InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the heroes lay ❯ Chapter 2

[ A - All Readers ]
Kagome stared at the gate before her in awe, it was much more beautiful up close. Given it had a lot of cracks in it, and looked like it could take a good repairing but she had always found historical things beautiful. She smiled, as she entered the gates and looked around.

The village from what she could see, was as the gate foretold. An old village with a lot of history, she frowned slightly as she noticed some destroyed buildings. Had they recently had a battle here? Hearing someone clear their throat to the side of her she curiously looked over in that direction.

She saw two men looking at her strangely, both were rather rigid, obviously on guard. Kagome frowned slightly, of course from what she understood of ninja they should be cautious, but in their own village? She then shook her head, of course they would be cautious of someone who had just entered their village.

She smiled at them, as she slowly approached them. When she was in front of them she carefully looked them over, they both seemed to be around the same age as her. Both males had green vests on, along with the same headband she had inside her backpack. Both were very stiff as she looked them over, they did the same with her.

"Hello" she greeted, "I would like to take residence within the village may I ask how I can do that?" she questioned.

The men looked at one another, before one of them nodded. "You will have to escorted to the Hokage, from there she may either grant or deny your request." he stated.

Kagome nodded, that sounded reasonable. "How do I get to this Hokage then?" she questioned.

The other male, sighed before writing something down quickly, and then calling a bird. He quickly attached the small note, and sent the bird off before turning towards Kagome. "That bird will deliver a note, soon another chuunin or jounin will come and get you to take you to the Hokage Building" he stated quietly.

Kagome nodded, and hummed and she looked around the village before turning her attention back to the two men.
" My name is Kagome" she stated, I would give you my last name she thought with a frown, but I don't know if it really is my last name.

The two men nodded slightly, the first man that spoke before, replied back to her introduction. "Its nice to meet you, though sadly we can not give our names as of yet, but we will be glad to give you it when the Hokage approves citizenship for you." he replied with a small smirk.

Kagome returned the smirk with smile. "Of course, that's understandable."

Feeling rather awkward Kagome turned her attention slightly away from them, and looked around the village once more. She really hoped that the Hokage would allow her citizenship she really wanted to explore. Her thoughts were interrupted as a soft thud sounded next to her. She jumped slightly, ignoring the snickering from the two men that she had previously been talking to she looked towards the new arrival.

It was a man, he had a bowl shaped haircut, and instead of the uniform the men behind the desk wore, this man wore a green spandex suit. Making Kagome cringe inside, she smiled at him. In which he returned enthusiastically, "Hello youthful lady, I am here to escort you to the Hokage office." he replied, in a rather loud voice.

Kagome looked at the two men behind the desk, seeing them nod she sighed and looked at the man in the green suit. "Hello, my name is Kagome."

The man smile seemed to widen more, "My name is Gai, please allow me to take you to our leader." he replied, Kagome heart the two men standing guard sigh. She mentally chuckled, well this guy ceritanly isn't as cautious as they are. She thought.

Kagome smiled at his greeting, thinking of the old alien movies she had seen when in modern time. She nodded towards Gai, "Okay, how are we going to do this?" she questioned.

Gai laughed loudly, before leaning over slightly. "I will carry you piggy back style, if my lady doesn't mind" he replied.

Kagome laughed nervously, "If you don't mind I'd rather walk." she replied.

Straighting out, Gai smiled and nodded. "Of course, then please follow me" he stated, before starting into the village.

Kagome looked back at the men once more, silently asking for one of them to take her. This guy seemed very kind, but he made her rather nervous with how loud her was. Seeing the men behind the desk give no offer, she sighed and nodded. Before hesitantly following behind the green suited man.

* * *

The walk to the Hokage office had been rather enjoyable for kagome, sure the man taking her there was loud, but he was very kind. As they passed through the village at a normal pace, he pointed out different buildings to her, whether it be a restaurant, hot springs or hotel. He told her what each was, he also said that after she met with the Hokage she should meet his team. Kagome smiled, and promised sometime soon she should would love to meet his team.

Kagome nearly sighed in relief when they finally stopped in front of one building, in which Gai instructed her was the building she was suppose to be at.

"Come on Kagome, we shall see the Hokage now" he stated, gently tugging on the sleeve to her outfit.

Kagome nodded, and followed Gai through the building. When they finally reached the top floor, he led her down a hallway before knocking on a door.

A few moments later, a stressed voice replied to the knock. "Come in"

Gai opened the door, before ushering Kagome in. Kagome nodded in thank you, and she quietly entered the room and looked around.

