InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Let The Dogs Out!! ❯ Exchanged students from Tokyo! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha
This is a new story so please like it!!
“Kagome, Kagome!!” Souta shouted
“What!” Kagome mumbled turning in her bed with the pillow on top of her head.
“Wake up Kagome it is time for school” Mrs. Higurashi
“Alright, Alright. I'm up” Kagome said as she got out of bed rubbing the sleep from her eyes, as she walked into the bathroom. She washed her face, brushed her teeth and took a hot shower getting ready for the day. Coming out of the bathroom, steam filling the room, she headed for the closet, taking out her school uniform of a blue plaid pleated skirt and a long sleeved blouse. She dressed, brushed her hair in a bun and left the rest of the hair down; she put on some lip- gloss, grabbed her cell phone and bag and went downstairs.
“Morning Mama, Souta, Grandpa” Kagome said entering the room.
“Morning Kagome” Mrs. Higurashi said
“I still can't believe my kid brother is actually going into Junior School” Kagome ruffled his hair
“Aww man Kagome stop” Souta said
“You know what that means don't ya” Mrs. Higurashi said
“It means that I ain't getting any younger” Grandpa said
“Okay kids now hurry up and finish your breakfast and get to school” Mrs. Higurashi
“Come on Souta” Kagome said as they both ran outside into the they both ran outside into the garage where Kagome's car was. They entered the blue mustang convertible as she drove off. After Kagome dropped off Souta, she entered the school halls of the high school. Children crowded from corners talking with friends in groups, there were different types of groups. The most popular crew, the geeks, the blondes, the gothic, weird people and there were just the normal people who aren't notice at all.
“Hey Sango” Kagome shouted to a tall girl with long hair in a high ponytail.
“Oh my god Kagome” Sango said squeezing her in a tight hug.
“Um Sango I can't breathe” Kagome said
“Sorry” Sango released her “I just missed you so much”
“Sango it was only nine weeks”Kagome
“Only nine weeks!! That's a long time! How long were you out when you went away to Mexico?” Sango
“Four wks” Kagome
“And after that you went Sports camp?” Sango
“Alright Alright I guess it was a long time” Kagome
“Anyways what happened when I was gone, spread the gossip” Kagome giggled
“Well, Kouga and Ayame got back together again” Sango
“What! I thought they won't even get back together after all those incidents especially the one when Kouga was caught in the boy's bathroom with two girls” Kagome
“Well, it always happens, they break up then get back together again, then break up and get together again. They're like a friggin' chain letter” Sango “Anyways I also heard that Hojo has finally has a girlfriend”
“You mean the Hojo my stalker Hojo that followed me around my whole life Hojo?” Kagome
“Yup” Sango
“I don't believe it who would want him? That person had to be blind to say “yes” to ever date him” Kagome “Who is this girl?”
“Yukari Yakamashi” Sango said pointing over to a girl with short cut red hair and a pierced nose.
“You see she needs glasses, but now that I think of it she must've threatened him to do it or something like that” Kagome
“Aaaah!!” Kagome screamed
“Miroku!!” Sango hit him on the head
“Don't do that you nearly give me a heart attack” Kagome
“So how was your summer” Miroku said as they walked to their classroom
“Well it was okay I guess” Kagome
“Mmm. You went to Mexico and that was okay” Miroku
“At least you don't have to spend your whole summer babysitting a kid brother of mine” Sango said as they entered the classroom
“How was yours Miroku?” Kagome
“I spent the whole vacation with my cousins at a beach house” Miroku
“You're so lucky” Sango

Any of you all hear what went down with Kikyo” Miroku
“What?” Sango and Kagome said in unison
“Well it seems that she seduced the principal to get back in” Miroku
“She did what?!” Sango
“She is such a whore” Kagome
“Speaking of the devil here she comes” Sango said as Kikyo came through the door wearing a tight fitting blouse and a short skirt that if she bend down you will see what she had for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Following her were Kagura and Kanna who dressed like Kikyo also but a little longer.
