
“If we could make our way to the table, dinner is ready and waiting,” Suzuna gently coaxed.
“And what is it that we're having?” Keito asked with a Cheshire grin whilst rubbing his hands together.
“Seafood stir fry and crab cakes,” Suzuna answered with a laugh.
“OISHII!!” Keito crowed before bolting into the dining room. Niki and Kagome both laughed while the other three simply shook their heads and followed.
“… And so now he's probably back out gallivanting again with some other bitch. Why I ever thought I could patch things back up with that jerk-off, I have no idea. It's just like that time Lauren dated that shmuck Gary from Overton. She said…” Peggy droned on, rambling about a million things `Romeo' couldn't care less about.
`Oh god, please put me out of my misery,' Inuyasha moaned from his mental prison cell. `Please... somebody save me. This is as bad as watching a soap opera. Doesn't this woman ever shut up? Doesn't she ever have to go pee or something?'
“…And like…when we went over to Jane's house…”
`Okay, so just shut her out. Think of something else. I can do that. Okay… think… think about Kagome,' Inuyasha coached himself. Peggy's words melded into nothingness as thoughts of Kagome summoned the memories of the first time he ever set foot in her house. All over again, the memory of all the strange smells and things to see came rushing back to him. All too quickly he became lost in his regression to the past.
Inuyasha could see himself stomping into the two-story house that had looked so incredibly bizarre to him at the time. His feet slapped against the cool hardwood flooring. His nose could smell the scents of the four humans and calico cat that made the dwelling their home. His nose could also smell the aroma of the dinner that was being served on the table in the dining room. He followed the smell of food and sounds of casual chatter to the dining room. Then he threw open the shouji to reveal the Higurashi family sitting around the table preparing to eat supper.
Inuyasha could see the looks of surprise and hear Kagome's heart speed up at the site of him. At the time, the two hated each other. They only worked together because it was necessary. Inuyasha found himself awed at how much things hand changed during the years of their traveling together. Now, a love existed so strongly that it survived rebirth into a new life. It flowed so deeply that even when Yue was in junior high and high school, he knew there was someone special in the world that his heart was specifically waiting for.
Margaretta Jane Prentice shivered as she stepped into the hospice. Oh, how she hated this building so. She knew it was meant for harboring bearers of illness and death, but how anyone could stand entering such an atmosphere was well beyond her comprehension.
“Margaret! Oh my god! What are you doing here? What a surprise!” a cheerful voice called from the reception desk. Margaret turned her head to spot her ever-energetic best friend.
“Purple this month, I see,” Margaret grinned commenting on the girl's wild Kool-Aid purple hair spiking out everywhere. The girl hopped over the desk and trotted over.
“Yep! It matches my Honey-Bun's wheels,” she giggled while twirling to show off the do.
“Whatever floats yer boat, Brit. As for what I'm doing here, I came across some unexpected time off so I decided to come up and pay my man a visit. Especially since this rumor of yours,” Margaret admitted.
“Unexpected? What, did that old crony fire you?”
“No, he didn't get the chance. I got sick of him screw'n around with me, so as of this afternoon, I quit,” Margaret stuck her nose proudly in the air.
“You go gal! Tell that shit head where to stick it!”
“In a light socket for all I care. Have you got time to join me, or are you busy?”
“Oh, no. All I have to do is a bunch of data entry crap. It can wait. It ain't often when I get to hang with you anymore.”
“How can you stand to work in a place like this. It makes me sick just being here in the lobby,” Margaret inquired as she started her trek through the halls to Yue's room.
“Eh, it don't bother me none. Well, except for the hours. I hate work'n on Saturdays. But, other than that, it's just like, whatever,” Brittany shrugged.
“I hate this place. It's done him absolutely no good at all. All these years later, he's still there. What's with that? Them crummy doctors said he'd be fine. Fine, my ass!”
“I know. I hate that too. The doctors still can't figure out what's causing it. They're no closer to figuring out if or when he'll come back to us than the day this began.”
