InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to hell: A.K.A my Life. ❯ Midnight Musings.. and Kagome Enters the scene.. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Whooo…I own a whole lotta nuttin!! ^^ … still not seeing the rights to Inuyasha though. Damn!

Authors Notes:

Hey! You know what, here's chapter two. Be amazed, be bloody amazed, I actually got through a second chapter. Sadly enough, my muse has been her usual self and decided she wanted to start more stories. Hence, the ideas for two very screwy ideas to torture Inu-chan, as well an AU story I started that takes place in the past, plus another one-shot! >.<

Oh, but you know what. Kagome decided she had to have her say in this story, so now it's become pretty much two people's POV's from now on. Inu's and Kagome's. Anybody else who wants a say, can go jump off a cliff!

Anyways *coughs* Yup, chapter two we actually, sort of get, get Inuyasha to school. Whoo hoo!! I woulda made it longer, but, you know.. 3,000 words is actually pretty good for a chapter I would say, not my best, but I'll suffice.

So.. *nods* Enjoy!

Nandayo?! - What/What the hell (Inuyasha's usual way of saying "What?!" on the show..)

Kuso - Shit/damn
Chikushou!! - Damnit!

Inu no nii-chan - Children use "Nii-chan" for older people whom they consider close, So, basically it's calling them Older brother.

Otou-chan - Just incase there's somebody out there who doesn't know. Otou/Otouto means younger brother...


"Inuyasha!!! W-A-K-E U-P!!!" the high pitched Kitsune Youkai yelled and pounced my stomach, which rudely snapped me back to the reality I so loathed, and I growled dangerously under the covers.

His high pitched semi fluent Japanese (which I will admit, was getting better by the day, I'd been teaching him for months now.. he's a quick learner..) worked to pull me out of the first real worthwhile dream I'd had since we actually got to Japan.

Not bothering to open my eyes, I groped around the bed, and grabbed the kit by the tail, and flung him into, by pure luck, the hamper across the room, gaining a disgusted and insulted cry from the younger youkai.

Smirking happily I opened my eyes and looked over at him. "That'll teach you to keep waking me up like that, brat."

"You don't have to be such a big jerk about it you know!" he cried, voice muffled by the clothes burying him.

Snorting in bemusement I sat up, letting the sheets fall down to rest at my waist and looked around absently, yawning as I went. With a sigh I rolled my eyes and slipped out of bed, pulling on a pair of black stealth's and my favorite red shirt, tossed on a pair of boots and grabbed my Jacket.

"Since when do you get dressed before noon?" Shippou asked after managing to pull himself out of my hamper, a sock stuck to his tail thanks to the wonders of static electricity.

"We're going up to your school, don't you remember? I promised the principal I'd bring you in today so you could be introduced to your class and so I could get a supply list. I need to stop by my school and pick one up as well. Then we get to go shopping all weekend." I said with a mock happiness in my tone.

With that I picked him up and he sat down on my shoulder as we started down the stairs, him suddenly realizing the sock was still attached and flinging it backwards, and me grinning.


"Why do you always wear that bandana...?" Shippou asked as we walked up to his school, then hopped up on my shoulder and tried to pull it off.

Grabbing him by the scruff of the neck I brought him to face me, never breaking stride. "That's none of your damn business." I growled dangerously.

"Sure it is!" he pressed and I narrowed my eyes.

"If I wanna wear a bandana on my head, there's nothing wrong with that. Got me?"

He shrugged and leapt back onto my shoulder as we walked into the primary school building.

Moving quietly through the halls to the main office I waited 'patiently' for the secretary to notice my existence. This of course, took a while...

In that time a group of 3rd years came in to ask a question to the 'nice lady' at the desk, some decided gawking at me would be a fun way to pass the time. Yeah, let's stare at the nice weird teenager in a Childs office. Lookie, he has baggy pants and a baggy shirt on, let's bloody well stare. Unfortunately, yes, some of them even decided to ask about the Bandana, which I plainly ignored.

Eventually, finally, said secretary became unbusy and aware that I existed, looking up at me quietly and smiling. "Can I help you young man?"

To an early grave, sure..

Sighing I nodded and Shippou sweat dropped, "I'm here to 1, pick up a material list for this kit, and 2, to introduce the same child to his first grade class. I have an appointment with Takuri-sensei."