“Well if it isn't Kagome” Kikyo she came up next to her
“Hi Kikyo” Kagome
“It looks like you haven't change a bit since vacation, still flat chested I see” Kikyo
“So how did you get out of being expelled Kikyo, did you sleep with the principal?” Kagome
“I might have” Kikyo said innocently
“Uhh you are such a slut” Kagome
“Well at least I get more action than you will ever have. Who would want to go with you that have no experience” Kikyo
“Aargh!!Kikyo!!!” Kagome growled
“That's my name don't wear it out” Kikyo laughed
“Alright children take your seats” the teacher came in “Its time to take the register”
“Hakkaku, Hidenki, Hiten”
“Kouga, Kagome, Kikyo, Kagura, Kanna”
“Myouga, Miroku”
“Excuse me sorry to interrupt but this year you'll be having three new students with us today coming from Tokyo” the principal
“Tokyo?” Sango
“I hope it is a girl” Kagome
“I also hope it is a girl, a pretty one too” Miroku
“Miroku!!” Sango bonked him on the head
“Come on in children” the principal said as the children came in everyone in the classroom eyes were filled with hearts and saliva coming down the boy's mouths.
The first one was a boy, he had long silver straight hair, gold narrow eyes and two magenta jagged stripes across his cheeks, and he had two small silver hoop earrings in his left ear, wearing his uniform neatly.
“Now I know what people say about people in Tokyo being hot are true” Rin whispered, but it seems the first one heard her comment and winked at her making Tin blush.
The next one was a girl, she had long silver hair like the another one below her waist in a high ponytail, she had long silver hair like the another one below her waist in a high ponytail, she had two silver furred dog ears, pierced in each were three silver studded earrings with two silver bangles on each hand. She wore a silver chained locket, red heart with wings; she had a long silver tail.
Finally the last one was like the first two, with the hair, eyes and like the second, dog ears and one piercing silver hoop in the left ear. He stood there leaning on the wall with his pass low, shirt out with his arms crossed.
“I think I just found my new target” Kikyo whispered, she mouthed the words “ Come sit with me” as she pointed to an empty seat next to her, to him. He looked at her, winked and tip her head in agreement.
“Your new students, the Takashis, Sesshomaru, Maryah and Inuyasha” the principal said “Now take a seat anywhere” saying that Sesshomaru took a seat next to Rin, Maryah diagonal from Kagome and Inuyasha walking to the back with Kikyo. Kagome leaned on her hand as she stared at Inuyasha as he came into her row, but doing this she off-balanced and sent her books in front of Inuyasha blocking his way.
“I'm…..s….o…sor...ry” Kagome blushed shyly as she picked up her books, surprisingly Inuyasha helped her. As she lift her head their eyes met.
“It's okay” Inuyasha got up and passed her. “Just make sure not to stare too long next time” Kgaome realizing that she was caught
“Kagome are you alright?” Sango
“I'm fine” Kagome said quietly
Going to Lunch
“Maryah, Maryah here's my number” a group of boys said crowding her
“Inuyasha, Inuyasha here's my number” a big group of girls crowded him
“Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru here's my number” a group of girls also crowded around him
“Huh” the three of them said in unison
“Wow its seems the new children are getting all the boys and girls attention” Sango
“The boys are getting through but I think their sister is having problems” Miroku
“I think we should help her” Kagome
“Okay” Sango
“The girls whistled to the boys.
“Hey boys whoever gets this 100 bill will be Kagome's new boyfriend” Sango said as the boys heads turn to her
“Psst, Maryah, leave now while they have their attention” Miroku
“Hmm” Maryah followed him
“Alright! Go!!” Sango threw the bill in the air
“Come on, let's go” Kagome
“Thank you for helping me” Maryah
“It my pleasure” Miroku smiled as he rubbed her butt.
“HENTAI!!” Sango said going to hit him but Maryah was faster sending him into the water cooler knocking him out.
