InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yume no Naka: Of Gods And Youkai ❯ And Alice Went Down The Rabbit Hole… ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Notes: Okay, everyone's going to kill me for this chapter. Cheerleaders especially. *crowd of angry cheerleaders begin picking up sharp-tip pompoms* Wait, wait! *crowd halts* Don't kill me yet! If you kill me, I won't be able to keep writing! *author panics* Keep reviewing, feel free to flame me if you wish. I have absolutely no prejudice against cheerleaders. I'm only writing this from what an average teenage girl who is not a cheerleader may feel, with 'may' being the key word there.

Kikyo Note: I have no hard feelings against Kikyo. She is merely this way in this story because I need someone evil for just a bit, and here she is. ^^;;; Hope you Kikyo lovers out there aren't insulted too terribly…

Disclaimer: Mesa no own Inuyasha. I also think I took a few lines here and there from the book 'Staying Fat for Sarah Barnes.' Wait, no…@-@ Okay, I know I took some of the lines here from somewhere…ARGH. If any of you recognize some of the lines used in this chapter from something you own or know does not belong to me, please tell me. I'm undergoing brain freeze at the current moment. I also do not own the song 'Drama Queen (That Girl)' by Lindsey Lohan.

R&R: Read and review and I'll update faster. Flame and I'll update slower.



Note: Am watching Kid's Choice Awards. Can you believe it, there's an award for the best fart.

Yume no Naka: Of Gods And Youkai

By elementalspirit125/ Elementsofmine

Chapter Two: And Alice Went Down The Rabbit Hole…

This story is rated PG-13. Chapter ratings may differ from chapter to chapter. This chapter is rated PG-13

"Venus was a goddess known for her many loves, yet by taking a ritual bath in the same sea that bore her, she would arise from the foam a virgin once more. Are you getting this Kagome?"

"Yuck! 'A virgin once more?' Which means, a thousand and one orgies later, she would still be Miss. Virgin?"

"Ew! Gross! Don't think of it like that, think of it like….like…more flowery, and um…pretty?"

My god, I swear, the Greek had problems. I tell Sango this. She tells me I'm the one with problems.

She'll never make it in this world.

It's already half-past four, our tutoring sessions is officially over, but since Sango lives near me, she's deciding to follow me home and 'inculcate more knowledge' into my obviously underfed brain.

It's warm today, so we can walk home. I love the way the cheery blossoms of the dogwood trees float through the air. The wind brings them around in tiny gusts and layers the petals one by one on the side of the road. Kicking a pile sends a whole new storm of pink petals.

It also sends a whole storm of sneezes for Sango, the four-time champion of Miss. Allergic.

"Achoo, achoo, achoo!"

"Aww, poor baby have a cold?"

Freezing at the voice, I mentally do a body check. Is my hair okay? Do I have toilet paper on my shoe? Are my clothes alright?

Before you guys say anything, no, it's not a guy. I mean, believe it or not, I don't go for guys the way some of the girls here do. Prancing about like baby prostitutes, wearing skin-tight clothing that is just so obvious, it's kind of sickening. But I do believe in keeping my image.

And here's my little impasse on my otherwise obstacle-free road to survival.


If there ever was a more suitable candidate for Aphrodite, I have yet to find her. What better way to describe the 'purity' of the goddess herself then with the picture of virginity?

False virginity, dear readers. False virginity.

Every parents' hope for their own children, the cheerleaders of Crestview High are the picture of excellence.

A portrait painted out of heaven, accompanied by long legs, slender bodies, and a face to die for.

Even with their barely-scraping-by grades, teachers dream of the day where more of their students will be like them. Girls wish they were them.

Jocks? They date them.

And yet, I see no point in joining the rest of our community in our daily worship of these strange, holier-than-thou beings.

After school, they throw the wildest parties and cause the greatest scandals. They're the ones that invented the term 'one-night stand' and use it to the fullest. They line up to get group rates on abortions and then proudly display their 'assets' once again the next night.

And here, standing right behind me, is the Queen of all Cheerleaders;

Kikyo Shintoma.