“What the hell do we pay them all that money for if they can't do their damn jobs right? “
“Margaret, it's not like that. This case is strange. It ain't playing by the rules. It's not that they ain't trying to figure out what's wrong, because they are. Beth especially. She treats Yue like a brother. The thing is that there just ain't any recognizable clues to tell them what's wrong,” Brittany replied, gently correcting her friend.
“Why? What did he ever do to deserve this? He had everything going for him. He was popular. He's still totally hot. He was a talented athlete. He had a good job and most likely chances for scholarships. What more could a teen want? Then, just like that, it was all taken away. For what? I hope that stupid-ass drunken bastard rots in hell for doing this to Yue!” Margaret continued her rant.
“I totally agree with you on that one, Marg,” Brittany nodded.
“You want me to hurt you, don't you? You know I hate being called that,” Margaret frowned.
“Yes, I know. That's why I do it,” Brittany giggled in reply.
“Damn you. Okay, so tell me about this new chick that's been hanging around here lately.”
“Well, as far as I know, her name is Kagome. She's native Japanese. I think she comes from Tokyo. She claims to be an old friend of Yue's yet she some how didn't know that he was here.”
“Sounds fishy to me.”
“She claims they lost contact with one another and that's the reason why she didn't know about it. But, I agree, it does sound strange. He never mentioned anything about her. Yet Beth seems to believe her story for some odd reason. Beth's gotten extremely close to her. Kagome's supposedly been here everyday since she first discovered Yue, helping Beth out. I don't know. It's all very weird.”
“Ms. Sushi,” Margaret said wryly, causing Brittany to giggle.
“Unfortunately, she left a little while ago with Yue's three buddies. Probably to join them for they're traditional Saturday dinner at Keito's mom's place. And Beth shockingly allowed some guy friend of `Ms. Sushi's' to drag her off on a date. Both of their cars are still in the parking lot so it's highly likely they'll return at some point,” Brittany explained.
“I see. Well, I'll just have to stick around, then. Won't I?” Margaret smirked.
“That you will,” Brittany replied as they arrived at the door to Yue's room. “If ya fail to run into her tonight, you're sure to find her here tomorrow with the boys. That's another thing, I find strange. They accepted her so easily. I really don't know what to make of it. Perhaps she's telling the truth.”
“I'll find out, one way or another,” Margaret declared before proudly striding into the room to find some other woman she didn't recognize. Margaret's hackles went up. “And just who the hell are you?”
Peggy Sue had just finished telling another long, boring story when chattering from the hallway arrested her attention. She looked up to see the purple-haired receptionist and a slightly tall strawberry blond approaching. The moment the blond spotted her, Peggy felt tension in the room become sharp as a knife. The woman's turquoise eyes widened, becoming stormy. Then she opened her mouth, “And just who the hell are you?
“Excuse me?” Peggy blinked at the sudden display of aggression.
`Oh shit,' was the only thing `Romeo' could think of even remotely appropriate for the situation that was building.
“Yes, you. Who are you and what are you doing here? I've never seen you before,” Margaret challenged irritably.
“I'm very sorry if I've offended you in any way. I was actually looking for a friend of mine from one of my classes. But, it seems I missed her. So, since no one else was here and I'm incredibly bored, I was keeping him company,” Peggy said cheerfully with a bright toothy smile, trying her best to defuse the situation. Margaret and Brittany exchanged glances. Margaret smiled devilishly.
“Oh really? Might this `friend' be a Japanese chick that appeared out of nowhere this week?”
`Damn, dammit! Of all the people to come back, it just had to be her! Shit!' Yue cursed to himself. He knew damn well what Margaret was capable of while he was unable to do anything about it.
“Umm, Kagome? Yeah. I take it you're someone else who knows Romeo- err… Yue?” Peggy asked just as bubbly as usual. She didn't give Margaret time to answer. “I was Kagome's partner this week when we came here to help out for a class project. I was shocked to see her recognize the guy right off the bat. Me and Beth both were. It's all really weird, but sounds kinda cool with her talking about Japanese voodoo and stuff!” Peggy giggled.
`Oh great. Just great. Nice going, Miss Motor-Mouth,” Yue snorted.