It was rather big, near the far wall was a desk. In which at the moment had a messy, and organized stack of paperwork on it. Behind the paperwork was a stressed blond girl, she looked to be in either her late twenties, or early thirties. She is the Hokage? Kagome thought, She looks to young.

She was pulled from her thoughts, as Gai began speaking towards the Hokage. "Lady Tsunade, this is the girl that was at the front gate." he stated.

Tsunade looked up from her paperwork, looking from Gai she looked over Kagome cautiously. Before returning her attention towards Gai, "Thank you Gai, you may leave now."

Gai nodded, bidding all in the room goodbye he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Kagome's eyes widened at that, Well.. that's different. She thought, amazed.

Hearing the Hokage clear her throat, Kagome quickly turned her attention towards the woman beforeher. Seeing she had Kagome's attention, Tsunade spoke.

"Hello, I'm the Hokage of this village. What is your business here?" she questioned, her voice strict.

Kagome frowned, "I wish to obtain citizenship in this village." Kagome replied.

Tsunade rose a brow in question, "Why is that?" she asked.

Kagome sighed, "This won't be believable, but I'm from here." she replied. Seeing Tsunade's expression Kagome continued, "I was born here, but I haven't exactly been in this village- because I have been in another world. I wasn't told until recently, that I was from this village or world." she replied, her voice never wavering as she looked directly in the Hokage's eyes.

Tsunade looked at Kagome as though she belonged in the insane asylum. "Hm" she started, "Why am I to belive you?" she questioned.

Kagome sighed, as she slowly put her backpack on the ground she took out the two items her mother had previously been given. Once she had them out of her bag, she slowly approached the Hokage's desk, and laid them on there. "The woman that had been taking care of me my whole life, had given me these earlier." she stated, seeing that The Hokage was listening she continuted. "The woman, my 'mother', said her and her husband had found me, when I was two. In the depths of the well, of the shrine they owned. Wrapped in that jacket, and holding the headband. If you don't believe me, you may send someone to interrogate me." she stated.

Tsunade sighed, as she looked over the items the strange girl had put on her desk. The 'jacket' was an old standard uniform Konoha use to have, and the headband had obviously been well worn. She put the headband down, and looked the girl over carefully.

She had heard weirder, sighing once agian, she replied. "I believe you, I have heard worse. I will give you temporary citizenship, for a few weeks. In these weeks we will run tests and see if you have any living relatives, along with some other test with our interrigator. If you have a reative found from this village, alive or dead. Your will be allowed permanet citizenship, along with becoming a ninja, if you choose. Until then, you may stay in a hotel, free of charge." She stated, pulling out a clean sheet of paper, she wrote on it quickly and held it out for the girl, Kagome to take.

"Give that to the hotel owner, I will contact you tomorrow with results on the test. Please come here for a moment" she stated, turning around towards the quiet woman beside her she spoke. "Shizune, please hand me the test."

Shizune nodded, and left quickly before reappearing with a scroll in her hand. She handed it to Tsunade who quickly took it, and came in front of Kagome and quickly began her work.

Kagome stood still, as the Hokage gathered she skin cells, along with her hair and blood. A few moments later, Tsunade stepped back, and rewound the scroll. Looking behind her towards Shizune, she spoke towards her assistant. "Get Kotetsu and Izumo in here, Its almost time for their shift on gate duty, so they can take Kagome to her hotel."

Shizune nodded, before disappearing once more, Kagome was starting to get whiplash with how fast these people were moving. Not more then a few moments later did Shizune come back, this time with two men.

One had spiked hair, a bandage covered his nose, he also had some facial hair. He was in the same uniform, the men at the gate had been in with a normal headband. The man next to him, had the same uniform though his headband looked more as though it was a beanie(from modern time), he also had his hair covering his right eye.

Tsunade looked up at the two men, "Kotetsu, Izumo, this is Kagome. A temporary citizen as of now, Please show her to the hotel on your way to your duty." she stated.

Both men nodded, As they looked at Kagome curiously. "Come this way please." The one who had one eye covered stated.

Kagome nodded, and followed them out of the building after bidding The Hokage goodbye.

* * *

Kagome stood before the Hokage nervously, waiting for her to finish with whatever paperwork she was currently working on. As Kagome waited she thought back on what had happened, the previous day. After leaving this building, Kotetsu and Izumo had guided her through the village much like Gai had done. Though they hadn't been as talkative as Gai had been, they were still nice. Kotetsu, the one who had the bandage across his nose, was very laid back. His friend, and guarding partner- Izumo, was quiet but also seemed rather easy going, but not as much as Kotetsu was.

Kagome was brought from her thoughts as the Hokage called her name. Looking up at the Hokage, she replied, "Yes Lady-Hokage?" she questioned.