I hate the way she practically rules the school, it's so irritating. In fact, I think she rules me sometimes.

Or so she thinks.

I think.

"Guess what Kagkag?" she croons, pouting those full lips of hers. With a switch in her hips, she throws out her chest proudly. I try not to puke. Kagkag? Try again.

"This total hottie invited me over to his house! We're going to go to the amusement park together during spring break, and maybe even to the beach together! Ooo, isn't that great?!"

Ooo, I'm so excited. I can barely contain myself.

Sometimes, I wonder if Kikyo has the same feelings for me that I definitely do for her. She's always so bubbly and happy, swinging her hips around and making sure her arms and lips are always on someone. But there's more to her then that.

Somehow, I think she's the only one of the cheerleaders that has a brain. Her eyes always seem to be…looking.

Looking? Ack, there has got to be a better way to say this. Okay, try this; she knows she's the best, and she's always making sure of it. She can destroy you with a few, well-placed rumors here and there, and still be totally innocent. 'Kikyo?' they all say. 'Her? No way man, she's way too nice!'

But something's not right with her eyes. Stormy blue, they seem to stare right at you and mock you. It's like she's…a little off.

But let's get back to this.

"Oh wow, Kikyo! What's his name?"

I wonder if my sarcasm is noticeable. Nah, couldn't be.

"Um…" She looks like she's thinking hard. With her lower lip jutting out and her dainty nose scrunched up, she once again, amazes me with the fact that she can actually think for herself. "I dunno…But it's not important,' she finishes quickly. "All that matters is that he's totally cute, and he has this really cool accent. And he's hot!"

Sango seems to be tying her shoe. Actually, she's untying it, then retying it, then untying it again. Sango gets all uncomfortable around the cheerleaders and jocks, mostly because they always make fun of her for being such a know-it-all. I think she's also annoyed at the fact that Kikyo's totally ignoring her.

Then again, it's not like I wanted to talk to Miss Barbie here. Kikyo just seems to delight in singling me out of a crowd and then indirectly making fun of the fact that she has something that I don't.

Like, in this case, a guy.

"And after that, we're going to go windsurfing, and then we'll take a cruise in daddy's new yacht, and then we're going to-"

I quickly cut her off before she has the chance to say something that I probably don't want to hear.

"Listen Kikyo, that sounds great and all, but I have to-"

Then an idea hits me.

'Wait, did you say you guys are going to go to the amusement park?"

Smiling widely, making sure all her teeth are gleaming at me, she nods. "We're going together!"

Gleam, gleam, go her teeth.

"Wow, have you guys decided which rides you're going to ride?"

Her smile seems flicker. "What's that supposed to mean…?" she asks warily.

Flicker, flicker, go her teeth.

"Well," I say, making sure my eyes don't waver from her own eyes, which are darting between the cowering Sango and I. "You know guys, they want to go on every ride, regardless of speed and all. Are you guys going to go to all of them? I mean, they're all pretty fast…"

Have you ever been on a roller coaster? You know, how people are so happy and excited while waiting in line? But then they go on the ride, and their faces change from flushed pink with excitement to puke-green?

It's happening now.

Except there's no coaster…


"Oh, oh…" Kikyo looks like a demented Barney, not the flawless beauty she usually is. "R…roller-coasters? I think, I...oh no…" She gasps slightly, unsteady on her feet now that she's imagined the Cause and Effect cycle of Roller-coasters.

Then again, it could be those five-inch heels that are just so in style these days.

Grasping blindly, she falls onto the first thing she can reach, which happens to be Sango's shoulder. With a little cry of alarm, Kikyo snaps her hand back as though she's touched poison. Sango flinches at the shrill scream, but manages to stare Kikyo down. Kikyo, meanwhile, is once again, disappearing into the large crowd that always follows her everywhere.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay Kikyo?"

"Did that nerd hurt you?"

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Here, let me walk you home."

"No, I want to walk here home!"

"EEK! It's Kikyo!"


"Hey, I'm walking her home!"