“Japanese voodoo? What the hell are you talking about? And you never did tell me your name,” Margaret returned sharply. “And for the record, yes I know Yue. He's mine.”
“Oh! I'm sorry. I'm Peggy Su- Say what?” Peggy's eyes widened.
`And the shit hits the fan. Can someone please save me from this madness?' the silent one whined.
“You heard right, he's mine. I went out with him in school, he's mine. What's this voodoo shit you were talking about? What did this chick tell you?”
“She wouldn't say much. She claimed to be unable to tell it properly where we can understand it. I could see that given that she's so new here. Actually, she was talking about the necklace he's wearing when she mentioned that. Other than that, she said that they were good friends but circumstances lead to them losing contact with each other for a while. She said she came here to America to study because too many things around her there in Japan reminded her of him and made her sad. However, you're going to find trouble with this because she also claims him as a love interest. She said all kinds of things about his personality and things he would do or say if he were awake and able,” Peggy explained.
“What a bunch of hog wash! I've known him for years and he's never mentioned having any friends in Japan. His parents do, but not him. What kinds of things did she say about him?” Margaret parried.
“Erm, well she said that he hates being helpless. That he's most likely having a huge hissy fit being stuck like this. She said he's got a hot temper and a dirty mouth. Umm… she claimed that when he's well, it's next to impossible to keep him still. But she claims he's strong willed and can do anything when he really wants to. Or something like that. Oh yeah! She said that her family lives on a shrine. She grew up helping them take care of it, and she said she met him through a mutual acquaintance. Though, she wouldn't say who or how,” Peggy returned, trying her best to pass across everything she heard. “Do you really think she was lying? She totally deserves an Oscar if it was all an act.”
“Come on! Japanese voodoo? It don't exist. And even if it did, I've known Yue for years. If he knew this Japanese chick, I think I would'a known about it by now. It's a bunch of bullshit, is what it is. She's obviously just trying to attract attention for herself. And steal my man while she's at it!” Margaret declared proudly. Her receptionist friend smirked.
“I apologize. I didn't know this. I'll be going, then,” Peggy blurted as she swiftly gathered her things and left the room.
`Margaret, you're damn lucky I'm able to do anything at this moment, bitch,' Yue mentally growled.
“Well, that certainly took care of one unwanted presence, didn't it?” Margaret grinned, her turquoise eyes twinkling mischievously.
“It sure did,” Brittany nodded with a snicker.
“Oh my, what… on earth is he wearing today?” Margaret asked with a curious purr as she spied Yue's shirt. She strode over to read it, “ `Kiss me, I'm Japanese.' Cute.”
`Oh shit, no!' he blurted in a sudden surge of panic.
“I'd say that came from Keito. He's brought him stuff like that before,” Brit informed her friend.
“I think so too. He's Japanese too, and this is his kind of humor,” the other girl responded with a chuckle. “Mmm, don't mind if I do,” Margaret purred again as she leaned over to indulge in a taste of his lips.
`Eww! Get the hell away from me, bitch!! Ugh!! Dammit! Keito, yer in deep shit for this, man! SOMEBODY SAVE ME!!' Yue complained, squirming within his spiritual prison.
“Mmmm, that was delicious,” Beth proclaimed as she leaned back in her seat, patting her rather full belly.
“I'm glad you enjoyed it,” Mark grinned before downing another large gulp of water, trying to put out the huge fire that was burning in his mouth from the meal Beth had ordered for him. Of course, to save face, he'd eaten it without complaint. However, he was sure his digestive tract would be complaining on it's own later on.
“My, whatever have I done to make you blush so?” Beth cited poetically with a bat of her eyes as she feigned innocence. Mark choked slightly on his water. “But you know, rose really is a good color on you. It goes with that dark hair, dusky blue eyes, and that fair complexion of yours,” she smiled sweetly.
“If you're ready to go, I'll head up to the front and pay for this,” Mark spoke swiftly, failing miserably at preventing his face from turning several shades redder than the peppers in his food had already painted it. He pulled out his wallet and tossed a tip onto the table before rising to head to the counter in the lobby. Beth rose and quit the building to wait for him by the rust bucket he called a car. The moment, she was outside and out of earshot, she busted up giggling. She could hardly wait to tell Kagome about this little adventure. `Perhaps he's worth another go after all,' she surmised as she tried her damnedest to swallow the last of her laughter before he came out and caught her.