She nodded and smiled slightly before searching her desk for a file, then looked over a couple of things and giggled. Looking back up she brought out a sheet of paper and handed it to me, "Takuri-sensei's class is in Room 2A which is three doors down and to the left.

Raising an eyebrow I nodded again and pretty much dropped Shippou to the ground. "Come on Kit, let's get this over with." I said ignoring the wide eyed stare I was receiving from the young woman, and basically stormed out.


"I don't see why I can't come in to your school!" Shippou whined, kicking the ground and glaring up at me.

"One, you're a demon, full demons aren't technically allowed in a ningen school, and two, you're way too young to be in the halls of a High School." I paused and grumbled, "Especially a public one." I said as an afterthought and glanced up at the building hatefully then sighed.

"I'm only 6 and you're gonna let me stay out here, on my own? Isn't that a little irresponsible?" Shippou countered.

"I'm only 16, and no, not considering the fact that you know what I'd do to you if I found out you'd been wandering around. But if that's the case..." with that I dragged him into school, and dropped him off at the office, grabbing my schedule, and material list, then being directed my soon-to-be class, which was about over, to meet with my teacher between classes.


(Kagome: *shoves inu out of the way* this is where I come in!
Inu: >.< it's MY story!!!)

Staring absently out of the window I tried my best to ignore the droning of Sanseki-sensei, as she

explained us.

I remember Sango prodding my arm. First with a finger, then a pencil...then a sharpened pencil. The curse I let out allowed me to escape hell and stand in the hall for the last 15 minutes of class.

Now at least I could stare in peace.

But what's this?

For a moment I was sure I was imagining things. Down there, at the entrance of the school grounds...

Taking a second peak I glanced down at the entry way, and noticed a teenager standing there talking down to somebody next to him, at least, that's what it looks like.

What stood out wasn't the black stealth's or blood red shirt; (though they seemed to point out in which direction he was heading...) it was... the white hair, and bandana...

"...Odd..." I muttered then gasped when he looked up; it seemed, directly at my window with a terribly dark expression in his face. For a moment my breath seemed to catch in my throat and I stood there in shock.

Maybe it was the distance causing this... but..maybe not.

"Golden Eyes?"

He looked to be saying something to the kid again, before looking down and taking off into the building.

"Oi! Kagome!" Sango chirped and rapped my head, causing me to yelp and stumble backwards out of my thoughts.

"Whaaattt....?" I half grumbled/half whined.

"Class is over, come back in for our next class, I'll explain the assignment she gave us. You'll need to find a partner tomorrow. The letch and I got partnered up..." she said with a look of despair before winking.

"But..." she continued with a grin, "don't worry, I hear we're getting a transfer student. She or He...can be your partner ne?"

My eyes widened slightly...the boy! Nah. Coincidence, with that I nodded absently and shrugged, "I'll be right back, I have to run to the bathroom." I said and took off down the hallway.

Of course, my luck would have it the damn bathrooms were at the end of the hall, opposite to class 2c, my room. Skidding to a halt in front of the door I paused when I saw the boy from before walking up the stairwell and heading in the direction I just came from. He didn't look happy at all; in fact he looked down right miserable.

I wonder, if he's going to be in school...what class he'll be in?

Shaking my head I slipped into the girl's bathroom and tried to put the odd white haired teen out of my mind.


Here's something that nobody should have to go through in the entirety of their pointless lives. Shopping. With a little boy. For an entire, goddamned, weekend.

By the time I fell into the sofa downstairs in the main living room it was a little past nightfall on Sunday, and I was pretty much dead to the world. Somehow, shopping for school supplies managed to turn into, shop till you drop. Now, mind you, I'm on a 'not exactly fixed' income. Meaning, whatever I want to get, I can get it, so long as it's not fully illegal, (and if is I don't get caught with said item), and so long as it doesn't annoy my big brother.

Of course, that last rule applied only when I was living in Chicago, so the rules differ. So naturally, I bought a kick ass stereo system while I was out. Mine... didn't quite live up to my expectations of surviving a trip across the ocean. That's what I get for entrusting my stuff to youkai in service of


But that was pretty much all for me, while I was well-lived, I didn't like to flaunt it, mostly cause I couldn't have cared less about the money. I could be poor for all I knew and I still wouldn't give a damn. Hell, I lived for a year and a half on my own when I was a child before my dear older brother decided to discover me. Nobody could tell me, "You don't understand what it's like!" because I did. More than they would ever know.

