InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wish You Were Here ❯ Lost Souls ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Annoyingly enough, I just posted the first chapter a few hours ago…but since I’m unable to get online now, It’ll be at least a day before I update. The last chapter was finished two days ago, but it took me that long to get online. And I still haven’t managed to fix my B key! BLEH! [oh, and my mouse is malfunctioning…my computer is committing slow suicide!]     Chapter Two: Lost Souls  

He hurt all over. That was the first thing Inu-Yasha noticed as he began to awaken. The young hanyou groaned and tried to sit up, vision too blurry to really make out his surroundings. Agh, he could really use one of those pill-things that Kagome carried around with her. He was about to ask her for one when he realized she wasn’t around. Strange, he could swear he was in Kaede’s hut…then the events of the last day came rushing back to him. There was surprisingly little to remember…he’d spent most of the time passed out.

Inu-Yasha shot to his feet, and fell back against the wall of the hut. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t a great idea to rush. Hearing the noise from the other room, Kaede walked in and stared at the red-clothed hanyou. Inu-Yasha was a bit unsure what to say. Sure, it was Kaede, but it wasn’t the one he knew. She didn’t even know about Naraku yet.

“You really are him, aren’t you?” Inu-Yasha was surprised by the question, and he nodded slowly. Kaede watched him for several more moments. “How is that possible? I checked, myself, and you are still pinned to the tree…” How WAS it possible?

Inu-Yasha sat back down [like a doggie!] and tried to find a way to explain. He was too dizzy still to do anything else. “Well, it all starts with this girl…”

He explained how Kagome had come and pulled the arrow out of him…how the jewel had been in her, but it had been shattered…how they had discovered how Naraku tricked him and Kikyou. He told her everything he could think of, still too woozy to hold anything in secret. When he realized he was explaining how Kagome smelled really nice and how she made him feel calm and safe, he snapped his mouth shut, glaring at the old miko.

Kaede stared at him through the entire rendition, not interrupting, but nodding in places. If she believed it all…hell, even he had trouble believing the story. “That could all be very true…I think it has to be, since I doubt Inu-Yasha would drone on about how soft some girl’s skin was if he were trying to mislead me.” The mentioned hanyou blushed slightly. Had he said that? “So…Kikyou was reborn…AND raised from the dead?” He nodded miserably.

“The only thing that still makes no sense, Inu-Yasha, is how you have come to be here.” Kaede stoked the small fire that some tea was heating over. “This well, the Bone Eater’s Well, correct? This well that can transport people through time, still shouldn’t have sent you to another world where you already exist.”

It was getting dark outside, and Inu-Yasha, though feeling much better, was extremely tired and it showed. Kaede nodded towards the corner. “You can sleep there for the night, Inu-Yasha. I have much to think over, and you look ready to fall asleep as we speak.” Tired as he was, Inu-Yasha didn’t even think to argue, or to try to make it to the already occupied go-shinboku. He crawled into the corner and was soon asleep.

* * *

The sun rose, its rays shining brightly into the hut. Inu-Yasha flinched as the light reached his closed eyes, coming awake unhappily. He’d slept more deeply than usual, and much longer, but he figured it was because he was healing from the poison in his system. When he stood, he only felt a little dizzy and the spell quickly passed.

Kaede was already up and about. He’d never figure out how such an old woman could keep herself going. Kagome would sleep through half the day if he’d let her. Inu-Yasha tried not to think of that. He missed Kagome already, and he had no idea how he was going to find her, considering that he was apparently in a completely different world.

The old miko nodded to Inu-Yasha as she went about, fixing herself some sort of breakfast. It didn’t smell particularly pleasant, but Inu-Yasha was hungry, so he took some when she offered. He wasn’t certain what to say to Kaede. In his world, she’d had some time to get used to the whole Inu-Yasha/Kikyou/Naraku thing, but this Kaede was new to the situation. Still, he needed advice. The old miko often knew the strangest things, and perhaps she could help him get back to his own world.

Before he could ask, Kaede spoke. “I’ve been thinking about your situation, Inu-Yasha…It is a very strange tale indeed, but I sense the truth in it. In your world, this Kagome girl awoke you from your sleep?” He nodded. “Well, then I see what is different in this world right away. No girl like this Kagome has ever appeared in this village. If what you say about Naraku is true, then I could find pity for the Inu-Yasha still bespelled in the forest.” Inu-Yasha thought so too. Maybe not pity…but HE had gotten a chance to find out about Naraku and to find Kagome…

“There is already an Inu-Yasha in this world, and from what you tell me, your world needs you to be there…an evil demon like Naraku can not be allowed to keep the Shikon no Tama. However,” The miko paused and stirred her slop. “I am not certain how you could find your way back to your world. It is possible that the gateway through the well is still open, and that this mishap was but a temporary thing…Or perhaps the well will not work at all now. Still, I think that the best chance for your success is to try to use the well again, Inu-Yasha.”

