Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Fan Fiction ❯ Changes ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Really, my boy, it’s quite simple. All you have to do is return me to her, without her knowing.
“That doesn’t seem so simple.” I said pondering aloud to the screws.
With that attitude it won’t be easy, you must believe that you can do it, or you never will be able to. All you have to do is simple get me back into her apartment, from there, it’s up to me, and I will no longer bother you.
“How is this a proposition of a lifetime for me?” I said remembering the quote from earlier. I had never really had much self-interest, but when it came to Her, I seemed to be rather self-involved, though I made myself believe it was because I didn’t want to hurt her, but from this prospective, it seemed as though I wasn’t quite through with her yet. My apology hadn’t worked over the phone, but I figured that maybe in person, after almost 2 and a half years, she could start to forgive me. That, or stab me and end this disillusioned reality.
Well, obviously, there is some opportunity in the fact that you can see her, she just can’t see me. You, on the other hand, may be seen, heard, or felt, as long as you promise me one thing…
“And what, exactly, is that?” I asked raising my eyebrows. This Sickness was about to get on my nerves and I was starting to wonder how you would torture a pair of screws.
You cannot kill her. That’s all I ask of you, to leave her alive, so I may use… I mean… talk to her.
Use her? Is that what she had just said? Use her? My main intentions in this world consisted of trying to become emotionless and protect Devi from any harm, though the 2 did not quite go hand in hand. But if this thing wanted to use Devi, I doubted it was for the better. “Use her?” I repeated out loud
No, no, my dear boy. A mistake, a slipup. I would never use Devi, we are friends, good friends, and by use her, I mean to talk to her and set her straight. I’m thinking I might of made her mad a while ago, but I really wanted to go back and apologize for being so thick about things.
“I don’t believe you.”
I never said you had to, my boy, but it would make things so much easier if you did. I’d love to do this without the help of a few old friends, because I doubt they’d be too happy to see you after what you did to them.
“You don’t mean…” I said with the look of utter horror showing on my face apparently.
Yes, actually I do. I’ve know your fondly called D-Boy and Mr. Eff for quite a while, and they aren’t very happy, with you beheading and burning them and all.
“Really? I thought D-Boy would at least be happy.” I said remembering his depressing moods and such. He was really the reason I wasn’t controlled any longer. When I had burned the pieces left of the figures, I felt bad for him. He’d freed me, and yet I still burned him and smiled when he turned into black ash, knowing whatever started him inside of me was still there to some extent.