Penguine's Piece
One of my faults is the tendency to be too nice to people sometimes. Many readers have picked up on this. In response to the numerous infuriating words I've gotten during my absence, I'm going to take this chance to follow some of yall's advise and speak my mind. I'm tired of people complaining about updates and my choice of when to wake Yash up.
1)I am 24 years old and I have a life beyond this story. It comes first. This is a hobby. I'm not getting paid to write this. So you're gonna have to put up with it. Repeatedly complaining is only going to annoy me. Calling me names will piss me off.
2) The “when's he gonna wake” question is getting on my nerves. I've answered it a million times. This is the last time I'll do it. The answer remains I'm still not sure when, chapter-wise, that will happen. I have several things I want to happen between now and then. How long it takes to tell all that depends on how much the characters do in each chapter. Right now, I'm hoping to get him woken up by chapter 25 or 30.
If any of you don't like this, then fine. You don't have to read the story. It's as simple as that. Otherwise, if you don't have something constructive to say in your complaints, then don't voice them. They only achieve the opposite of your goal.
I would like to thank those of you who've supported me despite the difficulties I've encountered. Every little bit helps. Gods and a few of you know how much I've agonized over how long this is taking me to complete. To those of you who've put up with my constant whining about the progress of this latest chapter over the course of its creation, I thank you for enduring my insanity.
Due to the huge mountain of reviews sitting in my in-box, I'm going to cut my comments rather short this time. Though I prefer to answer everyone, replies will be limited to those who inspire responses longer than a smile or brief sentence. Review Replies
Kiyana Va Sala: I'm not sure Kagome would even know how to do something as advanced as removing the spell from that rosery. But despite that, of course I won't do anything to injure poor Yash-kun. :) Well, at least not anything major. No telling what will happen between him and the Stooges (and everyone else) when he wakes up.
Drake Clawfang: Keito is 1.) Japanese and 2.) incredibly open-minded. He's one to believe the ancient legends passed on by the elders. Thus, he's also one to buy the kind of story Kagome tells. The picture in the locket is good enough proof for him. Plus there's the fact no one but Kagome can pull that rosery off of Yue.
Daddy's Pixie: As to how he got that way, I can't tell. The story's still working on that bit. I'll try to include more Inuyasha parts whenever possible. :)
Allin565: Have no fear. The one chosen to play Inuyasha's Dad is a cool one. :)
DarklessVasion: I still haven't found that dictionary setting. Though, I'd never really use it anyway. -shrug- That aside, I love the Stooges. Usually time with them flies by. Except for this "meet Keito's Mommy" bit. Oh well. I'm hoping next chapter will go better.
Kagome1992: I've had the method he'll use to wake up in mind pretty much from since last August. I just have to get the story to hurry along to that point. The characters have just been way too busy with things lately. -lol-
OxoCrAzYMyHaNyOuXoX: Due to the frequency of this question, I've answered it again in my end author's note.
Iyoku-chan: Ooh, that helps! Thanks. That might be workable. Would too many apples do that sort of thing?
Miroku-has-darkness: I'm sorry. It was one of those things I had to write to keep the story flowing properly.
Articuno: Thanks for being patient with me. I'm rather irritated, myself, at the recent writer's blocks I've been encountering. Especially with this latest chapter. -grumble- I'm hoping that things will roll a little smoother for a little while.
HRInuyashaFan16: Not trying to be rude, but.. read the author's notes. The reason I type them is to give answers to questions like that.
Kogasgirl142: Due to the frequency of this question, I've answered it again in my end author's note.
Glittelbug: Wow. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. :)
Hosaki: Heh. Yeah, the Shippo bit should be interesting. If it goes according to plan.
