InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Weeds or Wildflowers ❯ Show Me Yours and I'll Show You Mine ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor do I make any profit from this work of fiction.
Kagome, fed up and exhausted from a day of listening to her insufferable boss, Naraku, whining, mooched into the kitchen and slumped into a chair without first taking stock of the people in the room.
Kaede, the cook, was there of course, but she had failed to notice that she had claimed a seat next to Sesshoumaru the reticent gardener.
His large, mud-encrusted boots were propped on a ridiculously prim and proper footstool as he daintily ate the assorted sugary confectionaries Kaede had laid out for him.
“Kagome-chan!” Kaede cheered, arranging cups and a tea pot on a tray, “would you have tea too?”
“Yeah, thanks,” Kagome uttered, watching as Kaede brought the tea tray to the table and began pouring them cups with deft hands.
Sesshoumaru accepted his own cup wordlessly and sipped at it genially. Kagome nodded her thanks and followed suit, curious when a little cheesy jingle began playing.
Kaede smiled and patted her small television that perched on the kitchen surface, and said in explanation, “It's almost time for one of my favourite American TV shows!”
“Oh,” Kagome acknowledged, darting a sideways glance at Sesshoumaru's tray of confectionary goodness, wondering if he'd be inclined to share or whether he'd scold her for trying.
“The Game Show host is simply perfectly charming,” Kaede fluttered, “makes even this old woman's heart skip a beat.”
“You aren't old Kaede,” Kagome admonished, hand sneaking out to snag a pastry, squeaking when she was rebuffed by Sesshoumaru, her wrists slapped lightly as a deterrent.
“Hush,” Kaede waved at the two in a flustered fashion, “It's starting.”
Kagome's eyes flickered to the small, well-loved television and groaned. She knew this show, in fact, she was on first name terms with the host. Kaede called him charming, Kagome called him an ass... and her erstwhile father.
“I don't like him,” Kagome admitted freely, sipping from her tea and wincing as she burnt her tongue.
Kaede looked astonished, Sesshoumaru looked mildly interested.
Kagome shrugged helplessly. “He's my dad.”
“You hold disdain for your father?” Sesshoumaru inquired softly, golden eyes flicking towards her as she anxiously clasped and unclasped her hands.
“He left when Souta was born,” Kagome muttered, “the only good thing about him is that he always paid child-support.”
“Your father gave you his eyes,” Sesshoumaru mused, narrowing his eyes at the tanned host, “they say my father gave me his too,” he allowed.
A half-smile crept onto Kagome's face at that. It seemed as if Sesshoumaru believed in a fair trade, she'd revealed something about her private life and he had returned in kind.
“Hmph,” Kaede shook her head distrustfully, “a pretty-faced scoundrel,” she admonished dangerously, switching to a different programme, “now this is more like it!”
Sesshoumaru and Kagome winced as a man threw himself off of a cliff in the hopes of catching some sort of prize.
“This should be illegal,” Kagome muttered, groaning in sympathy as another person almost broke themselves.
“Hn. Some humans do inane things.”
Kagome snorted.
Prompt: Game Show Host
Words: 500