Inu-Yasha grimaced at the her. “ I know that, old woman…I was just resting. It isn’t every day that a powerful demon poisons me…“ Inu-Yasha thought about that. “Not EVERY day. Anyways, I was going to go to the well as soon as I finished eating.” He slammed his bowl down, still half-full. “And with food like this, I think I’m done already. Goodbye, old Kaede. If I’m lucky, I’ll only have to see one of you again in my life.”

Kaede almost smiled as Inu-Yasha left. Then she took a sip of her soup and grimaced.

* * *

Inu-Yasha stared at himself, the one stuck to the tree, and wondered what kind of world didn’t have Kagome in it. A pretty pathetic one if you asked him. Still, at least it wasn’t his world. He reached towards the sacred arrow as if to pull it out, but it sparked at him and he withdrew his hand, sighing. Well, there was nothing he could do for THIS Inu-Yasha, so he’d have to try and help himself. He turned and walked back to the well.

He glared that the cursed thing that had brought him into this strange world, daring it to try such treachery again. When he was satisfied that the well had been quelled, he took a deep breath and flung himself in. He was immediately surrounded by the blue light and felt that strange displacement. It was dark around him…he was inside a building. He was in Kagome’s time.

Inu-Yasha sighed in relief. He’d been afraid that the well wouldn’t do anything…or worse, send him to yet another strange world. But he knew Kagome’s time well enough to feel better. Now he could get Kagome and take her back home. He climbed out of the well and went to the door, glancing out to make sure no one was going to see him.

There was Kagome, having just walked out the front door, her school bag over her shoulder. She said something to someone inside and headed towards the front stairs. Inu-Yasha was in front of her before she took four steps.

“Where do you think you’re going, Kagome? You’ve had more than enough time back home. Now you’re coming with me.”

Kagome stared at him in surprise, almost as if she didn’t recognize him, but he grabbed her arm and began tugging her towards the well. “Wait, leave me alone! Who are you! Help!” She shouted, and there was a noise from inside, as if someone were coming to see what was going on.

With a curse, Inu-Yasha picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, leaping to the well-house and down the well before she could get in another word. Only then did he really think about what she had said. Shit…

* * *

Inu-Yasha hadn’t been gone more than twenty minutes when Kaede heard him shouting nearby. She sighed and went to her door to see what was wrong. Inu-Yasha burst right passed her and dropped a girl on the floor in front of him, rounding on the surprised miko angrily. “Kaede-baba, I thought you said the well would return me to my world! It didn’t! It took me to Kagome’s time, like usual, but this isn’t the right Kagome!”

Kaede studied the stunned-looking girl on the floor. She was strangely dressed, and obviously had no idea what was going on. The old miko shook her head. “Inu-Yasha, I think we have other things to worry about right now. This girl, I think you owe her an explanation…and if what you told me is true, I think we are going to need to find some help in keeping a certain item out of evil hands.”

The hanyou stared at Kaede for a moment, then grumbled to himself. “Fine, but I don’t wanna have to explain this again.” He turned to Kagome. “So listen up, Kagome…In the world I come from, you freed me from a spell…”

Inu-Yasha told her most of the story that he could remember, leaving out parts that he should have with Kaede. Parts about his feelings towards her, and Kikyou, and particularly about the sit command. It was bad enough having HIS Kagome sit him…He hardly wanted strange Kagomes doing it too.

Kagome didn’t seem to believe it, or wasn’t willing to, but he knew a lot about her, and she WAS back in feudal times, staring at an irate hanyou…so that lent a bit of credence to his arguments. Still it was a lot to take in and she sat there, gaping, face much like a fish, as he pointed out. Inu-Yasha snickered at that, and she glared at him. She was definitely Kagome!

He sat off to the side, wondering what he was supposed to do now. He was trapped in this world, where Kagome didn’t know him, and the other him was still pinned to a damned tree. Naraku was somewhere on the loose, but at least he didn’t have the Shikon no Tama. Inu-Yasha sighed. He missed Kagome a lot, especially with this other one so close. Kagome spent most of the time talking to Kaede, trying to figure things out, but she kept glancing at the hanyou, as if certain he had left out parts of the story. He tried to ignore her looks, but he ended up blushing and left the hut. He’d never been a very good liar.

