InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With One Wish ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome felt herself dozing again as her head slid from her hand, jolting her awake. She looked around, making sure no one had seen, before she tried focusing again on the chapter she was suppose to be following along with. It had been two days since she woke up to find herself in this alternate reality, and tomorrow she was on her way to root for Hojo at the track meet. She didn’t know why she was even bothering she didn’t even like him. Kagome looked out the window, and let out a sigh, even though it had only been two days, already the memories of the feudal era seemed just out of reach, like a dream she couldn’t quite remember the details to. She was scared to forget, she was afraid that one day she’d just wake up and not remember Inuyasha, or the others. It seemed that she was losing her memories, and instead remembering other ones, ones that she had never known. Perhaps she had lived this life all along, and finally she was truly waking from her dream.

“Kagome,” Kagome snapped to attention as her name was called. “Read the next passage please” Her thoughts slid from her mind as she concentrated on finding her spot. But still in the back of her mind, there was a small voice nagging her not to forget Inuyasha.

“Boy Kagome, you certainly were a space case during history today. What were you thinking about?” Ayume asked. Kagome smiled at her curly haired friend and shook her head.

“Nothing really, just zoning out”

“Yeah right,” Eri laughed. “I bet you were dreaming of that hunky Hojo, and your date with him tomorrow”

“Eri, please Kagome hardly drools over every boy she meets,” Yuka said. “She has better things to do, unlike you”. The girls all giggled at this while Eri tried to scowl, but a smile won out.

“Yeah whatever, but for right now let’s discuss plans for tomorrow,” Eri said. Kagome let out a sigh and as the girls went about what she should wear. Kagome didn’t pay much attention, because her thoughts were on someone else.

         &nb sp;  “Come on Hanusake, pick up the pace,” The coach yelled, clapping his hands. Inuyasha cursed under his breath and jogged up ahead, catching up to Hiroshi who was huffing and puffing, a trail of sweat creeping down his brow.

“Why, am I doing long distance?” Inuyasha asked. Hiroshi turned to him and shrugged his shoulders, not able to find the breath to answer. Inuyasha sighed and took a deep breath before continuing.

“I know I skipped a couple of practices, but why is he making me do this?” Hiroshi laughed, and then sucked in a deep breath.

“Because, you missed practice so you’re slow. You need to-to build up your stamina again,” Hiroshi said, with a slight wheeze. Inuyasha glanced at him, shaking his head. They remained silent after that concentrating on their breathing. Inuyasha knew that once this had been easier for him, and four miles wouldn’t even cause him to breath deep, but that life was over now and he needed to get use to being a regular human. His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the boy two people ahead of him.

“Damn Takero, such a show off, he’ll never last the next two miles,” Inuyasha grumbled. Hiroshi nodded in agreement, and Inuyasha scowled as Takero glanced back at him a smug look of his tan face. The boy was a spitting image of Kouga, the black hair and ice blue eyes, even more now with the sweatband on his forehead; he could almost be the stupid wolf, if he had pointy ears and a fur skirt. Inuyasha snorted to himself at the thought and then stopped when Hiroshi raised an eyebrow at him. He needed to concentrate before he fell behind again, then Takero would really have a reason to gloat.