KittieSand Katie: Oddly enough, the part about Mark being a vet-intern was something that was rather clear from the start. Though I'm still debating on whether or not to include the reason why. I probably will, just in a later chapter. / You know, I often forget she changed her hair too. But, you're right. For a woman who wants to make a fresh start in life, it seems to me, hairstyle would definitely be one of the things to change. -nods-
Cherrysinger: I don't know if you did or not. I get so many on this story anymore it blows my mind. I never dreamed it would get this popular. But anywho, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm hoping I can get the next chapter written a little bit faster. Okay, maybe a whole lot faster. O.o”
Asharra: Keito's mom is another new character, actually. Kaede's been strategically placed elsewhere. / I'm sorry that it's taking me so long to post, but many times things beyond my control keep me busy. I just don't have as much time to write as I did last year. I will do my best to get chapters out as swiftly as possible, but I doubt it will be weekly anymore. Life is just keeping me too busy for it.
M.M: Both the “date” scene with Mark and Beth and the “dinner at Keito's Mom's” scene were incredibly tough to write. O.o” I'm hoping the next chapter encompassing Sunday's events will flow faster. It's far more casual with room to let the boys goof around.
WackyWisher: Heheheh, yeah Dave's a bit cold shouldered but, I think he'll handle Kagome just fine. Just her giving so much to help out and spend time with Yue earns some respect on Dave's part. The more proof of worth she shows, the better he'll treat her.
Inu-fanforever: I agree with you on the OC bit. A lot of them are way too shallow and even repetitive at times. I'm trying my best to give as much attention to the major new characters as I am to the original cast. Though, with most of them it doesn't take a whole lot. They are practically writing themselves.
Inuyashalover99: Hmmm.. well it's a good guess. Half of it's a possibility, the other half is close but no pocky stick. -chuckle-
Ryuu no Taiyo: O.o Whoa… Talk about crank'n it up. Sugar highs rock! XD
Elemental Ice: Thanks for the encouragement. :) It helps. Will do. -salute-
Crisco: Hahaha, cool nickname. XD Thanks for the pep. :) I will keep chugging as I have been.
Lord of the Pit: I really don't know why I didn't think of the necklace earlier. But, oh well. No realm harm done. -shrug-
Nysoku: Hrrmm.. need to find an errand boy to go buy me more ramen. XD But who should I pick on is the question. Yash-kun's quite indisposed at this point. Mark might end up groping the blond in the checkout line, saying he was trying to get at the baby bottle pops beside her. Dave will piss off everybody he meets. Keito… gods only know what Keito will try to pull. Then again, that would be rather entertaining. Zack would probably do it with little question.. and I think he's safe in the candy isle. Hrmmm.. humor or ramen.. that is the question… Or! We could send BOTH Zack and Keito and sic Dave on Margaret! Ooooh.. that'd be interesting indeed. We'd need a video camera in both places. XD I've only had two pieces of chocolate, I swear!!
Animejunkie221: Oh I'd love to hang out with those three if they were real. XD I'd be a geek like Zack but we'd still have fun me thinks. -giggles-
InuLvr7: I might poll the readers a little ways down the road and see what others think on the hair issue. :) Though, I do agree it should stay red.
Princess1616: Psst.. his name is spelt Keito. -wink- For what it's worth, the name boils down to meaning “corner person”. I would take it further to meaning that he is a cornerstone in his family, playing a supportive role. -shrug- Anyways, yeah, he's awesome. But he's at his best when the other three are present, even if Yue isn't quite capable of responding where everyone can hear at the moment. :)
InuyashaFan: Hahaha, been there, done that. XD Good luck.
Fluffy_lovr007: I got mixed reactions from that scene. But I think it went over well overall. I'm glad you liked it. :) I can't begin to fathom what Sunday will be like, which will be covered in the next chapter. But it should be loads of fun. Maybe I can get them to squeeze in some Margaret bashing. XD
Dragon Firefly: Gonna try and cut this one as short as possible due to all the people I have to answer this time around. 1) It seems to me he'd be looking about the same age as Sess did in the series given that he will be 500 years at this point and Yash is 200 in the series. 2) I should think so. 3) Hrmm we'll have to wait and see. ;) 4) See 3. 5) I have no idea. 6) Yes 7) Can't say. 8) Nahh, really? -giggles and gives ya a cookie- 9) Can't say. 10) Seventeen is a little long. 11) Yes 12) Later on. 13) Some of them. 14&15) Inuyasha tried to get through that night that Kagome stayed over. Kagome felt it. She just wasn't paying enough attention. So he counted his blessings with the intent to try again later. 16) Here and are the best two fanfic sites out there. 17) It don't matter.
