InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do Fools Fall In Love? ❯ Kagome's Recovery ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 14 Kagome's Recovery
Kagome walked out of the house and quietly shut the door behind her.
Sighing she sat down on the last step of the shrine and waited for the one and only Inuyasha to pick her up. Seeing as how he wasn't there yet she fished through her backpack and pulled out her diary. She'd thought to start writing in one when her life turned around.
Dear Diary
Today is the first day I'm going back to school since `the incident' two weeks ago. Though sleeping in on school days was great I was beginning to think I'd lose my mind if I had to stay home another day longer.
I might be somewhat nervous to go back to school but the ever confident Inuyasha will be there for me, as a matter of fact he's been there for me for the past two weeks. I'm glad to know one of the Takahashi's have a heart, though Inuyasha's might just have a leak in it... I dunno I guess it just takes some getting used to is all. I suppose he thinks he's too blame for what happened, but I let him know over and over again that if anything it's taught me a valuable lesson, and it's not like anything really happened anyway.
Inuyasha has had me so confused these past weeks. I can't figure him out. The night I was attacked he'd shown me emotions I didn't think he had, and I think I liked it. But the next day he shows up at my doorstep with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and shoves them at me mumbling something about `cheering me up' then without a simple `bye' he stomps off… only to call later that night to see if I liked them.
Yesterday was the day I let him know I'd be coming back to school. At first I'd thought he hung up on me because he was so silent then I'm suddenly being yelled at for supposedly being foolish and other things I don't care to repeat. If that wasn't weird enough he abruptly tells me that he is the only one who is going to be picking me up and dropping me off from now on… personally.
I wish I could somehow convince him that everything he's doing for me really isn't necessary but when I start to explain he just clamps his jaw shut and completely changes the subject.
Oh well… I'll put a little more effort into getting him to open up for now on, right now I can hear my ride coming down the street so that's the end of that.
Kagome looked up to see Inuyasha nearly hit a pedestrian and inwardly groaned as she stuffed the diary into her backpack. It would've been entertaining to watch, but right now she'd rather be walking.
Inuyasha came to a screeching halt directly in front of Kagome and continued to stare straight ahead.
Kagome just gaped down at the jaguar convertible.
“Are you going to get into the car or do I have to lock you in the trunk?” Inuyasha griped as he continued to stare straight ahead.
`Look at the smug idiot; he doesn't even have the decency to acknowledge me. Kagome grinded her teeth together, “I was just checking out the interior.”
Kagome watched Inuyasha carefully as she slid into the seat, he didn't move a muscle.
He never once looked at her as he grumbled for her to put on her seatbelt, and then sped away from the curb.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
Inuyasha's hands tightened on the wheel and he gulped, he could literally feel the heat radiating off of Kagome, but it was probably because she was seething, with her back ridged and arms crossed it was pretty obvious. He thought a couple of times he could actually hear her thinking about him and wanted to cringe.
He turned the wheel and pulled into their school's parking lot. He wanted so bad to look at her, just to look and study her face, but looking at her like a pussy whipped idiot got him all choked up and he found difficulty with even the simplest things; like talking or breathing. So he decided it best not to look at all. She was like aromatherapy in a bottle, he relaxed just by getting a whiff of her, his shoulders wouldn't tense up and when he didn't stare he found he breathed easier in her presence. He even lost most of his temper when she was around.
Inuyasha put the car in park and just before Kagome could jump out he grabbed her arm.
She whipped around to yell at him but choked on the instinct instead. He was looking at her like that again. That weird lost look she almost wanted to pity, in these past two weeks she'd never seen him look so… helpless.
She instantly relaxed and without thinking about it lightly took hold of his hand still on her arm.
Inuyasha sucked in a deep breath and held it as he felt her feather light caress, once again he'd meant to tell her something but when she whipped around and gave him that heated look he lost all train of thought.
Kagome dropped her hand and waited.
“…Is there something you wanted to tell me?”
Inuyasha snapped out of it, but since he was suddenly embarrassed he reacted defensively.
“Yeah!” Inuyasha blurted out.
When he didn't finish his sentence Kagome started getting impatient.
“Well, then what is it?”
“I…” Inuyasha looked down and gathered his thoughts. “I don't want you thinking just cause I gave you a ride that I like you or something.”
Kagome stared at him nonplussed. “Grow up Inuyasha; we're not in 1st grade anymore.” She said dryly then got out and shut the door.
Inuyasha sat in his car for 10 minutes repeating to himself probably the lamest thing he's ever said to a girl over and over again.
`I am such an idiot.' He groaned then pushed the button to close the roof of the jaguar.