“Wow usually it is only Sango that can hit him but you did better” Kagome
“You will have to excuse him he has a dirty habit of doing that to girls he just met” Sango
“Do you wanna eat lunch with us” Kagome
“Okay” Maryah
“So you are Sesshomaru and Inuyasha sister” Sango
“Yup” Maryah
“You're going to have some problems with this school with all these boys” Kagome
“Yeah I realized, do you know who how many numbers I got. Most of the aren't even all that cute” Maryah “Listen to the names”
“Nerd” Sango
“Ugly” Kagome
“Half and half” Sango
“You see I only saw four good-looking boys that would pass so far” Maryah
“Who?” Miroku got curious
“No not you, after what you just did I don't think I would date you. There was one with long blue hair and brown eyes, he feels he's tough” Maryah
“Oh you mean Hibiki Tokai, he alright” Sango
“I don't know I think he cute” Maryah said “Then there is this is this one with chestnut brown hair and brown amber eyes, he's on the football team”
“That Syaron, he's cute” Kagome
“Then the final two are, this one has long black hair in a long braid, and this other one with short skybluish hair, he was very sweet and cutesy” Maryah smiled
“That would have to be Bankotsu and Chiaki” Kagome
“But Chiaki is cuter than all of them though” Sango
“Yeah I know, I should ask him out” Maryah
“Well good luck with that cause he is very popular and is two grades higher than us” Kagome
“Even better” Maryah “Anyways do you all know the hell who is Hojo, Hozo, Hobo”
“Hojo!” Sango
“You mean Hojo. Yeah why?” Kgaome
“He ask for my number and shove his number in my bag” Maryah
“Why would Hojo want your number and he has -“ Miroku
“Yukari” Sango
“I wonder why, she better not hear that or you will be dead meat” Kagome
“Don't worry I'll take care of her” Maryah
“This person you don't wanna mess with, she expelled 10 times forgetting into fights” Sango
“Who are you doing take care of?” a boy appeared
“Hi Inuyasha, this is um… What are your names again” Maryah
“Hi” Inuyasha
“Yeah this boy name Hojo ask for my number and has a girlfriend already” Maryah
“Well you have nothing to worry about you must have look better than her anyways” Inuyasha
“Well thank you Inuyasha” Maryah said getting up going to throw away her plate, as she bumped into someone with a red drink spilled all over her.
“Ooops sorry” the girl said with a baby voice passing her she whispered something under her breath
“What did you just say?” Maryah
“I just said you are a bitch” the girl
“You ain't have no right to call me a bitch, cause the only bitch I see here is you bitch” Maryah said “ And so now all I have to say now…is the back of your head is ridiculous” Maryah took a dark icing chocolate cake and smudged it at the back of her head.
“Aaargh you'll pay for that and you will also pay for stealing my man” the girl
“Now I know who you are. No wonder your boyfriend asks for my number. I'm so much better than you compared to your black ass face” Maryah smirked
“I'll send this garbage can at you to wipe that smile off your face” Yukari
“Oh bitch don't disrespect your home like that” Maryah
“Aaargh!!” Yukari pelted it at her but Maryah easily hit it back with a spinning kick. Yukari started to charge at her sending a punch at her face but Maryah caught it and bended Yukari's hand making her cry I pain.
“Now I suggest you stop forcing people like Hojo to be your boyfriend and leave me the hell alone” Maryah threw her into the garbage can. “And one thing. Black is so not your colour” she said in a blonde voice
“Wow no one's ever fought Yukari like that before” Kagome
“That's because Maryah is special no matter how big the person is or how powerful Maryah always finds out a way to defeat them” Inuyasha
“Yukari, Maryah in my office!!” principal shouted as they followed.
Last period
Knock Knock
“Come in” the teacher “Maryah you will have to get notes from somebody. Take a seat”
“Okay” Maryah said coming in with a white vest on instead of the red stained shirt which caused some whistles from the boys as she took a seat next to Kagome.