* * *

It was decided, by Kaede mostly, that they’d try to free the other Inu-Yasha from his prison. Inu-Yasha was quiet on the subject, though he agreed, mostly. Kagome seemed unsure of the idea. She still wasn’t used to Inu-Yasha and the idea of another hanyou, the same one even, unnerved her. Inu-Yasha was a bit uncomfortable too. He remembered what he’d felt like when he woke up. He’d have to make sure he didn’t hurt Kagome…errr…this was confusing…He’d have to make sure the OTHER him didn’t hurt Kagome.

The trio quickly found themselves at the sacred tree and Inu-Yasha. Kagome stared at the trapped form, then back to Inu-Yasha, and back again. With a few words of encouragement from Kaede, Kagome stepped forward and grasped the arrow in her hand. It was hard for Inu-Yasha to forget the instant when he’d been set free. Maybe this Inu-Yasha would be less inclined to fight? Feh.

With one swift pull, the arrow came free, vanishing as if it were a mirage. The hanyou against the tree started to fall, but his eyes snapped open suddenly and he managed to catch himself, half-kneeled, staring at the girl who had just freed him. His eyes widened in recognition and Inu-Yasha groaned.

“You!” Kagome was shocked and took an involuntary step away from the hanyou, who raised his claws to swipe at her. His hand came down but stopped short as Inu-Yasha grabbed his arm and swung him around.

“She’s not Kikyou, you idiot!” Inu-Yasha shouted at himself. The other Inu-Yasha stared at him, seeming to forget about Kagome, or even that they were fighting.

“What the hell!? Who are you?!” Inu-Yasha rolled his eyes, but as the other hanyou tugged and they spun about, even he was having trouble telling which one he was.

“I’m Inu-Yasha, you moron, can’t you tell? Or has your eyesight gotten that bad while you’ve slept?”

“I’M Inu-Yasha, you bastard!” “So am I!” This wasn’t really getting them anywhere, and the other hanyou was becoming more aggressive now that his surprise was wearing off.

Inu-Yasha heaved and threw the other hanyou over his shoulder, trying to stun him, but he landed smoothly and was back on his feet. Now Inu-Yasha was forced to dodge the other’s claws as he swiped at him again and again. Was his aim really that bad? He was surprised when a kick landed in his middle and he was sent flying.

He barely had time to scramble up before the other was striking again. Okay, so he wasn’t THAT bad a fighter. What did he expect? It was HIM he was fighting. Inu-Yasha managed to punch himself [the other himself] in the face, but before he could capitalize, something had been slipped around his double’s neck and Kaede was shouting.

Inu-Yasha was confused for a moment…as was the other Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha noticed the matching necklace around the other’s neck and grimaced. He shouldn’t have told Kaede about that part. His rival took his grimace as a sign of weakness and launched himself at…well, himself.


Inu-Yasha flinched at the word and the sound he recognized as the activation of the magic. But nothing happened. Not to him, at least. The other Inu-Yasha was laying face-first in the dirt and Inu-Yasha had the strangest out-of-body experience yet. So that was what it looked like to everyone else? No wonder Kagome said it so much.

The other Inu-Yasha was too stunned to curse, but he’d get used to it soon enough. Kagome seemed to delight in torturing Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha wondered if he’d done the right thing, now. He felt sorry for the other him, and it was at least partly his fault. Still, it was his own fault for being such an ass! Inu-Yasha ignored the part of him that pointed out that he and the ass were the same person.

Finally, the prostrate Inu-Yasha managed to speak. “What the hell is going on!?” Inu-Yasha turned to Kaede. “I think I’ll let you explain this time, baba.”

* * *

Inu-Yasha was having a hard time believing the story. Kaede was near exasperation…this was her fourth retelling. Kagome had been trying to help, but become so frustrated that she’d given up two tellings ago.

“Okay, okay, so I get that he’s from a different world, and that he knew this girl in his world. I even get that she’s the reincarnation of Kikyou.” Kaede was surprised. What was there left to understand? “So Kikyou and I were tricked by some demon named Naraku, yadda yadda…What I DON’T get,” The hanyou paused to glare at the assemblage. “Is why I have to be Inu-Yasha 2!!!”

