InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well La De Frickin' Da ❯ Moving and Meeting People ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter One

The next morning Kagome was woken up by someone roughly pushing on her shoulders She moaned as the person pressed on her sore bruises. “Get up, you useless piece of dirt!” the person yelled.

Kagome slowly opened her eyes to meet her father’s glare. She quickly looked down at her bed. “Hurry up! We have to go! Now!” he yelled then walked out of the room. Kagome sat up and looked around her empty bedroom. She sighed as she remembered all the memories that she would be leaving behind with this house. Some good and . . . some bad.

“You better get you ass down here right now, girl!” Naraku yelled from down stairs. Kagome hurriedly threw on a baggy pair of pants and a loose-fitting shirt. Then grabbed her purse and ran down stairs.

“Okay, I’m ready.” Kagome said as she walked over to her father.

Naraku didn’t even look at her as he walked out the door. “Well, come on! I want to get out of this godforsaken dump!” he hollered from outside. Kagome followed him to his rusty truck and climbed in on the passenger side. When Kagome buckled her seatbelt, Naraku threw a notebook with a pencil attached to it onto her lap.

Kagome looked down at it with dismay. “It’s for school. I have to send you in there with something.” Kagome nodded. “I’ll pick you up after school. I think the house will be ready by then.” he said as he pulled into a school’s parking lot. “Get out!”

She scurried out of the truck and up the high school’s steps. When she turned around the only thing that she could see of the truck was the black smoke coming out of its exhaust pipes. Kagome sighed as she walked into this unfamiliar building. She didn’t know where to go or what to do. She just stood there waiting for someone to recognize that she was new and that she needed help.

Teenagers continued to pass her up all trying to get to their first class. The conversations that she heard amazed her. It was hard to believe that this school could be filled with normal kids. She didn’t feel like she belonged there, she felt like she didn’t deserve to be there.

A kid with long brown hair pulled back out of his face bumped into Kagome’s shoulder causing her to wince in pain. “Hey, watch where you’re going!” he yelled over his shoulder at her as he kept on walking. A guy that must have known him frowned.

“Oh come on Koga. That’s no way to speak to a lady.” he said as he turned to face Kagome. “Sorry about him. He’s not quite right in the head. Especially since he almost ran you over.”

Kagome blushed, but kept her eyes glued to the floor. “That’s . . . that’s alright.”

The guy studied her for a moment. “I don’t think we’ve met. Which is hard to believe since I know every pretty girl in this school. Are you new?” he asked and Kagome timidly nodded. “Well no wonder I didn’t recognize you! Do you know where you’re going?”

Kagome shook her head, “No.”

“Okay well do you have your schedule?” he asked and again Kagome shook her head. “Then I guess I’m going to have to take you to the office first then. What’s your name? Mine’s Miroku Houshi.”

“Kagome Higurashi.” she quietly replied as they walked down the crowded hallway toward the office.

“Kagome. That’s a beautiful name.” Miroku said. “I’ll have to introduce you to my girlfriend Sango Fujie. She’s nice once you get pass the tomboyish act she puts on.”

Kagome gulped. She knew that she wasn’t supposed to make friends and of course this had never been a problem before. Everyone at her old school had just ignored her. She wasn’t use to all this attention.

“You’re a quiet one, aren’t you?” he asked as he gave her a smile.

Kagome looked up at him and briefly made eye contact with him before looking back down at the floor. “Yeah.”

Miroku chuckled. “You don’t have to be so shy.” he said as he opened the office’s door for her. “Ladies first.”

Kagome felt nervous as she walked into the office. She didn’t want anyone to find out about how her father treated her. No matter how much he hit her she would always forgive and love him. Kagome suddenly stopped as a horrible thought entered her mind. What if they saw the bruises on her face? Would they ask how she got them? Miroku hadn’t. Maybe no one will notice.

She began to feel anxious as she glared at the ground determined not to let anyone look at her face to long. Then she suddenly remembered that she had her purse with her and she kept some of her makeup in it. She looked up at Miroku, who was talking to the person that was behind the desk, and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned toward her. “Yes? What is it Kagome?”

“Um, do you know where the bathroom is?” she asked a little uneasily trying not to let him have a too long a look at her face.

Miroku raised an eyebrow at her. “It’s down to that hallway over there. On the right.” he answered as he pointed down the hallway that was mostly used by staff members.

Kagome nodded and took off toward the bathroom. She quickly stepped inside and shut and locked the door behind her. She walked over to the sink and look into the mirror. Her face wasn’t to badly bruised, but she definitely had a lot of noticeable ones if anyone had looked at her too closely. Kagome reached into her purse and drug out the cover-up. She dabbed some on her hand and started to smear it all over her face.

