InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Young Love ❯ Visit the Father-in-law ( Chapter 10 )

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Visit to see Father-in-Law
"Come on Kagome, it's time to go" Shippo roused her from her bed. He had his sword in place on his hip and Rin was ready. She instructed Yura not to say a word of her disappearance.
"Do you know the way to the Western Palace?" Kagome asked Rin.
"Yes, but to get there we must pass several human villages. They will recognize my garb" Rin said worriedly.
"Change into this, that way they will not recognize you" Kagome handed Rin a pile of clothes from her backpack. Rin went over in between some trees and Shippo turned his back for modesty. Although that was his intended and fiancée, he still was not to see her nude body until after they married.
"Thank you Kagome-Chan" Rin bowed low; she was appreciative of the clothing. Although it was not fitting for one of her status. It was Kagome's old school uniform. The skirt blew around in the wind, giving Shippo a nice view of Rin's legs; he could feel his own body reacting to the sight. He had a blush spread across his face.
"Come on Shippo, we have to make it before nightfall" Kagome said, snapping his out of his thoughts. Rin stayed beside Kagome, while Shippo led the way. He was ready with his sword around his hips. The trek was slow; they had to avoid many villages because of the fact that Rin is familiar. But they made it to the Western Palace gates just around dusk.
"Halt! Who goes there?" A guard hollered. He pointed down to the small group of three. Kagome readied herself in case using her miko powers were necessary.
"It is I, Rin, hear to see Lord Sesshomaru. In my company is the Shikon Miko, Kagome, and a kitsune" Rin said back.
"Lord Sesshomaru gave no notice of your return, Rin" Another guard commented.
"Tell milord that it is of the utmost importance that I see him. And please let me in" Rin said finally, she had a firmness in her voice that left little room for argument. After much delay, the guards opened the gate, allowing the three in. Kagome was glad to have spared an argument and allowed in.
"Milord, Rin is here" squawked Jaken. Rin entered the dining hall, still dressed in Kagome's school uniform, with Kagome and Shippo trailing behind her. Sesshomaru was seated at the head of the table, with Kagura to his right.
"Remove him" Sesshomaru ordered. The guards came over to Shippo, who reached for his sword.
"Don't, you will cause them to kill you" Kagome whispered in his ear. She was not aware of all the youkai customs but she was sure that any attempt to fight back would result in death. Shippo listened to his adoptive mother and allowed them to take him away.
"Lord Sesshomaru, Shippo is my intended. I have come to ask for your blessings in our marriage, and then we will depart" Rin said calmly.
"This Sesshomaru will not allow you to sully yourself with the kitsune. Demons and humans do not mate or marry. If the kitsune decides to go against this Sesshomaru's orders, then that hour will be his last" Sesshomaru threatened.
"Rin will not allow you to hurt Rin's mate! Rin loves him! Rin wants him! And if you murder him, then Rin will kill herself to make sure that she may join him in heaven" shouted Rin, tears streaming down her face. Kagome moved forward in her efforts to calm Rin but she was resistant.
"This Sesshomaru does not take orders from anyone. Kagura, take Rin to her private quarters. Miko, I suggest you leave" Sesshomaru commanded. Kagura did not hesitate to come and get Rin, who forcefully was removed from the room. But Kagome stood her ground and refused to leave.
"Rin loves my son; I know this is not the life you wanted for Rin but this is her chance at happiness. Look at how upset she was. I know you want what's best for her, as any parent would. But Rin and Shippo have to grow up and make their own decisions. I don't doubt that Rin will hurt herself if Shippo is injured by you. Talk with him, realize that he is not going to harm her, he cares for her more than you know" Kagome pleaded.
"Silence, This Sesshomaru does not need advice from the likes of you, miko" Sesshomaru hissed; he grew irritated by the disrespect. Kagura re-entered the room and was not happy.
"Talk to the boy, perhaps Kagome speaks the truth" Kagura said, her façade much like Sesshomaru's.
"Hn" Sesshomaru finally agreed, and he leaned back a little in his chair. Kagura motioned for the guards to remove Kagome and bring in Shippo.
"Kitsune, you wish to mate with this Sesshomaru's ward. Why?" He demanded.
"I love her, Sesshomaru-sama" Shippo answered as if that was enough to get by.
"Demons cannot love" Sesshomaru insisted.
"I was raised as a human. Inuyasha taught me the youkai customs and how to be a good provider and warrior, but Kagome raised me as a human child" Shippo countered.
"She made you weak, too weak for Rin" Sesshomaru decided.
"I am not weak; I am one of the stronger demons in Inuyasha's village. I've sparred with him many times and it was a draw. I am not able to best him but I am almost his equal" Shippo puffed out his chest.
"There is no pride in being one's equal. To surpass him would be an accomplishment. The hanyou is also weak, he is not a good able of strength" Sesshomaru added.
"My father is very strong, being a hanyou has not taken away from him as a demon or as a person" Shippo disagreed. Sesshomaru raised his eyebrow at this.
"Let us go to the dojo, this Sesshomaru wants to see the strength you speak of. Rin, miko, you may enter" Sesshomaru called out. Kagome and Rin ran through the doors to stand be the side of Shippo.
"You will not spar" Kagome said firmly. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at her.
"Do not tell this Sesshomaru what he will do in his domain" He said.
"I am the Shikon miko, and my powers can withstands yours. If you try to attack my son, I will purify you without mercy. I will not allow him to be murdered" Kagome argued. Sesshomaru began to move his wrist and in an instant Kagome erected a barrier over herself, Shippo and Rin.
"This Sesshomaru commands you to remove that barrier, miko" Sesshomaru said coolly.
"Not until you give me your word that you will not physically fight with my son" Kagome said.
"This Sesshomaru is not making compromises. Remove the barrier" He repeated. Kagome refused to let her barrier. Rin stepped out from its protection.
"Please Sesshomaru-sama, do not harm Shippo-kun. Rin loves him and wishes to mate and marry him. Why would you allow me that, milord?" Rin asked.
"This Sesshomaru feels the kitsune is not a worthy match of someone of your stature" Sesshomaru answered. It was rare for Sess to answer someone when they asked him something.
"Then I give up my title as your ward, I am just a citizen of the Western Lands. Now we are equals" Rin said satisfied.
"This Sesshomaru does not grant your request to relinquish your title" Sess said firmly.
"They are of equal stature. Rin is your ward, and you are ruler of the Western Lands. Shippo is Inuyasha's adoptive son, and he is prince of the Western Lands. They are both of royal status" Kagome pieced it together. Inuyasha never accepted his place on the Western lands but they were still his.
"See Sesshomaru-sama, we are equal now. Please allow Rin this one happiness" Rin pleaded.