InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will to Live, Will to Love ❯ Sesshomaru's Arrival ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

She sat by, yet not close to a fire in the outskirts of a forest with a group of others. She didn't talk to any of them. She fiddled with Kilala's two tails, though. She and Shippo were the only ones that seemed to trust her, or actually like her a little. Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku kept away, slightly.
She was a full dog demon. She had long, black hair down to her knees. She was tall, as tall as Inuyasha. She had blue eyes and pointed ears. She was of royal blood, thus she had royal clothes. She carried a sword; the Saikotzu. Her name was Raine.
She had been traveling with Inuyasha and the others for a few days. As I said before, they haven't exactly accepted her just yet.
She didn't eat. It would be too awkward, and she could go a while without food in her gut.
“ Are you sure you're not hungry?” Kagome asked her.
“ Yes, I'm fine.” She replied with a nod. She looked up. It was dark out, the flame being their only warmth and light. It was nice with its soft breezes and starry skies. There was a crescent moon; the only illumination besides the fire.
Later that night, everyone was eventually asleep. Everyone except Inuyasha and Raine. They sat, staring each other down.
“ Do you have a problem, half-breed?” Raine asked.
“ What if I do?” he grunted.
“ Then I'm just going to tell you to get over it. I'm not in the mood.” She replied.
“ I don't give a rat's ass as to what mood you're in!” he snarled.
“ Good, because now, I'm in the mood for a walk.” She smirked as she stood and faced the forest.
“ Where are you going?” he asked hatefully.
“ For a stroll in the forest. Why, you want to join me?” she snickered. Inuyasha didn't answer, just stood and walked past her. She smiled and walked after him.
They walked for a while without exchanging any words. Suddenly, a new scent came to Raine's nose. It was strong, fast, and heading their way. Apparently, Inuyasha sensed it, too, as he drew his sword out, “ Sesshomaru...”
Then, before she knew it, “ Sesshomaru” stood in front of them.
“ Greetings, brother. Hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long.” He said in a malevolant voice.
“ Tsh. What do you want?” Inuyasha demanded.
“ You know what I come for, Inuyasha. No more games.” Sesshomaru growled.
I looked at them both, then to Inuyasha.
“ Who's he?” she asked.
“ My brother.” He replied.
“ And what does he want?” she asked him again.
“ My sword.” He said.
“ Then why are you fighting him with it? Won't that make it easier for him to take it from you?” she shrieked with realization.
“ It's the only weapon I have, wench!”
“ Don't call me a wench, you punk-ass half-breed!”
“ Silence!” Sesshomaru yelled. “ Give me tetsuseiga now, and I'll make sure your death is quick and painless.”
“ That's not much of a deal.” She commented.
“ Why bother, Sesshomaru? You know better than I do that full demons can't even hold it!” Inuyasha said, swinging tetsuseiga over his shoulder.
“ There are ways around that, brother.” Sesshomaru countered. She had had enough and Raine unsheathed Saikotzu.
“ You're not family or weak so I don't need to waste time like this!” she told him. Sesshomaru stared at her.
“ This matter isn't any of your concern, wench.” He said. She glared.
“ Well, it must be a family trait, calling women with higher rank than you a wench.” She pointed out.
“ No one is above me!” Sesshomaru growled as he sprinted towards her. As he swung his sword, she disappeared using her speed. She reappeared above him, Saikotzu aimed at his head, but he whirled around and blocked it at the last minute.
“'re good.” She smirked. He didn't reply with words or an expression, but bounced her off. She landed on one foot, keeping perfect balance. This continued for a while, Inuyasha watching; and looking rather stunned. Finally, Sesshomaru and Raine both stopped. They were wounded all over. Of course, Sesshomaru didn't show any pain, but Raine was panting, and holding herself up with her sword.
“ We will settles this another time. I will return, Inuyasha.” Sesshomaru said, walking away.
Inuyasha put away tetsuseiga and ran over to Raine.
“ Are you alright?” he asked. With blood trickling from her mouth, she looked up at him.
“ I don't think I've ever fought as hard as I just did in my entire life. And that's a long life, let me tell you.” She coughed. Then, her eyes rolled and she fell to the ground, unconscious. Inuyasha looked her over. She had a hole in her stomach, a bruised ankle, slashes everywhere, and she was drenched in sweat.
“ Damn, woman. You sure know how to put up a good fight.” He whistled in awe. He put her sword in her belt and picked her up and carried her back to camp.
Raine awoke on a cot inside of a hut. There was a warm fire that Sango fueled, and Kilala was curled at her feet. Sango wringed out a wet cloth, then put it on Raine's forehead.
“ Oh,you're awake? How do you feel?” she said. I narrowed my eyes and grimaced.
“ Must I answer that question?” she gritted.
“ Painful, huh? I'm not very surprised. It was your first time fighting with Sesshomaru after all.”
She was right. She had never fought an opponent as strong as Sesshomaru. He sent her home with her tail bewtween her legs. She was not going to stand for this. She started to sit up.
“ I have to find him...have to get even.” She grunted. Sango gently pushed her back down.
“ Raine, your wounds need to heal before you fight anybody. Especially Sesshomaru.” Sango insisted. Raine sighed and put her hands on her stomach, feeling the bandages.
Sesshomaru walked along the cliff of a mountain, Jaken following him. His gaze was focused, yet somewhat distracted. He could not get Raine's picture out of his mind.
“ What's going on? Why can't I stop thinking about her?” he thought. He then stopped walking.
“ Jaken, return to Rin. I will come back later.” He announced.
“ But why, M'Lord?” the small, green imp asked cautiously.
“ It is not for you to know!” he replied defensively. And with that, he ran off into the distance.
“ I have to find her and fight her again. Perhaps she's...” he thought, “ the one he mentioned.”