"Kikyo, sign my backpack!"



The last thing I want to do is be totally digested by the We Luv Kikyo Fanclub, so, by dragging a downcast Sango by the arm, I manage to find a way home by cutting through a few backyards. Sango still looks peeved off at the 'nerd' comment, so she follows silently when she would usually lecture me on the importance of private property. Anyways, I doubt the people who live here would mind much if we tramped a bit around their backyards.

As the drone of the Kikyo Fanclub is quickly masked out by pure distance alone, Sango gives a heavy sigh and flops down in the middle of a farmyard plain. Falling back into the knee-high grain fields, she removes her glasses and stares up into the sky. Taking a spot beside her, we both just lay there for a long time. I wonder how seriously she actually takes all the nerd comments that seem to always be aimed at her.

Then again, it's not like you can't see them coming.

Sango's pretty enough, slim too, but she's a person of old school, sporting coke bottle glasses and messy braids. She doesn't give much for style either, preferring comfort over it.

But what about me? I guess I'm just not into keeping up appearances like Kikyo constantly has to. The strange thing is that when we were little, Kikyo and I were best friends. But I guess everything changed once we got older.

There was a girl I knew,

Who always wanted to,

Be the one to stand out from the crowd



"Do you think…that myths were at some point…"

"Spit it out."

"Well, do you think they were ever real?"


"If you don't, I understand…it's a strange question. Never mind. Don't think too much of it."



"Maybe. They could be true. Just not anymore…and Sango?"


"Don't call me Kagkag."

Always believed that she,

Was gonna live her dreams,

That what went down was gonna come around

Sango's question made me think; who were the people who first wrote those stories anyways? Were they just stories used to relate morals and scare children into being good…?

Who knew?

For all the doubters, non-believers,

The cynical that once were dreamers,

One of these days you'll open up your eyes,

And you'll realize

When a shifting beside me took my backpack, I looked up to see Sango whistling away as she threw my backpack up and down while walking down through the grain.

I stumble to my feet, almost tripping over a mutant rock in my hurry. "Hey, Sango, give me back my backpack!"

That girl was a one time, teenage drama queen

A hyped-up everyday wannabe,

But she'll have changed her destiny,

Cause she's a somebody

Ignoring me and my hopeless pleas, she continues whistling as she swings my backpack around and around her head. I give up trying to take my backpack after I come to the conclusion that she's a full few inches taller then me.

That girl was a wild child dreamer but she found herself,

Cause she believed in nothing else,

Then you'll look back and you won't believe

That girl was me

I love how the scenes change so quickly around here. In the city of New York, where I used to live, it was just city, city, suburb. No differences anywhere. But here, in sleepy Tennessee, I doubt I'll ever get over the variety of changes. I was born here, and love its quiet farmlands, melodic bird arias in the forests, and the babbling of the creek in our very own jungle backyard. Ever since we moved back from New York, our whole family been crazed with the outdoors, me especially.

Armed with an attitude,

That she knows how to use

She's gonna get there any way she can

We're near my house now, I can tell by the sudden change from farmland to forest. It's like living in the middle of the Amazon, steamy and dark, with trees looming overhead.

Now she knows what she wants

No one is gonna stop her

Nothing's ever gonna hold her down

It's funny, watching Sango and I battle our way through the leafy jungles of my backyard. Random, but funny. Collapsing on a moss-covered rock, I pant, way too tired to move any further. Taking the 'short cut' behind all the houses seems to have only lengthened our journey home by a good half and hour.

Where did all the pink-blossomed trees go?

For all the doubters, non-believers,

The cynical that once were dreamers,

One of these days you'll know that you were wrong,

Who would have known?

Sango just laughs, and site down next to me on the stone. But first, she punches me in the shoulder.

That girl was a one-time, teenage drama queen

A hyped-up everyday wannabe,

But she'll have changed her destiny,

Cause she's a somebody


That girl was a wild child dreamer but she found herself,

Cause she believed in nothing else,

Then you'll look back and you won't believe

That girl was me

Mock anger shows in my face, and I aim my best slap at her. She just bends back on her seat to avoid the blow. I actually put a bit of force into my attack, and I end up falling with gravity. Landing on her lap, she gives a surprised start, and drops my backpack.

