InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do Fools Fall In Love? ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 9 Revenge
“I'm gonna kill him!” Kagome muttered repeatedly as she barged into Inuyasha's house without any warning. “Where is he?!” She nearly screamed as she slammed the door shut and heard it echo through the mansions corridors before she halted to a stop in awe gazing upon the tall ceilings and magnificent interior.
“Kagome” Sango and Miroku yelled as they swung the door Kagome had just slammed shut wide open. “Don't do anything harsh he didn't…” Sango stopped screaming when she noticed Kagome just standing there in the middle of the ballroom like entrance staring slightly upward.
“Excuse me, but is there a problem?” A short, fat, half bald man rounded the corner and asked in a snooty manner with his nose stuck up in the air. He stopped short and gave Kagome the once over with a disgusted look on his face like he was expecting royalty.
“Uh… no sir…” Kagome stammered as she stopped admiring the ceiling and looked down at her feet.
“Good, then I shall tell master Inuyasha that you have arrived.”
“Well I'm pretty sure he already knows that, just a second ago he shot a flying glass plate 5 inches in front of my face!” Kagome shouted then regretted it a second later and covered her mouth not believing she just yelled at a guy she didn't even know. “I'm sorry; it's just that Inuyasha makes me so bad…” Kagome muttered averting her eyes back toward her feet.
The butler just gave her an odd look before haughtily saying “Well I'm sure master Inuyasha is not too fond of you either” and turned to walk away with his nose stuck further up in the air.
Kagome just glared at his retreating figure. Once out of sight she turned around to look at Sango and Miroku. “Um… now what are we supposed to do? Just stand around here and wait for him to come back?”
Shrugging Miroku said nothing and went to sit down on a bench beside the marble staircase with Sango behind him.
Suddenly a loud crash down the long corridor the butler had just walked down had everyone jump up and run to see what had happened.
“That sounded like glass shattering…” Sango mentioned.
Just like Sango had predicted glass was shattered in all directions. They had all turned the corner to see the butler picking up the biggest of the pieces and apologizing profusely to Inuyasha, though it was obvious it was actually Inuyashas fault.
“Whoa, what did you do this time?” Kagome scolded Inuyasha with narrowed eyes and hands on fists on her hips. “I mean don't you watch where you're going at all? You could have killed this old… short… bald man!” Kagome added and looked at the butler with pity who in return just rolled his eyes.
“Keh, don't you dare lecture me bitch… your clumsy ass ain't any better!”
Miroku marched over and spread his arms out full length in between Kagome and Inuyasha in an attempt to keep them separated. “Ok… well now that we've finally made it here Inuyasha can you show us to your room? The sooner you and Kagome get this project done and over with the better.”
“We won't be working on it in the room… we'll do it in the basement.”
“The basement…” Kagome echoed.
“Yeah wench got a problem with that?”
“Yeah, actually I do!”
Before another argument could take place Sango rushed over and grabbed Kagome to lead her away.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
Walking through the kitchen on the way to the basement Inuyasha heard a piercing screech. `That could only be one person.' Inuyasha thought as he stopped and waited.
“Inuyasha, I'm so glad to see you! I have so much to tell you about! I can't wait for this weekend. I've already got the pool area set up for the party and everything!” A very kind and hyperactive girl ran up to Inuyasha and practically jumped on him. She stopped rambling when she realized there were others standing around. “Oh hey, who are your friends?” She looked way up at Inuyasha expectantly.
“Rin this is Miroku, Sango, and I uhh… I actually wouldn't consider her one of my friends. More like a whore or something.” Inuyasha said in an airily manner as he gestured toward Kagome. “Oh yeah and everyone this is Rin, Sesshomarus girlfriend.”
“Ugh, Inuyasha that wasn't very nice…” Rin scolded him and lightly hit his arm. Turning to Kagome she smiled and asked. “I'm sorry Inuyasha's a baka. What's your name?”
Kagome barely lifted her shielded eyes and tried her hardest to crack even the slightest smile, anymore of this treatment and she would gladly take an F on her project just so she wouldn't have to put up with that imbecile any longer. “Hi, I'm Kagome,” Kagome said suddenly chipper and then turned towards Inuyasha. “By the way Inuyasha I just wanted to say I'm sorry.” Kagome said in a low voice.
`Huh…what… she's sorry?' “Wait, what are you sorry for?” Inuyasha asked perplexed.
“I'm just sorry you're so stupid.” Kagome said seriously and folded her arms. Inuyasha sweat dropped then opened his mouth to say something but instead shut it. Mocking Kagome he turned around in a huff with his arms folded.
Sango and Miroku just looked at Rin helplessly and shrugged their shoulders letting her know the situation just couldn't be helped. A light bulb suddenly appeared above Rins head as her face lighted up from her newfound evil plot.
“Hey, are you guys coming to the party?!” Rin chirped and headed straight for Kagome grabbing her arm with excitement. “You have to come! It's going to be so much fun. Me and Sesshy are planning it, so it's gonna be off the hook!” Rin bounced. Sango instantly caught on, but Miroku was still a little behind.
“What. No way! She is not coming to”
“Butt out Inuyasha!” Rin demanded firmly with her eyes still on Kagome. Inuyasha was totally caught off guard and stumbled back a little. Rin had never snapped at anybody... ever. Inuyasha would definitely shut up and obey. He didn't have the energy to deal with Sesshomarus wrath.
By the look on Kagomes face you'd probably guess she was struggling with some serious inner turmoil. “Oh… um… wow sounds fun… but uhh… sorry I kind of had other plans…” Kagome bit her lip in nervousness.
“Really… are ya sure?” Rin squint her eye sensing a liar. “So… what are your other plans?” Rin tried to be curious but it came out as an `I know you're lying' kind of tone.
“….” `Oh my gods Kaogme, think, say something, say anything!' “…umm… wow now that you ask I can't even think of what it was I had to do.” Kagome said laughably looking thoughtful and shocked at the same time as she scratched her head and looked at her feet, obviously a sign of being guilty.
“Wow, awesome! So I guess you can come to the party now!” Rin said excitedly and being the overly friendly and outgoing girl she is threw her arms around Kagome for a big hug.
Inuyasha went on high alert as he stomped over and stood glaring at Kagome and Rin. “Don't even tell me that she's coming to the party?!”
“She is and you're just going to have to deal with it Inuyasha. Sesshomaru and I are inviting her.” Rin said with a fierce look in her eyes daring him to say otherwise. “Now if you'll excuse me I still have to see Sesshomaru and talk to him about the dessert trays that we'll be serving.” Rin chirped then bounced off down the hallway. “See you at the party Kagome!” Rin yelled waving in the air.
`Oh no… that woman's gonna hunt me down if I don't come to the party!' Kagome thought as she started to twiddle her thumbs and chew on her bottom lip.
Inuyasha growled deep in his throat. `This is all Sesshomarus fault!'