InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Kagome Came Back ❯ Chapter 4: First day blues part one ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey! I'm back. Enjoy!
Chapter 4: First day blues part one
“This is to Tokyo News Station where you get the best news and great songs from the good old days!” an old song came on and Mom started to hum along. I sighed and looked out the window. I hate days like this and I think Mom sensed my gloom. After the song ended, she gave me a quick glance then concentrated on the road. I knew what was coming next.
“Come on, Kagome, it's not so bad.” She had a smile on her face. I sighed but I didn't respond. My silence didn't discourage Mom from trying to cheer me up.
“You are finally going to be in your senior yea. I am so proud of you. You are a becoming quite a lovely and smart young lady and you should be happy. So smile.”
I gave her a weary smile. After that, there was complete silence. It didn't take long before we reached the school.
“Oh great, I'm going to some kind of prep school.”
“No, Kagome it's just like every other school in Tokyo. It's not a prep school. It serves good food and the people here a friendly.”
“Oh, mom you read that in a brochure. Those kids could have been faking those smiles.”
“This is Oda Nobanaga Academy! This school is named after one of Japan's greatest historical figures.”
“I could tell mom. I saw the 10 ft. statue out on front.”
“I'm glad you realize that it's great school.”
“How long are you going to talk about “how great this” school is?”
“As long as I need to dear but this is you first day. It's time to get this school day officially started.”
Later in the office…
I was sitting next to the principal's office while my mother was talking to him. She had to do some paperwork and other things. I got bored do looked around the office. Historical pictures mainly those on the Feudal Era were hanging all over the place. Finally, the principal and my mother came out. The principal was probably middle aged. He had a very expensive suit on and a very trimmed beard. His hair was well kempt because it was a wig. I just described how my principal looked like. That's to show just how bored I was.
“Kagome,” my mother said, “the principal would like to speak with you.”
Speak with me? Why? Why didn't he do this earlier? I got up and enter his office. There were even more pictures in here as well as plaques. In the middle of the room, right behind the desk was the biggest painting of Oda Nobanaga.
“Have a seat, Miss Higurashi.”
I sat in the chair in front of the desk and he sat down at his desk. That desk must have been exported from Europe. He rubbed his beard and started to interview me.
“First, let's start with introductions. I know that you are Kagome Higurashi but you don't know who I am. I happen to be Naoko Miyazawa, the headmaster of this grand academy. Did you know, Miss Higurashi that I have ancestors that associated with the great Oda Nobanaga himself?”
“No, sir, I did not.”
This was one of the longest days of my life.
After some time, the interview concluded. That interview must have been 2 hours long with that man rubbing his beard many times in between each question. He gave me my class assignments and shook my hand. The handshake hurt because his grip was tight and he was wearing three gold rings on that hand. I was told to go to lunch since I had already missed all my early classes no thanks to him. So, I left the office, said good bye to my mom and went to the cafeteria. The principal sent someone to escort me to the cafeteria. As I followed, I only hoped that this day would turn out okay.
Hey everyone, I finally updated! I must say that you all surprised me. I didn't think anybody was still reading this story. Mainly because I wasn't getting and feedback. I will research more on Oda Nobanaga and put it in the fic. Believe it or not the name is important to this story in a way. I will update soon I get at least one review. I am busily watching anime and looking up information for this story and my other ones. Thanks for reading! Until next time…
Later Days!