“I guess that means they couldn't get the stain out” Kagome
“It was a good thing, I had this under my shirt, cause it was either this or the vomit smelling sweat shirts” Maryah
“So what did he say?” Sango
“He gave Yukira a suspension but he said since I was new he told me that I'm going to get a detention” Maryah
“It's not as bad as suspension” Miroku
“I guess” Maryah
Ring Ring
“Okay class I'll see you next week” the teacher
“Call me” Kikyo said as she tugged his arm
“Bye” Inuyasha
“Hi, I'm Chiaki” a boy with short, blue hair said
“It's the boy I saw today” she thought “Hey” she smiled at him as she packed her bag
“I was wondering if you would like to go out some time when you are free” Chiaki
“Okay, well here's my number” Maryah bend over to write the number
“Chiaki couldn't help but stare at her as her hair shaded across her face
“Call me sometime” Maryah gave him the paper
“Thanks, I'll see you…. Tomorrow” Chiaki
“Yeah” Maryah watched him as he left the room “Well I'll see you guys later, Kagome Sango and Miroku Bye, I'll call you Kagome”
“Okay bye” Kagome
“See you tomorrow” Sango
“Bye” Miroku
At the Takashis
“So how was your day?” Izayoi
“It was good” Sesshomaru
“Good” Inuyasha
“Energetic” Maryah
“Maryah baby, whatever happened to your shirt?” Izayoi
“Well you see this girl's boyfriend ask me for my number, so to make a long story short, she got pissed threatened to beat me, throw a drink at me and I send her into a garbage can and she got suspended” Maryah
“That why you came home in your vest” Izayoi
“Once it wasn't anything serious” Inu no Taisho
“Nah, it was just good, harmless fun” Maryah smiled
“Anyways what about you Sesshomaru with the girl” Inuyasha
“Yeah I think her name is Rin, you were with her the whole day” Maryah” Whats going on between you two?”
“I was just making friends on a new day” Sesshomaru said innocently
Inuyasha lay on his bed with the headphones in his ears listening to the ipod. Creeping into his room Maryah sat on the bed, easily bending over as she raised the volume to the highest point deafening him since it was one of Linkin Park songs that he was listening to.
“Ahh! Maryah didn't you ever learned how to knock. What the hell do you want?” Inuyasha
“I want to borrow your mixed CD” Maryah
“Which one?” he got up from his bed
“The one that has on T.I. and Chamillionaire” Maryah said as Inuyasha walked over to a closet with shelves full of CD's in alphabetical order.
“Um, Inuyasha what's going on between you and that girl in the back row?” Maryah
“I was making friends” Inuyasha
“Are you sure cause it didn't look so” Maryah
“Whats wrong do you have a problem with it?” Inuyasha gave her the CD.
“It's just something doesn't feel right about her” Maryah
“Well you got your CD now get out of my room, if something happens it will be my problem not yours to deal with” Inuyasha
“Okay Inuyasha just don't be an idiot and jump into a relationship just like the last one” Maryah “I'm going to call Kagome now, so if you want to use the phone you'll have to wait until Mom and Sesshomaru are done”
“Uhh… Maryah” Inuyasha said but he couldn't say anymore as she went around the corner
“Mmm, Kagome” he thought as he put the head phones back in his ears.
Kagome's House
“Welcome back Kagome, how was your day” Mrs. H
“Oh great Mama we had three new children today. They have the cutest ears and eyes, such silky hair, they are inuyoukai and the others are half- demons. One of them is Maryah she's cool” Kagome
“Well then you should invite her sometime” Mrs. H
“Alright” Kagome headed for her room, plopping on her bed. She gazed into the ceiling to see Inuyasha's face appeared.
“Waah! What just happened there” Kagome jumped
(A/N: In this part Kagome is talking to herself)
“You just saw your future husband”
“Nah I'm not with him” Kagome
“Why not you're beautiful, sexy, you have a nice personality, who wouldn't want you?”
“But Inuyasha seems like one of those people that are really popular and I don't mean popular like everyone wants to be you popular, I mean popular like everyone wants you popular” Kagome
“Well step up to his level”
“But how?” Kagome
“Dress different, change your attitude”
“But how can I dress different if the only clothes we wear is our uniform”
“Ask him out, it doesn't have to be some place special”, at least get to know him first and he would get to know you”
“You know that sounds like a great idea” Kagome
“Of course I thought of it”
“So we will put our plan together tomorrow” Kagome