Shippou on the other hand decided a trip to the toy store would be payment for being stuck with me all weekend. Personally I think it was my suffrage, not his. But I humored him, he deserved something for being such a good natured little tyke in the face of the adversity that is moving and settling in. Kami knows I loathe it with a passion, but what can you do huh?

"Shit..." I moaned and covered my eyes, burying my face in the pillow beneath me.

"What's wrong Inu no nii-chan?" Shippou's still surprisingly pleasant voice chirped in my left ear as he perched on my shoulder.

"Stop being so damn cheerful and get off me squirt, I'm trying to sleep." I grumbled and swatted rather awkwardly behind me trying to remove the annoyance that was my appointed otou-chan. Keh, like he'd ever hear that word outta me.

"When's Sesshoumaru going to be coming?"

"Oh," I sighed into the pillow again, turning my head for air and casting a sideways glance up at my shadow, "About the time both hell freezes over and my half-brother decides to get a make-over." I grinned at the personal joke, and then shuddered at the image of Sess in a barber's chair, wearing a pink fluffy towel, getting his hair washed by some weird youkai chick at beauty school.

Seemingly satisfied, Shippou hopped of my shoulder and I rolled over onto my back, grabbing the blanket lounging on the back of the sofa and pulled it over myself, getting cozy. Yes, I was too lazy tonight to move an inch. Besides, I'd be way closer to the kitchen tomorrow morning, this way.

Smirking inwardly I closed my eyes and patted my stomach once, "come on brat," as a half invitation for the little one to curl up with me for the night. I knew as well as he did that he wouldn't be going anywhere on his own anyways. The little boy was too attached to me, why the hell ever is beyond me...but, whatever.

Feeling the familiar form of the little Kitsune hop up under the covers on my stomach I smiled absently and waited for him to get comfortable. It was only when his breathing and heartbeat slipped into the gentle rhythm of unconsciousness did I let myself drift off into peaceful oblivion.


The next morning started off with a bang. Literally.

"Inuyasha!!! Waakkkeeee uuuppp!!! You're gonna make us late for your first day of school!" was the first thing I heard, followed closely by a bombardment of toys hitting me and sending my tumbling from the couch to the ground in alarm.

"Nandayo?!" I growled, still somewhat trapped within the world of sleep, and pulled a jack from my hair and flicked it at Shippou. "What the hell is your problem?" I snapped then my eyes finally focused on the VCR atop of the television. Uncaring blue numbers flashed a very unnerving number at me.... 8:15 a.m.

"Chikushou! Shippou, damnit, you shoulda woken me up sooner! God I'm so going to be screwed if I start off on the wrong damn foot!!" I griped and launched from the floor to the stairwell in mere seconds, then bounded up the stairs and into my room.

Now, never let it be said that a messy room has no plus's. That's wrong, it does! All the clothes I'd forgotten to put away from the shopping trip, all that crap... everywhere was in reach, so all I had to do was grab something and throw it on. Black and Red stealth's first, followed by the first shirt to fall into my grasp, a blue shirt with white flames, and a pair of sneakers that had caught my eye the night before, followed by my blue and red bandana.

Of course, that's where I got hung up. Damn hair!

I will never, ever, complain if I were to get a girlfriend who took forever to do her hair, because I have the same damn problem, only it's fighting my hair and, ears... to get a stupid bandana on my freaking head, not to mention brushing. There's no point to it, I know, but it's my own personal mindset, enough said.

Now, once the battle with my hair was finally over, I grabbed my backpack, CD player, and tore back downstairs at breakneck speed, stopping only for a beat to grab a little Kitsune who was waiting at the doorway for me, apparently expecting this type of action.

For once, my extra senses and super strength came in handy, what would have normally taken 20 minutes or more to get to, and from Shippou's school to mine, only took about 10...

That left me with, oh, about 5 minutes to actually rest and situate myself. Hurrah.

Well, okay, actually it ended up as being a little over 10 minutes before I got to see the classroom. The teacher had told me to wait outside till she could get class in order and started, and then would come roll call and THEN my introduction. So I had a while to myself. Like I needed it.

Making myself comfy, I leaned over the rail and looked out the window that overlooked the front of the school grounds and sighed absently. I really didn't want to be here, then again, I really, could have cared less, but such is life.