Tsunade gave her a small smirk, "Call me Tsunade, I have your test results back." she stated.

Kagome looked at her curiously, that quick? Even in modern time, it took at least two weeks for the test to be back. Kagome sighed, her throat suddenly began tight, and her heart was starting to beat like crazy. Did she still have a living relative? Looking at Tsunade she decided to voice her question.

"S-So do I have any relatives here?" she asked nervously, cursing herself mentally as she stuttered at the beginning of her sentence.

Tsunade smirked, "If you didn't- I would have kicked you out by now." Tsunade chuckled lightly at Kagome's expression. "Amazingly, you do have one living relative left, a brother."

Kagome sighed in relief, of course she knew she had a brother but she was just glad that he was still alive. "If I may ask, who is it?"

Tsunade smiled, "Hagane Kotetsu, I even found your correct file after some searching." she stated, obviously pleased with her findings. "Amazingly, your 'adopted' parents had gotten your name correct. Your name is Hagane Kagome."

Kagome looked at Tsunade shocked, really? The man she had met yesterday was her brother. Hearing Tsunade speaking once more she listened to what she was saying.

"I have called Kotetsu here but I have yet to tell him that you are his sibling, but you may stay with him. Or get your own housing unit close to his." Tsunade stated.

Kagome sighed, she really didn't want to be a bother to a man she hadn't seen for sixteen years. She frowned at that thought, "Does Kotetsu even remember he has a sister?" she questioned, herself more then Tsunade.

It wasn't Tsunade's voice that answered however, instead a male voice replied from behind her. "Of course I remember I have a sister, though I don't see how that relates to you."

Kagome turned around to look at the owner of the voice, only to notice Kotetsu looking at her rather coldly. Well that didn't seem normal from what she had seen yesterday.

Tsunade sighed, from her position at her desk. "It has everything to do with her, idiot. That is your sister, I got the test results back today." She stated, before handing the results to Kotetsu. He took them from her, and looked the paper over carefully, it seemed as though his eyes scanned the paper countless times.

Kotetsu for his part looked rather amusing, his shocked expression was comical. "T-That's what those tests were for yesterday?" he questioned. Seeing Tsunade's nod, he turned back towards Kagome and looked at her in awe.

Before Kagome had time to move she felt Kotetsu Poking and prodding her, in her arms, face, stomach legs. She finally had to slap his hand away, and then he just seemed to stare at her.

Kagome growled lightly, "Will you stop that" she stated, pushing him slightly away.

He didn't fight the push, instead her smile widely before pulling her into a hug and petting her hair. "Yes, this is definitely her. I can't believe I didn't see the similarities before." he stated happily.

Tsunade watched the sibling interaction with amusment, looking at them together there were some physical similarties. Shaking her head she turned her attention towards Kagome, "Do you want your own home, or to live with Kotetsu."

Kagome quickly replied, "A place of my own, close to his will be fine. But uhm, what am I going to do for work?"

Tsunade hummed, "Well, do you have any experince in combat or healing?" she questioned.

Kagome nodded, "I know how to use and bow and arrow. I also use to practice in the art of healing, while living at a shrine." she replied.

Tsunade thought this over, "For now, until the tests from Ibiki are ran, you may live free at your housing unit, when that is over however we will run tests and see where you place in both combat and healing. We will place you correctly then." she replied.

Kagome nodded, and turned towards her brother and sighed. "Can you let me go now, please?" she questioned before smiling at him gently, "I swear I won't run away."

One could barely tell, but Kotetsu blushed lightly before letting Kagome go. Though he still stood close to her, he turned his attention towards Tsunade. "So where is she going to be staying?" he asked.

Tsunade smiled, "I was wondering when you would ask. There is a free housing unit a block from yours. Take her to the hotel so she may receive her stuff, before taking her to the manager of the building so he may give her the keys."

Kotetsu nodded, before saying goodbye to Tsunade and grabbing Kagome's arm and leading her out of the building. Kagome never got to bid the Hokage goodbye however, because of how fast she was pulled from the building.

* * *

Kagome yawned as she made her way down the streets of Konoha, she had been here for almost two weeks now. She already felt at ease here, not to mention to village was interesting, just as she first thought. Kotetsu had taken her clothes shopping, the second day after she had gotten her. In which she was grateful for, since she now had more then two pairs of clothes.