Kagome almost fell over. Inu-Yasha laughed. This was ridiculous! It was obvious that HE couldn’t be Inu-Yasha 2, so the other one HAD to be. But the other was still talking.

“This is MY world, so I think I should get to be Inu-Yasha 1. He’s Inu-Yasha 2!” Inu-Yasha growled.

“Shut up, you bastard! I was awake way before you! You’d not ever have been freed if it weren’t for me. You’re Inu-Yasha 2!!!”

Kagome and Kaede rolled their eyes. This argument wasn’t getting anywhere…and it was so…pointless. Still the hanyous argued and argued, nearly coming to blows again until Inu-Yasha 2 was sat by Kagome. Inu-Yasha smirked, but that got him a glare from both women. What? Had he done something wrong?

“So Inu-Yasha,” Kaede finally continued. “You now understand--finally--why you must protect Kagome?”

Inu-Yasha 2 frowned. “No, I don’t. If she’s got the Shikon no Tama, then I think I should just take it, not sit around babysitting---hey, let go of me!” Inu-Yasha was dragging the other hanyou out the door.

“If you’ll excuse us, Kaede-baba. I think Inu-Yasha 2 and I need to have a private talk.” Kaede nodded and Kagome looked confused and amused as Inu-Yasha dragged the other him out and towards the forest.

Halfway there, he finally let go of the struggling hanyou who followed, grumbling quietly…to human ears, but not his own. When they finally reached the go-shinboku, Inu-Yasha turned to face Inu-Yasha 2. Had he ever been so stubborn? So stupid?

“Listen, Inu-Yasha…” It felt so strange saying his own name. He’d have to avoid it as much as possible. “Listen, you bastard, you can’t have the Shikon no Tama. You don’t want to become a full demon anymore…it’s not a pleasant experience.” Inu-Yasha 2 looked at him disbelieving. “Anyways, if ANYONE was getting the jewel, it would be ME!”

This roused the other hanyou. “Oh, no, get your own jewel! This one is mine. It’s my world and my jewel!” He crouched as if ready to fight, but Inu-Yasha shook his head.

“It doesn’t matter anyways…the jewel is inside Kagome, and unless it gets ripped out of her, neither of us can have it. What you really need to worry about is demons coming and trying to---”

“What does that matter? I’ll just rip it out myself!” The hanyou was surprised as he was suddenly smashed against the tree. His head hit it so hard he nearly blacked out.

Inu-Yasha forced himself to loosen his grip and stop growling. “You will NEVER hurt Kagome! NEVER!!” Inu-Yasha 2 looked at him wide-eyed. Of course since he’d not mentioned what he felt for Kagome, the other hanyou couldn’t know. He sighed, letting him down. How was he supposed to explain, when even HE didn’t know? “Listen, trust me okay…you don’t want the jewel…and Kagome always comes first.”

Inu-Yasha 2 just kind of looked at him, not sure how to take that. He rubbed his head and growled. “You know, that hurt! Why are being so protective of her, it’s not like she’s your mate.” He sniffed just to be sure. Inu-Yasha blushed and mumbled something that even the other hanyou couldn’t make out.

Finally growing tired of the strange looks he was getting from his double, Inu-Yasha growled and turned to go back to the village. Inu-Yasha 2 followed hesitantly and stopped when Inu-Yasha turned to face him again.

“Trust me…you don’t want Kagome to get hurt…she’s…very special to you…me…whatever.” They walked back to the village in silence. Both hanyous pondering exactly what kind of relationship existed between Inu-Yasha and Kagome. Oddly enough, Inu-Yasha 2 had a better idea what the relationship was…but that was because it wasn’t HIM. It was his strange copy.

End of Chapter Two


I think Inu-Yasha is the only person Inu-Yasha would argue with more than Kagome…can you imagine two of them at once…or three? Hehe. I can…that’s sorta how this story happened, after all. Well, I now know exactly how this story is gonna go…I have several scenes all planned out and the ending fixed in my head. All I have to do is write the bits in between. If things go as planned, I’ll actually have managed something more humorous than dark! [wouldn’t count on it though…I always write dark] Hopefully this chapter is up soon, cause I’m sure the next chapter will be done in the next week, and I’d really like to put at least a few days’ space between updates. Chapter Three is called Hell and in chapter five you can expect some reference to my other fics [for those of you who’ve read them]. That’s all for now. Auf Wiedersehen! [since I actually didn’t see you, I guess that’s not right…oh well]

-Chevalier Mal Fet