After a few more minutes of silent musing and conspiring towards various people on my 'hit list' I managed to pull myself back to reality when Sanseki-sensei came back out and waved me into the room with a friendly smile, which I blankly returned.

Wandering into the classroom I did my best to ignore the nearly immediate stares I began to receive from various students and stood silently next to the teacher's desk as she introduced me.

"Class, I would like you welcome, Kouketsu Inuyasha to our school and room," she started and I winced inwardly at the name, seeing as how my records were lost as a child, I chose my mothers maiden name as my own family name, didn't like to hear it though.

"He is a transfer from America, though he was originally born here in Japan." she finished then looked at me, "would you care to say anything about yourself?"

No, not really. I'd rather get into my seat and try to settle. "Sure," I muttered instead and sighed looking over the classroom once, trying my damndest not to hear the little conversations being carried out.

"Before moving here, I lived in Chicago, Illinois, big in its own right, but tiny compared to Tokyo. I lived;, with my elder half brother, Sesshoumaru, and younger adopted brother Shippou. Like Sanseki-sensei pointed out, I was born here, but moved with my brother to America when I was about four or five." I trailed off and shrugged.

A hand raised, it was a girl with short black hair pulled back into a simple green headband. Our lovely teacher pointed to her and the questions began. "Why'd you move to America?"

"How'd you get your hair that color, is it real?"

"I love your eyes, are those contacts?!"

Mostly it was the girls who bombarded me with questions, which I hastily answered, vague and with a little wisp of a smile, which usually shut them up. Finally, it was over and the gods allowed me to move to a seat.

"Inuyasha, it is custom in our school, for the new student to have a guide for a week or two, until you get accustomed to the school grounds, and can find your way around. I've decided to pair you with Higurashi Kagome, who is a very commendable student, and has experience in this area already."

Shrugging I placed my hands in my front pockets and nodded, "Sure, fine, sounds good to me."

"Alright then. Higurashi, please stand."

I scanned the classroom and watched as somebody stood up. At that moment, I swear to it, my world stopped. Hell, I think my bloody heart decided to stop and relocate itself into my throat. I had to, in a matter of seconds, try and reteach myself how to breathe.

Kuso, that cannot be.

"Hai, sensei-sama." a cheerful voice called and I forced myself to look over in her direction, at her face.

Her scent alone was killing me.

No way, in, hell. She was back to haunt me from the damn dead.

Making my way numbly over to the empty seat next to the raven haired woman I sat down and completely avoided making eye contact, still trying to keep myself breathing.

I don't get the cosmic humor of the gods, I never did. I always seem to be the damn butt of all these stupid freaking jokes. Damn it all to hell! I mentally cursed and jumped when said girl touched my shoulder gently, as if I'd been shocked.

Hell, I was surely in hell. I'd get Corene for ever saying good could come from this move.

"Kikyou..." I murmured, heartbroken and shook my head, lifting my gaze only half way up then back at the board absently, silently willing myself to die on the spot. It would have been a whole lot easier, and a much better way to go. Forget the gun, just give me a freak heart attack, please god.

No such luck came, the entire class I remained...for the most part, in tact. Damn you, unrelenting and morbid gods. Damn you all!


Nyu! I actually ended it there. There was actually a bunch more I wanted to do, and I swear I'll make it up to you next chapter! I promise, but I'm sorta in a hurry as it is. It's 6:35, I'm in class, and sort of blowing off my assignments to do this and get it posted.

Update: I'm officially taking Private Japanese Lessons! Sugoi desu ne!! ^^ she's a Japanese teacher in the Philippines, Megumi-sensei. *smiles happily* I'm ecstatic about it!

But anyways, yup. Time to go for me so I can get home and eat dinner, and get ready. OH! That reminds me, chapter 3 may take a bit, though maybe not.. I could have it posted up by next Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Depends on if I want a longer chapter or shorter one. *shrugs* I'll be heading off to the Mall of America Saturday morning, and won't be back till Sunday morning, at midnight. Then I work Sunday. No telling how it'll all go.

So. NOW later guys!

Remember - Aspiring authors such as myself practically live off of the reviews you leave for us. We take pride in seeing that people enjoy our work, and (most of us) are happy to accept creative construction. So, please, if you read my story, drop me a line and tell me what you think, any and all comments are appreciated..