She and Kotetsu have spent every moment possible together since she had found he was her brother. She enjoyed his company, it was weird having an older brother, especially one as protective as he was. She mentally giggled at that thought, sure- Souta had always been somewhat protective when it came to her. But that protectiveness seemed to be doubled of what Inuyasha and Souta were combined when it came to Kotetsu. When they went out, he glared at EVERYONE. Whether it be male or female, anyone that glanced at anything more then her face was instantly glared at, and Kotetsu's glare was something to fear.

Kagome shook her head, as she looked ahead of her. If she remembered correctly, the store she wanted to go to was not that far from here. She smiled at some of the people she passed, in a few days she would officially be a citizen in this village. A couple of days ago she had finished her last test, with Ibiki and on what her employment would be.

She was going to work at the hospital, which she really didn't mind. Kagome stopped suddenly, as chuunin appeared before her. "Ms. Kagome, the hokage requests to see you.
he stated.

Kagome nodded, and followed after him to the building. Along with spending time with Kotetsu, her brother had also been teaching her how to channel her chakra, and do the 'poof to different places' move.

Soon enough Kagome stood before the Hokage's door. She knocked quietly, hearing a "come in" she entered.

She was shocked though, that there were more people in the room then just herself, shizune and the Hokage. Kagome mentally shook her shock off, and turned towards the hokage. "Yes Lady-Hokage?" she questioned.

Tsunade Smiled at her, "I need you assistance on one of my genin." Tsunade replied, while motioning to the others. "During the chuunin exams he was attacked, and left with a mark that is making him unstable, I was wondering if you could either remove it or stabilize it."

Kagome looked at the genin carefully, looking each of the three over. There was two males and one female, the female had pink hair, and light green eyes. One of the males had blond hair, and blue eyes. She noticed something different about him, but nothing unstable. So she turned to the last male and gasped slightly. This male had black hair, and eyes. He had a dark air around him, obviously one that didn't match him naturally. Assuming this is the one that needed help, she quickly approached him. As she lifted her hand to touch where the darkness was coming from, she was stopped as a gloved hand grabbed her wrist, and non to lightly either.

"I'm sorry Lady Hokage, but I would rather not have a stranger touch my student." the man who grabbed her wrist said, as he looked Kagome over with one eye.

Kagome glared at him, "Don't worry, I won't hurt him. I assure you I am trained fully, besides you and the hokage will be here correct?" Kagome replied.

The man returned the glare, and Tsunade sighed. "Kakashi, let her be. She won't hurt Sasuke, Kagome please continue." she stated.

Kakashi hestintly let her wrist go, pushing past him Kagome stood in front of Sasuke. "Please remove your shirt" she stated.

The pink haired girl gasped, "You can't tell Sasuke-kun to remove his shirt!" she exclaimed.

Kagome said nothing, instead she just turned towards Tsunade. In turn, Tsunade sighed before ordering both Sakura and Naruto out of the room. Both went, although not without force from both their teacher and hokage.

After they left, Kagome instructed the boy before her to remove his shirt once more. He did so hesitantly, once his shirt was off. Kagome looked at the marking closely, tracing it with her finger she frowned. Turning back towards the Hokage she spoke, "This curse mark is tied with his blood, in order to remove it I will have to inject some of my blood into his system"

Kakashi looked ready to interrupt, but was quickly silenced by a curious Tsunade. "Go ahead then Kagome."

Kagome nodded, and turning to Sasuke she spoke quietly "This will sting a little, so brace yourself." the boy frowned, but nodded. Grabbing a kunai she had taken from her brother she quickly got both of them, herself on her hand, and sasuke on the mark he was given.

As she let her blood drip into his, she infused her miko powers with it. As soon her blood, touched his open would he gasped in a silent yell of pain. A few moments later, Kagome quickly healed herself, and Sasuke. Frowning, she noticed the boy had fainted when her blood had entered his system.

Sighing she gently lowered him to the floor, "It will take a day for it to take affect. My blood has to completely clean his out, while avoiding his bloodline that gives him those eyes of his. Though.." she stated, trailing off at the end of her sentence. Yes, she had learned all about the bloodlines of Konoha, along with others. her brother was very well equipped in books, some she wished he didn't read.

"Though what?" Tsunade asked.

Kagome smirked lightly, "Although I can get rid of the curse seal, I'm afraid I can't cure his tainted personality." she replied.

Tsunade laughed "Of course not, arrogance is sadly passed down the Uchiha bloodline" she stated with a smile.

Kagome nodded, "Well if that's all you needed of me, May I be excused. I need to be at my house before my brother gets back, or I'm afraid her might think I've been kidnapped." she stated.

Tsunade chuckled at that. Nodding she replied. "Yes, go on. Kakashi can take his student home, thank you."

Kagome nodded before leaving the room. Leaving a curious Kakashi behind.