When she got enough onto her face that you couldn’t make out the bruises, she sighed. She had rings under her eyes from lack of sleep. Staying awake at night as she listened to her father yell and destroy things was catching up with her.

She walked out of the bathroom and back over to where Miroku was waiting for her. He handed her a piece of paper when she was close enough. “What’s this?”

“It’s your schedule. It has your assigned locker number on it as well.” Miroku said as he pointed to where the number was and underneath it was what appeared to be her new locker combination.


“Well, let me show you where it is.” Miroku said as he grabbed her hand and lead her to where her locker would be. Kagome almost flinched when he went to grab her hand, but quickly stopped herself when she noticed that he was going for her hand.

He stopped in front of what Kagome assumed was her locker. “Kagome, when you’re finished here I want you to meet some of my friends.”

Kagome was shocked that this boy hadn’t already got bored with her and walked off to be with someone else a little more talkative. Once again, Kagome nodded in response.

Once she put the only thing that she didn’t need in her locker, which was her purse, she turned toward Miroku. “Okay, I’m finished.”

Miroku frowned at her because she didn’t appear to have very much stuff with her and was about to ask her about it when someone interrupted him. “Miroku! What do you think you’re doing?” a girl said as she walked up to Miroku with hands on her hips.

“Oh, Sango, my love. So happy of you to join us.” Miroku commented as he reached out for her hand, but she quickly withdrew it out of his grasp.

“Oh no you don’t. Do you think that I’m blind enough not to know what is going on here?” she asked as she looked over at Kagome and gave her a condescending look. “You’re already cheating on me, aren’t you?”

Kagome saw Miroku blink in confusion and she started to panic. She didn’t want this girl to think that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Especially with her! He was only being nice. She was about to voice her objective, but Miroku cut her off.

“It’s not what you think, Sango!” he said as he took her hands in his. “This is Kagome Higurashi. She’s new and I was just showing her around. I was only being friendly.”

Sango wrenched her hand out of his grasp and turned in the opposite direction. “Do you know how many times you’ve been just ‘friendly’? How do I know you haven’t be cheating on me with her? I bet you didn’t even tell her you had a girlfriend.”

“Sango, you have to believe me! I would never--” Miroku started, but was interrupted by Kagome.

“He did tell me about you! It was one of the first things he told me!” Kagome explained desperately. “I don’t think Miroku would cheat on you. He told me that he wanted me to meet you.”

Sango stared at Kagome for a moment and it made her feel self-conscience so she quickly looked back down at the ground. “I-I don’t know what to say. I guess I owe you both an apology then.”

Miroku lifted up a hand to silence her. “No Sango, Kagome and I completely understand and if I had been in your situation, I probably would have thought the same thing.” Kagome nodded in agreement.

“Thanks and I’m sorry again. You must think I’m a terrible person now.” Sango stated, “I’m not normally so possessive, but when it comes to Miroku and other women, I get really nervous because I know what a womanizer he is.”

“Th-that’s alright, really. It doesn’t matter.” Kagome assured her timidly as she scuffed her right shoe on the ground. “And I don’t think you’re a terrible person just because you’re making sure your boyfriend isn’t cheating on you.”

Sango gave her a relived smile. “Thanks. When you put it like that it doesn’t sound so bad.” she said, “So, you’re new? . . . And you‘re name‘s Kagome Higurashi?”

Kagome nodded. “Yep.” she squeaked out.

Miroku chuckled a little as he walked over to stand next to Sango. “As you can tell, Sango, Kagome’s not a very social person.” Miroku explained as Sango gave her an understanding smile, “You know, I was looking at her schedule and whatever classed she doesn’t have with me, she has with you.”

“Really? Well, that’ll be helpful for you Kagome.”

“There might have been one class that she didn’t have with us though.” Miroku said as he tried to think of which call it was.

“Can I see you’re schedule?” Sango asked. Kagome pulled the paper with her schedule on it out of the notebook that she was carrying and handed it over to Sango, who quickly scanned it. “The only class that she doesn’t have with up in the last period of the day.”

Just as she finished her sentence, the warning bell rang. “Well, we better be to class. You have first hour with Sango, Kagome.” Miroku informed her then he turned around and strode down the hallway to where ever his first class was.

“We better be getting to geometry. Ms. Kaede’s nice enough, but when you’re tardy she can be quite strict.” Sango explained.

Kagome sighed as she followed Sango to the math room. She didn’t understand why Sango and Miroku were being so nice to her. She wasn’t even acknowledged at her old school and she wasn’t use to all the attention, but she rather liked it.

Kagome smiled to herself as they walked down the hallway. If only for a little while, she almost forgot what she had to go home to and that having friends was something that could never happen.