Life is a work of art,

You got to paint it colorful

Can make it anything you want,

Don't have to stick to any rules

You don't need a high IQ,

To succeed in what you do

You just got to have no doubt

Just believe in yourself

Both of us laughing, I reach behind her to pick it up…

…and feel nothing.

Smiles frozen on our faces, we both turn around to see that what we thought had been merely a slightly green sitting-rock, is actually the edge of an old well.

Doubters and believers, once were dreamers

One of these days you'll open up your eyes,

And you'll realize

A deep well, by the looks of it. Made from some dusty wood, now molded over with green plants and vines. If you tried peering down from the top and tried to see through all the cobwebs that dot the interior, you might just see a tiny glimmer of light at the other end.

That girl was a one-time, teenage drama queen

A hyped-up everyday wannabe,

But she'll have changed her destiny,

Now she's a somebody

But that's only if you're squinting. And even if you did, you'd probably think it was something else. A bug, maybe. Or just a drop of dew.

Or in this case, one of my many backpack key chains.

"Ooo…Sango, you're in for it now!"

Without another word to her, I leap over the side of the well.


Grabbing hold of my arm, Sango strains to keep me from dropping to the bottom of the derelict well to rescue my homework from its depths. "You don't know how deep it is!" she babbles wildly. "It could go on for miles, or it could just be plain dangerous, or…"

I struggle to untangle myself from her grip. Dammit, she's holding on tight. Red marks are beginning to show around my arm as she continues to hold on.

"Sango, it's just a dried-up well, how dangerous could it be? Thanks to you, my backpack's down there, and unless you want to get it, I'm going in!"

She seems to think for a bit. "But Kagome," she whines. "There might be snakes!"

Okay, mind made up. Scrambling up from the well using her arm as my climbing rope, I huddle uselessly by her side.

"Oh come on, don't be scared of snakes!"

I cough. "Um, Sango? How about we do this together?"

She immediately begins to look frazzled, her glasses tilting crookedly on her nose. "Wha-what?! I never said…EEK!"

Too late. I've already grabbed her hand and yanked her down the well with me.


That girl was a wild child dreamer but she found herself,

Cause she believes in nothin' else,

And you'll look back and you won't believe,

That girl was me

"Oh be quiet."

What seems like five minutes later, we're still falling.

So maybe it wasn't the greatest idea to jump…

At least, that's what Sango's saying.

I wonder if this well leads to China…?

Well, were going to find out.

But if it is…

…I hope we land in a restaurant.

That girl was a one-attempt, teenage drama queen

A hacked-up everyday wannabe,

But she'll have changed her destiny,

Cause she's a somebody

Those fortune cookies are damn good.



Esko Pa- Thanks for your interest in this story! I plan on adding more myth traits later, will definitely need to do some heavy research at the library soon. Continue reading!

Andy- Hehe, I love Rin so much, she's adorable, ja? As for the Japanese names thing, hey, why not? ^u^

WolfBite- Haha, thank you! I tried, ^^

Mangalover- Oo, like your username. Lol. I know the really rough plans for this story, but I'm still left in the dark about the ending. So don't worry, I wanna know what happens next too!

Aryante- *giggles insanely alone with Aryante* Oh yes, don't worry, I'm all flushed at that idea too, heehee! *drooldrool*

nefer- I decided to pursue this idea on Mythology after we had our Mythology sector in Language Arts. Very fun, very pretty (my art abilities BLOOMED with mythology hairstyles/clothing).

Inu_KogomeFan- Hee, thank you!!!

Kazu chan- Yea! *does a dance of happiness* My story's cool, my story's cool!

AMANDA_TRINH- Wow, thankees for your apparent interest in this fic! ^^;;; I have pretty good plans for Kagome, sorry, the Aphrodite role has already been filled. Wait, wait! *panicks* No! I swear, it is NOT Kikyo!