Esmilla: Yue's parents will start making an appearance soon, I think. As for Mark's take on the stuff, I don't know.
TSS: Oh dear. Was giving you that oreo really such a good idea? -giggles-
Sailor X: I really can't wake him up in the next few chapters. It would kill the story. There's too much that hasn't happened yet. I'm focusing on the building relationships of the people around Yue. It's half the point of the story.
KhaosFire-Katana: I have to disagree with you on that one. I use a variety of words to keep the vocabulary fresh. Just like paint and farmer's fields, words can easily get stale. Using alternative words keeps it fresh and gives the work a more intelligent and elegant face.
Anguru: Who said reincarnations had to look alike? Shiori was a hanyou. Sherry is human. Beth doesn' t look like her past incarnation either.
JBG: It's a standard of mine these days that chapters be at least 5000 words. Beyond that, length all depends on where I decide the best place to pause the story is.
Myriadragon: Ahh, yes. I remember her. She's been reviewing for a while now. :) I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I'll do my best to post future chapters sooner. Sorry about the delay.
Melody: Ehh.. that song is a bit too morbid for Yash's case. But, thanks anyway for the suggestion.
Obsessivekawaiigurl: haha, hello again. :) Thank you, thank you. -gives ya a cookie-
Soccerdevill13: I have a feeling Sesshomaru and Shippo are going to be the harder characters to work with. But, I'll do my best as always. :)
Midnight Vixen: I'm.. honored. -blush- I give it my best and keep trying to improve. I love Sherry too. I just have to keep reminding myself of her age. My mind has a habit of trying to stuff too much adult thought into her mouth. O.o'
PhantomKat: Yeah, Keito's in hook, line and sinker. He loves the old legends from Japan. :) On your question, I can't really say anything. Dun't wanna spoil anything.
EmptySpirit: Oh gods, that part with Yash and Kagome in the photo booth was one of the all time great funny moments, in my opinion. XD
InuyashaFan2004: Thank you so much for the encouragement. :) You're right. Readers do tend to get far too bossy. Though, I think those responses generally come from the younger readers. Either way, it's still incredibly annoying. I give reasons for delays and answer questions as a display of respect. I'm getting better at shutting up when it's warranted.
Delarom: I'm not picky. Do whatever's comfortable for you. :) As for your questions, you'll have to wait and see.
Renee: Yue and Inuyasha are the same person. Yue is just the name of the life he's lead in present day, not including the times he jumped through the well to Kagome's place.
The-inu-pup: People don't always leave their email addies. Though, that's an idea. But, at the same time, it's easy to just answer them all in one place where they're sure to see them.
Ciastor: Issue 1) The shirt most likely came from Keito. Besides that, chances are that Kagome wouldn't have known the history of an American band like that. 2) The time Yue's spent in a coma and the time Kagome traveled through the well aren't meant to match. The seal worked in a way that wouldn't attract unwanted attention, therefore it had to use the events it was given. The car crash, although a bit early, gave it the chance to do its thing with the least bit of hocus pocus. The reason for the intelligent strategy implied in the seal has yet to be explained.
Downtoearth: I answered that question I believe in the author note at the bottom of the chapter where they were introduced. But, I'll answer it again. No, the stooges aren't reincarnations. They're 100% new.
The Forgotten Child: Red is for passion, attitude, and strength. It's to reflect the fire in her personality.
Grape Garnet: Ack! -dives for cover- No worries. Really! He'll come out of it eventually. O.o'
Masked Mystress: Don't worry `bout it so much. -lol- I ain't picky. Thanks for the encouragement. :)
Skittlez: Love the name. -grin- And thank you. :)
Bluie Twilight Star: For a story that I thought was mule puke when I first posted it, this thing certainly has turned out to be an enjoyably wild ride. I'm itching to get a little further along so that I can pull some of the other surprises I got planned. -bounces in seat- / Dave doesn't quite believe her yet. Zach is borderline, but he's giving her the benefit of the doubt till she can give proof. Keito's the one that believes her. He loves the old legends from his ancestors' homeland and is easily swayed by such stories.
Missgohan: I currently live in the frozen state of cheesy people (Wisconsin). -shrug- It was bound to pop up somewhere. -lol-
Claire: I could talk on this subject forever. I'm in the opinion that there is as many likenesses as differences between Kagome and Kikyou. I also think that many of the differences lie in where they stand. They come from different times with different views and different relationships with Inuyasha. I think, on that issue, they are merely two sides to the same coin. / Yes, Shippo, Kouga, and Sess all have places in the story. Not to worry.
Caliko: I hate when that happens. -shudder- Several years ago, before I bought my Dell, my family had a situation where BOTH the computers in the house went down at the same time. For two months. That.. was a nightmare. Anywho.. welcome back! -huge grin-
Demented-Squirrel: Yue's parents.. REDNECKS? Oh gods… -shudders then cracks up laughing- Damn, that's funny. But.. I'm not quite that cruel. -giggles- They will be entering the fray at some point soon, though. -wink-
White Neko: Thanks for the kind words. :) I will do my best to post a little sooner this next time around. It all depends on fate and the attitude of my muse. :S
Gero: Sorry. Can't give out any hints this time. I dun't wanna spoil anything. ;)
Inuyasha09: Eehhh.. I really can't say at this time. It would ruin the suspense. You'll have to wait and find out. The truth will come out in due time.
VietGurlMai: Glad to be of help. -grin- Hopefully, the next installment will come out much quicker.
Wyzard: No pressure? Bah! If that ain't ever the furthest from the truth. I'm in this as much as everyone else. I'm just as anxious to find out what will happen next and get it out to yall as yall are to get the next chapter. O.o'
MyImaginaryInuyasha: I've read that story at some point, but I've forgotten what happened. Should go back and read it again at some point. I'm wanting to try and pull a demon Yash story out of my hat someday too. There's just something rare and appealing about stories laying that way. -swoon-
Shikai-sama: Yeah, this thing is getting quite long. Astounding considering time inside the story hasn't even progressed through an entire week yet. O.o' I have no idea how long it'll be in the end. Though.. it's good practice. I use to have problems with getting enough length in with tales intended to be long. Maybe, I'm finally cured of that trait. -shrug- Review Replies
Draechaeli: I agree, there's huge problems with the way MM designed the member portions of their website. I think it would help them a lot if they redesigned the thing to something more user-friendly. :S
Lonewolfcries: Yes, I'm sure the stooges are all completely new. Sesshomaru is elsewhere.
Inu_4_eva: You know what.. you're quite right about that date thing. I'll make a note to fix that at some point. -gives ya a cookie-
Missthix2006: A lot of people are saying that. I agree.. to a point. Dave isn't quite as cold as that, though he tries to act like it at times.
BK: It's strange how some of the most unlikely works turn out being such great successes. I often wonder what kinds of things one would find when rummaging through the garbage cans of the greats. I'd started this thing months before it was ever posted then got stuck three chapters in, lost interest, and forgot about it. It's almost by sheer luck that it got found again and posted. O.o' Maybe, later on, I should dig for some other old crap and see what happens.
HanyouBabe: Oh my gods.. -rofl- Here.. have some more. -Gives ya a piece of Dove chocolate- Gotta love that stuff. Best chocolate ever made. And they even come with little fortunes inside!! Squee!! XD
Blue Angel Nemesis: Thank you. I'm honored. -blush- The spelling and grammar bit, though, half of that praise should go to my beta-readers b00kperson and DarklessVasion. In truth, the typo demons like chewing on me way too much. -sweatdrop- But I try to pay attention to writing rules as much as possible as someday I hope to be able to weave an original story worthy of publishing.
Kim: Yeah, Iyoku was saying that too. Could that happen from being fed too many apples by passer-by children?