InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ways to Kill Kikyo! ❯ Sucked into the Kazaana! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Welcome back to Ways to Kill Kikyo! I got some great reviews for this story alrighty. I think this story may be a hit! Well on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own the InuYasha gang or Kikyo!

Sucked into the Kazaana!

Kikyo was walking around. Naraku was still trying to hit on her! Oh that Naraku! He was kindda cute though! NO! What was she thinking? Naraku? Cute? Ya right! It was InuYasha she wanted! She then senced Naraku a few yards away. She then went to find him.

Meanwhile, The Inu-gang is fighting Naraku. "KAZE NO KIZU!" Yells InuYasha. (And for those of you wondering that's the Wind Scar) Naraku jumps outta the way.

"Is that the best you got?" Asks Naraku. He then flies at InuYasha and knocks him down.

"INUYASHA!" Yells Sango. She then throws Hiraikotsu at Naraku and knocks him off InuYasha. "Are you alright?" She asks. She then cetches Hiraikotsu.

"I'm fine!" Says InuYasha, "Look, the Kaze no Kizu killed all of Naraku's insects! Miroku, go!" Miroku then prepares himself.

"Stand back, everyone!" He shouts, "KAZAANA!" He yells as he releases the void to suck Naraku up. Naraku is losing stance. Kikyo then walks over and notices Naraku.

"NARAKU!" She yells as she runs over him and into the wind sucking everything up. Her and Naraku are then sucked up.

"OPPS!" Says Miroku, "I kindda sucked in Kikyo to! Oh well! She was dead anyways!" The Inu-gang then walks away.

The End of this chapter! Ways to Kill Kikyo, TBC…

LOL! She died again! She'll be back next chapter to die again! It's her new job! Dieing in my fic! R+R! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIW!