InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Weeds or Wildflowers ❯ Demon of all Trades, Master of None ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor do I make any profit from this work of fiction.
Kagome grumbled to herself as she hunted the floor of the entry way into Naraku's esteemed mansion. Having Naraku as her boss was no picnic and today he'd run her ragged, making her fetch so many errands that a professional gopher would have passed out hours ago. As she'd been moving his latest piece of art around, trying to find space for it, she'd felt her earring drop and was having problems locating the blasted thing.
“Come here!” she called plaintively, like her earring was a lost puppy.
“Here,” a masculine voice intruded upon her fruitless searching.
Glancing up, she blinked at the clawed fingertips holding out her earring to her. Sesshoumaru stood in the entryway placidly, and he carried with him the peaceful scent of the garden he looked after.
“Oh, thanks,” she muttered, noting disappointedly that he had a shirt on today. But it was the clingy white variety so it wasn't so disappointing.
“You are... frazzled,” he commented astutely, earning himself a half-hearted glare off of the rumpled looking woman.
“I'm in urgent need of a drink,” she proclaimed loftily, making her way into the third reception room to open Naraku's drinks cabinet and feast on its innards.
Following sedately, Sesshoumaru cocked a brow as she shamelessly attempted to gain access to the cabinet.
“Move,” he swept her hands away from the lock and inserted a claw tip into the hole. Moments later the cabinet popped open.
“Oh, were you a thief in a past life?” she asked, taking up a seat on one of Naraku's priceless antique sofa.
“Among other things,” he allowed, calmly mixing drinks until he was seemingly satisfied and presented the concoction to her.
Hesitantly, Kagome sipped at the offering and broke into a beatific smile as the flavour fizzled on her tongue. “It's good! What is it?”
“Something... special,” he replied succinctly.
“So you were a bartender too, in this past life of yours?” she asked inquisitively.
“I am a demon,” he uttered, flicking his hair over his shoulder haughtily, “I have been many things in my life.”
“Oh,” she paused, “but you seemed really passionate about gardening before.”
“I am at peace in a garden, surrounded by nature... it is by far the most fitting job I have found,” he calmly poured himself a glass and swallowed it in one.
“Whoa, go easy on that stuff,” she reprimanded.
A fang peeked out over his bottom lip. “I am a demon; my alcohol tolerance far surpasses your own.”
“Yeah, whatever,” she huffed, nursing her glass mulishly. “So why a thief?”
He considered this for a while, golden eyes boring into her blue ones. “Thrill.”
“So you're an adrenaline junky?”
“Perhaps,” he muttered, quirking a brow at her deductions. The real reason behind his foray into thievery had been more to do with his conviction that he was superior to any human; he'd stolen their treasures and left them elsewhere, in plain sight. A slap in the face.
I could've, but I didn't.
Prompt: Bartender
Words: 500